(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

In case you end up pulling your hair out - green and yellow will never make blue.
Blue, yellow and red are primary colours which means they are like the most basic colours in nature. Green, orange and purple are secondary colours meaning thay are results of mixing the primary colours. So mixing green and yellow will only give you different shades of lime green.

kris: i realized that right after i typed it... been so hot and humid today dreading to go to the kitchen to make it but will go soon.
am going to use plain flour... started measuring out the flour... then realized i had no more salt! grrrrrrrr

yippee, Kaiser will have to wait, sorry!
Fushiastar: but i'll need your recipes!!! I'm seriously considering it actually, maybe as a side line. Since I'm making for Xaby anyway!
i'm feeding 4 teaspoonful of muesli apple cereals with 1 scoop of FM as breakfast for Samuel.

on tue evening when i got home, i got scared out of my wits. as i carried Samuel, i realised he was wheezing slightly. after 5 mins, it became worse and worse and i couldn't take it anymore, rushed him to the PD clinic recommended by SIL (Kinder Clinic). he was given nebuliser and he cried from start till end non-stop. my heart ached big time. when his breathing became stable, doc saw him and dianosed him to be infected with a virus both his cousins are carrying. my poor boy had to be on nebuliser 3 times a day for 3 days and 3 types of oral medication; one of which is the antibiotics. the nebuliser machine is on rental at my house...goodness...he cried each time we turn on the nebulizer. i've tried all means and ways to calm him down (toys, music, etc) but he just won't calm down...

yesterday, i tried cooking Samuel's porridge with wolfberry, "lao huang gua" (old cucumber), broccoli and threadfin. wah...i tell you...the porridge is so delicious...maybe mummies here would like to try this...

this evening's porridge is to include potato, spinach, codfish & minced pork. this shd taste good too
Hi Sneaky, we've had the same experience and of course my royal highness had to start wheezing at 1 am! rushed her to KK. BTW, if anyone of you needs a nebulizer, don't have to rent, i have one here at home (i'm prone to bronchitis) so you can just borrow, just buy the mask from your PD. Save some money! ;-)

poor samuel...

nevermind, u cook yummy meals for him la

i find that cod is more fishy than threadfin.
MIL was commenting that brennan will make those vomit facial expression when she feed him the porridge cook with cod fish. so now whenever i buy cod, it will be cooked the very next day.

i still havent try potato yet cos i needs steaming. basically those cooking at home abit lazy to do extra things. ingredients for brennan's porridge are all dumped into the slow cooker at the beginning one.
yippee: Kaiser's dough (red) is ready. I didn't make a big piece as I just wanted to test it out first.

Fushiastar: have you tried it yet? Some tips:

1. use a very sturdy and hard spoon. Wooden spoons worked the best for me.
2. use very very very low fire!! flour burns quickly!
3. measure the ingredients exactly
4. don't try to handle the dough by hand when it's ready... it is VERY hot!

btw, how do i buy threadfin and cod in a wet market? my hokkien is passable and mandarin even worse!

SSL: i slice the potatoes into very small pieces and throw it into the slow cooker too! after a few hours its already soft!
patsy, wah, so devastating, right? don't know what to do when he cried so hard...i just couldn't help him...

what's worse today...his butt is very sore due to diarrhea perhaps caused by the medication...when i put him into his bath, he screamed in pain...he kept passing loose stools...how har? aiyoyo...what has happened to my son har?
Sneaky... have you tried desitin cream for his bum? when xaby was still in ICU the stupid nurses changed her nappy only upon schedule, so her bum got nappy rash, her doctor recommended desitin and within a day she was better! guardian has it, i think. but found it in thomspon medical pharmacy much cheaper!!

did you ask his Pd what to give for diarrhea? make sure he doesn't get dehydrated!
my ger also had very bad rashes and a very sore buttock after her bout of diarrhea caused by salmonella.
the best remedy is to air the buttock.
tat's wat i did.

at nite after applying the cream doc gave, i let her sleep w/o any diapers or loosely wrap with cloth nappy.
coz must drink alot of water, if not will dehydrate... so she kept urinating.
mattress did get wet and had to wake up to change her nappy often.
<font face="Calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

1 trick I learnt when Janelle had to b on Nebuliser - do not have other ppl crowd around to comfort cuz they will cry even louder; want ppl to save them. Bring Samuel into ur room &amp; neb him alone. Dun hv to press e mask against his face, leave bout 2cm gap so it's not so frightening to them. Try to cover e machine w blankets etc to lower e noise. Hope these help u as it's works wonder on Janelle
who TTC-ing? who is preggie now?? anyone from our thread gng to be mummy again? hows the feeling like manz?

