(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

<font face="Calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">June</font>,

Ya HB driving her over to pick me. Though my boss oso said it's ok not to drink milk but I'm still worried leh.

<font color="0000ff">Sweetie</font>,

Only feed her 100ml of EBM
My ger dun take FM..

<font color="0000ff">MrsTan</font>,

Carole knows cuz I think it's written on e Medela guide book

Janelle seems to recognise me loh cuz when HB ask "where's mummy", she will look @ me/try to find me</font>
mrs tan,

the pump is about 2+ months. i am using manual cos find medela mini need batteries....

so sweet... dun know my grace recognize me or not. sometimes she seems to recognize, sometimes she seems not to...
Mrstan: whahahaha.. i went to do research before i buy the PIS... cos i tt time was thinking to get MINI too. if i bought Mini, i think my MINI by now should have gone up the LORRY liaoz. kekeke... Mini max can only use 3 times. and i use like 5 times a day and average 15 mins per pump, u say cfm up the lorry or not? kekekkee

when i told my hubby abt the occasional use of mini, he decided to buy me the PIS.

sweet: my smell? wjhahahahah i smell like cow lor. whahahaha
mrs tan

If the pump is new, they will indicate as NEW online. i look at their grades. The one i bought is second hand, think is Great grade. Seller actually priced at $95 but she knows i wanted to buy the $60 one initially which was sold to someone on the very same morning!! so she offered to call the sller but unable to contact the person and according to BabyTown person, they are allowed to lower the price by certain amount. Thats why i heng got the deal lor.

Some are priced higher than others cos of their quality. I actually went down to see the pump and test it out before i buy. kiasu la.

I was using my friend's friend's pump on loan lor. so also very last min got to return so i bought it very quick.
Hi jenifur,

Pls help me to update your list.
My son Rong Jin, weighs 6.84kg, height 63cm, @ 3 mths old.

ssl: yes, I nnngg nngg my 2 gals from birth whern they wanna poop, till now my older gal still want us to nngg nngg her when she wants to poop or she'll do it herself. It helps her to use more strength to push.. heh..

jenifur: did you try to latch janelle? Did she just suckle for a while and then let go and cry
?? Or she rejected the breast as well? Has she been drooling more than usual? If your answer to the above is yes, then she's v likely yo be teething. Otherwise if she still refuses till 2moro see a pd.

I'm staying away from strenous exercise. In fact, haven't started exercising yet. My outside wound has healed definitely, but not sure abt inside. Sometimes, when I sneeze or cough, still feel that it's a little sore inside.

Mrs Tan,

I have both the Medela mini electric and dual electric pump, both are second hand from cousin and friend. They still work leh and I pump abt 5 times a day. Initially I used the single one (for abt 2 months), but now that I'm back to work, I use the dual one cuz it saves half the time.


How's Janelle?
jenifur, they are all young children...difficult to stop them frm being close loh...indeed, it pains me to see my son sick at such a tender age...anyway, it's very mild and he's almost well now. thks..
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Kris</font>,

She didn't reject my breast though she did suckle &amp; let go a few times. She has started drooling &amp; bitting her hands... Does all these means she's teething?? Izzit too early for her to b teething? Tot usually is ard 6 mths.

Now she need to hold on to my hand while she slps.. HB is carring her &amp; patting her to slp..

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Glad to know Sam is recovering..</font>

Teething can starts as early as 4th month....My gal also same as Janelle. Started drooling &amp; bitting her hands too....
jenifur: try this the next time.. when bb is crying eh.. pacify her to sleep first.. then fifteen mins later.. give her the bottle.. while she is sleeping.. usually this helps..!it worked on my son.. hehe..
jenifur: my #1 teethed at 2 months, which means that at the end of her 2nd month, her 2 bottom center teeth had broken through. Teething is hereditary, so if you, your hb or your siblings or parents, even grandparents teethed early, there is a chance that Janelle will teeth early too. And the ordeal could last several weeks b4 you see the teeth.
<font size="-1"><font face="Courier New"> <font color="0077aa">as @ 17 Jan 06
Mummies <font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>Pop On<font color="ffffff">.</font> BB's name <font color="ffffff">.</font> Birth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>3 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>4 mth<font color="ffffff"></font>
Fun .......... 11-Sep-05 Alden<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.06/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.50/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">8.45/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Jenifur ...... 18-Sep-05 Janelle<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.81/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.40/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
ice .......... 19-Sep-05 Angeline<font color="ffffff">..</font>
Gracemum ..... 20-Sep-05 Sabrina<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.53/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.38/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
QiQi ......... 22-Sep-05 Boy<font color="ffffff">......</font>
Chris ........ 23-Sep-05 Shaun<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.50/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Mayday ....... 23-Sep-05 Tennyson<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">2.83/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Winnie ....... 23-Sep-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.95/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Pammie ....... 24-Sep-05 Tammie<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.23/59</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
MrsTan ....... 25-Sep-05 Kenshin<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.49/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.20/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fiona ........ 28-Sep-05 Genevieve<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.10/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
inc .......... 29-Sep-05 Boy<font color="ffffff">......</font>
Mybabydream .. 29-Sep-05 J.<font color="ffffff">........</font> <font color="0000ff">2.70/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.90/57</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
SSL .......... 29-Sep-05 Brennan<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.15/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.56/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sneaky ....... 30-Sep-05 Samuel<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.80/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fushiastar ... 04-Oct-05 Zoe<font color="ffffff">.......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.38</font><font color="ffffff">....</font>
Mdl .......... 04-Oct-05 Tricia<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.25/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Snow ......... 04-Oct-05 Yong Shan<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">2.92/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.60/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
whitefloral .. 05-Oct-05 Charlize<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.50/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.03/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Viola ........ 07-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.30/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Celine ....... 12-Oct-05 Joshua<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.90/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Ling ......... 12-Oct-05 Clarisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">2.77/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">/58</font><font color="ffffff">.....</font>
Amari ........ 13-Oct-05 Darren<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.76/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.10/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
breakbeats ... 13-Oct-05 Ethan<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.55/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Garfield ..... 14-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.47/45</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Puea ......... 15-Oct-05 Boy<font color="ffffff">.......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.12/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.84/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Adel ......... 19-Oct-05 Brent<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.40/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kris ......... 21-Oct-05 Ember<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.35/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Nuttnuts ..... 21-Oct-05 Ying En<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.68/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Tao_baby ..... 24-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.03/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Yippee ....... 24-Oct-05 Kaiser<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.64/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fresia ....... 25-Oct-05 Amos<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.46/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sweetie ...... 25-Oct-05 Grace<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
3rascals ..... 28-Oct-05 Kayden<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.44/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Morraine ..... 28-Oct-05 Ashley<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.55/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Karin ........ 30-Oct-06 Nicole<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.23/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kuririn ...... 31-Oct-05 Sherisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Dolly ........ 01-Nov-05 Christine<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.61/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> </font></font></font>

