(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Hi ladies
I would appreciate if anyone could help to recommed me a good PD at Sengkang area for my bb urgently...cos need to bring my bb for 2nd Hep B next week......

Hi mummies
Does your baby stay awake a lot during the day? My baby boy is almost 3 wks old, and for the past 3 days, he only slept about 1 hr and stay awake for 1 hr during the day until about 5/6pm, then he will sleep longer like 3hrs. He also latch on a short while like 5-10mins only during the afternoon and I'm like every hour feeding him... Really tiring and don't know how to entertain him...anyone share this erratic pattern?
IF - I do not stay in Sengkang area, but a friend of mine happened to recommend her daughter's PD to me...Kids' Clinic (Tel: 68811711). She said that both the PDs at this clinic are good..but the one she is consulting is Dr Lillian Lim.

My boy poo-poo'ed 4 times today, starting from 2am this morning..thk he is having diarhoea. If he poos again tonight, I will have to bring him to see PD already...

Meixue - I am also using Desitin Creamy, with Aloe Vera+ Vit E. Also searched everwhere..found that only hospital pharmacies carry them. Or if u have friends coming back from the US, get them to buy for u. It is cheaper there. Anyway, the normal Desitin has a very strong (not nice) smell of zinc oxide, and is rather sticky. Leaves a residue on the bum..the creamy version is nice.
meixue, i also used desitin creamy! it is very good the slight rash that my baby boy had disappeared within a day... i bought it at guardian pharmacy at gleneagles for 13.95

manuka, thanks that is a good idea.. i now pump about 60 to 80 ml each time, i will persevere and hope that the supply with increase bountifully and abundantly. i dont mix the EBM leh, the last time i accumulated the EBM, baby boy decides to fall asleep halfway and refused to eat then half a bottle wasted! so i rather warm up a 2nd bottle if he is still hungry haha
Hi chin
Thanks for the infor. Will call the clinic 2molo...

Your boy poo 4 times a day huh! his stool watery? My girl poo aro. 3 times a day previously but tis few days poo only once in 1 or 2 day.....so scare she constipated...
sometime really feel dilemma...bb poo too many times...worry...bb dun poo...also worry...
Hello, good morning ladies. How was your weekend?

I am feeling stressed out taking care of Malcolm. My hubby and I have this arrangement. I will do the night feeds on weekdays, whereas he, on Fridays, and Saturdays. Don't know why whenever comes to my turn to do night shift, Malcolm always cranky. But my hubby has easy nights where Malcolm will wake up every 4 hourly for his feed and goes back to sleep. That's all.

Yesterday, so suay, the motor of the sarong swing died on me. Malcolm couldn't get into sleep, thus I didn't sleep at all.

I am a hot-tempered and impatient person. So because of baby, I started to vent my frustrations on my hubby and baby. We quarrelled more often now. What's the point of having kid when he becomes the trigger of all our fights? I do love my baby, but he is extremely fussy and I am extremely impatient.

I afraid I am falling into depression or already am.

look on the bright side...
at least u hv a supporting hb who rotates nitefeeds with u... my hb'll sleep through and i'm the only person feeding Lezann.. cannot tahan ah... can't believe my already dark eye circles, can get even darker... can join the zoo b part-time panda ;p

my hb & I both r hot, quick tempered and impatient so u can imagine how much we r quarrelling these days too... i do too question the rational of having a bb.. Isn't it to strengthen our marriage and bond us tighter together? but i keep consoling myself tat all tis arose becos we r still adapting to the new addition to the family + the new duties.. resulting in frustrations fm both parties...

cheer up and pls share yr woes with us, tat's wat we r here for...
Ju..I do understand that sometimes there is so much frustration in handling babies..sometimes at night I feel it too..esp when I am so sleepy..and if my boy is having one of his reflux fits..throwing up etc..Be strong. Our mothers have gone through it..your baby needs you.

Anyway..my husband will be away for a month..and I will be handling all the night feeds every night..plus most of the day feeds - all by myself. So do try to look on the bright side yeh? Cheer up!!
Hi Nov moms!
Apologies for jumping into the thread.
I am from the Dec thread. Can I just check have any of you got the Moms in Minds sling for your BBs? Is it useful?? Thanks a million in advance
Take care ladies..I recalled after the first few nites of struggles w my boy when he first came back to hospital, I looked at my tired hubby and thank him for giving me such a cute boy and he did the same as well.
It's really to console each other altho we r abt to peng san that time.

