(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

hey Breakbeats, Mrs Tan...


My girl says GonG xi to both of u..

hey is ethan still super screamer??!!

Jenifur, tammi is 6.1kg and 62cm at 4 mths. Thanks for your CNY greeting! same to u!!

i also buy Huggies dry M sized and fine it v good. but M size for my boy is too small. need to wear L already. he got a big bump. hehhe.
i find huggies dry really dry. and price wise not v expensive ya... 84 pcs.

what is thecolour of the huggies packaging u buy? issit sticker tape like petpet or like fitti or nepia type tape?

think my boi also big butt but think certain diaper cut smaller. like he can wear nepia m size but have to wear fitti l size
amari, yah loh...i agree that it's not bad...at least slightly better and much softer than PetPet leh...however, i find the M size a bit on smaller side hor. it's definitely smaller than the PetPet M leh...

SSL, it's the blue packaging one...it comes with magic tape
Tennyson Mummy:
ya lor.. kekeke.. all standing up one.. hahaha.. alot of people said her hair so funny why all standing up.. nevermind I'm going to shave her when she 4mths old.. hehe.. so now can better take more photos.. kekeke
dear all, i bought the brown rice powder with si shen and gave my gal to drink today...but i find the milk too powdery, in the end, my gal find it difficult to suck from the bottle. How huh?

ur ger very girlie look. so cute.
she pretty steady hor. my brennan can really lift himself up with his hands
prob cos we seldom put him on his tummy.
his legs stronger than his arms
hi.ssl maybe difference salesman, that why diff tel no.

san your gerger hair very stylo le
may i know why have to shave @ 4 mths????

ur girl so cute and she can hold her head up so high. Mine we put her on tummy she will hold her head up 10sec then u see her head start coming down and soon she will be starring at the bed and complaining, haha.

Mrs Tan
my bb also laugh a lot, when her daddy play with her, she laugh till her head tilt backwards.

do all your babies want to remain seated upright now instead of lying down? How u keep bb upright? Have been holding her on my lap or carrying her, arms gets tired after a while.

bb's folds in her arms are very red. Duno if it's painful, tried applying powder and moisturiser but doesn't work, any advice?


my nepia contact also 62262650. I leave a voicemail and they call me back.
Morning mummies,

Any of your babies started sucking their toes as well? Mine is not only sucking her thumb and fingers, she even wants to suck her toes now. Terrible!
anyone still breastfeeding? my nipples are getting real sore manz.. Clarisse bites and chew on it with her gums... she refused bottle feeding and i have to let her latch, i check with PD and he mentioned tt her gums might be sore.

clarisse is trying to turn, and with some help she can turn over and lift her head up for mins before starting to fuss.
got girlie looks meh.. my mum and some relatives and even my hubby said she boy boy look..

SSL & whitefloral:
ya she can hold her head pretty high and steady cos since she 1st mth we put her sleep on her tummy.. and she had been starting to push her head since 1 mth old.. hehe.. but 2 weeks ago we had switch her back to sleep on her back..

i'm also not sure why must shave at 4mths.. hahha.. just that my mum and cousin said either shave on her 1st mth or 4th mth lor.. so i just follow lor.. think got some reasoning one lah i din ask..

I'm still breastfeeding in the middle of the night. Rest of the time is EBM. Is Clarisse teething, that's why her gums are sore? I can imagine it's painful if she's biting on the nipple. Did you give her something to bite on for teething?
i am latching her most of the time now as she just refuse the bottle. but i still try to use bottle whenever i can. but after i started latching, she wakes up for nite feeds
when i am using bottle she dont wake up at nite. duno wat to do. PD says she might be teething, so gums are sore. esp. now she loves to chew the teats and worse when i latch she just chew n bite.

brennan also chews on his teats but so far when i latch him (seldom now in day time but still latching in wee hours) he doesnt bite me lor..


brennan's lower part of his legs quite big, hence the socks always caused a line near the above ankle part. tried putting on bigger socks but no use, cos its the elastic band thats causing the line. any idea where i can get more elastic socks?
yesterday afternoon brought my girl for her first 5in1 jab.. then last nite at 3am she cried for milk then we realise that she had fever.. is 37.4degree consider mild or high fever.. abit worried cos din realised she had develop fever until she cry for milk.. wat a lousy mummy..
we gave her liquid paracetamol after an hr her fever subside.. will the fever comes back again??

oh also asked the doc to check on her rashes on her tummy.. doc said she got eczema.. sigh..

if i am not wrong, using ear thermometer, 38degree then consider fever. using armpit one, above 37.5degree.

brennan had his 2nd jab yest and also got higher temperature, ranging bet 37.1 - 37.9. So we administer the liquid panadol once and the fever subside. try to monitor the temperature hourly if not, before every feed.

if BB got eczema, u try to avoid eating nuts if u are still breastfeeding.
I bought socks for my boy at mothercare.those 5 in a bundle type with different colors. abt 2bucks per pair. I love those as it will not cause lines on the ankle.

