(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Morning mummies!

Feel tiring back to work after CNY holidays... kekeke!

Does anyone start to give ur bb porridge?
My bbsitter intends to start giving my boi porridge during lunch time. My boi juz 4mths old, scared he can't digest the porridge ley...


Long time din see u around. How is ur galgal?
Hi, what's Crawlers class? What's the program like? I thought babies crawl at 7-8 mths?

I'm not thinking of solids so soon...will prob wait till 5-6mths. What abt you both?

hihi... its like tt one lah... but mayb its near ur ILs hse so she feel fine to go over leh... jus dun care lor.. me more worst, ILs oversea.. oni my mum helpin me.. so bad feelin cos everything hav to ma fan her... confinement time, I start doin chores and care my bb after 1 week when i can start to walk properly.. and tat time my mum got my niece to bring to school everyday, so tt period time.. me quite tough...

at least u hav ur ILs to dote ur bb mah...

I also everyday before go to work pass my bb to my mum. I stay B.Banjang, my mum stay Sbw.. journey very siong.. then I wrk in AMK.. after work pick her up then go home... very tiring but get used liao.. will be okie lor...

My mum also wan to feed my girl cereal when she's 3 mths.. I refuse cos i very worry... I always suggest to her to start when she rches 6 mths at that time... But I know she wun listen lah, cos she had her own old method of bringing up childrens... (tats how i been bought up by her too)...

Since she a babysitter and not ILs or relative, its much easy to advice her lor.. Stick to wat u believes... If u are worry , then tell her not to feed... tink she will carry out wat u wans...
Syl & Morraine:
I'm also thinking of starting at around 5/6mths.. think 4mth abit too early lah.. see how lor.. hehe
Crawlers class (min 4 babies for us to have an Exclusive Class on our own) MAX. 10 Babies with 2 trainers

Venue: Millenium Walk
Day: Sunday
Time: Anytime after 2pm (depending on Playworkz's schedule)
Duration: 45 Mins/per week
Price: $120/mth

1. Sneaky
2. Carole

when u change bb diaper, do u clean bb bum with water n air it or just change the diaper?

wonder if its necessary to clean with water n air it?

for me i just use bb wipe den use the pamper to fan abit den air abit den put on the pamper lor

but den if she pass motion den i wil sure rinse with water first before airing..

I think its depends on bb individual.. My bb grows very fast.. except for flipping... hehe i mean growing in size, strength, height... so I start feeding her / letting her try other food when she turns 4 mths lor...

As my mum there, i let her feed and take care cos i believes her lor... as i was bought up by her mah...


My girl.. 7 mths liao, still dunno how to crawl leh... hmmm.... can lift the knee up abit~~ onli....
eniale, mybabydream,

Ya lor, I agree, it's depend on individual bb. Though my bb grows faster too, in terms of size & height. But I just worry it's too early for him to have porridge. Right now my bbsitter juz started to give him cereals, haven't tried brown rice powder yet. Then if give him porridge now, will it be too early? Like skip a step like tat ley...

Anyway, I told the bbsitter juz now, let my boi tries the cereal & brown rice powder first, for this week. If everything ok, then try the porridge...
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">SYL</font>,

I also will only intro brown rice / cereal etc @ 6 mths but nowadays HB will sometimes let her suck some fruits like papaya, apple, honeydrew etc despite my disapproval.

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky/Carole</font>,

When u all starting e crawlers class huh? I need to go back &amp; seek "CFO"'s permission cuz recently spent alot of $$ on Janelle liao. Just bought some clothes from Gym then e Baby Signing DVD then sending her to infant care, wow lau my pocket 1 ver big lobang liao. Duno if he'll still approve tis budget or not?</font>
Sharon: we drive our bb to in lwas place every morning. &amp; drive back every nite. but nxt wk onwards no more car liao. hubby sold his car. so hopefully my in law will come over &amp; fetch. easier for us also. Very tiring these days. but its worth it. cos we get to see out bb growth daily. last nite i slept at 10:30 but still tired cos got up at 1+,3+ &amp; 6+ to feed.. in office got to express twice a day.. super stress..

