(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Mybabydream: I saw the NUK teats.

*eniale* (eniale): I didnt noe blue = boy, pink = gal. Thot blue (dry) is the basic type./ pink (dry comfort) is more exp. So i juz grab the basic type. hehe interesting.will see in detail the next round when i buy
MBD, no prob...

anyone using bib yet?? i've started putting on bibs for my son...he salivates a lot man...1 day can chg 2 to 3 bibs...he sucks his hands big time man...

hmm.. actually i am not sure about it... so i was checking whether is it got boy/girl type?? hahahaha...... I think you are rite... just the material is diff oni la.... Now i using the blue one for my girl...

I use the bib when feeding. Mine sucks her hands, toes and whatever is in sight big time. Lots of saliva on her hands and face. I just make sure I clean a couple of times each day.
mybabydream: I bought heniz fruity apple feed him and mix into the cereals ...
tennyson face look sour and bitter so I taste the fruity apple and is sour ... haha ... so cute his reaction

Your bb so cute!!!
I put my baby girl on walker when she is 4 or 5 mths... i start puttin her to try on walker... beginning she also kick backwards... then she goes sideway like crab walking hahahah... now she grow liao (7mths) , can go whereever she wans to.....
(tired for me to everytime pull her back..)


I not quite sure whether is there a law that stating baby have to put in car seat, but I always hold my girl in front or back seat form born. I always went to Malaysia by car, in custom, the police didnt comment anything.. wasnt 'caught' until now...
but play safe, you can call and check with government board.

I have been feeding my bb cereal or any food with spoon, I try putting in bottle last time, but the teat hole too small, it doesnt flow at all. So i try to feed by spoon, she eats well... she knew how to taste it by herself leh... hehe... No prob with her feedin by spoon and much more easy.. jus the cleanin up is tiring la...

can try making apple pureen.. It dosent use lots of time and its fresh...I always make it for my bb girl and she likes alot.. if cant finish, mummies can eat too..

peel the skin and dice the apple (red) , steam it (i always put in wok wif water below) around 20 mins or till apple become soft and juicy. bring the apple and smash it with spoon (mus smash till small small leh) . wait til cold or can put in fridge , serve as desert.

my gal coming to 4 months this thurs, and i have already started giving her brown rice with si shen to drink together with ebm. but i don't dare to give her to drink too much so i only feed her 1x/day. then will slowly increase to more feeds later on
adel, yah manz...the last time we met was at my plc during xmas eve huh? so long liao leh...so when are we meeting again??? how's work? it's a matter of time before you get used to it ah...lucky i started my routine while i was still on maternity leave...haha...therefore, i didn't felt that bad when i got back to work. only headaches for 2 weeks; mon to fri...haha...

syl, mine also salivate a lot a lot...whenever i carry him upright, my shoulders would be so soaked with his saliva. i guess must give him a lot of water to replenish his loss of fluid through salivating ah!

eniale, can i start giving my baby of 4mths 1 week fruit puree?
Hi all. Hv called their office & found out about Huggies points liao. The packaging is part of their global marketing. Not applicable for Singapore consumers.. : ( Gonna throw away those packaging I kept ...
tenny: when they can start to crawl... then u can put then inside.. abt 7th mth

Adel bored? go shopping lor.. whahahahaha
Dear Mummies,

Seems like many of you are starting on cereal & fruit puree after 4 mths. I did read somewhere that we should introduce at 6 mths since their digestive systems are not too mature yet before that. Does any of you intend to start at 6 mths instead of 4 mths? I'm just wondering when would be a good time to start.

Sorry didnt mention abt how many mths can introduce this....
Its betta to give that when she rches 6 mths... recommend on cook book. But i gives my girl slightly early cos she wans to munch things very early leh... I gave it to her when she's 5 mths... abit risk but i give very small amt oni.. to try...


thks for ur info... hmmm.... wasted siah... u kept those packagingin in e end not applicable...!
..... haiz.....
carole, i think as long as, bb strong enough to hold body and neck , it's ok to put them in walker
they also need to practise it . the first time i put she put in, she still can't stable, now she able to contro it well already le.

eniale, thanks. my gerger also start to put in walker @ 4mths+. wah . your bb so big already,so
bb have start solid food already? are you working?? how can you got time to prepare ??? only weekend???

i try to feed my ger to eat careal to spoon, but she reject it le . how to encourage ???

i'm leave my bb on floor mat, and put a lot of toy, teething, bolster , pacifier, she manage to play and enjoy it , she also can flip over already
niuniu: yeah, cooked brown rice is better ...she can drink finish all...hehe

can i start my gal with rice cereal when she turns 4 months ? what abt fruit puree and vegetables puree? can i start when she is 4 months old?

Gald to know she is enjoying her milk .. hee..

i let my gal try a bit of banana puree but she dont like it. Bought veg puree will try again. Rice cereal? I thought only 6 mths onwards.
niuniu: so puree can give at 4 months lah? i bought those Heinz puree so can give when she turns 4 months hor..

as for rice cereal, bought a pack for 4 months bb but dun dare to give yet leh

hehe... yah..big and naughty... now back to workforce, my mum taking care as my hb is foreigner, PIL overseas...

starts eating many kinda solid food liao... esp in my mum plc.. whereever she go, she will feed her anything lor.. like porridge, bread etc...