My girl's temp was 37.2C - I suppose that's mild fever. The instructions on the paracetamol bottle was to feed if the temp is 37.5C or more. I tried to feed my baby from the syringe, but I think she didn't like the taste of the medicine. Once the fever subsides, it should be ok, unlikely for temp to go back up. Just take her temp again to make sure all's ok.

Mine has slight rash on tummy too...same same. Did doc give you any cream for eczema cuz mine didn't.
San and SSL: my pd taught me to administer the fever medicine right after the jab and another time in the evenings before bedtime to arrest any fever that may appear due to jabs.
My bb also have rash on his tummy. we apply the cream but seem not subside. don't know wat to do. PD gave canestan cream.
Hey seems like so many bb got eczema. Mine got rashes at lower tummy at first then spread to upper body ... pd gave me one medicated cream to apply ... stop once ok and another moisture cream and bath for daily use.
carole: huh? sore??? poor thing! samuel also latches in the wee hours of the night and he's very gentle at the moment. the best part is that he will release my nipples willingly and wait when i tell him "Samuel, you want to change side?" & "Are you done?" he's such a darling...

now my ah boy likes to flip...very scary to leave him alone on the bed liao. furthermore, he will sleep like a helicopter...now i put him straight, next moment he's crooked already...
is it.. but when i carry her, her body so warm.. anyway we KS fed her the paracetamol.. hee..

Tennyson Mummy:
doc also got give me medicated cream to apply and a moisturiser.. i dun dare to apply medicated cream cos its a kind of steriod.. so i only apply the moisturiser..
Hi garfield,

I also started feeding my gal the brown rice .. try feeding her but she will scream and shout saying I'm too slow...she wan fast fast haha.. so in the end i mix with some milk and feed her through the bottle.so ok lor
Hi, I also would like to know abt the points. but i saw in a thread that those points are no longer in their promotions liao (forgot what thread).
I always use Dryers but find that the tape always hurt my BB leg... Is Huggies good?? Got girl / boy type??
I didnt i just use size no 2 for Avent bottle and i think M for Pigeon bottle. Its big enough already the flow is too much at times.
oh i use pampers .. is good but expensive..cotton like small size $22.50
can last 5 hrs or even longer and best thing my gal has serious nappy rash but after using pampers she no longer has the problem. So should be good and I understand from doc its the best brand, kkh also use that for new born
Hi All I am new to this forum. I have tried several brands of diapers of which my son Tyler uses alot of:

1. Pampers: used this when he was a NB - it was god sent, soft and gentle on the skin but expensive since he needed to be changed every 1-2 hours so we switched

2. Huggies: caused bad lines on his skin so we stopped (diaper material somewhat rough)and the size is small for (M) but it is able to last longer due to the thickness

3. Pigeon: not too bad gentle on the skin plus absorbent however I sometimes struggle to adjust the diapers comfortable enuff for him since he kicks so much

4. Fitties (premium not basic)- M size: we love this cause its cheap, gentle on the skin (soft), big n long (easy to wrap up) and has good absorbency
niuniu: how u prepare your brown rice with the milk?
i dissolved my brown rice in hot water then pour into bm or fm but i find the brown rice water still powdery which makes it difficult for her to suck. i using nuk teats.
eniale:i used to like drypers too. until my boy gets bigger it tend to leave red marks on his thighs. so far had used NTUC, sealer, Pet Pet & huggies. Prefer huggies (dry, blue) most. Cos it don leak. Can last thru the nite, 12 to 7am. Using M for my 6.5kg boy. Agree that size M seems smaller compared to other brand. Price = drypers also.

Mybabydream: saw those teats specially for solid. Guess the holes r bigger. I'll b trying solid in 2 wks time. will be making the hole bigger for my boy. currently using avent size 2 (but i use needles to prick additional 2 more holes)He can finish 150 ml (liquid)in 10 - 15 mins.

I used the medicated cream with steriod. Better now but stop it and the rashes like coming back so apply the medicated cream on him again.

I also try not to apply the medicated cream if possible so have been monitioring his rashes.
Anyone buying Heniz or Gerber jar food for their bb or mix with cereal?
Me very tempted to buy but worried it will not be healthy in the long term.
But I have no time to make puree except wkend only ...
hi Sneaky,
I'm a Dec05 mum & I read that your boy likes to flip.
You see, my girl at 2 mths has just started to roll on her side yesterday. I put her down on her cot & went to wash the bottles. The next moment she let out a cry. Then I saw her body turned to the side with her head tilted upwards & she was stuck in this position & was struggling desperately. Quite scary! Wonder if there's any way to let the baby flip safely without causing us worry...
hi joyful, your girl at 2 mths want to flip liao...that's fast!! to prvent her frm turning, i think you can put 1 bolster on each side. her neck is still not strong enough to be lifted up. so, it's quite dangerous ah...better to watch over her.

sharon, it took me total 3 weeks frm application to maid's arrival.

3rascals: u said u saw teats for solids...what brand is it? hmn, i am thinking of trying out on my bb later...kinda "tense".