For nite feeds, I try to wake up cuz hubby is working while I'm not but yday got to wake him up cuz boy pooed!

Meixue, according to some friends, the old desitin is smelly but better. hahah..anyway..I bot the creamy fr TMC pharmacy.
Straycats, I hv one blue Thai Silk MIM sling!..I want to sell it away. Most ppl find it useful but I dunno how to use it in a stylish manner and I bot a stroller liao so if u r interest to buy fr me, pls PM me. Thks. hehe
Hi IF and Chin, u gals are breastfeeding right? isnt it normal for breastfed babies to poo 8-10 times a day? I change my girl's diaper every 3-hourly and there's always poo.

Hi Moonbell, my baby is also like yours. Very erractic. What to do? *sigh*

Thanks gals, for telling me where to buy Desitin Creamy. It's $13.95 for the 2oz right? U.S is much cheaper, i got my current 4oz tube from US, but my girl has bad diaper rash, so my tube shld be finishing soon. Bought the Original at $16.90 4oz today, will try it to compare.

I also wanna noe if the MIM sling is useful or not. My girl likes to be carried, if not she'll cry. So i dont think she can sit still in a stroller. Aprilpinky, how much you selling? Pls email me at [email protected]. thanks! I dont have PM.
Hi mummies, it's been quite a while since I came in here. Somehow glad to know that I'm not alone in facing some of the issues that I see posted here. My boy has been waking up at 3 plus in the midnight for feeds for the past few nights and keep crying & refused to sleep after that till at least 5 or 6 plus. Dunno whether he juz wanna be carried or he's not feeling well...so tiring
. He seemed to be displaying the symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux that Ju mentioned as well. .
I think all babies more or less has symptoms of reflux. Just the matter of how serious it is. Don't worry, as long as your baby doesn't throw up like merlion very oftenly. They will outgrow this. I can already see Malcolm getting better now. Just burp them diligently. After feeding, lie them on a bouncer or something with an inclined angle or carry them for a while. This is to let the milk flow down completely. Usually I will change Malcolm's diaper before feeding to minimise regurgitation.
BF babies poo a lot, mine also almost poo after every feed, sometimes skip 1 or 2 times, think it's normal.

Quite a no. of us facing the same erratic feeding and sleeping patterns of our babies hor. Then, it should be normal lah? At first afraid that baby doesn't feel well or what... When baby cries, must carry, then baby will feel secure. Ya lor, very tiring esp during the nights. My husband work night shift, so sometimes I call him to find console.
IF and Meixue, for 2 days now, my boy has started poo-poo'g abt 3 times a day. Now he is Week 6. Before this, he went without poo'g for 2 to 4 days - this was when he was week 4 to 5. Think it is normal..since he is not showing any sign of discomfort.

Ju - I also did all the stuff that u mentioned to minimise regurgitation..seems to be working..touch wood - he has not thrown up yet yest and today!!
Hi Nov mums,
Got another question to ask. What kind of bag you use to store your EBM if going out with your BB? Do we need to bring hot water along as well to warm up the EBM?
Many thanks!
Hi straycats, when going out, I will feed FM. Very troublesome to bring EBM out. I don't have much EBM either. Always too tired to pump.

My girl also displaying some symptoms of the reflux. She can suddenly throw up some milk. Hope it doesn't turn into something worse.

Sometimes my baby cries even when I am cuddling her. And it's not due to hunger, temperature or wet diaper. Anyone has this prob? How to handle? Besides cuddling, any other way to stop baby crying? very tiring to cuddle all the time.
btw, anyone's baby cries loudly when he/she poos? mine cries/wails when she's pooing. wonder why? she didnt use to cry so loudly, wondering is it the diaper rash or serious tummyache.
Hi meixue

My bb also sometime like tat...after feed liao..no wet diaper...everythings chk o.k.....cuddle her but she still cry...so i try to walk around the house...sing/talk to her...after some time she wil settle down...may b she tired liao..alot of things to learn abt handling bb...me struggling to understand my bb 'pattern'.....
my bb also cry when she poo...me worry her poo hard hard so i will try to touch her poo poo to feel whether hard anot
...as she only poo in 1 or 2 day.
Great to hear that. Guess we just have to be more patient with our precious. Keep these as a routine, our baby shd be able to outgrow it soon.

