(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

she never say and i also never ask much.. haha she said my girl very mang chang and bad temper.. she said she babysit another even worse bb before and can managed to change the bb around.. i just "fang shou" let her do lor.. hehe.. hmmm.. today my girl seems to get better at least she drinking more and can sleep woh...

i also wana buy bandana for my girl.. hehe
fiona, you hv to resize your pic. open pic with paint and follow the steps:-

- image
- sketch/skew
- key in 50% or less on both columns (must be same hor)
- save as (another filename)

after this, you shd be able to upload here liao...try it!

Not hiao lah, it's good lah, maybe ur bb will be the next Spore SuperStar ley...

Rashes due to saliva? My bb got alot of saliva too, but I or bbsitter always clean & clean lor, even put a bib on him.
Maybe u can try to apply J&J lotion (the pink one) on the face. I do that every time after his bath. So far his face is liang liang de. ;)


Oh, ok! I will go & look look.


Ya, buy one & doll your bb up!
Mine is the Apple Mac PC...not compatible with Paint...using another Photo Software. Tried to resize but still cannot upload pic here. Nvm...thks.

So how's samuel? has he flipped alreadi. Mine can flip and lie on her tummy already, both sides oso can. She looks so cute. My mum commented that she looks like a inverted turtle.
Sneaky: Samuel big boy liao ... he looks cute!

U so bad say he looked like China man.

Puea: yr bb very chubby leh ... feel like pinching her cheeks ... haha
puea, superstar??? mai lah...better study hard and be somebody in the biz world better...yah, the rashes appear here and there and go off in a fre days....what my maid and i do was to dry it with tissue or cloth loh...nvr deliberately use wet cloth to clean...must i use clean damp hanky to clean or just drying it will do??

fiona, oic...then i dunno how to hlp you with uploading of pics liao...yes, he can only flip halfway and he's almost going on his tummy liao...he can only do it on one side...wah...your baby very fast leh...maybe girls are faster...

mayday, yah loh, he's such a big boy...don't look like china man meh?? to me, he does cos he's very fair even at birth...plus the side-parted hairstyle the nurses gave him after he's been showered...haha
Hello Mummies,

a friend of mine just gave birth, and she's trying to breastfeed but no milk yet. She wanted to give in to FM cos heartpain to see baby hungry. So I suggested giving glucose water, which I got a bottle from hospital before. Does anyone know where to buy? I think it's Similac 5% glucose water.
Tennyson Mummy,

Hahaha! Ya lor, dunno why his face is so chubby though he is not fat/overweight. My mum oso keeps pinching his face every time she sees him. :p


No lah, ur bb doesn't look like china man lah...
Mine oso like tat, was very very fair when birth & somemore the nurses combbed his hair side parting one... Hahaha!


Ok, will go there & take a look.

It's suitable for boy boy ones hor?
My mum said my bb looks like David Gan in that pic, very girlish...
piano: bb too young to have too much of glucose water. tell friend its ok to give FM as long as when BM kicks in, then go on 50% FM n 50% BM. then slowly change the diet to full BM. tts wat i did during confinement. no one can fully BF bb during the 1st mth. be patient is the word

puea: ya. suitable.

If BM hasn't kicked it, FM can be given in a cup or spoon so that baby wouldn't reject the breast. Try not to use the bottle until bb takes to the breast.
Hi Ladies,

I m new to this thread.

My bb is 2mth, 2wk old. Few days back having watery stool. He is on BF, poo poo will have some solid, now completely liquid. Does any of ur bb have such prob?
Hi mummies,

Here's the latest pic of my boy Shaun
He will be 4th month old this coming Sunday..

I'm having a difficult time feeding Shaun milk..
He use to drink abt 24-26oz but lately for the past week he's drinking less at abt 14-18oz & will cry & scream when I try to force him more milk.. really very tiring & worry of him...dunno wat to do ler...
any mommies have such problem?
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Chris</font>,

Welcome to e CLUB
... Janelle has been like since Mon, think Alden &amp; a few other BB(s) too.

Not sure bout Shaun but my Janelle is prob due to teething. My PD did mention tt BB will go thru a stage where they will decrease/reject their milk. Guess it's normal but still makes us worried rite

Shuan v ADORABLE </font>
Hi Jenifur,

But the decrease is so much ler.. I can only get him to drink 14-18oz with some forcing.. if not Shaun seems like not hungry at all &amp; can go on without milk for 7-8 hours

I was thinking to bring him to PD this Sunday for his injection as well as consult PD on this..

Guess all mommies will be really worried when BB is not drinking enough milk..
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Chris</font>,

Janelle's record so far is to go w/o milk for 7hrs. I was so stress tt day when HB told me she didn't drink milk for 7hrs. Nowadays her usual feed of 120ml has to b separate into 2 or 3 feeds &amp; she might not even finish it.

Ya jus check w ur PD since u also going 4 Jab</font>
Hi mums ~ sorry had been MIA-ing for so long.. today jus first day back to work.. wah.. time flies for the 3mths... haiz..

anyway jenifur ~ pls kindly help me update for my Ash ~ for 1mth i did not take her for jab so dun have measurements but den her 2nd mth she is 5.2kg and 61cm ~ thanks ~

hope everyone is doing well ya ~ hee...
hmm.. u all talking abt how long ur babies can go without milk?

but den mine she sleep thru out the nite her record is 12hrs.. den me n hubby was so worried for her..

but den my mum say jus leave them alone.. they wil wake up once they are hungry... dun wake them up for milk ~
few Qs on mind.....

