(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???


Alden already on 2nd term (3rd mth) liao.. so its to decide on 3rd term now.. Alden will try to follow the actions at home if i practice with him.. he quite like it lor.. but still not talking much. When i see him following my actions.. i realli feel so happy tat he is picking up something from the class.

Maybe will pause for next coming term. wait till the next next one. :p

Fun, '

Tammi was also like alden - walking around class, instead of sitting quietly.. I noticed that she was the only one like that.. but it improved after a while.. however, not very much just abit. I didn't withdraw her from the 2nd term so will go thro another term to see how.. at least she's learning some things in school..
mummies, if your company looking for venue & ppl to handle your D&Ds dont forget to intro me yaz. tks! kekekeke. need more projects coming soon manz..

So u are a planner now?

hehe Alden is also the onli one. I am just thankful tat he is not cranky lor.. :p And whenever teacher shows the kids the animal puppet.. he will rush to touch it.. he can snatch the things that teacher introduce too hahaa...
Hi mommies

have you all enrolled your ds & dd for pre nursery in 2008?

How come nv hear anything from mommies here? Or is it just me, too kan cheong
fun: i am always into events leh. Age is catching up. need to do more background work, i cant be emceeing on stage for too long ya?
I have just enrol Kaiser for pre-nursery next year, at Marymount kindy.

If I rem correctly, tot Alden is on waitlist at AMK Hub Little Skoolhouse (super long waitlist, we are also on the waitlist but think wont be his turn even by next yr). You change your mind huh? Safra, so is Eagle Beaver?

JG Sat class? Kaiser is on waitlist Sat 9am.

Which childcare is Grace going next year?

I have visited at least 8 childcare ctrs & 6 kindy in the past 2 months. My colleagues are happy that now they wont be subjected to my whinning day in day out re pre-nursery for Kaiser. haha..

Yr memory good leh haha.. he is still on waiting list at LSH, if its LSH, we prefer April 2008 intake cos by then HB will have finished his parttime course. Hb prefer to finish his studies before sending Alden to CC. We will prefer Safra lor..if its for Jan 08, yes, its Eagle Beaver.
relax!! ha ha.. erm im asking if the kindy is beside the pri school or not la.. den im answering to ur qns as u asked wat class is ash in as kaiser is in the 9am waiting list.. hee.. sorry i made u confused
My ex colleague's 2 children both attended Eagle Beaver's childcare. He is all praises for the CC re environment & curriculum. In fact he chose Eagle Beaver over LSH@OCC. He told me must join rem to pay subscription to Safra then can get $150 off the monthly school fee (for full day CC).
hey, you make me excited over nothing!
yaya.. it's the kindy beside marymount convent, actually me too a little over the moon today cos I can finally stop my search for CC/preschools/playgroup.
wahhahaha.. i can understand how u feel.. hee.. i bet its a nice environment for kaiser there
coz the place is big enuff!!

p/s: im from marymount convent wahahahha
morraine: my house here got one playschool for 2yrs. starting in july. only 3-4 kids.. sounds very good. will chk it out.
i chk with them, its like $370 for half day from 7am to 2pm. Breakfast + Lunch.

how's tt sound morraine? i m only keen in half day, so that clarisse can come home sleep and play. dun wan to tire her out for whole day. you can put Ash there, then i bring her to my plc till u come pick her lor.
thanks for checking and getting back to me.. wats the name? erm but the thing is my maid den how? if i place ash since am there til i get home den jin farnie leh.. my maid alone at home??

Tks for yr feedbacks ya
We will onli apply for the safra card when we going to pay for fees lor.. keke.. plus i cant apply LSH@OCC cos their Free bus at Mrt there onli starts at 8am.. too late for us liao :p so will onli consider places near MRT or our home.
<font face="Kristen ITC"><font color="0000ff">Yippee,

Is Marymount kindy affiliated to Marymount convent? Students of e Kindy will get priority to Pri Sch?</font></font>
Not that I know of re priority to Pri sch for the girls. In fact most say no priority when comes to Pri sch. Anyway, to confirm you can call them to enq.

