(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

thanks... I lay her on a wedge that is raised at both sides to discourage her from rolling too much, but she still managed to flip! Like what you said, during daytime we'll have to keep watch over her. Whereas at night, we resort to swaddling her to restrict her from moving too much. It seems there aren't other better choices liao.. for her safety sake!

hi Sneaky,
thanks.as SSL question, I'm also want to know

which agency ? any contact no. how much u pay
for agency fee? filipino maid, indonesian..

because my house all fully aircon, did you allow maid to on it??

did your bb sleep with her @ night?? day time did anyone look after your maid..

sorry /I'm got so many question... hope you dun mind

she's starting to flip only, can't really roll from back to tummy position yet. Now that I think about it, I suspect it maybe due to me sometimes carrying her lying on her sides in the sarong, and she seems to enjoy it. Maybe she's trying to recreate that while lying on the cot??

Btw do you let your ger sleep on her back or tummy?

I cook the brown rice dissolved in about 4.5oz of water for abt 5 mins till it thicken then i pour in the milk (2.5oz). If thick then i add in some more boiled water.
SSL, i paid $188 for agency fee at SwiftArrow. she's sleeping just outside my room on 3rd storey now. the maid's quarter is already filled with 2 other maids; so mine has to sleep just outside my room. good also lah...less bitching! the only bad thing is that she does not have privacy loh. cos on the 3rd storey, lives my BIL & family and my family. they walk up and down, in and out of their room, which is also my maid's sleeping area.

MBD, pigeon has Y teats suitable for solids and thick liquid. try it!

joyful, bo bian one...guess watching over her is the best option...she really flips early manz.

gracemum, no problem lah...my maid is a Filipino. paying her $340 without off day and levy @ $200. my whole house also fully-airconed. if she's downstairs with my baby, then she'll get to enjoy the aircon loh (cos downstairs' aircon turned on all the time). but when she's sleeping outside my room, she doesn't turn on unless my son sleeps with her (either hubby or me sick - so far only once) outside my room. baby sleeps with me every night. i have 2 other maids at home, so they will watch over each other. furthermore, my MIL is at home in the afternoons. so still quite alright! they dare not do hanky panky cos anytime someone will be home one (fyi, there are 10 of us living in this house including children).

thats very cheap fee. most likely if i get a maid, she will get to sleep in the room that me n bb sleeping in right now. bb will sleep with us in master bedroom in future. tot must have one off day for them?


wonder if its a must to poo poo every day. mil says that bb now big liao must poo everyday. she has the habit of making those noise to let bb poo when she's here on weekdays. when she realised that bb hasnt poo over the weekend, she quickly take the poopoo bowl n started making those noise to let him poo. my question : issit ok not to poo everyday?
niuniu: i bought eu ren sheng wan.

How much u brown rice u put into 4.5oz of water?
My bb drinking 5oz of milk now...so how much brown rice to add into her 5oz of milk?
Can teach me?

Yalor... My girl also have red marks on her tights whenever using drypers...
But huggies can use for girls also?? the packing seems Blue for boy and pink for girl?? But both diff Blue=Dry Pink = Dry comfort.... Confused!!!!


Your girl really flips so early... my girl only flips when she's 4 mths...
I am working currently and everynight i bringing my girl back home.. only at my mum plc , my mum cooks for my girl..

i am thinking of cooking for my girl on wkends as i taking care on wkends... I had tried carrots porridge (using rice cooker), any other ideas what i can prepare for her (7th mths). I giving her Heniz fruit juice sometimes also.
SSL: As long as it is a norm for that particular bb not to poo everyday, and his poo is soft then it's ok. My #1 used to poo every 3-5 days until she was 1 yr old!

i put in abt 1 and quarter of the scoop we use for milk powder.
then u add in abt 2.5 oz of milk this add up to abt 5 to 5.5oz of milk.
If too thick add in some hot water.
eniale: 7 month old bb can eat porridge with threadfin, lean pork, ikan bilis, silver fish, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes.
niuniu: u mean u put 1 3/4 scoop of the brown rice into 4.5oz of water and put to boil until it thickens?
Then u add abt 2.5oz of milk to the brown rice paste to get abt 5oz of milk & brown rice mixture huh?
Sneaky / eniale,
ya lor, considered early. But I guess her body is still not that strong for her to flip properly. These days, I've began to put her inside the stroller or rocker, buckled up. Then I'm more fang4 xin1 ...

