(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

the javier aka. jin san shun style super cute...
very farnie..!
Harro everyone. Juz come back for JB.

Hiroshi-Ma Javier same like Hiroshi, juz learn to climb up a flight of stair at his uncle new 2 storey house in JB. A good exercise for him thou, hehehe.
hey ladies ... my bb is coming to 11months old.
Would like to check with you all if SCOTTS EMULSION is good to give to bb once they turn 1 year old ?
baby2005, ya lor.. he's ecastic over the clapper.. earlier on he did more things wif it, but i was too late to capture that moment.. haiz..
ha... cel, is always like that one. I remember there was once Jaime keep mumbling something, then when I took out the camera, she stop liao pengz.........
hi mummies, thinking of joining Julia Gabriel november program. its going to be 20 to 24 nov, everyday 1.5 hrs inclusive of a trip to a farm. if got 3 mummies, can get 20% discount. so hor, checking if anyone interested. can email me [email protected] for the brochure....

ops very hungry...lunch time!
by the way the vacancies are limited. so let me know early, if got a few mummies interested, let's register quickly ok!
$220 for a week before discount....
ok elaine i have emailed you. let me know if you keen, i'm checking with my own friends too. cos i will be on leave during those few weeks, so thought of keeping josh and myself occupied hehehe
I fed her milk or plain water after the plane hits the runway, before takeoff... its best to put your bb to sleep as well ...
our thread is so quiet nowadays???

Morning Mummies!!


Question time:

All our babies are reaching 1 yr in abt a mth plus time, so:

1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?

For me, as some might haf noe, Orlando will b having Man Utd Soccer Theme for his bday, thanks to dear daddy..

Will b having a big affair as its his FIRST BIRTHDAY..

Wanted to get a man utd logo 3D cake, seems quite difficult, coz some bakeries require license to do it. Anyone any recommendations?

Have been to concourse last saturday, bot a few things.. intend to get more frm the Man Utd website n Birthday Direct..

Duno abt budget, hopefully dun exceed $1k.. hahaha miser mummy..


Cheers to all!
Cel - today is Thursdaly leh...I also want TGIF!!

Good Morning all..the thread is rather quiet... I just did a day trip to Jakarta yesterday...very very tired now.
Cel, you blur liao har? today not friday leh.
Since your theme is Man U, why don't you celebrate at Manchester United Red Café (@Orchard Parade Hotel) or maybe you want to check if they do Man U cake. Their number is 6732 0819
Hahaha.. Paiseh ladies..

Coz today bosses not ard.. so a bit like TGIF for me.. kekeke.. yeah blur liao.. pengz..

bluelips.. thanks.. but i tink if put players in plus the shirts in logo also quite tough right.. hee.. will try anyway.. thanks for d suggestion..

chin.. paiseh paiseh.. can TGIF in advance mah.. hahaha.. chin when u gg to b on msn.. nid to check something wif u..

Candy.. sorry for the confusion.. hahaha..

Chien.. the Reds Cafe i heard frm my church frens last nite tat they are under reno, or they haf closed down liao.. so duno hw leh.. coz actually wanted to make a trip down tml to check out some items for orlando..
elaine, means 1.5 hr every day. got to choose a time slot. i plan for 1st week (farm). but if got company for both weeks actually i dun mind...u keen??
cel, TFIT *thurs* haha
1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?

1) no theme lah
2) same as full mth most likely. cater for 80 pax
3) e-creative. do 3D cake. maybe use his favourite bedtime teddy bear as the design
4) nothing!!
5) dunno leh., since havent prepared anything yet. $1k?
1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?

1) Will be winnie the pooh since mummy's love pooh bear hehehe
2) I think semi-big since I will invite abt 70 ppl
3)Most probably from ecreative
4)Most of the stuff had been plan, juz a phone call to confirm my order
5) Abt $1K but I think will exceed cos of the buffet (take up a huge pt of the fund)

Not very keen cos need to attend everyday, too tiring for me liao. Might not have the time haiz
1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?

1) Hugs & Stitches 1st Boy
2) Small. Ard 30pple
3) Pine Garden @ AMK
4) Still deciding on the catering. Fighting between Neo Garden & Gim Tim Catering
5) Less than 1K or mayb even 500
Ok, my answer:
1) No theme.
2) Super small party (arnd 15ppl)
3) Most likely from BengawanSolo cos' they got 1Kg cartoon character cake.
4) Hee.... lazy mommy, haven't start any preparation yet :p
5) No budget, very blur... the result of no planning
6) The group is so small, so will be holding at home lor.
Ok, my answer:
1) No theme.
2) Super small party (arnd 15ppl)
3) Most likely from BengawanSolo cos' they got 1Kg cartoon character cake.
4) Hee.... lazy mommy, haven't start any preparation yet :p
5) No budget, very blur... the result of no planning
6) The group is so small, so will be holding at home lor.
Cel - sorry, at work now, so am not able to log into MSN - I hardly log in at night cos too bz spending time w Darion (unless he happens to sleep early)..how about sending me an email?

My answers:
1) Not decided - prob Pooh - since Darion loves Pooh and can say Pooh
2) Not sure yet - but I am looking at a medium size affair
3) Either Room for Dessert (I tasted their carrot cake and chocolate cake last Fri - very nice!)or Angie (the choc cream tastes quite good)
4) Except for tasting the cake, no prep done yet. But planning to cordone off a part of the hall for babies / toddlers to play..
5) No budget done up ... not sure if it is any good to have one anyway...
6) At home lor..
waa... been gone for like quite while so much msg already.. haha... sighz, i still havent decide wat to do for Bryan's birthday!!! his is nov 13th.. any other babies same date? hehe =)

wa, are u mummies going to invite one another to each other babies party??.. wat if crash how?? hehe =)

wa.. chin ur baby very smart can say pooh.. so far bryan JUST started to say mamamama.. haha....

stay happy mummies!!!!
1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?

1) No theme yet
2) semi big ba,ard 50
3) maybe from ecreative,but is the cake nice?
4) nothing at all.ha ha.
5) hopeful less than 1k.

Heard tat ecreative cake taste so so but appearance very nice leh.

U MIA so long. I'm still waiting for Javier to said more mamama. Only heard him said ma one time then no more liao.
My turn to share...

1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?
6) Where do u intend to hold the party?

1) Sesame street cos Val love Elmo & maybe a different theme for her brother.
2) May be big affair bah cos celebrating her brother's 10th birthday too
3) Polar (where else can get cake with Sesame street design?)
4) Looking around for ideas.
5) Maybe $700-$800. (Hopefully not too much)
6) At home. (best place to be with babies around)
Yeah.. So much answers liao.. hahaha..

Finally TGIF.. today FRIDAY.. i not blur liao.. heehee..

Chin, its ok.. np.. our babies more impt.. hahaha.. will sms u.. kekeke..

Ya.. anyone tried ecreative.. coz i tink its the only one i saw wif Soccer teams logos on it.. hmm..
1) Wat theme haf u guys tot of for ur babies?
2) Big or small affair?
3) Where do u intend to get cake?
4) What preparations haf u made so far?
5) What's the budget?
6) Where do u intend to hold the party?

1)no theme
2)small affair with own family cos this mummy damm lazy and bo eng to organise big party
3)pine gardens www.pgcake.com
4)Inform family members onli
6)A restaurant - not decided yet