Good luck for your quest for CC.

I also leaving maid alone at home when Kaiser starts sch next year. Just gotta give her a list of chores to complete during these few hours.
sweetie, pammie and fun.. cos i find that zoe seems to be getting confused w zoophonics..

eg: for "c" which is catina cat ke ke ke..when she sees the letter "c" she can go "ke ke ke" and sign.. she also recognises the word "cat" as cat. when she sees a real cat, she will say "cat" and "meow".. when she sees a picture/photo of a cat, she doesn't say "cat" or "meow", she says "ke ke ke" .. she doesn't seem to quite get that the letter "c" is pronounced "ke ke ke" and is not a cat and the a cat is a cat and is not "ke ke ke" or the letter "c"

that's what got me thinking.. cos she's getting the letters and the animals associated all mixed up!..

also i'm keeping her in her current cc for at least the next 2yrs.. they have a pretty comprehensive programme including eng, mandarin,math, speech and drama and music. the system they will be using for phonics is letterland phonics which is more similar to JG and lorna whiston's style of teaching phonics.. and they've already started teaching her since 18m.. so once again worried that zoe will get confused being taught 2 different ways..

the thing is that JG seems to have a better programme as in better teachers, better speech and drama programme.. not sure about the phonics part.. but i'm not sure if i should commit to a term without zoe going for a trial.. also reasonably sure that zoe can get a place in the next term..

fun: maybe get the home kit for alden if he likes zoophonics? then you can continue on your own at home.. feel that zoophonics can be taught pretty well at home with the home kit..

jenifur: i think yipee is right, i enquired for nanyang kindy to nanyang pri. no affiliation at all..not sure about marymount though
hi fushiarstar... JG's focus is not on phonics but when they intro a new word they will intro phonics. eg rainbow.. they will go 'rrrr...nnnnn... berrrr... ooo... something like tat..

I dont really know why there's an obsession about phonics cos' i feel that if you keep talking to the kid, and keep speaking good english at home, somehow they will pick up.. if u feel they are confused becuase we are introducing them too early ( I learnt phonics in primary school!!) then i think better to go with your instinct and stop ..
Just my opinion !

grace enrolled for MY Little Campus opp my house next year. Now, I am worried about getting her go so early because she sleeps till 8+ every morning...

anyone familair with playgps in chong pang area?such as apple tree or talent plus? i need some feedback on these 2 places...

Last Nite,Alden and i were flipping some flash cards, as i read Lion to him, he showed me the L phonic handsign! so impressed! Duno isit realli learned thru the lesson or maybe we ever told him the L is the same as Lizzy Lizard.. hehe..

$320 for 8 days of wkend. $40 per lesson. 1 hr 15 mins of learning.. first 15 mins is freeplay.
actually I also not sure what exactly does learning phonics involve. I know there are letterland, zoophonics & not too sure what else.. So in my quest for CC/preschool, I also ask them do they use letterland or whatz.. Maybe it helps in recog letters & speaking early?? Dunno, maybe moms that send their ds & dd can provide some feedback
Hi mummies,

My boy is 19mths & whenever I show him flashcards, he just took them, played with them & then started to throw them all over.

Aiyo, I dunno whether to send him for phonics class? I'm worried whether will he be interested...
hi all.. long time no see.... mm.. been reading the thread but don't really contribute...

mm.. looks like everyone's kiddo is doing well...
Brent too...! i went back home one evening... my maid told me tt he knows numbers! so i go like...1.... he will say 2... and me 3... he'll say 4! hehe..so far he knows till no.13... coz i live on 13th floor i guess... been too tired at work.. till i don't spend enough time with him.. thank god.. i've got his grandparents who is willing to teach him!

so, when's our next gathering?
is My Little Campus a childcare ctr? If you intend to send Grace there b4 you go to wk, then could be quite early since she only wakes up at 8+.

