(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

ju, my MIL takes care of him in the day, usually she watches the clock. but i told her to wait till at least 3.5hrs then see if josh cries. if not, wait again,..i dunno whether she did or not, but so far she told me josh finishes his feed if the interval was abt 4 hrs. malc drinks 5 times daily? what are the timing like?
josh recently starts to wake up in the middle of the night for one extra feed, so i was wondering if this is a sign of readiness for solids lor...

summer we use receiving blanket on joshua too. but if he sleeps on my bed, then we will just share our comforter with him....
btw the temp is set to 26 or 27deg only...what abt u?
Good Day!

Summer, we also prefer blanket than comforter although we bot 2 sets for Jayden that time but never use. I guess is better cos can tuck in his body or legs. Anyway he is in long PJ already...

Same as momoko we will set the aircon temp to 26deg!

Momoko & Ju, my son also drink abt 180ml every 4-4.5hourly but only 4times per day cos aft his last feed at 11pm he will Zzzz thru out till next day morning!

Momoko, welcome to the "J" club! Now we've got 4 members.

There are:
Jayden, Javier, Justin & Joshua...

kee kee!

Wow this coming musical class at BL will be FUN! Look forward to seeing face to face with all mummies & babies~
blanket...i also use the receiving blanket.. when my boy sleep with us,he use our blanket..poor mummy and daddy has to fight blanket with boi boi.. :p

yippee..party time at BL..
I use the blanket too, i place his cot near to me so i can wake up if i hear him. He still wakes up for an extra feed every night. He drinks 180ml every 4 hourly.

And i felt that my boi sleeps better with air-con.
Ah Fat

Thks for ur info. So all the while I have been doing wrongly, luckily see ur posting.


I set to 25 degree but not very cold lar as my aircon 7 yrs old liao so motor not tat powerful.


I also agree bb sleep better with aircon. Can sleep until very late.
Waking in the middle of the night for an extra feed might be one of the signs. But I think that it also depends on what time is his last feed. I always make sure Malc get his last feed at 11pm or 12am. If his last feed is earlier than that, he will wake up as early as 5am.

Malc's feeding schedule is more or less like this:
7.30am, 11.30am, 3.30pm, 7.30pm, 11.30pm

So total is 5 feeds. Usually after he had his 7.30pm feed, he can sleep thru, without waking up after 4 hrs later. The last feed I will have to wake him up lor.
I remember when I was doing confinement, I slept in aircon room. Malc, then, was snuffling all the way. I gather he has a sensitive nose. Since then, he seldom sleep in aircon room.

I miss sleeping in aircon room, esp these days are so warm!! As Malc sleeps in his own room, we have to keep our bedroom door open, else we (I) won't be able to hear him.
Hiroshi's feeding habits: 6.30am, 9.30am, 12.30pm, 3.00pm, 6.30pm, 9.30pm, 12am

I notice if i dun sleep feed him on his last feed, he will wake up at 4am and ask to be fed....
ah FAT
Hiroshi is on a 3-hrly feeding schedule huh... he is on breast milk, right?

No loh, didn't buy one, coz very expensive!! Cannot afford.
ju, joshua is also on breastmilk, so maybe thats one of reason why he may be hungry at 3 to 3.5hr interval. last few nites after his last feed at abt 12am, he gets hungry at 4 to 5am again, although in the past it can last him till 7 to 8am. i think i will try to establish a 4hr interval schedule for him, see whether it works or not. tomorrow i'm on leave so maybe try this...7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm....

mummies very 'fan nao' hor....hehe
Yawn... What a nice weather! Good Morn'g... Zzz

Ju, Jayden feeding schedule can be quite long one. Usually weekend when he is with us, we let him sleep till 8am-9am. His feeding schedule is like 9am, 1.30pm, 6pm, 11pm of cos in between we give him water. I find it too little feed liao... cos sometime he couldn't even finish his milk 150-180ml!

My boy lately so cranky at nite... yday he refused to sleep with all methods till 1am!!! Now im like a walking zombie!!!!
Hey since so many babies will be there on that day... we need to allocate parking lots for our BB's mercedes benz (pram) leh... haa haa haa!!!
Ju, last time we also didnt let Jayden sleep in aircon one but lately really too WARM so we just on it for his seek. Actually is me who has got the 'sensitive' nose la, hee hee!
feeding schedule for my boy..abt 3.5 to 4hrs interval..i wean him off breastmilk and is on total FM now..

buffet at BL..i skip it cos i am afraid that justin will be cranky and wan to koon zzzz..how abt pizza hut for dinner??
Good morning ladies..

Maybe we need to summarize who is ok for buffet at abt S$12 per head. How abt Neo Garden?

FREE Trial Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat (ok for buffet)
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin (ok for buffet)
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
(11) Liewlian
(12) Cheeriomum
(13) Syl
(14) Hippobab
(15) Seabreeze
(16) petite_petite
(17) Edna
(18) furryfurry
(19) Celtricia

My boy refused to sleep the whole day yest. So last night, konked out half way through his 830pm feed..only drank 80ml. Tried to wake him up at midnight to feed..did not even budge despite me making so much noise and nudging him. Then he woke up at 3am!!! Urgh..I am super tired now. Sigh...
Oh regarding cateringat BL.. would prefer just some light refreshment and snacks will do, no need buffet la! See how majority vote?
Venus - can not take leave ah...!! on probation. can only take time off to bring D for his vaccination..(which is soon). So can not go off today..paiseh lah.

