(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Oopps.. forgot to say.. this is a pic of my Ash.. hee.. sorry.. never got to post any pics til now.. coz me bac to workforce so easier to access to net now so wil have pics coming in laioz..

Hi ladies..!

Have ur babies started to grab things (intentionally)? My boy boy can pull out and put back his pacifier.. grab & hug his bolster... shake his rattle toy.. look so farnie kekeke...

But he still cannot turn leh..no matter how I encourage him!!
breakbeats ~ mine is oso same..!! hee hee.. playing with the pacifier!!

mine noes how to flip but den dunno how to flip back.. den everytime she flips already den we have to flip her back.. ma fan.. haha..
my boy also can grab things liao...as mentioned, he can pull out and push back his pacifier, pull his blanket and beansprout pillow to cover his face and take them away...he can flip to and fro plus to and to...haha...so cute indeed!
ya lor.. my girl also very kpo one.. hear ppl talking she will start to talk.. hahaha

your girl really very very fair.. so pretty... my girl only the face fair the rest of the body dark dark.. funny rite..

my girl dun really know how to grab yet but whenever we feed her milk her hands will like to touch the milk bottle.. when she had enough or start to throw tantrum she will use her hands to push away the bottle..

last nite my girl flipped.. i put her on her tummy then she flip.. haha so funny.. i quickly called my hubby to come see.. then she flip for her daddy to see... she duno how to flip from back to tummy yet.. only know from tummy to back.. hehe

anyone knows where to buy big baby bathtubs?
been trying the provision shop-type places in markets. but all hv the standard size ones.
Hi everyone!
Xin Nian Kuai Le! Enjoy your reunion dinners this evening.
Btw, does anyone have milk storage bags which they don't need anymore? Seems like they are out of stock in the malls.
dear all mum
Gong Xi Fa Chai, hope this coming year will bring all babies in this threat grow bigger, healtier and smarter.
All mummies..

Wishing u and ur family a happy Lunar New Year.. hope that our little one will get fat fat ang baos.. hehehe
aiyoyo...my 1st menses came last night...what a spoil sport leh...

anyway, here's wishing everyone

<font size="+0">HAPPY &amp; PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR</font>
Hi Mummies,
Happy new year to all. May our babies grow healthily and happily.

My Genevieve is sick. She is down with running nose and cough. Brought her to see PD alreadi. See her like dat so heart pain.

First mensus alot one. So bring lotsa pad while u r out. If not, wear those maternity pad, which will save u alot of trouble going to change every 2 hrs.
fiona, wah...really a lot ah?? no wonder i feel the fow quite heavy...i don't like to wear pad leh...usually tampon...guess my bag will be full of it!!

Halo Mummies...
have been sometime since i last login....coping wif work and bb.
Wanna wish all mummies Happy New Year!!!! Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!!

Above is my bbgal at 3mths old...
GGing bac to wk tml, 1st Feb..Weep weep.. Gonna miss my Kayden.. hehe &amp; all mummies in this thread. So late liao &amp; I still can sleep. Tml sure hv "panda" eyes. Btw wish me luck in expressing @ wk (in a non conducive environ) See ya..

happy new year!! wanna ask u all, any one whose babies start laughing, smiling and chuckling a lot? my kenshin does when he plays peekaboo...and he sometimes can laugh so loud and high pitched (like a bird) that I am wondering if its normal. I know a happy baby is good, but just wonder if the rest babies also like that.
Mrs Tan: u are worrying too much seriously... give urself a break! happy babies are definitely good.... mine does the same as well...
i think u should start worrying only if.. they are quiet! relac lah..
Hi mummies,

Sorry for MIA for so long as busy with work and taking care of Ying En.... Started work this Year and wishing all the PaPas, Ma Mas &amp; Bao Baos Happy Chinese Year and Shen Ti Jian Kang...

Mrs Tan,
What Adel said is right...My Ying En also can laugh till very loound when my hb tickle her....Hahaha

Are u still looking for the contact of Nepia supplier?

Ur boi so fast wears L size Diaper liao...My gal still can wear Nepia NB leh...I have not start her on the S size yet leh...
Happpppy New Year to All!!

Mrs Tan: U beri farnie...
Beh tahan u leh... Kenshin cry u worry, now laugh u also worry!!

Ethan also laugh &amp; screamed like a crazy bird...So its normal ok..!!
Just went for my baby's 3 mth checkup. She's 5.2kg and 58cm. Only at the 30th percentile, but as long as she's healthy, I guess that's fine!
Gd morning all!

I went Sheng Shiong supermarket yesterday for tyhe 1st time, formula milk Similac Excellence is $1 cheaper than NTUC &amp; Giant etc .. Sheng Siong sellling at $29.50. Pet Pet is also cheaper there $24.60 for 2 packets.

I went to the Ten Mile Junction branch: some more parking is free..!
hi morning all!!!

mrstan, it's definitely normal for babies to chuckle and scream now lah...my samuel is a noise maker at home leh. he will ummmmm, ummmm, keeeee, keeeee for an hour non-stop. he will laugh until very loud and it sounds so cute when someone plays with him (esp me). when i look at him with a curious look, he will smile at me shyly. all these are really heart-warming...i miss samuel soo soo much at work. nowadays, he will flip in his sleep and when he got stucked he'll make noise to wake me up to help him turn back. this has been happening in the past 2 wee hours of the nights. after latching him, he'll fall asleep again! actually, i find that my samuel is a happy baby. he always laughs and smiles...i'm so blessed...

Disposable Diapers
Yesterday, i went to giant to top up supply. i was using PetPet M and Mamypoko previously and this time, i bought Huggies Dry M sized (blue packaging) @ $0.22 per piece. it's very thin and has a neat cut. i kind of like it cos of its softness and absorbency. what's best is that the whole diaper doesn't have any designs (plain white) except the waist part. this way, his diapers will not be seen through his clothes like any other diapers...maybe you all can try too...

my boi skipped s size totally! probablly got big bum n thigh. :p

he is wearing nepia m n fitti l size. ya got the contact for nepia supplier.

will see what size i need then place order from them
breakbeats, adel,

haha ya i told u all i am super worrier one mah. chia lat hor me? hehe...wat to do, 1st time mom mah.... ok lah that means normal lah? good good.

hows ethan boy? still got scream sometimes and cranky? my kenshin still got occasionally, esp just before drifting off to sleep.
