(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

<font color="ff6000">sweetie

i make her hold her own milk bottle by making her lie on the pillow and for signal of poo, she wil go mmmmmmmmmm haha</font>

<font color="119911">Carole:
Aiyo.. hope that Clarisse is fine now.. Ever since Sherisse fell of the bed once I had been very careful liao.. hee.. if not sure kana big time by her super duper protective daddy.. kekeke</font>
Carole: aiyo, hope Clarisse is ok.

Sweetie: Xaby holds her own milk bottle, will sit in the potty when she poo's but for some reason, can't poo without wearing her diaper so she sits in the potty wearing her diaper while she poos
doesn't walk yet tho.
Talk abt Potty,

Just read from Supernanny book tat its better to start potty training onli after 18 mths.. be4 18 mths, a child is physically incapable of controlling bowels or bladder. When a child is ready, both physically and mentally- which may not be until the age of two or three, toilet training can often be easy and quick
Carole: hope clarisse is ok..

Sweetie: me having this car seat problem for a long long time.. zoe is always crying when i put her in the car seat til i get home.. she will cry, face will turn all red and by the end of the car ride, the front of her top will be soaked with sweat and tears.. i still don't know what to do..

zoe can hold her own milk bottle but can't signal poo or pee or walk yet.. but i do put her on the toilet to pee in the morning and daddy tried to get her to poo in the potty.. successful only maybe 25% of the time..
babies crying in their carseats are normal. i'm also facing this problem. maybe you could try ringing some toys to the the overhead handles of the car so that they could play with them. or keep talking, singing or playing with them during the ride. if you're alone with your bb, perhaps you could turn on nursery rhymes and sing to them...all we need to do is to make sure they are occupied...else, they will fuss and irritate us...haha

Recently My mum brings him to the playgound to mix with some children there.. most of the comments my mum gets is : 'wah, 1 yr old so big leh!' :p Alden also got thunder thighs.. :p see...

Your Alden very handsome leh.haha. Aiya, his thighs not as big as my girl lor. Sometimes i oso wonder where she inherits her 'fat' genes leh, since both my hb and I are the skinny type.

Is your Alden walking alreadi? My Gen likes to be held and walk but once we let go of her, she will stand there, dare not move an inch lor...some told me she can't walk yet as her leg muscles are not strong enough...though her thighs so huge, shd have enuf strength or muscles rite?hehe.
Fiona: actually your Gen could be like me, i too was very very fat when i was a baby and had huge thighs (still have huge thighs
) but when i was starting to walk, the doctor had to prescribe me to wear let braces coz my tiny feet couldn't take the weight of my body!! My dad used to call me "thunder thighs"
HI Patsy,
Actually many people have been telling me not to worry too much abt Gen shedding weight. The baby fats were be gone when she starts walking and I will lament y she isn't putting on weight then.

Hopefully lor.

I believe tat baby being fat.. not realli tat grow up will be fat too.. my bro super super fat as a baby.. now super super skinny! Tks for yr compliment abt Alden :D

Show us yr princess leh :D

My mum says he can stand quite awhile now. yesterday he took a step towards the sofa.. tats all i hope he is confident enough by this mth end hahaa
your Brainy Baby VCDs - BP by ish, are now ready for collection. Check out the thread for collection details.

you are sending Zoe for GUG classes twice every week huh... so envy. Since we last met &amp; I've told you Kaiser has not attended any classes yet, he still has not. ANd now I'm starting work soon. Looks like it's gonna be next year for GUG.
ANyone knows where i can get help to do patch work on my torn sofa?? I have been pasting tapes over the torn areas.. i want to save it! but duno how to..tks to my dog! Pls help... it's man-made material leather from italy..if i could just get any similar leather to do the patch works and secure in place.. i will be very happy liao

this is part of how it looks like...
ng_mum: i think i heard her telling me dunno from mini-toons or kiddy palace lehz.

fun: thinking, but nt nw as we shifting very very soon.

Clarisse is ok.. still as noti and active. I never kena from daddy but my mum instead... called again this morning, and she scolded me again. Got so pissed, and i scold her back. then she called again at 3pm, and never mention abt the falling incident. whahahah
fushiastar, aiyo...then bo bian liao. i guess we'll just have to get them used to it...this phase will pass soon (hopefully).
Yippee: thanks for the info! All her collection time/places are exactly those I won't be free to collect! would you be able to collect for me then I'll pick up from you somehow> You stay near to AMK right? Much easier than having to go to jurong... if ok with u i will inform ish... cheers. BTW, will also start Xaby on GUG next year, but plan to book a slot already now because weekend slots fill up pretty fast apparently (am i kiasu or what!!!) ;)

Fiona: better not put xaby and gen together... 2 sets of thunder thighs no more space for the others liao ;) but gen's hair so long and nice! have you ever cut it?

sharon: dun think i can make it, arriving very 23rd night from a biz trip

carole/flo/adel: sorry had to leave early today, didn't want to be late for my 2 pm mtg

fun: why not check with a furniture upholsterer, maybe the can help
Sure Patsy.
I can collect yours on behalf. You can let ish know.

Okidoki, will put Kaiser on waiting list too but... hv I already done that?! Cant remember
sharon: u good.. i shifting house.. unless u wan gathering cum shifting house... Seriuosly speaking, i will surely join this outing if i am nt shifting. we are taking keys on 20th (MIL die die says we cant shift things on tt day) so we will be moving things like fan, water pails and some fire into the house on 21st. then progressively, other bigger things via my family car.. then comes 28th, will be the chucky stuff! then 28th nite, i will be at the new plc... most likely no internet access for one week, any update, pls pls pls.. sms me.. haiz....

patsy: its ok lahz.. u all working except me mahz. i understand lahz.

morraine: sms me ur party address, as i wont be able to access my internet from 20th. just in case i forgotten.
yipee ya ya..
maybe you can consider bringing kaiser for weekend classes ?

fun: your doggie is so adorable!

sneaky: yah.. my car seat is front facing and placed diagonal to the driver's seat so zoe can see me while she's in her car seat but still like that.. sigh.. hope she gets used to it soon..

haiz.. cute rite? i also know.. tats why she can get away with biting my sofa over and over again lor.. maybe the PROBLEM is HER! not the sofa!!!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">HAPPY</font></font> <font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">1ST</font></font> <font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">BIRTHDAY</font></font> <font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">CLARISSE!!!!</font></font>
v cute!!is she a mini maltese? how does alden respond to her? my sis has a jack russell that i absolutely adore and hubby loves dogs too but we worry about whether the doggie will bite zoe so haven't gotten a doggie at the moment..

She's not a mini.. Australian haha... She is quite sweet towards Alden.. will lick his hands and face if Alden reach for her.. but not so friendly if Alden wana pull her coat lor haha.. but dare not bite also la.. haha..

She now very poor thing sleep in the living room.. she will go under the display cabinet.. TLC lesser to her liao.. more to Alden ma.. :p
Is it time to change the car seat to front facing cos mine still facing behind leh... Btw, do u wash your car seat cover??
my car seat also still facing behind.. cos i feel that at least she can sleep in it.. if facing front how to sleep sitting up??