to be frank, i am scare to have 2nd leh. not the fear of gng through all over, but fear tt little clarisse will be jealous n fight over little things with her little siblings.

my SIL given birth to her 2nd child, and the elder always push the younger one away everytime when SIL carries the younger one. even during at play, the elder one will try to step onto the youngerone. so scary... but funny thing was, the elder one never bully clarisse and can play well with her too, of cos occasion, the elder snatches the toy n place it somewhere... dunno why is this happening...

i really fear clarisse get jealous as everyday i am with her, esp at nite, she only wants to be with me... she will choose to use the walker to bang onto my door even if the maid give a chase... she will run even faster and dun wan her.. hmmmm....
Carole: dun be scared lah. Ember is my 2nd child and my older gal, Kyra simply loves her little sister.
They are 2 yrs apart and I became pregnant with Ember when Kyra was abt 14-15mths old. It takes a conscious effort on the parents' part to prepare the older child and show her that she is loved just as much even if there is a younger baby around. When Kyra 1st visited Ember and I at the hospital I dished out a brand new playdough set and told her it's a present from her mei mei. Then once we reached home everytime Ember cried for milk, diaper change, wanna carry etc I always ask Kyra for permission 1st. If she says 'no' then I allow Ember to cry for awhile then ask Kyra again. She's rarely say 'no' actually. We also allow Kyra to carry Ember with our help and get her to help with bringing the diapers etc. And we tell her everyday that we love both mei mei and her v v much and that once EMber grows up they can play together. Now that Ember is nearly 9mths the 2 girls are really playing together and Kyra tells us she loves mei mei. She also 'protects' Ember from falling when I tell her I need to go to the toilet etc. She'll hold onto Ember or take a toy and distract Ember until I come back.
In a way Kyra has become a good help.
Sometimes it's really heartwarming when kyra laughs at Ember for being silly and when she hugs Ember or even when she scolds Ember for chewing up her books etc.

So I'd say it's still a blessing to have 2 kids! Or even more!
patsy, yes, i'm applying desitin on his butt now...slightly better already...but his diarrhea still there leh...i left a message with the doc's clinic..he's yet to call me back...anyway, i'll be seeing him tonight...

flo, it's really tough to air his butt leh...he's now running abt the house in his walker...he'll wet everywhere wor...

jenifur, i put the nebulizer machine in the drawer with lots of cusion below so that the sound is muffled...and i made Samuel play with the nebulizer head and make it like a fun session. this morning, he did not fuss at all...lucky me...

san, yah...thanks...

adel, why like Samuel?
sneaky, are you using cloth or disposables? maybe try cloth for a while until his bum heals as it breathes better. will need to change him more often tho!

we're not even considering second child, xaby's medical bills are high enough as it is right now, plus i'm not young anymore (probably much older than most of you guys --- OUCH!). That and some other credible reasons has made my mum stop nagging me into having another one!
hmmm... i have some free size ones (never used) if you want to borrow? i got loads as gifts (dunno why) but never even considered using them coz they're such a bother.
patsy, thank you for your offer. i shall monitor for a day first and let you know if i really need them, okay? i just called home, maid said his diarrhea had stopped...thank God!
sneaky: change diaper more often.. this type of money cant save. tt time clarisse's got very bad rash, she keeps crying.. i have to change every 2 hours.
What cos Samuel diarrhea ? izzit because food allergy ? because my gal also got diarrhea,is because food allergy liao and then also got very bad rash..
carole, yes ma'am...

sharon, i think it's the medication he's on. last time, his cousin brother also had the same problem after taking antibiotics. he had diarrhea followed by a bad rash after skin came in contact with the poo poo...actually, i'm not quite sure what causes it...cos i also just started Samuel on wolfberry last few days...can't be this, right? his poo is quite dark green with lots of undigested food...very hard to clean away one...
finally, the Dr returned my call. reported to him about the diarrhea. he told me it's caused by the antibiotics. it makes the child lactose intolerant and adviced on the following: -

- change to soy formula for these few days
- buy from him a medicine called RESTORE when i see him tonight
- apply lots of Destin on Samuel's bum bum even before putting him into the bath
Yippee, i brought him to the Henry Park one. seeing Dr Gong who's from Gleneagles. he only works at Henry Park Kinder Clinic on Tues &amp; Fris...he's quite good too...
sneaky: soy formula may taste a bit weird to Samuel, Xaby takes Friso Soy sometimes if I don'thave enough EBM and at first she didn't like it.
My sil's kids also see the one at Henry Park as they stay nearby. Mine sees Mt A one since birth &amp; is quite near our home.