1)is it too early to start bb on walkers now? i always thought bb start as late as 8 mths when they learn to walk?

2)wow..so many are starting on flashcard. when u read to bb, muz bb be sitted up or bb lying on bed is also fine? will have "eyesight" issue or not? what about setting room lights to dim when bb is about to sleep but still looking ard, will it cause "eyessight" problem?

3)has anyone cut bb's toe nails(2nd to 5th ones)? my bb's 2nd to 5th ones are growing v slowly(unlike the 1st big toe) and that i have not cut yet...
morraine: not to worry. bb grows while they sleep too. they are learning to be adults...sleep thro the nite, haha. yup, never wake them up for milk. they will if they are hungry.

i have already cut brennan's toenails. ya some toenails dont really grow fast as compared to fingernails. i only cut those that i feel long.

i showed brennan flashcards when he is lying down, sometimes i do prop him up.
but its during day time n room is pretty bright too
for the first time he looked at me more than e pix.but 2nd time onwards, he looked at the pix. i didnt flash very fast. he was looking at the cards even when i move them to see if he's actually looking at them..

ya i read the alpha n word. if its a shaped object, i use my finger to draw the circumference if the shape. my flashcard sets very simple n cheap one. bought 2 sets of 30cards. one is "first words", the other is "alphabet"
$2.90each at growing fun
good morning everyone...i've got good news to share

my boy learnt how to flip from back to front lying position 2 days ago and today, he surprised me by doing 1 more flip...lucky i'm around. he ended up so close to the edge of the bed. it's just so cute...now we really cannot leave him alone on our bed liao; even putting him in the centre is not safe anymore...

yesterday, my mum let him try tasting a pc of apple...he sucked for a long long time...hmmm, wonder if solid is to be introduced soon...so exciting...
hi, just want to share sabrina photo, she 4 months already.. still dont know how to flip..
this position is i help her want.. anyone know
how to encourage them to flip

i bought 2 boxes, each containing 30cards. each box costs $2.90. it may not be very sofisticated type but i just want to show brennan something different lor..


dont worry. brennan also dont know how to flip. probably cos most of the time he is lying down on his back or sitting up, seldom on his tummy. he doesnt really like the position. will scream after a while..his legs are stronger than his hands though.


any idea how to test if baby is left or right handed?
hi all

how do you gals make your bb nite time sleep longer hours ? mine now still wake up at 3 am for milk and then he will sleep until 6 am. but normally i wont give him milk at 6 am only pat him and he will sleep again until 9 am.

the only thing is he still wake up at midnite... can mummies tell me how ?? thanks a lot
Just let your bb take his time lor, every baby develops at different pace.

My bb flip halfway when she's two mths old, I usually clap hands, smiled and praise her clever girl, but I did not help her to flip to lie on her tummy. But each time, she will try harder the more I encourage her. By 3 and a half mth, she is on her tummy liao, all by her own effort. Guess, words of encouragement helps.

I heard Mamil Nite helps. Maybe you want to get sample from your PD and let her try?

growing fun has outlets at suntec city, oub cente, centerpoint, novena square.


brennan also still wakes up at 3+ n 6+ n 7+ for feed. but only 10mins of latching n he will doze off. sometimes i wonder if he is just woken up by his vigorous face scratching or he us really hungry

ssl,my gerger also don't like on tummy position,because she can't take out hands from her tummy area, she will scream also.

our bb so clever, 2 months old flip already.

Yes, mamil nite can be consumed by bb below 6mths. But I heard people said it's too hard to melt in water, and it's too heaty for some bbs.
You may want to get sample to try out first.

Now it's still too early to let your bb sit in walker. At least got to wait until 5th mth. Too early it's not good for bb's back ley.

As for cutting nails, yeap, I oredi cut my bb's nails since full mth. His nails grows very fast, as i got to cut it once 2 weeks.
i have to cut my ger's nails every other day if not it wil tend to grow very long.. both the hands n legs oso ~

Amari ~ prehaps u can try to let her have her last feed later like closing to 10.30pm den turn off the lights den lie next to ur bb?

den talk to her n tel her its sleeping time?

mine i always change her n wipe her ard 8pm den after tat wil feed her the last feed den turn the lights off den she wil sleep already..

or u can try if she does wake up in the middle of the nite.. den see if she cries or wat? if she jus open her eyes den pat her back to sleep instead?

dun jus carry her up n prepare the milk for her.. sometimes she may be in the daze mode n not really wanna drink milk.. but once u offer her of coz she wil take den it becomes a habit for her to wake up thinking there is always milk for her..
Ling ~ ya lor.. mine oso.. very fast long wan den i dun let her wear mittens already so scared wil scratch her face so mus cut every now n den ~
hi girls.. today first day back at work.. then now managed to get my pc working..

morraine &amp; carole:
my girl's nails also grow very fast.. yesterday din let her wear mittens and she go scratch herself.. now her face got one long scratch.. not nice liao.. like "hua mao".. cos her forhead got 3 small mosquito bites.. hehe

har? cut every other day? Dunno ley, i very scared to cut my boi's nails, scared cut too deep hor, then he will pain pain ley.
