(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Alden in his private pool.. hahaha....


Kris's Nordic natural Omega 3-6-9 oil, $52.72 after 20% disc with 1 dozen puRchase min.

1) Kris - 2 bottles
2) Fun - 4 bottles (2 for frds)

today cant leh. me got apt. meeting a buyer and my sis. or u cio flo?? is vivo city on liao?? very huge hor...

i booked the pool for him.. hahaha no la... its 11am.. he was the first one to be there.. somemore its Monday... bo lang lor...
kris, thanks!
think i better get clearance fr the doc. but so far, never consistently visited a PD... so dunno who to ask :p

Fun, still thinking if i shld order now...

carole, me also think of ordering the cake.. wat's the minimum kg huh?

patsy, friday onz lunch... suntec or marina... cannot venture too far... heehee..
anyone else?? :p
ssl: http://www.e-shop.com.sg/index.php?cPath=54_45&osCsid=a34f1390c0548ce4d08d1996775d90d3

patsy: the next gathering.. okok... my new plc.. i will create a playroom and have lots of baby friendly things inside..
then we have small high tea/lunch but all home cook..ok?

Flo: number 1 is 3kg.. u call Imina to check... she is very helpful when i buzz her everytime i got questions... tt time i still dunno tt she is my friend. btw, she can custom made to ur request.. i got a special request for her.. hopes she can do tt.. kekeke
flo: so far onz, final budget review tomorrow and thursday, hopefully won't drag until friday.

carole: can, will make a tiramisu. BTW, your 3 kg you plan for how many ppl har? Did you get a lot of left over? I only ordered a 2 kg cake and now guest list confirmed bout 70+ already, really worried not enough cake.
Sure meet, once I settle down.

I upsize the cake to feed 60pax, now I got the proposal to do 2 tier bday cake. Haha... I told her I dont mind having that for Kaiser as long as it looks cool, but go easy on my wallet.
You know how to do tiramisu huh... so clever. I have this fren from U.S. everytime come to Singapore must eat tiramisu at Chijmes... personally I prefer something sweeter
carole: oh no.. you think if i increase my hb will notice the bill? hehehehe

Yippee: yeah, i used to make Tiramisu and Food for the Gods during Christmas for sale. Not sure if doing this year coz of Xaby. will have to check how much a 3 kg cake will be now... panic!!

Very sian now, had gotten into a small accident in JB last September, small scratch on the guy's car only, now he comes 1 month after and wants me to pay $3500 to replace one rear bumper! Say he had to rent car for 3 days (Said ocst over $800 - he must have rented a SLK)... the guy is taking me for a ride (excuse the pun). Luckily my FIL is a lawyer and is settling the issue for me!
Check it out at Room for Dessert website or just call them!

Is it a SG-plated or Msia plated car? And what car is he driving, Jap or Continental? So expensive, then must go through insurance liaoz.
yippee: tried calling them but no one picked up the phone, will try again later... where did you order kaiser's cake?

It's an SG car, mazda 3, i even have the car plate number -- old car. Have called the insurance and they said will look over the details to see if justified or not.
yippe.. i love tiramisu too.. my favorite is Marriotts tiramisu.. yummy! hopes i can head there on 18 Oct with hubby.

patsy: change a bumper+respray easily abt 500-700. hammering out the dent + respray only 300+ lor... renting of car one day is abt 60. 3 days?? dun be idiot lor.. all know can be a day or 2 job!
Car accidents are real headaches! My car got into an accident in early 2005, up to now the legal case still not closed yet. Dunno if it will be closed or not even when I sell the car.

