(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???


Sometimes it's good just to talk/msn with your gf and assure her that she still has friends and family for support. The same thing happened to my good friend recently as well. Hubby went for someone else and they just filed for divorce. It sad to see a family broken up and the child without a complete family. I used to think that these happen to other people and not those around me, but it's already happening...scary. The good part was that my gf is working and she has custody of her 2 year old.

I think for all of us, we should remember that although most of our world revolve around our babies now, we must also not neglect the r/ship between husband and wife.

SSL & San, my MIL say don't shave leh...if want to shave, should do it at 1 month. so i don't shave loh...think he will look funny loh...
sneaky and fiona.. thanks
thinking of trying the gerber one.. and brown rice cereal..

fiona: oh so one tin of FM can last about 10days.. wow.. so short..

garfield.. oops, sorry.. read your post wrongly.. about FM..

mil support cut botak, my mum doesnt. both me n hubby like botak kids so shave... either shave 1st month or 4th month.

btw mil told me when she feed brennan using m teat, he drank his 160ml bm or 150ml fm in 5mins n cry. could he still be hungry? last time while using the peristaltic teat, his intake fluctuates from 80-120ml fm. intend to up his intake to 180ml n see how much he taking. wonder if he not used to drinking so fast cos last time he took 15-20mins to finish the 150ml.
syl: i totally agree.. imagine the conversations exchanged btw hb and u... would be all about bb?! aiyo.. today bb did this.. did tt... i think no need hb to tell me tt this topic is getting boring.. i myself.. who is telling him all these.. is getting sick of it too..am sure there are lots more to say to ur hb.. besides.. changes.. on bb!.. geez...find myself turning into.. 'yellow face woman' lolz..
good morning everyone!

i bought a pack of Heinz Rice Cereals for my ah boy...intend to start him next week after CNY. my MIL said to do so during the evening feed so that he feels full and can sleep better. i wonder: -

1. do i add only a little milk to make cereal into paste or just add 1 teaspoon into his whole bottle of milk (150ml)?
2. do i feed cereal during the last feed of the day (8-9pm) or the feed before?

so excited to start him on solids...i think he will love it manz!
san: ya ... mine the hair become patchy patchy so ugly leh and keep dropping... so shave botak better.

at least now fan xin his green poo is dued to enfalac and not anything else!
Sneaky: Me also intend to start semi soild during cny for him. I will feed him at his last feed in a paste form.

Any mummies starting on brown rice rather than cereals?
mayday, SSL,

My mum said if your bb kena scared, then the poo is watery army green, won't be soft soft ones lah.

Brown rice
My bbsitter asked me to buy brown rice powder from Eu Ren Sheng next mth(which is better cos they got added Si Shen that can make bb sleep well). She will mix the powder into my bb's milk & then let him.
mayday, yeah...so exciting, right? i will also feed him in paste form unless he doesn't really like or not ready to take that, i'll mix into the balanced milk for him to drink.

Brown Rice
i saw at Cold Storage last evening that there's an organic brown rice cereal for 6 months and above. wonder if i can try yet? i think better not lah hor since he's not even 6 months yet...better follow instructions loh.
Puea: Eu Ren Sheng Si Shen brown rice power IS v good! My #1 has been drinking it from v young until now 2.5 yrs old!
hi all, want to ask you all.
so i can start feeding my gal semi solid when she is 4 months old huh?
What can I feed her? Any recommendations?

Pue & kris: when can i feed my gal the brown rice from eu ren sheng?
how shld i start my gal on semi solid?
garfield and Tennyson: You can put the Eu Ren Sheng brown rice into the last milk feed when bb hits 4 months. Make the brown rice more watery so that it is easier for bb to swallow. It may not taste good tho, if you choose to feed it as a meal. You can still try lah, just add as bit more milk.
The ratio of milk to brown rice mixture (if feeding as last milk feed) should be abt 1(brown rice mixture):3(milk) at most at first, then you slowly adjust to bb's taste.
kris: Tennyson is drinking 150ml now means 120ml of milk mix with 30ml brown rice and feed him in paste form rite? Will it be very watery and difficult to feed?
Tennnyson: You feed with the milk bottle. So bb drinks itlike milk. In fact it is still milk, just v slightly thicker in consistency.
The ratio I gave was for last milk feed of the day.
If we feed the brown rice with EBM? How to do it? I suppose the brown rice is supp to completely dissolve? cos the hole from the teat is pretty small..

