(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Wishing all mum's Qing Chun Mei Li!

o carole...

meet u again..hehe by the way, can u advise how can i search for those that i posted? caused i seemed to post here and there...end up i dont know where are my postings...any easily way to know?
Hi came across this interesting thread, will like to join in! My boy is october 2005 baby too. He is supposed to be january 2006 baby, but he came out prematurely.
i find that my boy looks still a bit like very baby even though he is coming to 2 year old liao.
koh: meet me again???

above on the tool bar of your window, u see a FAVORITES. Click onto "Favourites" and "ADD to favourites" ===> this will help u to link to the page u wanna keep. so u always go back to Favourites, and just click onto the link

welcome KKF!
xavier just had another infection of skin again... exact name i dun remember.. abit lengthy.. bt PD say its quite common in kids.. cos their skin break den kena infected... den it will spread veri fast to other parts.. small red dots.. oso he veri prone to nappy rash.. been so busi doing charts to stick at home for xavier... i used to work part time at child care centre so roughly know how to do.... do ABC chart, 1 - 10 charts, label common things in house.. if you guys got time oso can do.. good for them... oso went ikea to buy a kids toys storage rack.. label them oso... wat rack put wat.... hopefully he will keep the toys in the same place... but for now, i am still doing the keeping.. ahhaahahah..

anyone chat at the FBO site?? i just went to check on that site, some idiots just did mass posting for porn sites... irritating.... reported them to the moderator....
<font color="ff0000">ayl0212</font>

u used to be from FBO??? wats ur nick den?? hiak hiak..

to the new members

Here is a latest pic of ash

<font color="ff0000">Carole</font>

u wanna selling urs?

<font color="ff0000">ayl0212</font>

hee.. erm.. ever spoke to u in FBO before? cannot recall leh.. old laioz.. ha ha ha
<font face="Kristen ITC"> kkf,

... Your blog really touched my heart, I always end up with teary eyes after reading it
<font face="Kristen ITC"> <font color="0000ff">Morr,

It's a blog dedicated to her 1st son Jared... Or mayb instead of blog, I shld said it's her communication space with Jared, http://www.ido.per.sg/jared/

U expert in blog huh? Do you know the html code to do archive in yearly basis for blogspot?</font></font>
huh how come say i expert in blog wor.. but u wanna do archive in yearly basis arh.. u using blogspot or wat in the first place?
ok wait arh.. i go give u the html.. but have u upgraded to the new version bo? if new version den u jus select at the settings den can laizo leh..
i saw part of msg to Jared... i know its so painful to miss someone so dearly. Though i cant read the chinese thread cos i have returned all the chinese back to teacher, but i am sure its something really touching and something which mummy & daddy wishes to tell jared.

in just 2 weeks, wil be my late's father 7th anniversary... i still missed him just as much as before. Nothing lesser. Esp. the moment he passed away and the little footsteps & talks i heard on the 7th day after he passed away.

the pain is not something that can disappear overnight...

So mummy of Jared, be strong...

Patsy: you too.. be strong... if you need to cry, find me.. whahah i can always join u manz
<font face="Kristen ITC"><font color="0000ff">Mor,

Thanks ya, I haven't upgrade to the new version cuz if use e new version very difficult to edit my own template</font>

<font color="ff0000">Carole</font>,

Very touching hor ... e pain will not disappear so we will have to cope with it "wisely". I've learn to hand my pain to our heavenly father above & it really helps</font>
orh ok ok.. u wan me to paste here or msn u??

the 3 of us in msn now but we all chose to talk over here.. LOL

<font color="ff0000">patsy</font>.. hope u are doing fine lately.. we all miss u
hi girls.. am doing fine.. crying sometimes.. but trying to get on with life as sabie would have wanted...

saturday is her one month death anniversary... getting a bit sad

hahahaa... wat to do?? pregnancy makes us forgetful...


was crying wen reading the blog bout jared...

so sad...
<font color="ff0000">patsy</font>

great to hear tat u are getting on with life

<font color="ff0000">ayl0212</font>

ya lor.. super cham.. but i think before preggy im already like tat and jus tat preggy worsen it!! LOL

totally agree wif u... i can forget wat i just said in 5mins..

aiyo.. jus like now.. forgot to post message, wen to do abit of washing den came bac n still saw i haven post my msg...
seems like it's really not easy to have a baby these days.. i had pretty bad bleeding and had to go get an injection at the a&e and now on pills.. thankfully baby is growing and active.. poor zoe though cos now i can't carry her at all and she keeps crying wondering why i won't carry her anymore..

i veri forgetful one... i could just walk out of the room and forget wat i wan to do....

eh.. like to ask, my younger boy on TBF have not poo poo in 2 days... any1 encounter this??
<font face="Kristen ITC"> <font color="0000ff">FUN</font>,

Occasionally will still feel the pain & have nitemare. But other than that I'm fine *hee*

<font color="0000ff">Morr</font>,

I used the last html code u gave me... now it's much neater. Tks ya

<font color="0000ff">fushiastar</font>,

Do take care... it's really not easy being preggie when you have a toddler.

HB forbids me to carry Janelle when preggie. It was really very difficult especially when I see Janelle cry till so cham everytime my HB pulls here away from me. I still secretly carry her when my HB not around lah *hee*

Now she's super clingy, e moment I steps into the hse, she will ask to be carried...Will scream her head off the moment I put her down. I even have to carry her to Zzzzzz *sigh*.</font>
xavier oso demands for me to carry him wen i was preggy wif Koen. Xavier was veri sticky to me.. so end up everyday my back super aching.... esp during confinement....
am in a dilemma here.. was gonna send zoe for the jg holiday class so she can try it out then decide whether to send her for jg next term. but now i can't bring her so she can't go for it.. she's with the gug toddler class now and she's responding ok.. can recognise, sign and articulate some alphabets and words.. should i keep her in gug next term, or pull her out of gug and let her try out a term at jg?? will she get confused by the different teachings? jg also phonics based right?

any mummies who've sent their child to both? or sending to JG now, can comment?? thanks!!
zoe's on the waitlist for the evans road sat 9am class..

grace is currently in gug and i think i will continue one more term as she is not cranky but enjoying the class. wont be too particular on the learning part as they are just 1.5yrs old...
fushiar, if zoe is happy in GUG y do u want to put her in JG? phonics is not the main focus of JG altho' they do try to teach it when they introduce a new word for the class.. but my opinion is that if zoe is happy in GUG then u shld keep her there. evans 9am has a long wait list anyway
Alden is happy with GUG, but he always walking ard the room instead of like other kids (8 out of 10 are gals) sitting quietly in front of the teacher listening and learning..

Hb not into letting him continue for another term.. but Alden is very into zoophonics leh.. he will sit on my lap and listen to teacher and watch her do the individual actions whenever its Phonics time. Other than that.. walking ard lor..

haiz.. wat shld i do... Hb say can realli save up the $$ for rainy days.


grace dun really sit to listen to zoo phonics but more involved in those projects during her GUG class. hubby also says grace didnt improve much but i told him will try for one more term. JG is more exp right? We need to take it that they are not even 2 yrs old and 1.5hr concentration may be a challenge to them now.