For me, only wkend lor, I am learning to make some cereal or rice or porridge lor.. not so good at making baby food leh.. still learning.. but now what i eat, she always shoutin wan to eat...so now, hav to feed her abit of what i eat for her to munch lor... (of cos depend on the food...:p )

So hw many mths is ur gal now??

which brand of rice cereal u bought?

dear all,
Anyone has problem of hair dropping? Me drop a lot of hair nowadays

Hi, i faced the sme prob of hair dropping oso, oni last mths my hair start to grow back...

i need to clean the floor everyday and the hair i sweep jus in my room arh.. wah scary!!! Its the hormone changes... cant explain well.. but its normal...

My hair is long and I always tie my hair up or make bun.. so my front hair drop til like mickey mouse forehead like tt... so worry at tat time.. even after birth oso sme.. Oni til last mth then i realise that my front head grows back... happi til i inform everyone in my family haha....

So dun really need to worry much...

Wah sounds scary...how long does it last cos mine already one mths plus .

Oh!! maybe i go see buy for my gal!!

the heniz rice cereal is nice.. i feeding my gal that too.. she likes it!

hehe... might have explain it too scary.. sorri!!!
not so big cruve lah like mickey.. but quite obvious cos i show it to my sis, mum and dad. and they can realize tat too lor...

My girl is 7mths now lor... will recover.. so dun worry much ...
tennyson mum:
regarding the pureen to be comsumed withinin 46 hrs, do u put in the fridge?

any mess when u try to spoonfeed her? i tried on my bb wif spoon but she refuses to eat n kicked my bowl away
...what brand of spoonn did u use? thanks for the apple purren- can we serve bb with cold pureen apple or muz be non-cold?
has anyone bought pureen fruits that comes in bottle jar? can we juz open the jar and feed bb w/o "warming" it up? if we cant finish...do we juz put in the fridge?
i bought heinz pureed food for my samuel and fed him 3 scoops without warming up over dinner just now. the rest i keep in the fridge and intend to warm up in his bowl tomorrow when i feed again. is this the correct way?

MBD, regarding spoon, i'm using the pigeon feeding bowl that comes with the spoon. all the scoops that i mentioned in my previous posts are with that spoon. it's quite easy to use and my baby doesn't refuses it.

Craving for Breasts
i think my boy has developed a crave for my breasts before he falls asleep. when i see that he's sleepy and tried to pacify him to sleep by carrying him in cradle position, he refuses and tend to throw a bit of tantrums. he will only stop when i offer him my breasts and will fall asleep in a while..anyone experiencing this?
any mummies still using nappies for your bb during day time? can ur bb sleep well during the day n sleep through the night?
hi justamum,

i bought infantino from tmc... big wheels and with suspension. i also like the basket cos its big. But i suggest you also get a stroller with the handle able to push facing the baby cos my grace always trying to look for me when i push her around.
eniale, my ger coming to 5 mths old.

this two weeks, i will be take care my ger alone, because my husband go to "NS training" so very tiring. I'm also sufer by hair drop le , how ??

hi, quite a mess.. the whole mouth and side full wif the cereal lor.. so always need to clean up every time after 2 feeds.

hmm.. I always let her sit in the stroller or walker, I will let her see the bowl lor and hold it up to make her see upward, so easy to feed. If i feed porridge, its will be not much mess.. only need to clean up her face 2 times...

Actually i bought those cute minnie spoon, but i find it not so good... so i using those teaspoon metal type lor... cos i get used to feeding her wif that spoon liao... :p

hmm. for the apple pureen, I worry she gets stomach pain, so i din feed when its too cold...so i always wait for awhile then feed her.. i always try first then feed her lor...



wow, then ur hb when come back??ur ILs??
for hair drop. I recover last mth.. so is 6 mths after birth.. now hair grows back liao.. it will recover ... I did not do anything to my hair, like hair cream or put oil or what...when i pregnant time, my sis already inform me that around 4 mths after birth, will start hair drop cos of hormone changes... But if really very super jatlat, then its betta to seek a doctor advise!!
my HB only come back on 17feb, my ILs she got another favourite DIL staying near she wah, she help out there, somemore now is DIL confinement prior,
Do you know she not ever come and see me , when i
in confinement le.
No choice la ,only that have work somenore....
Sharon: my hubby too. gging oversea trip for 3 wks. leaving nxt wk. Gosh my bb only 3 mths.. stressed.. don noe how to cope with bb at nite & wk in the day.
wow seems like alot of mummies starting their bb on solids when bb is 4 mths old.. I still have not decide when to start..

hi mums, today ST got this ad on Playworkz. i called and check on their Crawlers classes and below is the info i have collected.

Crawlers class (min 4 babies for us to have an Exclusive Class on our own) <font color="ff0000">MAX. 10 Babies with 2 trainers</font>

Venue: Millenium Walk
Day: Any Day (including Sunday)
Time: Depends on our schedule, then we fix the timing.
Duration: 45 Mins/per week
Price: $120/mth (if we have more than 4 babies, got discount)

pls let me know the responds so i can revert back to them for better offers.

1. Sneaky (Sunday After 2pm)
2. Carole (Sunday)