I had try potatoe, carrot porridge, but it tates awful to me... hehehe... But i dtill feed her that time...
dont really know how to mix the ingredient.
I bought some rice cereal but i dont know how to mis it with milk formula... I bought the heinz box type. Ususally i only mix with boiled warm water to mix till running / sticky type , then feed her...
joyful, most of the time , she prefer sleep @ left hand side le

thank you for sharing, I now very headead le, my bbsitter , she smoking , i had terminate she till 27 feb , now applying infant care, still waiting for approval fm ymcs, becasue infant care over the no. of taken in.
the last choice i will go for maid. but i worries
my house only i , husband and bb , i worry maid do somethings @ my back le
anyone same as my situation ??? can share

sneaky , wah you got a lot of $$$$$ le , 3 multi storey house and 3 maid... wah..
ssl, my maid has off day (away from my baby) every night..hahaha...i'm still letting samuel wear cloth nappies everyday in the afternoons after his morning shower & before his evening shower.

joyful, that's one good way also! great!

gracemum, i don't have lotsa $$$ lah. it's my in-laws rich...not hubby & me. we live our own life and depend on ourselves for living. we're only putting up at their bangalow loh...it doesn't belong to us anyway. we still have to struggle for a living. as for maid, 1 belongs to MIL who does all the housework and cooking, 1 belongs to my SIL who looks after her children and a bit of her work and mine who looks after my baby and a bit of my work loh...so many people, 1 maid is impossible loh...

as my 7 Avent sealing clips are running out, i went to buy a packet at IKEA last week @ 30pcs (multi-colour & 2 sizes) for $5.90. this is really a steal manz...btw, upon comparison, it's actually the same brand and made in sweden...Avent is charging so much more (i think $3.80 for 10pcs). better get from ikea! carole, thanks for the recommendation!
eniale: ground some cleaned and lightly fried ikan bilis and add a flat tablespoon of it to the porridge. It will make the porridge v tasty.
Add a slice of threadfin to the potatoe and carrot porridge to sweeten it.

To make cereal with formula, just make some formula in a milk bottle (so that you can measure properly), but make it v hot so that you can mix the cereal with it. When you have made the milk, pour it into the bowl of dry cereal and mix loh!

Alternatively, add a teaspoon of milk POWDER into the cereal and add hot water. This of cos, means that the milk powder to water ratio will be inaccurate. But remember, if you choose to do it this way, it's better to add less powder and more water than the other way round, cos too much powder can cause constipation.

<font size="-1"><font face="Courier New"> <font color="0077aa">as @ 06 Feb 06
Mummies <font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>Pop On<font color="ffffff">.</font> BB's name <font color="ffffff">.</font> Birth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>3 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>4 mth<font color="ffffff"></font>
Fun .......... 11-Sep-05 Alden<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.06/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.50/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">8.45/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Jenifur ...... 18-Sep-05 Janelle<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.81/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.40/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.70/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
ice .......... 19-Sep-05 Angeline<font color="ffffff">..</font>
Gracemum ..... 20-Sep-05 Sabrina<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.53/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.38/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.08/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
QiQi ......... 22-Sep-05 Boy<font color="ffffff">......</font>
Chris ........ 23-Sep-05 Shaun<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.50/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Mayday ....... 23-Sep-05 Tennyson<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">2.83/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Winnie ....... 23-Sep-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.95/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Pammie ....... 24-Sep-05 Tammie<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.23/59</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">6.10/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
MrsTan ....... 25-Sep-05 Kenshin<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.49/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.20/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fiona ........ 28-Sep-05 Genevieve<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.10/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.50/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
inc .......... 29-Sep-05 Boy<font color="ffffff">......</font>
Mybabydream .. 29-Sep-05 J.<font color="ffffff">........</font> <font color="0000ff">2.70/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.90/57</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
SSL .......... 29-Sep-05 Brennan<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.15/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.56/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.30/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sneaky ....... 30-Sep-05 Samuel<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.80/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fushiastar ... 04-Oct-05 Zoe<font color="ffffff">.......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.38</font><font color="ffffff">....</font>
Mdl .......... 04-Oct-05 Tricia<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.25/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Snow ......... 04-Oct-05 Yong Shan<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">2.92/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.60/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
whitefloral .. 05-Oct-05 Charlize<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.50/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.03/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Viola ........ 07-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.30/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Celine ....... 12-Oct-05 Joshua<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.90/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Ling ......... 12-Oct-05 Clarisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">2.77/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.75/60</font><font color="ffffff">.....</font>
Amari ........ 13-Oct-05 Darren<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.76/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.10/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
breakbeats ... 13-Oct-05 Ethan<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.55/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Garfield ..... 14-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.47/45</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">4.80/56</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Puea ......... 15-Oct-05 Boy<font color="ffffff">.......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.12/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.84/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Adel ......... 19-Oct-05 Brent<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.40/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.50/58</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kris ......... 21-Oct-05 Ember<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.35/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.20/59</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Nuttnuts ..... 21-Oct-05 Ying En<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.68/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Tao_baby ..... 24-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.03/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Yippee ....... 24-Oct-05 Kaiser<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.64/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fresia ....... 25-Oct-05 Amos<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.46/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sweetie ...... 25-Oct-05 Grace<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
3rascals ..... 28-Oct-05 Kayden<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.44/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.50/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Morraine ..... 28-Oct-05 Ashley<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.55/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.60/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Karin ........ 30-Oct-06 Nicole<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.23/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kuririn ...... 31-Oct-05 Sherisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.70/58</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Dolly ........ 01-Nov-05 Christine<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.61/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.20/58</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> </font></font></font>