My problem for next yr seems to be Kaiser's normal wake up time is too early - at 7am. His class is PM, I hope he can tahan until come home from class then sleep
Hi Fun,

In fact, I called the Zoo-Phonics at Bukit Timah branch but currently trial class all full for weekends so put on waiting list. Instead the lady introduced the Sound of Music for June Programme. It's a 5 days programme, starts from 11.30am - 1.00pm from Mon - Fri.

no la.. dun rush into things.. just trial first lor.. see if he likes it anot.. scally pay for 5 days program den he dun like.. cannot refund how?
<font face="Kristen ITC"> Good Morning Mummies,

can you imagine wat my HB want me to do tis morning? He told me to spend time today to find out how to become a Parent Volunteer @ our choice of Primary sch & if possible register by THIS WEEK!!!

I'm lyk.... did I hear wrongly, Janelle has nt even turn 2 yo & he wants to sign up as Parent Volunteer???? He's either super KiaSu or he thinks I got nothing better to do.

Think Janelle gona have a hard time from her old man when she starts school

Told him to go do it himself... I've nt even settle my maid's problem or find a pre-nursery sch & he wants me to look @ Primary Sch *faint*</font>
wat happen to your maid? Primary school can wait till she starts her Pre-Nursery. It is always good to plan ahead, but having it take place it just too early.
I was telling HB abt sending clarisse to a Good kindergarten. This will helps to give a better foundation to kick start.
Take a step at each time, our kids are barely 2 lehz. kekkek

yes, its a cc. i heard playgroups are not as effective as cc... as time is longer at cc so they are more independent and can learn more.
fun: i'm still using daily leh.. but don't mind if you wanna borrow to photocopy for a few days?
i actually prefer the small cards cos it's easier for zoe to handle..

jenifur: wah! so early parent volunteer!!! which pri sch are you looking at?
i thought most ppl only volunteer when the child is age 5 or 6... by the way i heard that you have to volunteer up til the child is gonna go to school.. that means like 4 years?! for you..

yipee: oh i see.. you mean your position in the waiting list is now further back cos you changed place? it's not a common wait list? about phonics: just what i think k? i think it's just a different way of learning alphabets as in we learnt it as a b c.. but when it's taught by phonics, it's learnt by the way it's pronounced ie air, brr, ke... not sure if there is any benefit per se but my friend who's a teacher says that's how it's taught in schools now.. maybe the teacher mummies can help shed some light?

pammie: yah, think i'm getting more sure abt stoping her at GUG now.. but still not 100% sure.. spoke to 2 friends who have their kids in JG and have tried GUG before and both told me no need to consider at all, JG wins hands down..

I'm on weekly injections and daily pills now to help stabilize the bleeding i'm having..
don't know if i can ever go back to work at this rate in this state.. also can't go shoping at the GSS to buy baby stuff! sigh.. can't carry zoe so when i bring her to class i just sit down and she wanders around by herself.. can't be helped..just hoping i can be off all this meds soon!
by the way, can anyone recommend me a infant to toddler carseat? does maxi cosi have one? only seem to have either the infant or the toddler ones.. any other good brands? i currently have a britax one.. looking to get another.. TIA
hi fushiastar
take good care of yourself! Previously I was also on weekly jabs & pills when I was having Kaiser. If you dont feel well enuf then let zoe skip class once or twice it's ok lah. I think zoe must know quite a lot of stuff compared to Kaiser, as she has you at home with teaching her using flash cards, phonics etc. Kaiser is just attending his regular kindermusik Our Time on Sats, & I dont teach at home. Too tired.

Agree with CC with longer hours can learn more, but I tot want make do with 1-2 hours playgroup thingy for a start.
haiz you all so busy with nursery/school stuff, very jealous leh.

yippee: heard from someone chiltern at halifax rd not bad, smaller but the teachers are apparently better, dunno if true or not.