Ya, kris is correct. We still can't "feed" bb using spoon yet. Got to mix the brown rice into their milk & let them drink.

My bbsitter said the brown rice will make bb feel full & they can sleep throughout the nite, hopefully.
Hey all,
Just came back from the PD. She advised against mixing cereal to milk and bottle feed bb. By doing so, it will take longer time for the bb to finish the milk and hence more frustrated. It's harder to digest as well. She said it's time to train bb how to eat from spoon and learn how to swallow. She oso added that it's best to buy those white rice or brown rice.

My gen is now 7.5 kg and 63cm at 4th mth.
wow...now i confused whether to feed bb by spoon or bottle... i suppose we can only intro solids when bb's neck is stiff?!If we put cereal into the milk and let bb drink while bb lies down, is there a chance of choking?!
Like Fiona's PD said, I think brown rice is still the best, somemore it's in powder mah, so if we mix it in the milk, bb can swallow it easily.
And our bb now still can't sit, so better dun feed semi-solid foods yet.
Hi all,

Just brought my gal for her 2nd injection. Her weight is only 5.85kg and 62cm as compared to the list, it seem that my gal is underweight?? So worry!!

PD also said that gal gal can eat solid food..thinking of giving her brown rice too. Yu ren shen Good? My mum usually buys from malaysia where they hv many diff good ingredients put in.... wonder how?
Hi all

I am trying to upload my bb pic, but can not leh. try the method - images - sketch/skew but i can't find it. pls assist.
Wats the diff between Yu Ren Shen brown rice & the normal brown rice we get fr chinese pharmaceutical hall? I cant wait to introduce semi-solid but my boy is only 3 mths old.. haha .. so excited.
amari, you've gotta open the picture with a programme called "Paint". there, you can find the sketch/skew function. when you've reduced the size of your pic, you can then post it here...
niuniu: my gal weighs only 4.8kg & measure 56cm at 3months old..she is v small compared to the rest of the bbies here.
my mum said my gal belongs to the "light bone" group so although she has meat on her arm & thighs she still weigh light lor

Ya hope so too...at least she is active now she can given push her body forward and move like a worm haha so cute. Yesterday went to KKH, PD said she strong can move her body ... so funny.

You may want to check wif Eu Ren Sheng, what else they put in the brown rice powder.
I dunno whether Eu Ren Sheng's brown rice powder got added ikan bilis not, only know they got added Si Sen.

I know if you go those normal chinese medical hall, they got to grain the brown rice for you, and at the same time you can ask them to put in Si Sen & ikan bilis.
Si Sen is good for your bb to sleep well, ikan bilis contains high calcium & good for bb bones.
hi all,

just now i went to eu yen shang.... the lady said 3 months can give the brown rice liau... my son now 3months+ so she mention can liau. she said dont make it to thick... just put the milk more... she also said this can make bb sleep throughout the nite... i hope so

but can u gals teach me how to mixed this brown rice. a bit blur blur when they told me... cause one tell me use the normal water, one tell me use boiled water... got confused

o ya.... did u post brennan's pic ? wanna see.

everytime going out... every auntie like to see him adn touch him. say he is very cute... hehe
garfield: wat was bb's birth weight? if by third month.. the weight is double the size of birth weight then its ok lor.. coz mine was 2.4kg then now.. at 3 months.. its 5.5kg/58cm.. a bit hiam him too light leh! but heard tt its normal..
hey adel ... brent is the same weight as Tennyson at 3mths!!
Tennyson is only 6kg at 4mths leh ...
only grow 500g within a mth ... what a small boi boi.
ya the pd also told me as long as his weight at 4mths is twice the weight of birth then is ok.
mybabydream: get yr relatives/frens to visit you lor is easier if not one whole day outside you got to bring alots of stuffs.

anyway every yr I only visit my parent and sisters. Dun need to visit relatives so anti-social hor ... haha
Amari and sneaky: There are instructions on the Eu Yan Sang tin to teach you how to make the the mixture. But you should not really follow it if you wanna mix it into a milk feed. You should just add more water to make it thinner. Basically, put a teaspoonful of the power into a small pot of (maybe abt 200ml)water (tap water is fine). Stir the powder into the water till it's dissolved then put onto the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for abt 5min. Pour abt 30ml of this cooked mixture into the milk bottle and add another 120ml of cool boiled water, then add milk power for 150ml of water and stir. The brown rice milk is ready for consumption.
U can keep the rest of the unused cooked brown rice in a thermal flask for the next feed. If unused for half a day, discard.