<font face="Calisto mt"> If you would like me to update your Baby's weight &amp; length, please PM me! </font>


Thanks.. thanks.. I will try it this wkend... Hopefully can success.....

Will be bringing her for a trip to japan this wkend.. so hehe... hope she wun catch cold.. super worry!!!!
thanks jenifur for updating..

sharon ~ me oso same situation as u.. hse onli have hb me n bb onli.. but den guess in the beginning when the maid comes along u have to take some time to train her and oso get someone to oversee her til u feel she is ok lor.. no chances to be taken in this area..

but den when choosing maid.. get those more experienced ones or have kids of their own den oso not so young ones ba..

do u still let your BB wear socks to sleep? i bought those pants with joining socks to let BB wear. not so tight lor.


For those BB sleeping in aircon, whats the temp u set? i set to 26-27degree and only let brennan wear long pants and short sleeve top and socks. issit ok not to let him wear socks? do u apply baby lotion on your BB's face??
SSL: I set the aircon to 25-26 degrees. And my kids sleep in long pants and long sleeves shirt, and the little one has a blanket over her as well. The older one doesn't need or even want the blanket cos toddlers' bodies are v warm..
SSL: Oh, and my kids (will) sleep in full night rompers, i.e., those that cover the legs as well until abt 9 months old. So yes to socks loh. Otherwise quite cold leh.

i dont close my room door fully otherwise find it too cold. brennan has too much hands n legs movement so cant cover him at all. only put a towel around his tummy area, not covering his hands n legs.

i probaby let him wear rompers instead of socks at night. i dont always on aircon, even if i did, also got on timer. u mean u let them wear socks even when wearing rompers.
so sad.. find that its impossible to latch brennan during day time now. he will cry or look away
can only feed him ebm or fm. luckily still can latch him for wee night feeds...
my poor girl got lots of mosquito bites on her arms.. din cover her arms thats why kana.. plus her hand lots of movement so very hard to cover..
ssl,when my ger 2 mths old i have mitten and sock for her already.she just cover by blanket;
I on aircon @ 21/22 degrees + the fan also because
she will has rash when weather is hot le

San, you stay @ which part of singapore ,got
staying in tampines lor.. i also duno why got mosquito.. hubby bought the light to kill mosquito one then sat night he no on then my girl kana liao.. we no on aircon one cos girl nose a bit sensitive lor.. so no wear long sleeves so kana lor.. poor thing.. see liao very heartache..
You look really good in the photo. Do you have to get up in the middle of the night or no more? Everyone can tell that I'm lacking sleep cuz of my eye bags.. not easy to juggle work &amp; baby!
SYL: at times i am still getting up like 2.30am and 5.30am for nite feeds.
so far i able to manage to catch some sleep and leaving housework to my hb. he has been real good to do all housework and with help of my mum to look after my girl when i am go to work at times.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Carole</font>,

Clarisse very cute... look more &amp; more like mummy.

<font color="0000ff">SSL</font>,

Rem u mentioning something bout flash cards, where did u buy them?</font>

i bought mine at Growing Fun. It cost $2.90 for a set of 30cards. Got First Words and Alphabets. Growing Fun got outlets at Centerpoint, Suntec City, Novena Square
Jenifur . Thanks for updating

San.aiah poor baby

Carole, you and Clarisse, both got big big eyes , very nice..

Tennyson,one day I on my way to pick my baby,
saw a group of aunty and uncle , one of the aunty , i see her at my bbsitter house before
I see them smoking, when i reached bbsitter house
immediate i smell it.
Tennyson Mummy.... shhhh shhhh... mai picha lobang lahz.. kekekeke no problem.. having u all at my plc is wonderful

sharon: so young put bb on walker? i think its nt a wise choice as their legs arent so strong yet.
has anyone bought pureen fruits that comes in bottle jar? can we juz open the jar and feed bb w/o "warming" it up? if we cant finish...do we juz put in the fridge?

all bb should be put in carseat isit? if not, will be fine by police?

anyone feeding bb cereal using spoon? how did yr bb response?

kris:what is threadfin?

ssl:i hv been using bb lotion on bb's face, neck, hands n legs since born.