Caretaker is MIL. very grateful &amp; fortunate. but sometimes can get worried too. cos diff style.eg i gv my son rattle, teether to chew. MIl say don wan. She prefer to gv pacifier. I say may teeth ard 3 - 6 mths so need teether, she scolded me stupid. Cos she don wan bb to teeth so soon (superstitious).. but guess got to close one eye. haha then everyone will b happier..
HELP HELP.. my boy never poo for 2 days liao. he usually poos twice a day. On EBM, shldnbt hv constipation lei.. Any EBM bb nvr poo for 2 days or more?

Sneaky: Crawler class fr 6 mths. my bb only 3 mths +.. when u all starting? if 3 mths later hha i can join in. Btw wat sort of program the class provides?
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sharon</font>,

Was it you who's looking for maid agency huh? U can try Sinar Mas Employment Agency, look for Sindy Sin. Most of my relatives's maids are frm her. She's v gd &amp; reliable, she's not tt type only want to do business loh. You can contact her @ 6355 9026, can said u recommended by Joni frm Apple.</font>
There was one time my bb didn't poo for 3-4 days. I was real worried too and it lasted abt 2 weeks. After that the poo pattern went back to normal. She's on EBM too. If the poo isn't hard, shouldn't have to worry.
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">3rascals</font>,

Janelle poos every 2-3 days. Ask PD, he said it's ok for BB on TBM/EBM not to poo so frequently.

I cannot rem who was it asking bout hairdresser in Yishun who cuts BB's hair. Anyway hope I'm not too late. The salon is "In Cut Salon" at Blk 921, Yishun Central #01-263, Tel : 62570976. Look for Andy Tan.</font>

Me too my caretaker is my mum. I dun wan to let my gal sleep in sarong but my mom introduce liao...Sigh..
Really got to close one eye liao...
3rascals: never poo for 2-3 days or even 10 days is not considered constipation if bb is on bm, whether ebm or not doesn't matter, and his stool is soft. bm is completely digestable and some bbs really dun poo for the entire week and they are still fine. My first gal was like that. No worries k? If the stools come out hard and small like pellets, then that's constipation even if bb poops everyday.
oh so glad to noe this normal. I got so worried.. usually the poo is soft &amp; pattern very regular. once noon &amp; once evening. until few days back nvr poo .til now hvnt seen any poo yet. Btw i nvr introduce water. Shld start to introduce water now?
your bb still wakeup so many time?? boy or girl ? now take in how many oz of milk ? my il angry w me, because i didn't accept any advice fm her..
i'm work in clinic, my co's advice me, give water to bb after 3 mths old

Jenifur, thanks for the contact, but do you know
first time employ maid have to take course wat??
do you have the wedside add??? i heard need to gave the certificate first is it ??
sharon: My boy is 3.5 mths. can take abt 130 - 180 ml each feed. But during last feed will latch &amp; let him fall asleep on my breats b4 i put him to bed. I tuck him to bed at 9pm. sometimes can sleep til 3 or 4 am then wake for a feed then til 7am when we leaves the hse. but sometimes can wake every 2hrs. Its very tiring at times to get up every 2-3 hrs. but i still do so so that can up my supply at the same time.

I thot of gving water only when i start to introduce semi-solids.
jenifur: both sneaky and me gng to send bb to crawlers class only after april. wont too soon.
check out now so we are prepared with funds. kekeke. i bet ur CFO would allow lah, anything tt good for his girl, i am sure he wont be MEOW. kekeke. I thought u hired a maid? how come need to send Janelle to infant care?

3rascals: we are putting up in advance to gather numbers so that we can have an exclusive class just to ourselves or just our Oct MTB.
san: sure... put name up for u.. once we are more or less cfm, i will call them up to arrange a class and hoping we can have abt 10 bbs then i will try to fight for an extra trainer or etc, but its up to Playworkz to give.

Crawlers class (min 4 babies for us to have an Exclusive Class on our own) <font color="ff0000">MAX. 10 Babies with 2 trainers</font>

Venue: Millenium Walk
Day: Sunday (From April 2006,when bb is abt 6mths old)
Time: Anytime after 2pm (depending on Playworkz's schedule)
Duration: 45 Mins/per week
Price: $120/mth (for 4 lessons)

1. Sneaky
2. Carole
3. Gracemum
4. Jenifur (waiting for CFO's approval)
5. San (waiting for CFO's approval)

for those who wish to know abt the crawler's class:-
info on programme: http://www.playworkz.com.sg/prog_infant.htm

schedule &amp; price: http://www.playworkz.com.sg/downloads/Public%20Leaflet%202006.pdf

hmm.. yah.. step by step lor.. let him try on cereal and brown rice first as wat u say.. will be better... dun jump too fast.....
Hey ..my boy poo tis morning already.. soft stool. he's not constipated..

