(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???


I am having the baby seat facing front but having the problem of where to put it. its so big... grace cant take the previouse infant seat anymore, she is too long for it....
Talking abt carseats, I'm also looking at the diff brands now.

Brennan has no problem with rear facing huh? He's such a good boy. Kaiser started to fuss in his infant carseat (rear facing) since he was ard 8mo. He tried so hard to climb out. Then we changed to a front facing one for >9kg, after that he's quite happy to stand still.

Just wondering anyone using Graco carseats huh? Need some feedback thx
I ordered another cake from Strawberry Shortcake, this time a 1kg D24 Durian TWEETY BIRD!!!

Brennan's leg is already touching the back seat so thought of changing it to face the front lor.


Me always sit beside brennan while hubby drive ma. my maid will sit infront. He very cute one. when the car reached the destination and stopped, he will wake up and like very kanciong want to get up from the seat, with 2 hands stretching out to carry him.

i think mine not infant car seat, so far ok right from the beginning.


Strawberry Shortcake cakes are all quite cartoon one hor. duno if i can order for opic or not leh. wait they say too kiddy. The tweetie bird one so cute
how much you paid for 1kg of durian one, looks yummy...
SSL: they do corporate ones too. no lahz. i happen to request her to do it, as my hb loves tweety bird and cant have tt on clarisse party, so i tot to give him a surprise lor. she does cup cakes too.. planning to have one cup cake session when u girls coming over for gathering.. kekek who knows, i might by then get a chocolate fountain too. kekekek.. I paid $50. cos normal 1 kg for normal fillings like peach and mango is $40, and durian must add $10/kg. so i tot why nt give it a try.. Smells NICE! and when we eat it... yummy, nt HEAVY! amazing manz.
Good morning

Mine was an infant car seat handmedown. We bot a Maxi Cosi only he wss ard 8-9mo. I'm now looking at Graco Safeseat for my dad's car when they bring Kaiser out when I'm working.
yo carole... how much is the tweety bird cake??? so cute!! think the size is just nice for me coz only need to "feed" family members (not having any big party) but collection in jurong too far for me leh...

sharon, thanks for the invite for gathering.. but got invitation for hari raya ....

patsy, no prob lah... next time meet and yak again lor ;)
<font color="ff6000">keke.. I'm here.. very sian leh.. no mood to work at all... today can only knock off at 6:30pm..
<font color="ff6000">Patsy:
wah so good can leave so early.. aiyo duno how to "tong" till 6:30pm... yawn tired..</font>
flo: its 1 kg... $50 for durian, normal filling is $40. she can deliver to ur plc too.. but she do charge for delivery.
Hi Fun,

Is your picture in foto-u? I wanna see leh.


I took them from foto-u, by David. It's quite some time ago. I really cannot remember how much I paid for the package. You may want to surf www.foto-u.com for more information.
<font face="calisto mt"> Dear mummies,

I need advise. Just shifted into our own hse so now trying to let Janelle sleep inside e cot. Past few nites has been nitemare for me, She refused to sleep, will cry e moment I put her in. In e end I had to give in cuz next day still gota work mah. So I let her sleep w us den shift her after she fall asleep.

Tonite she's finally sleeping in e cot but it was after 3 hrs of non stop crying &amp; screaming. Can someone teach me a better way to do this?</font>

most likely Janelle is still not used to the new home. Think it's normal, Kaiser cant exactly sleep well at my parent's plc - he sleeps like a log only on his own mattress in our home. Think she just need time
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Yippee</font>,

Janelle all along is sleep in between us one... tt's why she dun wan to sleep in e cot</font>
jenifur: u try putting ur tee in the top corner of the cot, i guess she just cant smell u. it might help u. When clarisse fall ill, she too sleeps between us, after recovering getting her back to her cot was so difficult. it takes sometime... now she sleeps in her toddler bed beside us, but she will wake up and look for me. and i have to crawl down to nurse n she will go back to sleep. 3 days only lehz.. give her sometime.. nt easy, but soon it wil be over. or could it be the cot is already too small? clarisse has a BIG problem when she sleeps in the cot, she will cry n cry ... cos everytime she turns from side to side, her hands will hit the side of the cot and started crying (almost every 30 mins affair). After tt i decided enough is enough and we went to get her a bigger toddler bed.