You can try to carry her in upright position. One hand support her bottom, the other hand pat her back, sort of like massage or burping her. I do this all the time. It could be the 'wind' in her tummy. Sometimes, I will give Malcolm the pacifier.

As for her poo poo, is she constipated? As in her stool too hard? If so, try letting her drink some plain water everyday.
Hi Ju, my girl's poo is very watery and she poos often. (cuz breastfed). Not sure why she wails when pooing also. Maybe tummyache.

She also rejects the pacifier. Mummies besides Ju, do you give your baby pacifier? does it work to make them stop crying?
Mei Xue,

My girl used to reject the pacifier but may be due to her reflux, she is now taking the pacifier and it is great to stop her crying.

Finally bought the Dr Brown's bottles but unfortunately not able to use for the time being as the Enfalac Reflux are too thick and the level 1 and 2 teats are not suitable as the hole is too small for the milk to flow. 'sigh' but good news is, she is much better after switching to this FM though.
hello ladies,

My boy loves his pacifier..haha and it does pacifies him but the problem is sometimes we have to put it back into his mouth again and again when it drops while he's in his sarong or else he will cry super loud.

Meixue, emailed u liao

I also give Lezann a pacifier to calm her down, and she can suck until she falls asleep...

but the downside is that i sometimes hv to sit beside the cot to put it back into her mouth again and again as she has the habit of spitting it out
Must b her way of seeking attention
Hubby used to avoid giving Malc pacifier as much as possible. But these days, he will offer Malc one coz it really helps to soothe him down.

Extract from a website. "Sucking a dummy (pacifier) increases saliva production. Saliva can help neutralise acid as it comes back up from the stomach."

Same as the mummys, the only prob is having to stuff the pacifier back into his mouth again and again.
I was advised to avoid giving my girl the pacifier, as she could get 'addicted' to it.
Another gf of mine says long term sucking of the pacifier will 'distort' the shape of her mouth, esp since she's a girl, have to help her maintain it in nice shape
joyful: then i think u will have to learn the hard way.. haha.. after 7 weeks of tolerating his nonsense.. i've finally gave in to giving him the pacifier.. sigh..
Good morning!!

Wow, Venus, your boy can sleep thru the night. So good! When has he started to do so? I', wondering when will Malcolm going to zzz thru the night. Night feedings are really tiring.
Venus, your boy very good. I wish my girl can sleep for longer periods. Worse thing is, i can take 1+ hour to coax her back to sleep. =( Night feeds are a chore...

I really wish my girl can suck pacifier. I used to avoid giving her pacifier, but after so much nonsense from her, i tried to stuff it into her mouth, but she rejects it!! ergh!
Morning mummies

I agree tat nite feedings r really tiring... Sometimes I get so blur and stoned tat I don't even remb whether i hv fed Lezann or not... kana scolding fm my mum
Hihi ladies....

Hmn....my bbs can't sleep thru the nite but they go back to sleep immediately after their feeds. Usually we dun let them cry for too long while preparing their milk, or else they will be widely awake, sometimes also we used pacifier to stop their crying 1st. Then dun talk to them at all during feeds. They will juz closed their eyes while sucking on the bottle. Then gently burp them and gently put change their diapers too. Then put them back to sleep. It works most of the time wif my bbs. I put them to sleep from 8pm (but sometimes they dun sleep till 9+ or 10pm) till 8am. If i'm still awake around 11pm, i will 'dream-feed' them also.

Recently, they are struggling wif their feeds too in the day. Dun wan to finish their milk, 'pretending' to fall asleep. Once put them down, their eyes opened. So fed-up cos it so time consuming to feed one, as my other bb feeding time is also near. Sometimes no time to burp the 1st one, gotta prepare to feed the 2nd...Shiong. I also used a pillow to let the 1st bb to 'sit' upright while i'm feeding the 2nd. Every feeding time is like 'war' time to me.
ju..i wish he start doing that every nite..but not yet lei..

nite feeds damm shiong one..sometimes i gong gong wat time i feed my boi too..
Good afternoon ladies!

