(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

momoko: GREAT 1st food....
(1) rice cereals
(2) Potato Puree
(3) carrot puree
(4) potato and broccoli puree
(5) pear puree
(6) apple puree
(7) banna puree
(8) rice cereals with dried appricot puree
(9) zucchini
(10) pumpkin
(11) sweet Potato
(12) califlower/ broccoli
(13) melon
(14) peach
(15) dried appricot
(16) avacado (my fav!)

My Valery not flipping too & with no intention of doing it. when i try to teach her , she will struggler... & not holding toy also leh. Normal?

All mummies,

I remember somebody post a link about making puree.Can somebody adv again?

4 months can give solid ah?
Momoko, you may want to try rice cereal 1st, as it shouldn't cause any allergy and you can try 1 teaspoon 1st and if joshua is ready to accept solid, you can increase accordingly. You may like to try Heizn Rice Cereal, think they give instruction on how to start solid. Thereafter you may proceed with yellow vegetable or fruits (eg. carrot, sweet potato & etc); think I got these info from the prev PD my son used to see but I'll try to retrieve the info and post it.
Hi Chin, Dili and Meixue, thanks. When we brought him back, he was sleeping till the next feed. I hope he doesn't cry so the next gathering mummy can chit chat with her friends. Hope to chat more with you all the next time

Hi Ju, thanks for your info
$28.50 is a good price, I will go and look at the provision shops and medicine hall.

Hi Ah FAT, my friend and her baby Edna would like to join the trial session. Can we still include her in?

We can bring our own mats
Venus, i only try to turn her to the side. Put her on tummy, she will try very hard to lift up her head & go 'pong'... Wrong? toys i give her also she dunno how to hold firmly.
hmmm..let her have more tummy time and slowly she will turn and flip..my boy flip say 4 mth 2 weeks plus..

now expert in flipping during diaper change..MIL has to put a pillow on his arms to prevent him flipping over..LOL

my boy also cannot hold the toy firmly..but he just grab and put the toy for tasting
Good Day Mummies,

Chin, thanks for the praises & website! I also subscribe to babycenter.com, it provide very useful information on our baby weekly =)

Summer, thanks thanks he is not beri handsome la only photogenic, haa haa! Javier & Jayden can be buddy buddy also mah cos both start with "J" leh, hee hee!

Btw mummies, when you shave your bb botak, do you shave their eye brow too???
Karen, same here. I also try to turn my girl to the side and when I put her on her tummy, she cannot lift up her head, then she'll try to make noise liao. But then very good at talking (talkative); maybe is the girl thing.
FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
(11) Liewlian
(12) Cheeriomum
(13) Syl
(14) Hippobab
(15) Seabreeze
(16) petite_petite
(17) Edna
venus, so cute one hor. There was once I left her at my MIL place and went to NTUC to buy something. And when I went back and carry her, she starts to talk alot and frown, seem like complaining why I left her there. So funny.
Venus, welcome to the "J" kiddy club.. hahaha! So now we got 3 members liao... =P

My son also beri talkative leh and when he talk his mouth so "qiao qiao" n make those funny noise... Aiyo bay tahan him! Then lately he start to 'fake' coughing n crying just to get attention!!! Very NOTTI lah...
This morning when Malc woke up, I noticed that there were blood stain on the washable napkin which I let Malc lie on, in case he regurgitates. (He sleeps on his tummy). Seems like the blood came from his mouth as the napkin was also wet with saliva. Then later in the morning, I saw light hint of blood stain on his clothes. (He was sucking his fingers then) I used a hankie and lightly dab on his gum. The blood came from his lower gum. Dunno what happened.

Could it be he scratched himself while sucking his fingers?? Or is he teething? But I didn't see any redness and soreness on his gum. However I realised that now whenever I tried to feed him, he will cry very hard for a while then start to drink. He seems to prefer cold milk (as in room temp). Oh yes, he has started to finish his milk every feeding.

Yap, I got shave Javier eyebrow cos my mil said next time won't be bully by others. Dun noe wat belief is tat.

Ah fat

I dun't have those yoga or ABC mat. Can use those rubber changing mat or not.
Ju.. den u bringing him to c a doc? i'm not sure wat causes it.. but its better to bring him to c a PD n b sure wat issit abt...
Ju, did you use a cloth to clean his mouth or gum during bath? If not, there will be milk stain on it and he will not wanna drink milk after that.

ah Fat, i also got rubber changing & playgym mat, can bring? Hee hee..

