(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

whitefloral: charlize looks exactly the same lehz.

<font face="Kristen ITC"> <font color="0000ff">Whitefloral</font>,

Ya agreed with Carole, Charlize didn't change much.

Here's Janelle at Day 1:-

And Janelle again at 19 mths:-
<font face="comic sans ms"> Here's my contributions :p

Sherisse at Day 1

Sherisse at 17mth

another one at 17mth

She just turned 18mth yesterday so not photos taken yet

jenifur.. they were promoting it in class last week.. i'm not sure i want to sign up.. was thinking the jun holiday break is a good time to spend with Tammi - we can even take our own holiday so I doubt i will sign up la.. she may not appreciate the excursions also..
ssl: prolonged pacifier use affects tooth developement leh..

ayl: sigh.. not suitable for me cos i often put zoe to sleep alone as in there is ony me and no one else..

jenifur: me! signed zoe up for wk1 i think.. the one without waterplay..
Here are my contributions! Dun have Ember's baby pics but at least got comparison between her and her older sister.


This is Ember at 17 month.


Kyra at 3.5 yrs.
this morning, clarisse said her first short sentence!!! "I want this!" & new word "play". hubby heard was so amazed... kekek i too.. she really growing up more each day.
carole, my samuel also getting very "Ji Zha". he will repeat the last word i say most of the time. in fact, if i end my sentence with "mah", he will also follow *faint*. nowadays, he will complain here pain, there pain and hot hot...i think they will soon come up with sentences...by then, we all jialat liao...must answer to their thousand and one "whys"...
penny: i heard from clarisse's teacher telling me.. the kids will follow the last word and repeat them.. it will be a phrase they will go through...

mine smart, says Aiyo, Aiyah.. faint.. lagi faint. thank god, now she forgotten abt the WHO SAH PA, if not i will faint more.

quite amazed with her speech so far.. okok. back later.. gng to market.. see yaz
This morning Alden look at me and baby talk to me in a soft and normal way.. like as if i understand wat he is talking haha.. And he is trying to call my mum now.. hehe
ya they are so funny.. when she sees my hp, she asked for fone fone fone... give her already, she yak yak yak, dunno wat she talking abt. but when my mum calls and ask her to talk on phone, she just kept quiet and pushed it away. so weird

Alden likes to play with the camera function on our hps.. when we do funny faces or say hello to him from the camera.. he will keep smiling and giggles too.
fun, my samuel every morning without fail, will get Yeh Yeh's digital camera from him to play ah...most of the time he will not return and will have to end up passing it to my MIL who would then pass to Yeh Yeh when she goes to the office later...terrible, right? that camera i cannot afford to pay if he damages it...
carole, fun, sneaky

the things tat ur kids do is exactly the same as my elder boy..

actually my son born in aug 05

anyway, do u guys mind if i join in??

btw, jus a quick question, do you guys know where to buy tomy baby monitor??

u see his daddy u will know where he gets his weight&height from ma haha.. ALden now shld be at least 14kg liao.. last mth was 13.7kg.

tomy baby monitor? got pic?
ayl0212, of cos you're welcomed to join us...we're more active in this thread is it? hee...

fun, OMG. 14kg??? faint..my son's daddy also very big mah...104kg leh...
Have your child taken the 18mths injection? Any fever? The last one at 15mth, Grace had 1 week of fever and bad appetite.... so worried. Bringing her tomorrow...
Tomy brand ,I got my one from Europe , my sister bot for me from there, only cost Euro 20,, or u want to kiddy palace or taka to check

After 18mth injection .. never cause any fever, I still brought sabrina go swimming on e next day la..
Don worries..
Hi everyone, Im back!

WOW clarisse can really speak quite a no of words! *impressed*


my SIL brought her boy for the 18 mos jab den oso kena slight fever but I think it varies from different babies la, let her drink more water after the jab?


Wah! 14kg for Alden arh.. my Ash last measured only 11kg leh and everyone is saying she is very ba ba already.. *faint*

hee... thanks. she has a mischievous look... i love her eyelashes... very long...


that last jab at 15mths, she has a week of fever... i am so scared now... will most likely bring her for jab end of this week cos her flu just recovered...

My ah boy not very double chin kind of bb leh, PD always nod her head and say very good weight...keke.. this is the latest pic..


Guess he belongs to the heavy bones type den? coz from the pic, he dun seems to be the real ba ba kind.. hee
but he got real nice fine hair

aiya dun worry as i think the weight range has to do with alot of factors eg: parent's size, bb food intake and etc
Fun n sweetie: My first girl also got fever with the chickenpox vaccine. I think ours are the minority loh. But I think it varies from child to child. With my first girl most of the shots she got no fever one, with Ember almost every shot she sure kena fever. Sigh...
<font face="Kristen ITC"> <font color="0000ff">Sweetie</font>,

Grace has grown so much since I last met her. So sweet.

<font color="0000ff">Morraine</font>,

Ur Ash nt alone, my Janelle also 11kg liao. She nt really very ba ba but her face dam chubby lor and her tummy very big.</font>

<font face="Kristen ITC"> <font color="0000ff">Mor,

Wow lau u see her face so chubby still ok. Her daddy & Ah-Yee call her Xiao Pang Niu now *Grrrrrh*</font></font>