Looks like we're all going through the same things with our babies...

'Pretending to sleep'
He feeds and falls asleep at my breast, then wakes up when put down and won't go to sleep again unless carried and rocked etc. Will cry/scream if not carried, so it's very tiring! And yes, it can take up to an hour to put him to sleep... then he wakes up to be fed an hour or so later and the cycle begins again!

Which do you ladies use? I bought the Nuk one and he does the same thing - spits it out and starts wailing again. I have to stand there and hold it in his mouth. The pacifier doesn't work all the time though.

Night feeds
Hb does one, I do the rest. Sometimes I just do it all because hb needs to go to work the next day... also gong gong feed one...

Feeding water
How do you get your baby to drink water? Mine does not like it and refuses to drink. But he seems to get constipated -- a lot of eh eh groans and grunts -- so I am hoping that giving him water will help.

Non-stop fretting
Nothing seemed to work last night. From about 6pm onwards, he fussed until 2am and was only quiet when being fed! Kept crying even after feeding/burping/changing and did not settle even when carried. Does he have colic?

got to go... screaming...
Hi ladies..

I just finished feeding my baby and patted hin to sleep..it was like a war also, as aptly put by Nik. Refused the bottle..kept crying and screaming..tried all sorts of ways to soothe him..just refused to stop crying..until I breastfed him..then he fell asleep. Thing is I normally only let him latch on at night..and he usually does not prefer the breast over the bottle..everyday is really a new day..

Sigh...and my boy is always super active until abt 3am everynight..if I leave him alone in the cot, he will be "yelping" for me..

Oops..here he goes again.
You can try feeding water to your boy using a spoon. But feed a little at a time, in case he gets choked. After a while, he will get used to the taste of plain water and you can try bottle feed him again. HTHs!

Regarding pacifier, I bought a tollyjoy one. Silly me, when I bought it, I forgot to check that it didn't come with a cover. Then I bought another one with a cover, pooh bear brand. I just alternate the pacifiers so that he won't stick to one.

Night feeds - I can feed him until I dozed off. In fact, both of us dozed off. Nowadays, me and my hubby don't sleep together. Normally I will sleep in the living room with the baby. As I don't want to distrupt hubby's sleep during night feeds. When hubby's turn to do night feed, he will sleep in the living room. I miss my bed!!!
Sigh, all the episodes you mummies narrated sound exactly like what I'm going through too.

Regarding crying alot even when carried, my friend told me could be due to wind in tummy (not really serious colic). So she advised me to give my baby a drop of Infacol everyday. I'm going to try this method and post an update.

Nik, i agree that when baby is less alert during feeding/diaper changing, it's easier to put her back to sleep. but alas, mine has been getting more and more awake recently.
Ah fat, yes I still have the sling. SMS u liao..

Take care ladies...bbs taking the pacifiers are certainly easier to take care I think..
my girl likes to use the milk bottle teat as the pacifier. She likes to keep the teat in her mouth, not really sucking it, but refused to let me remove it too. So we just let her be.
Hi Chin, you really hit the nail on the head: "everyday is a new day" for me too!

Hi Meixue, the small bumps on baby's face are probably milk rash. They will go away by themselves. My baby had them the past two weeks, now his skin is clear again. We put a calendula cream (from the Little Dreamers shop at the Moms In Mind place) on his face last Sat, by Sun morning, the rash had cleared up dramatically.

Do update about Infacol please, thanks!

HI Ju, will try the spoon method of feeding water, thanks!

infacol: aiyo.. tt silly thing doesn't work for my son lah.. traditional method is still the best.. put ru yi oil at every diaper change.. and make sure bb burps..
mine was due to milk powder.. so got to change.. now so much better le.. keke..

rash/small pimples: hiak hiak.. i applied a very very thin layer of drapolene.. and it cleared.. so hope this can help..

joyful: try not to do tt.. coz it will introduce air into bb's stomach.. end result could be much worse than introducing a pacifier.