Classes in April. Good.. By then I can enrol also.. So we'll gging for playworkz or babies &amp; cream?

Venue: Millenium Walk
Day: Sunday (From April 2006,when bb is abt 6mths old)
Time: Anytime after 2pm (depending on Playworkz's schedule)
Duration: 45 Mins/per week
Price: $120/mth (for 4 lessons)

1. Sneaky
2. Carole
3. Gracemum
4. Jenifur (waiting for CFO's approval)
5. San (waiting for CFO's approval)
6. 3rascals (waiting for CFO's approval)
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sharon</font>,

Here's e website for e course http://esp.sp.edu.sg/fdw/ Very easy to pass 1, to be sure you can print out e notes or open another screen then refer but all common sense.

<font color="0000ff">Carole</font>,

If Apr then I shld b able to join cuz this mth really over spend liao. HB was nagging e whole nite cuz I bought e Baby Signing DVD.

HB wanted a maid but I really cannot bear e tot of leaving Janelle alone w e maid in e day time. I managed to find a Infant Care near my office which open till 8:30pm so decided to leave her there

I also interested in e Baby Massage Class leh, eyeing for veri long liao. Has got In-principle approval from CFO for this liao</font>
3rascal: playworkz or bbs and cream oso can.. let me check out the price and will revert back. i personally like babies and cream. kekek..

jenifur: massage class .. i will be calling them in afternoon.. will check it out and let u knwo too. but hb prefers a class where both dad n mum can attend.. dunno if bb and cream allows or not.

I will be going for the baby massage class at Babes n Cream at Great World. Already signed up for their class next Sun (19 Feb) at 4pm. Wanna join? I think mine is 4 sessions. It was a massage voucher given to me during baby's full mth.

As for Crawler's class, me interested too, but only if you all are attending after April. My baby's only 5mths+ in April, so if you guys are going April, I'll skip, but if it's May or June, should be ok with me.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Loving</font>,

Not yet leh. HB said no time to go buy, so angry w him</font>
Gathering Numbers to go for classes together with our babies... i am not getting anything out of this

1. Crawlers class
Venue: Millenium Walk
Day: Sunday (From April/May 2006,when bb is abt 6mths old)
Time: Anytime after 2pm (depending on Playworkz's schedule)
Duration: 45 Mins/wk
Price: $120/mth (for 4 lessons)
Min. 4 babies for us to have an Exclusive Class on our own
Max. 10 Babies with 2 trainers

1. Sneaky
2. Carole
3. Gracemum
4. Jenifur (waiting for CFO's approval)
5. San (waiting for CFO's approval)
6. 3rascals (waiting for CFO's approval)

for those who wish to know abt the crawler's class:-
info on programme: http://www.playworkz.com.sg/prog_infant.htm
schedule &amp; price: http://www.playworkz.com.sg/downloads/Public%20Leaflet%202006.pdf

2. Baby Massage
Venue: Babies &amp; Cream - Great World City
Day: Sunday (From March 2006)
Time: Est. 4.30pm - 5.30pm
Duration: 1 Hour/wk
Price: $70/mth + GST (4 sessions)
Max: 7 Couples(*dad &amp; mum attend together) &amp; 7 Babies (7 to start and Exclusive class)
Check out the below link:-

*Interested mummies, pls drop your name and email add. Babies and Cream promised me to email me some informations and i can keep you all in the loop.

1. Sneaky
2. Carole ([email protected])
3. Jenifur

3. Kindermusik Village
Venue: Babies &amp; Cream - Great World City
Day: Sunday (From March 2006)
Time: yet to cfm
Duration: 1 Hour
Price: $190.40/mth + GST (8 sessions)
Max: 12 Babies with one accompanied parent (10 to start and Exclusive class)
Check out the below link:-

1. Carole
2. Jenifur
3. Sneaky???
<font face="Calisto mt"> Gathering Numbers to go for classes together with our babies... i am not getting anything out of this

