(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Sharon: wah.. sabrina is such a clean eater! zoe feeds herself too but at the end of each meal, there's food everywhere.. on the feeding tray, floor, her hair... actually, you can buy the home kits and teach yourself
i find that zoe learns much more and faster when i teach her at home than she does at the schools.. can get the GUG zoophonics home kit..
or the glenn domain ones..

by the way, anyone still breastfeeding here? i'm trying to wean zoe now and can't seem to.. she will keep saying "mimi" (her own phrase for i want a latch) until i give in.. if not she will scrunch up her face and cry.. and now not much energy so give in most of the time.. tried distraction, offering bottle, food.. doesn't work.. zoe mostly latches for comfort and won't take anything else.. on top of that i'm looking after her on my own, so can't let someone else look after at the times that she wants a latch too. my gynae wants me to stop and i'm really feeling v tired these days so i wana stop already too..any suggestions?

i wanna go leh but working
den after work den go dunno still have things left or not.. i wanna check out of leapfrog series got sales or not..
hi all, sorry for MIA-ing. i was admitted to hospital for gall bladder infection. i suffered from gall bladder infection as well. i was on drips and heavy doses of anti-biotics since monday for 4 days before i got discharged only this morning. the pain was atrocious. i'm lucky to have escaped from being operated on. thank God! this is a really painful experience for me...really...it's worse when hubby is not with me cos he's in China on a biz trip...haiz...i drove myself to the clinic and did the admission all by myself...cool?
morraine, i had no choice...there's only me and me...can't cry for help tho...colleagues were waiting for container to come and unload. i can't possibly ask them (only 2 of them) to send me to hospital mah...hubby not in town, call who to come pick me? when one is left with no other choice, she will depend on herself.
u take care la.. just met u on last sat , sunddenly says u are in hospitaliz..
i got "ha" wat happened ..
good to hear that u are fine now
Sharon: jealous? why? u can always bring to any enrichment classes over weekends. this is the time to really bond. Waliew.. my england also not powderful lehz. use simple words to teach them like me.. i use simple words too.

see how much ur sabrina has grown.. so good that she eats herself.. that's a remarkable things.

Sneaky: whahaha. u call tat remarkable!! whahhaahaha STEADY lah!



welcome back
take care ok. so that time i sms u all the while u in hospital ah... aiyor.. poor girl
<font face="comic sans ms"> Sneaky:
Glad to hear that u are ok now.. take good care ok.. Samuel will understand why mummy can't carry him now..
Sneaky & Pasty,
Glad to have both of u back here....

Dun worry lah...Enjoy wat u can now. I really envy u as I have to work till 8-9pm everyday so can only spent little time with my gal.

We can organise playgroup among us to teach our kids too. I dun mind to volunteer my house if u all mind it small.
San, yes, i will.

patsy, on the day i was admitted, you had some big thing handle mah...how can i trouble you when you have enough? anyway, it's over already...

ssl, i think you did! keke

by the way, i really don't know how i coped with the pain and managed to pull through the whole episode without hubby around. last night was a good night; i finally get to sleep on a comfortable bed with my son beside me...i missed that for 3 nights...

i also dont mind chipping in for a 1-2hr playgroup among oct moms/.. if we all can take turns to take one segment, either singspiration or reading, or crafts, then the kids can have fun together loh.. we dont need 10 to start a class.. basically anyone interested let's poll the nos.. and then decide where we can meet.. my plc is pretty central too if you want to consider.

PLAYGROUP MOMS - Interested pls poll..

anyone else interested??
pammie, nuts
I don mind too

PLAYGROUP MOMS - Interested pls poll..
anyone else interested??
<font face="Kristen ITC">Hi Hi, I'm back. My HB finally returned my laptop, wow piang can die w/o laptop & hp leh. Tks for all ur sms over e past few days. I'm ok now though still will feel abit sad my angel has left. Actually more of tramautised, nv see so much bld in my whole life man, totally freaked out.

Lyk wat I told HB - my angel dun really belong to me, she belongs to GOD. So if GOD feels he hv to take her back now den I jus hv to ren ming lor. Mus b e stock blur blur delivered e wrong baby so mus faster correct e mistake.

<font color="0000ff">Patsy</font>,

Y feel guilty? Dun hv to but if u wan to thank me den give me a treat, proper food hor. I'm so sick of eating food cook w seasame oil, ginger & alcohol. AND I can eat Sharkfin now, can hv more den 1 helping le *hehe*

<font color="0000ff">Fun</font>,

Thanks for your cute card, U missed Janelle har. I post her pic let u see.

