(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?
6) Where do u intend to hold the party?

1) No theme.
2) Not big, not small. Ard 60pax. Mainly neighbours of the same floor, our immediate familes and MY uncles and their families.
3) Most probably Angie the Choice.
4) Still procrastinating.
5) Maybe $700-$800.
6) Most probably at home. I dun wan to lug the presents home, then again, I wish I will receive more angbaossssss. Hehehe...

1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?
6) Where do u intend to hold the party?

1) Holiday
2) Super Small (just hubby, me and hiroshi)
3) Bangawan Solo
6) In a airplane
1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?
6) Where do u intend to hold the party?

1) Hello Kitty??
2) BIG
3) Need to buy 2 cakes cos celeb for 2 days..
(1 from Polar - Kitty Baby Cake, 1 not decided)
4) My Hb's aunt booked NSRCC for her party
5) Budget - Hmmmm, dun where to start counting, haha!
Happy Children's Day to all our babies :)

Later in the evening will bring him to lantern festival around Lorong Ah Soo area to enjoy the neighbourhood spirit.
Happy chidren's day all babies.Me today so sad.I bring my son to the neighbourhood salon to cut hair.I ask the gal to cut round,then she say ok.Then she use the shaver n shave it,I ask her y u shave,she say I say cut short wat.Then no choice gotta shave all,cos she already shave one side.I so mad n sad,cos next mth he birthday,sure the hair still very short.He got very thick n black haie,now go gone.Really feel sad,I even drop my tears leh.
chen: dun feel sad abt tt... they'll eventually grow bk!.... i know how it feels.. which is why i didn't want my son to shave off his hair...

it'll grow bk in no time! dun worry...
Poor Stephanie.... did you pay for the haircut?
If Iwere you, I will not pay lor...
She should pay you for the damage!! haha!

My mom also secretly cut my gal's hair last week when I am trying so hard to keep her hair long for her bday next month!! SO MADDENING!! She even commented her hair looked more after her haircut!! She looks like a boy now!!
[How can her hair still look more after you cut her hair, MOTHER??!!]
I paid $6 for the haircut.She even say I never mention I only want to cut the sides.I told her cut short not shave all.She say everybody say cut short means shave.So mad at her.But wat to do,already shave 1 side liao.Next mth sure very ugly.1mth left,how?
I really feel very sad n mad leh,see not nice now.
Shuyan, guess you can turn the clock back. Boycott the hair salon in future! I suppose you can let ur bb wear a cap or party hat for his bday? Will still look cute :)
hi Ladies,

Shuyan, ur boy's hair looks ok leh..I think the lady cut "no. 2" for your boy..my boy usually goes for no. 1 which is much much shorter..he cut many times liao..think he will go for another one before his birthday..

This is his usual look after haircut..

thank you ladies.

aprilpinky, ur boi look so cute. smile so happily. y u dun wan keep long hair for him? If always cut short, next time hair come out become like wire no smooth leh.
Elaine,me vote liao too.
Aprilpinky,cos when she shave,I told her dun shave so short.Too mad to say anything at tat time.maybe I am not used to his "botak" head.
Mommies,juz now I went to chinese garden,totally nothing much to see.Last few years got disney cartoon,this year dun have.Very bored at there,wasting my money n time there.
Hi mommys
Wondering if you are facing the same problem as me. Malc loves to visit the toilet and get himself wet (coz the floor is wet). And he loves to open the kitchen drawers and cupboards and take the stuff out and play. Big headache!!!
Ju,my boi oso do the same thing as Malc.He loves to open the drawers and cupboard when my mil is cooking.Then he ll take out the pots n play.He oso likes to open his cupboard n throw his clothes out.Then me gotta pick up for him,really headache.I am now very "fun",dunno order wat cake.
Elaine voted for Javier liao..

Ju, the doors to the toilets are always close, so he not able to enter.. as for kitchen, the moment his hands crossed the line.. i will scold him liao.. den will carry him away if possible.. if not.. he also won't dare to open it.. but he tends to try to open my TV console drawers.. but nvr dare to take things out..
Celtricia,ur son is good.My son if I dun let him open or wat,he ll cry or shout,then my mil ll say "ok ok go open,take watever u wan",so fed up with her.Cos I am teaching my son.
Ju, this is part of growing up. What we did with my boy was we childproof most of the cupboards and drawers within his reach (including the fridge). There's a kind of catch/clip that prevent them from opening the cupboard & drawer. But we also leave 1 or 2 drawer for him to explore.
Hello ladies,

Elaine, no leh..his hair still ok. Bobian cuz if we let him have longer hair then his head will be a "wet mop" when he starts to crawl and move around..then he will be too hot to sleep. Shorter will be cleaner and neater.

I childproof my kitchen too but boy went to take out the clip leh..after a few rounds we gave up.
Toilet not really...
Shuyan, mil baking a 2 tier cake for boy! Going to bake-it-yourself this coming weekend to get some materials...see whether possible to bake a no. 1 instead...
shuyan.. alright lah.. coz my mum started the strictness first.. she is the one who set rules at her hse.. n make sure watever things orlando throw ard, he has to pick it up n put bak in his trolley.. so its all thanks to my mum... even if orlando cry or fuss.. we juz let him be.. n tell him he shouldnt get angry.. we always will say 'Cannot angry..' to him.. heehee..
shuyan, maybe you want to ask your hubby to tell your MIL that when you or your hb discipline your son don't interrupt, if not next time cham liao, your son sure won't listen to you one. This is what i told my mum upfront when my boy was still very young. Now, whenever we scold him, he know he got no 'mountain' to lean on but to go back to the person that scold or cane him.
My tat hubby so scare of his mum de.I told him before,if he dun go n say his mum,I will go n tell her off,but at tat point sure ll quarrel,so he cant blame me.
Aprilpinky,u r so "li hai" can bake birthday cake.I bake a cake before,but my hubby say it taste more like a "kway" than cake.
Shuyan, not me li hai lah..my mum-in-law. Hehe..she can bake v well and is v happy to bake for her grandson and definitely much much cheaper as well.
Hi all... I'm new to this thread... My baby Jervois is born on the 18 Nov... It's nice to have so many mummys chatting together
hi Jeslyn,

I am Hiroshi's MUM....
that makes me hiroshi-ma....
*nudge* Ju over the joke....
you can call me Ah Fat....
I am not really planning to celebrate my bb's birthday on the larger scales.... just a small simple one....
when did u name urself after ur son?? how come nv tell me?? hehehe...

malc's bday party from simple simple become big scale just like my body figure. bwahahaha....bwahahaha...bwahahaha...

Welcome to the thread, Jeslyn.
All of U r cute...

I'm planning to held a buffet @ my home... Jus like when we celebrate his 1st month... I find it easier this way...
I'm also from size "L" to "XL" haha...

hello mommies! long time no post here... so so so super busy with my boy's birthday celebration until blurz blurz... only 10days left to his bday... so excited... kekeke.... i am only left with the bday decorations not buy yet..
like Ju, initially i only tot invite small grp.. then who knows... become big grp... :p