Clarisse is such a cutie!
Clariise is so cute! How old is she? we should try to get these kids together one time!

Is it too early to bring our kids to the Zoo? xaby will be 9 mths next week... what do you guys think?
for my ger, she's on on isomil for 2 weeks. at 1st she also didn't like it. now ok. PD also said when return to normal similac next week, we must start half strength first. i.e. 50% more water than the normal mixture, then slowly increase the milk powder until the usual.

he's on what antibiotics?
my PD gave her augmentin. heard fr another fren that augmentin will cause a bit of diarrhea. but my PD said not necessarily for my ger's case.
i used pampers premium &amp; cloth nappy during the time she had diarrhea. keep changing once it's wet.

my ger also move around so much.. difficult to air her bum. so i wait till when she asleep, then i lift off the nappy. sleeping shouldn't move ard that much liao rite?
patsy, tried 3 soy FM feeds. so far, Samuel responding well to it. though not loving it very much, he still manage to finish after some coaxing...hahaha...

yippee, ic...henry park one is also very near where i live. it takes only a 5mins drive...

flo, Samuel was also given augmentin. i kept changing his diapers too. just now i even resorted to wearing his undersized cloth diapers and diaper pants...so funny looking..

just now at the clinic, dr saw his butt and prescribed a cream called neoderm to be applied twice a day before application of desitin. i also got some RESTORE from him for growing of beneficial bacterial in Samuel. according to doctor, this is used by many parents on a regular basis.

carole, my Samuel lao nua liao
Sneaky.. hope your baby gets well soon.. zoe sees roy joseph at nuh.. you must stay really near my parents..
they live 5 min fr henry park by foot.. how come your cloth diapers are undersized? not folded kind?

Carole: clarrise is just lovely..

Patsy, haven't tried yet.. been pretty busy.. my friend just delivered and her poor baby in icu cos the mouth/oesophagus doesn't connect to the stomach so has to undergo major op.. so poor thing.. the dr's had to make a hole in the baby's stomach to insert a tube to feed.. sigh.. makes me so thankful that although zoe is quite tiny and there was the possibility of IUGR in the last trimester that she is ok..
Oct MTB Gathering!!!!

Date: <font color="ff0000">9th August 2006 (public Holiday)</font>
Time: 11.30am - 2pm
Location: Yet to Decide...

Who are welcome: ALL including parents!

Venue selection:
1. GlobeTrotters @ United Sq
Food Prices starts from $10, approx $25 per pax

2. The Warren - Carole's Plc (can swim)
catering per pax ~ $12

3. pls suggest

Interested Mummies pls add on...
(Name/Hubby/Child Location)
1. Carole + Hb + Clarisse + Help 1/2
Sneaky: Hope Samuel gets well soon.

Fushiastar: ok, just wanted to give you the tips before you made than before you start cursing at me for not telling you! Hope your friends baby is ok. If she needs support from a mum who's been there, let me know. I can relate to her experience very much.

Carole: thanks for starting this rolling, I know I suggested it but not really sure about locations, etc.

Interested Mummies pls add on...
(Name/Hubby/Child Location)
1. Carole + Hb + Clarisse + Help 1/2
2. patsy + HB + Xaby dunno bout help - anywhere
aiyo... carole.. wait organise le.. sure end up only u, me and sneaky turn up again! hehe....
actually would like to take the chance to meet the rest of the mums! be a bit more spontaneous! hehe...

Interested Mummies pls add on...
(Name/Hubby/Child Location)
1. Carole + Hb + Clarisse + Help 1/2
2. patsy + HB + Xaby dunno bout help - anywhere
3. Adel + HB +Brent + help(maybe)
Oct MTB Gathering!!!! - *hope this gathering will be a Successful one!

Date: <font color="ff0000">9th August 2006 (public Holiday) </font>
Time: 11.30am - 2pm
Location: Yet to Decide...

Who are welcome: ALL including parents!

Venue selection:
1. GlobeTrotters @ United Sq
Food Prices starts from $10, approx $25 per pax

2. The Warren - Carole's Plc (can swim)
catering per pax ~ $12

3. pls suggest

Interested Mummies pls add on...
(Name/Hubby/Child Location)
1. Carole + Hb + Clarisse + Help 1/2
2. patsy + HB + Xaby dunno bout help - anywhere
3. Adel + HB +Brent + help(maybe)

adel: whahahahaha... how come we think alike har?? whahaha.. ya lor.. always just 3 of us... i dun mind if sneaky let us use her plc for the gathering manz. kekekeke