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Take care hor. Ur incident remind me of how I had to get myself to TMC & settle admission alone when my waterbag burst. It's actually quite a gd experience hor, we mus b independent.</font>
<font face="Kristen Itc"> PLAYGROUP MOMS - Interested pls poll..
4. Jenifur - Janelle</font>

tat time wen i stop bf.. my hubby just took my son to the living room... den keep giving him the bottle. I can hear him crying and all .. bt no choice.. cos i was preggy... eventually my son gav in and has been on bottle ever since... would be easier if someone else was around to help.. maybe if you dun give in to her... and keep offering her the bottle??
PLAYGROUP MOMS - Interested pls poll..
4. Jenifur - Janelle
5. Mrs Tan - Ken Shin
hi fun,

hello! ya lor very long never post but i still log in every now and then.

Jenifur & sneaky,
please take care.
Mrs Tan

Ever since we met at my gym more than half a year ago.. nv seen u here liao.. Hows our little Kenshin? Taken up any enrichments lately?

wow has it been more than half a yr already? time flies! got lah...just lazy to post sometimes only. Ken Shin is fine...a handful as usual but lots of fun lah. Am still checking out classes but have not signed with any yet. Either location not very convenient or timing not so favourable.
jen, yah...but after the braveness, i feel "weak" and hope to cry in my hubby's arms. i really wish he's here with me right now. i think when i go pick him up at the airport on monday evening, i'll cry in his arms...

mrs tan, yes, i will take care of myself. tummy getting big and i feel easily tired out...

i can imagine..not easy being away from hubby. My hubby just left for an overseas posting to somewhere very far away...only back end of this year. So i know how it feels like. Plus being preg & with a toddler in tow, very siong one. hang in there!
wahahah sneaky.. thats exactly what i did when i saw yk at the airport last sat. I cried manz... I told him, i never cry all these while. I told him, "you dont come back i still wont cry, you come back i cry so bad.. "

weird right?
mrstan, aiyo...your hubby will be gone for so long ah? haiz...mine go away for 10 days i bueh tahan liao...

carole, oh yah...haha...all the tears stomached inside till ah lau appeared; one shot pour out...haha
<font face="Kristen ITC"> <font color="0000ff">Carole</font>,

I'm almost back liao. Will recover fully after a nice spread of food *hint* *hint*

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

HB always said I very "hard"... I seldom cry infront of him de. He went Taiwan straight after our ROM, I also didn't cry when I visited him 3 mths later. And hor he was the one who cried in the labour ward *hahaha*</font>
jenifur, wow...you really very ngeh leh...i'm a cry baby actually. i'll cry everytime i see raymond off at the airport...so this time, i had abdomen pain, didn't see him off so i saved some tears loh..haha...but when i was in the hospital and when he first called me, i teared cos i really wanted so much that he's with me during the most painful time...
i remembered i cried once badly when hubby when reservist... that was like before we got married.. now he goes, i like celebrate manz.. hahahhahaa...

I was fighting so hard to be strong, to be the pillar for sarah, so i dare not cry. I scare my tears and my crying will affect her more, and afraid to make it worse, i scare she will cry too.. so i always fight back all tears and cry only when she is not ard or when i am driving off. That very morning, i cant control liao, i called hb (israel time 2am) started crying so badly.. whahaha.. i think he stone stone. Then saw him at airport lagui buay tahan.. cry lor. Cry not becos miss him lehz, cos he not ard when i am so sad...

HB gotten email last nite, he is gng USA in August!!! i am sooo happy!!! come come.. passs me all the shopping in US manz. whahahaha.. i gng ask him to shop for Coach/Old Navy for me.. kekeke. i so bad manz

hello!! ha ha u still rem ah? ya i also rem we were saying we go scream in labour ward then. I'm fine, how abt u?

ur hubby went to israel to work ah? isnt that dam far away? It's quite hard for me also being apart from hubb for the 1st time since married, esp so when ken shin has been asking Papa where? I think he misses his daddy. I can't do anything except show him daddy's photo.

u strong woman...proud of u.
ya... 12 hours to Frankfurt, 4 hours transit, 4 hours to Israel...siong manz....The company there got office and factory. suppose to go switerland in may, but that trip will postpone. so likely gng suzhou.

his 1st trip away to suzhou in Jan, i was like missing him.. cos 1st time away frmo clarisse mah. now.. go lor. its ok. whahhaha i am so happy. kekekee