Do u put bed guard for clarisse's toddler bed? Am looking for a toddler bed for brennan too. Now he is sleeping in his playpen but he shifts alot during the sleep and can hear him banging against the playpen net. but cos its soft, he didnt wake up. But every night, we have to pat him to sleep first in our bed then move him into the playpen.

We saw a cute car design toddler bed (at one of the shops at IMM) but its $300+ so thought its abit expensive lor. But the sides got some raise "wall" so at least to prevent him from rolling over to the floor. space is also a constraint so still sourcing around. where did u get the toddler bed?
jenifur..difficult to adjust fr bed to cot.. i tried shifting zoe fr sleeping in between hubby and i on our bed to by herself on her cot before.. disaster.. she can't sleep.. keeps waking up at night.. then what we did is everyone shifted to 2 mattresses on the floor and zoe slept between me and hubby on mattress on the floor.. then that progressed to zoe sleeping next to me.. then zoe sleeping with a baby bolster between me an her, then an adult bolster between me and her to by herself on 1 mattress on the floor and hubby and i squashed together on the other..my next step is for me and hubby to move back on to or bed to sleep.. her cot is not used lor.. it took quite a bit of time to do this but at least zoe sleeps well which means that we sleep well too..might be easier if you try to shift janelle slowly lor..as in increase the distance between you and janelle slowly..cos she's probably not used to sleeping alone.. and in a different bed as well as room..
would like to ask you abt the party thingy.

1) Did you prepare extra party packs for the children, just in case more than expected came?
2) Did you do any games for the children?


Is the bed extendable? I saw one at ikea sometime ago at the children's section. They have one which can be extended but didnt buy. SO you just buy 1 bedguard right? Is the mattress foam or spring?
yippe: nt really extra lor, i tot i prepare just nice, but landed got leftover.
no games for children, i have a balloon artist to sit there and twist balloons when the children or adult approach her.

SSL: yes.. both the folded side can be put down and be a children bed. I bought 1 bed guard just in case. Foam mattress.. but if u wan spring, u will have to MTM.
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Carole/fushiastar</font>,

Thanks for your tips. We decided to get her a toddler bed cuz see her sleep inside e small cot lyk v poor thing. Cannot really turn or else will hit against e cot lor.

Tonite much easier cuz we let her play till she's very tired before we shift her into e cot. Cried awhile but too tired to resist. However I still have to sit next to her &amp; let her hold my hand till she Zzzz...

Will try putting my shirt next to her instead of e Ookie doll</font>
jenifur: putting ur shirt cos got ur smell, unless u the doll has ur smell. Indeed they are growing, so they do need a bigger space unless the cot is big. many cots that we are using are rather on the smaller side. At least nw clarisse turns in the whole bed without having to fuss.
thx Carole
Think I bot a little too much snacks for party packs. I'll just them on the table. Guess no planned entertainment for the kids &amp; adults for the party, as foresee we'll be quite busy. OMG, imagine close to 80 pax all cram in that 2 tiny function rooms... I book the Karaooke rooms next door as well just in case we need to park some guests there

does Zoe still attend infantcare? Can share with me the daily programme as I'm interested to find out more. Thx
seen your party pic. Think u hv great spacious function rooms, with lotsa space to move ard. Mine is confirmed small, will show u pic when party is over. I'm doing the party schedule now. How soon do u do cake cutting after party starts? U think after 1- 1.5 hr is OK?
To Carole/Penny/Patsy and daddies and kiddos: Thanks for coming to Brent's party. I hope that you guys had a great time. And please forgive me for my poor hospitality.

*Brent says thanks to mummies and daddies and kiddos!

my girl will wake several times a nite when she s\hits the cot frame. Now we let her sleep on a single bed placed against the wall, joined to our bed.

took a studio shot for her bd.
here's baby saying hi.

suppose to start at 11am, but ppl started to stroll in from 11.30. I started my cake cutting at 12.45. so its abt 1hr 15 mins from start.

adel: its ok lahz.. we all understand.. we zhi dong.. keke self service..whaha.. babe, i need the card on wed, where can i get it from u? monday?? lunch??