1. Crawlers class
Venue: Millenium Walk
Day: Sunday (From April/May 2006,when bb is abt 6mths old)
Time: Anytime after 2pm (depending on Playworkz's schedule)
Duration: 45 Mins/wk
Price: $120/mth (for 4 lessons)
Min. 4 babies for us to have an Exclusive Class on our own
Max. 10 Babies with 2 trainers

1. Sneaky
2. Carole
3. Gracemum
4. Jenifur (waiting for CFO's approval)
5. San (waiting for CFO's approval)
6. 3rascals (waiting for CFO's approval)

for those who wish to know abt the crawler's class:-
info on programme: http://www.playworkz.com.sg/prog_infant.htm
schedule &amp; price: http://www.playworkz.com.sg/downloads/Public%20Leaflet%202006.pdf

2. Baby Massage
Venue: Babies &amp; Cream - Great World City
Day: Sunday (From March 2006)
Time: Est. 4.30pm - 5.30pm
Duration: 1 Hour/wk
Price: $70/mth + GST (4 sessions)
Max: 7 Couples(*dad &amp; mum attend together) &amp; 7 Babies (7 to start and Exclusive class)
Check out the below link:-

*Interested mummies, pls drop your name and email add. Babies and Cream promised me to email me some informations and i can keep you all in the loop.

1. Sneaky
2. Carole ([email protected])
3. Jenifur ([email protected])

3. Kindermusik Village
Venue: Babies &amp; Cream - Great World City
Day: Sunday (From March 2006)
Time: yet to cfm
Duration: 1 Hour
Price: $190.40/mth + GST (8 sessions)
Max: 12 Babies with one accompanied parent (10 to start and Exclusive class)
Check out the below link:-

1. Carole
2. Jenifur
3. Sneaky???</font>
any difference between crawler's class and kindermusik village.. based on description like more or less the same..
Gathering Numbers to go for classes together with our babies... i am not getting anything out of this

1. Crawlers class <font color="ff0000">(TRIAL)</font>
Venue: Baby Jumper Gym @ Hometeam NS Clubhouse (Former CDANS)
Day: Sunday, 26 Feb
Time: Anytime after 2pm (depending on BJG's schedule)
Duration: 45mins - 60mins
Price: $20 (for 1 lesson)
Min. 3 babies for us to have an Exclusive Class on our own
Max. 7 Babies with 1 trainer
*Dad &amp; Mum and baby (from 3 mths old)

*Interested mummies, pls drop your name and PM me your baby's Name &amp; DOB.
1. Sneaky
2. Carole
3. Gracemum
4. Jenifur (waiting for CFO's approval)
5. San (waiting for CFO's approval)
6. 3rascals (waiting for CFO's approval)

2. Crawlers class
Venue: Playworkz @ Millenium Walk
Day: Sunday (From April/May 2006,when bb is abt 6mths old)
Time: Anytime after 2pm (depending on Playworkz's schedule)
Duration: 45 Mins/wk
Price: $120/mth (for 4 lessons)
Min. 4 babies for us to have an Exclusive Class on our own
Max. 10 Babies with 2 trainers

1. Sneaky
2. Carole
3. Gracemum
4. Jenifur (waiting for CFO's approval)
5. San (waiting for CFO's approval)
6. 3rascals (waiting for CFO's approval)

for those who wish to know abt the crawler's class:-
info on programme: http://www.playworkz.com.sg/prog_infant.htm
schedule &amp; price: http://www.playworkz.com.sg/downloads/Public%20Leaflet%202006.pdf

3. Baby Massage
Venue: Babies &amp; Cream - Great World City
Day: Sunday (From March 2006)
Time: Est. 4.30pm - 5.30pm
Duration: 1 Hour/wk
Price: $70/mth + GST (4 sessions)
Max: 7 Couples(*dad &amp; mum attend together) &amp; 7 Babies (7 to start and Exclusive class)
Check out the below link:-

*Interested mummies, pls drop your name and email add. Babies and Cream promised me to email me some informations and i can keep you all in the loop.

1. Sneaky
2. Carole ([email protected])
3. Jenifur ([email protected])

4. Kindermusik Village
Venue: Babies &amp; Cream - Great World City
Day: Sunday (From March 2006)
Time: yet to cfm
Duration: 1 Hour
Price: $190.40/mth + GST (8 sessions)
Max: 12 Babies with one accompanied parent (10 to start and Exclusive class)
Check out the below link:-

1. Carole
2. Jenifur
3. Sneaky???