Suspect he is teething..but not sure leh. He has been drooling and chewing stuff for so long.
Usually how many months will our BB teething???
My son like to chew his hands rather than pacifier nowaday? Very weird...

Btw, those mummies who bring your BB to shave e head. Do we need to do it on the actual 4th months or anytime after 4th months?
chin..take mc and rest ..hee hee.. last nite,i also damm tired..woke up 3.45am for his feed..feeding halfway..he poo..have to wake up my hubby to help in cleaning up..den justin is so awake which i force milk bottle in ..heng he suckle and fall asleep..

yvonne..i din shave my boy head..just trim nia..
Nope Yvonne, I did not calculate how many hours Alden sleeps..I just thank heaven and earth everytime he sleeps! hee hee so that I can have my own time :)

Wah... Yvonne, baby Jayden can sleep until 8am, 9am ah?? How nice. Mine don't. Even when he sleeps at 12mn, he will wake up at ard 7.30am.

Maybe you can try feeding him the remaining milk half an hour later after he has fallen asleep? That's what I do. Usually Malc will drink up, but there are times when he simply don't want. Whenever Malc doesn't finished his last feed, I will feel sian. Coz I know he will seven early eight early wake up for milk. @_@
I didn't calculate Malc's sleeping hours. But I notice that his nap is getting shorter each day. He will sleep for 1/2 hr to 1 hr and wakes up. And I have to play with him until his next feed. Sometimes I keep him entertained for 2 hrs, then he will knock out and takes a longer nap.

Any mummies here like me, a SAHM? How do you spend your day? Now that Malc naps shorter, I have lesser time for myself.
yvonne, same as jayden, during weekends, i let joshua sleep till 8 or 9am. he seems to know its weekend so sleep longer as well. but weekday will 'tekan' daddy and mummy...especially recent nights...YAWN

venus why did you wean your baby off breastmilk? so what FM do you feed?
chin did you buy teether? joshua loves it very much esp when i chill it in the fridge. haha
wonder when he's teething too...i just give to him since he's drooling and sucking his fingers/fist non stop...
yvonne..suppose to shave on the day itself, just like shaving on full mth. but both days i din shave joshua, just trim only...
earnestmum! your baby is so cute! he looks very fair!
and its true, each time my boy sleeps, i also xie tian xie di. but after he sleeps, i kinda 'miss' him. crazy mum! haha
mummies, do you find time is passing so fast? all our babies are all 4mths+ old liao. it seems like not long ago we bring our newborn home from the hospital. babies grow so fast, before we know it, november 06 is here and everyone celebrating 1 year old!!!!!
momoko, but on the actual day 4th month he is going for his jab! That's why im wondering should I bring him to shave / trim his hair on the same day?
My boi during his playgym time but he dun like to grab and touch them. Only sit and see see look look.


After playing, so tired, time to sleep.


Today my boi so funny. He try to turn and crawl at the same time with his head facing down. He use his toe to push around and manage to turn half a circle.
Momoko: Thanks! He's fair like my hubby. Yes, time passes, soon he's going for his jab again.

Ju: Like you, I am a SAHM staying along NE line.
Yeah! Time flies. I still can recall the joy when I found out I was pregnant. Caught me by surprise at my least expected. Had been ttc-ing for 8 months, sacrificed many pregnancy test kits (not cheap neh!) and disappointed countless time. Just when I decided not to think about it anymore, I got pregnany.

I was chatting with my net pals complaining that I was sick. Stuffy nose for a while. Then they said they had stuffy nose when they were pregnant. Got so excited, I immediately rushed to Watson's to get a p-kit. The result quite ambiguous. Then I rushed to the gynae downstairs. LOL! I super kancheong hor??
Malc has a playgym with that blue elephant too!

I didn't use the playgym as a whole. I tied one of the bars to Malc's baby cot, so that I can hang the toys over the cot. I got the idea when I was shopping around.
yvonne u intend to shave him? if just trim,. then cut a little bit hair before you leave the house for the jab?

by the way we used 'chinese calendar' to see the exact date for 4 mths...
summer / ju
my son simply pull watever is in front of him into his mouth. how do we clean all these toys on the playgym?

wow Ju, stuffy nose is one sympton?? i din know that! for me, it was stomach cramps and sore breasts. quite miss the pregnancy days - except morning sickness of cos. hehe
Ju & earnestmum

I am also a SAHM but I do some accounting entries for my husband so consisted Part-time SAHM.

U mean the bars can be dismantle? I have no idea. Will try to dismantle now.

Me also staying along NE line. Me at hg ave 1. how abt yours>

momoko..low supply,skin irritation at nipple area - not recovering plus running to site quite frequent..not suitable for me to pump at site..

he drinking s-26 gold..