Summer, i only know it will grow more bushy or evenly after shave but not quite sure about your MIL's versioin leh???

Venus, our boy very good kid wont join gangster gang one hor! Haa haa...
Ju.. den u bringing him to c a doc? i'm not sure wat causes it.. but its better to bring him to c a PD n b sure wat issit abt...
so many babies will be at BL!!! can i just join to KPO? Ah Fat, your cousin will mind not? So paiseh...i doubt I can join the course in full as we plan to go back first wk of may..but will love to play with the other kiddos...maybe I can pay per class?
yvonne, i heard abt some parents shave their babies' eye brow at 4th mth so that it will grow nicely after that. but i never tried lah, will look funny without eyebrow right?
thanks furryfurry, its an interesting website...must go read in detail liao!

ju, good that your malc starts to finish his feed, joshua can finish his feeds either when he's sleepy or if the interval is more than 3.5hr. hope he can finish his 180ml consistently then i will start to intro some semi-solids. afraid that if he starts on soilds, he will have more problem finishing his milk.
is malc teething?? call up PD and ask, maybe?

yvonne, its funny cos joshua also fake coughing, cant stand him!! hahaha
I suspect he scratched his gum. I just trimmed his nails yesterday. I will observe him for a while first.

momoko, 180mL can last for at least 4hr le. Malc drinks 180mL every 4 hourly. So about 5 feeds per day.

Talking about catching our attention, sometimes when Malc is protesting, I thought he said "aiiiiiiya!!!" Hahaha....
ok i must go ntuc shop shop for rice cereal!
it must be fun feeding baby!!

ju, i have one question, does malc cry when he's hungry at 4hr interval,. or u feed whenever 4hr interval is up?
Usually I will wait for him to cry. I think he has an alarm clock in his tummy. =) If he doesn't cry, that's means he is not hungry yet, so he will not finish his milk if I give him the bottle. You leh? You wait for his cry or you watch the clock?

Seems like Malc's feeding is back on track. He will now cry for milk and gobble down in 10 minutes. 200mL of milk with brown rice powder! Am so relieved and happy. Now being a mummy, I can truly appreciate my mum! ;)
momolo: nowadays PD recomend to start solid at 6 mths. to avoid complication like food allergy when their kidneys are not ready to filter all these food.... But, in the past, everybody started at 4 mths.... So if you child exibit every signs for rediness for solid food, just feed him loh... But, do watch what you feed as well... avoid dangerous food like honey, whole cow milk, wheat and rye, soft eggs, soft cheese, nut products....
FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
(11) Liewlian
(12) Cheeriomum
(13) Syl
(14) Hippobab
(15) Seabreeze
(16) petite_petite
(17) Edna
(18) furryfurry
(19) Celtricia
momoko.. i bot the Gerber rice cereal frm NTUC too..

ah FAT.. thanks.. will try my best to make it there.. hee.. would love to mit up wif u ladies..
Re: Blanket or Comforter

Ladies, would like to noe those bb sleep in aircon room, do ur use blanket or comforter?
All the while I use towel as blanket but now tat my boi growing taller, the blanket become short to cover his leg. Sometimes, he will wiggle and his body will move down so scared tat the comforter will cover his whole face as his comforter a bit stiff.

Would appreciate ur comment thks.
Summer - I am using receiving blankets. The type with a hood..for infants. I have quite few..and since we do not need them when bringing him out anymore, we just use these as blankets. So far, still big enuf for him.

Wow - great..the trial class is going to be so fun..so many people!! Looking fwd to meeting everyone.

ahFAT - yr niece has not contacted me yet. i am only free on weekends to bring her to the function room..weekdays - too rush for me..mad mad rush each day.

just wondering..shld we just turn this into a party???!!

Earnest mum - I like the second pix of Alden. Cute & nice smile! Actually, our boys do share the same birthday - 2Nov.

All going for the trial - Bishan Loft is at Bishan Street 11. Tell the guard that you are going for a function at the function room...I am wondering if they will ask for my unit number. Hmm..dun wanna post it here for anyone & everyone to see leh..
Hi chin

My receiving blanket fm Mt A & I felt tat it cannot tahan cold, tat y not using it. Ur suggestion is great, let make it into a gathering party.
