(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Carole & Snow,
At least ger ger small build is ok? But my boi is only 9+kg leh .. think 75cm only.

How huh? Any diet to gain weight & height? Jiat liat leh ..

Here's my contribution of Tennyson at birth and now 19mths. Got any difference?




Tennyson face not so chubby liao
Are u and hb those taller ppl? if not than its pretty normal to have a average height kid ma
my hb is 1.8m, Alden following his dad's built and height.

aiya bb mus be ba ba den cute mah!! ha ha coz for me, i dun care la coz she still young now so if she is ba ba den next time control her diet lor or if she is skinny now den next time grow up become slim slim not like me lor.. ha ha
<font face="Kristen ITC"> True lah, bottom line is healthy. But my girl eat non-stop de leh. She can finish 240ml of milk & still cry for more. The best way to stop her from crying is to give her FOOD!!!. *faint* </font>
Grace very sweet looking liao

Tennyson a bit "AH Mo" look, very handsome.

My sabrina look very tall and slim,everytime when we go somewhere met some stranger, they always ask their child called sabrina as "JIE JIE"
after i check with their birth date is become "MEI MEI" i "faint"
sabrina now is 84cm and 11kg

Nowaday sabrina refuse to eat more foods, tonite dinner also can't finish.. haizz
i took about 1 1/2 hrs to feed her. everyone same problem as me
eh.. my boy oni drink max 180ml.. sometimes he oni drink 60ml.. den food oso eat max 5 mouthful... den he veri active...

my hubby is 183cm i am 168cm...
ya lor .. me & hubby both from 'xiao ren guo' .. haha .. my PD always say me both of you are small build how big you want him to be! hehe

Is Sabrina teething?

Btw, hv all yr toddlers teething finished? My Tennyson still 4 top and 2 bottom now only growing 2 more at top & bottom very slow leh
Ya , sabrina is teething..
sabrina also still have 2 bottom and 2 top ,. if tis round another 2 more , still got 2 more to go.
clar's big fat tooth coming out on both sides, top n bottom....

today morning she blurted out new word "BAG".

really amazed with her.. wonder how come she knows... kekeke. i was looking at the Gucci US for some bags, and she just said, BAG. i was stunned. kekek.. never let her father knows i looking at bags, if not he will kill me for shopping for one. whahahahah

wow, u folks are quite tall leh :D even taller than my range keke..(dun tell u my height).
Maybe yr bb follows yr type instead of daddy's?

Alden's daily diet is 240ml milk (abt 3 - 4 times), Pandan bread or any snack my mum gives for bfast, Porridge for Lunch, brown rice cereal for Dinner, in between will have biscuits or cake for tea breaks.

ya, we are considered tall... solid food wise, max 5 mouthful den he will run away.. bt he like to drink soup... he dun like rice... he dun mind vege, meat, french fries (fav) etc..

wen we walk past Macdonalds, he will say "Macdonalds, mum mum, fries" not veri accurate bt he knows...

after they learn one syllabus word, they will progress to try to say either 2 syllabus or 2 word at the same time... now xavier is saying didi poo poo, mummy poo poo, daddy office, not home, ah mah key, big money, read book, etc... den sometimes, the words all jumble up.. veri funni...
<font face="Kristen ITC"> <font color="0000ff">Mor,

Ash so cute but dun look ba ba lah. </font>

My Janelle also got very little teeth, 4 teeth on top and 3 bottom nia. Her teeth stop growing for very very long le.

But think now teething again, keep having diarrhea.

Any mummies know where I can get Big Building Blocks, ard the size of e small tissues box?</font>

I think the AMK hub Little Skool House got lots of such blocks... maybe can thick skin abit, call and ask where they bought it from :p

u have not seen her tummy and her thighs!!! LOL

is it true tat when teething, will have those loose stools?


bo leh..
Is true leh ... Tennyson last round of teething got loose stools.
This round salivia drip like nobody business lor .... keke

Where she know all the WORDS?? I'm impressed!

Alden also la.. but can understand us very well
Its ok.. dun worry la.. once they learn how to talk, u will wish that they still baby talk liao! haha... I'm still enjoying the moment.. :D
enjoy the moment with no talks lahz. mine talk n talk. dunn at times she yak wat....

non stop, sometimes make me wanna go crazy manz

orh.. coz Ash oso leh.. having those loose stools lately
but u rem to let Tennyson drink more H2O hor


baby language are quite cutie at times especially they started to blurt them out of nowhere
all the little ones look like tiny boys and girls now and not baby like anymore hor?.... zoe's also always babbling and her fav phrase now is "wat dis" (what is this) and she will ask many many times.. feel kinda guilty at times cos i'm just so tired and crabby these days but still have to dredge up energy from somewhere to play with her...
yap. xavier just yak the whole day non stop.. unless he sleeping.. cute oso coz its not accurate, his version of ah gong is ah tong.. he got problems wif pronouncing G,K.. bt sumtimes can go crazy cos its non stop...

now i quickly enjoy Koen's cooing, gurgle.. before he grow up..

xavier do get loose stool wen teething.. lost his appetite.. esp wen the sharp bitting teeth are growing (dunno the name of it),
faint.. this morning clarisse said.. Paper Paper.. when the hell she learns that from?!?!? yesterday she said Mouth. today paper.. faint...
actually, samuel is also a noise maker at home...he would called out to everyone real loud to get their attention...i'm quite surprised he could also say quite a number of words (e.g. bread, soup, jelly, gummy, min-min for vitamin, taxi, cut hair, etc) and could repeat after what i say to him...every morning, when he wakes up, he would call out "Mummeeeee"...so sweet, cos he's got a high pitched voice (like girl lah). also, 2 months ago, a piece of wood fell on his 1st toe causing a blood clot till now. he would point out to his toe and complain to his granddad and grandma almost everyday and act pitiful one...very action one...
samuel is so cute! Kaiser still cant say so many words

Btw, any mommies already looking enrol their little ones for preschools? I'm almost going crazy over the search for preschools.
why drink H20 huh? Last time he also smile or even laugh in his sleep but recently he cry in his sleep and keep tossing & turning.
Can tell he don't sleep well.

I mean the those words you mentioned lor

Guess Clarisse learn from you daily conversations. Smart ger pick up so fast.
sneaky: ya.. sam loves to call out MAMEEEE in his high pitch tone.. he is so cute..

Lunch with him that sunday, he was saying.. Taxi taxi.

Clarisse knows nothing in mandarin, i am really hoping a chinese class for her. Guess we spoke too much English at home till she becomes so Potato.
carole, must start exposing to her mandarin at home. i started at home before joining JG's bilinggual class. he has no prob understanding the teachers and can say xie xie to them also. he would repeat chinese words as well...
sneaky: ya ya ya.. i cant speak much mandarin, all the mix mix one.. cant make it. so no thanks, i rather spend and 200/mth on a weekly class.. hope my client can intro me a new chinese teacher.
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000"><font face="Comic Sans MS">Happy Mother's Day to all Mummies!!!</font></font></font>
Finally, finished my closing.....Can log in now till my next closing....

Where are u staying??? In the west, maybe can share with you a bit....

I think the more we exposed our kids to other kids or adults, they will pick up things faster.

Just like my gal, when other kids' were not very happy when she was playing their toys, she looks at them and tells them that "Must Share".

When I heard that, I almost fainted. Know how to tell people to share their toys with her but yet do not know how to share her toys with others. *faints*

brought grace for 18mth booster last friday. she took the 6 in 1. grace didnt cry during her injections... doctor also surprised! she has a slight fever on sat but ok after abt 3 hours...