Now, we also headache abt this car. We intend to trade in early next year when it's turning to 4yo, who knows now spoil must repair close to $2k. Think dun wanna repair lah - waste $$
fun: no lah, he very easy going one, but yeah, always free consultation!!!

carole: i know, the stupid old man thinks i blur blur will just fork over the money! we're contesting his claim legally so will see how far he wants to take this. besides, he got no proof of the accident coz never file police report or take photo at the accident site.
Yippee: true, but he never took my details, not sure if this will be valid without it??

carole: yah, i think he's thinking it's a quick way to make a buck!
i dun care.. am just going to wear what i bought. its not as if am loaded.. if he wanted us to wear something formal.. should inform two weeks before.. not 2 days before the launch.

So Marriotts serves great tiramisu.. I'll recom it to my fren when he visits again. can you imagine he must go to Chijmes every single night after dinner just to eat his tiramisu OMG!
Think the tiramisu in Chijmes is mouuse type not cake type - or are all tiramisu in mousse form?! Sorry if I sound daft.
yippe: Marriott has 2 types. one is cake and the other is mousse... i prefer the mousse one. Only if u sit down at the lobby lounge then u will get the Mousse ones. if u gng marriott, i have disc, i think its abt 20-25%... i can pass the card to u during those days... but last till dec..
Thanks Carole, very nice of you to offer your card. I'll ask you if he's in town before end of yr. Otherwise, he'll just hv to pay full price for his nightly tiramisu
It's OK... let him contribute to our economy by spending his green-backs.

Your Alden doesn't look that big in the pic leh. My Girl's thighs damn big lor...everyone sees her thighs will comment they are lotus lor...but i told them they are trotters!

Don't worry lah, ur samuel will reach the '11kg' stage in a matter of no time..and u can understand Fun and my plight!hehe..but frankly the weight increase is gradual and u won't feel it...
clarisse fell off the bed again! cos now she learning to come down from my high bed... and she was sleeping in her own bed, dunno when she woke up and climb onto my bed. i guess she trying to come down, but still zombie and wearing long pants with booties.. too smooth and fell on the back of head.. haiz... poor thing..
just now went ICE CREAM with Sneaky.. kekekke.. so happy! talking abt next outing, i was telling her, we will do one BBQ as i bought a BBQ pit and all Daddies & Mummies will be invited... and of cos our lovely darling(s) too!!! Daddies will do the BBQ-ing and mummies will be all in the playroom gossiping.
........ Carole: watch clarisse...carefully.. if not, why dun u leave her in the cot when she is sleeping? mm... i'll probably kill my hb or my maid.. if Brent falls off from the bed.. but then again.. chances quite slim coz my bed quite low.. and he knows how to get down from the bed the proper way..*betta not take chances.. coz i would rather let him sleep on his mattress on the floor.. even fall down also wun feel heart pain!
*smack ur backside* never watch clarisse!
adel: she already sleeping on toddler bed for 2-3mths. she just started to learn to come down from my bed... we went out with sneaky, and on the way back she already fallen asleep soundly, and i came home and put her on her bed, dunno how come she wakes up and i guess she trying her luck to climb down herself lor..

haiz.. another sian day.. cos gng to PILs plc.
lunch?? kekee.. let me know via sms. i think i can join u all. whaha...
hi carole, sorry to intrude. i'm mummy to a nov bb. intend to do my own cake for his coming birthday n am sourcing for pooh figurines. saw that your cake has.
any idea where i can buy them? do u think your baker will share?
Carole ah Carole..

U havent teach Clarisse how to get down from bed meh?? or u might wana place thin mattresses on the floor to prevent her from hurting even after falling..
I just ordered my Grace birthday cake from bengawan solo, Cute Baby Tweetie. Just 1 kg for abt 5 adults...

Does your baby like to throw temper? My Grace love to scream now... so embarrassing in public... Now I have problem putting her in Car Seat. She simply refuse to sit there and wanted to stand inside the car. Any one has this problem? How to overcome?

Abt developments, does your baby hold their own milk bottle, signal to poo or wee? walk?

<font color="ff0000">carole

*bish* bo take care of clarisse! my ash oso likes to climb up and down but den my heng is platform bed so its pretty low so she kinda of used to the climbing now and noes how to land with feet first.. heh</font>