<font face="Calisto mt"> If you would like me to update your Baby's weight &amp; length, please PM me! </font>
<font face="calisto mt">
Thanks all mummies for e advices. Think Janelle is prob teething &amp; suffering from separation anxiety..

Jus called hm. HB alry tried to pat her to slp then give her milk. But She only drank for awhile then start crying again. HB got so fed up tt he lock her inside e rm to cry &amp; scream. I hear liao so heartache. Think I better start looking @ other ppl to care for her. My HB is so impatient.
He said if dun b firm w Janelle now then she will b harder to discipline in future

<font color="0000ff">Nanny</font>:

Those mummies who leave their BB w nanny - How do u go about choosing? Older/Retired lady will b better rite?</font>
Hi Jenifur,

My nanny is a mother of 3 but all her 3 children has grow up and working. So her experience has long overdue...has been taking her of janell for almost 2mths. Initially i was not confident of her.. but now getting better. Her rate is $500 which i find it a bit steep.
Better not get HB to take her ... normally guy no patient or panick when take care of bb. My hubby initially perspire like mad when he take care of gal gal alone....now better ...hee!!
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">NiuNiu</font>,

Thanks. Did u get her from agency or paste ad downstair? Tot $500 is e std rate? Actually my Aunt has a fren living near me &amp; she's keen to take my ger. But problem is she has 2 young grandchild which she hv to bring to sch. Wondering will nanny bring our BB out to shop etc w/o telling us</font>

think most hb got no patience compared to mummy when it comes to baby care. my hb also like that. gets frustrated easily. there was once he also let brennan cry without being at his side. i was pumping half way n had to leave one breast unpump to tend to brennan. i tell myself baby can only communicate with us thru crying, so we have to be very patient lor.. ya as mummy we may feel frustrated n tired too, but i guess our tolerance level is much higher than daddies

No actually recommend by my colleagues..i tot $500 is for experienced nanny..cos when bb eat solid food will need to increase another $50. 2 YOUNG GRANDCHILD?? think u hv to consider carefully .. with young children i won't wan lor.. cos taking care of young bb not easy..my nanny also need to cook for the family do housework etc..luckily her hubby and children can take care of my gal...all of them like gal gal also.. so more fang xin...nanny she might bring her out but think she also scare i call her to spot check haha.
Agree. My hubby keep nagging that i hv secret weapons " breast". Not that he's impatient..

I like to look at my boy when he's asleep. so I let him sleep between us. But tik its quite uncomfortable &amp; disturbing for my hubby. Wonder if i shld let him sleep on his cot???
jenifur: all daddy the same.. kekeke.. i sometimes oso let my girl cry n cry, cos i dunno wat she wants.. whahaha...
Hi jenifur

juz pop by to comment on nanny:-
my ger is left in a care of a juz 50 year old auntie. intially quite worry as my ger is very cranky type, afraid will get ill-treated :p
But now she is with the nanny for about 2mth+, My nanny is ok except 'want to save time'..meaning if my ger refuse milk when its time to drink, she will force her to drink (so they are like 'fighting' with each other to get the milk drink), if my ger drink all, so she save time to feed her again and also she think is waste of food if my ger dont drink

But me afraid is not good for the stomach.

Another problem is timing...if got to Ot or fetch late, face abit black black lor...other than tat, should be ok

my experience -
+choose someone you know or someone you know whose kid has been taken care by her. my nanny used to take care of my niece. so abit 'fang xin'
+dont be too old as when bb get older, they got to carry them, play with them etc, so need more energy. Preferably those with teenage kids housewife, 40++
+dont leave with nanny that has own children lor or look after more than 1..guess u know the reason lor
+i pay $500 ($550 when able to take food or self-provide). My colleague told me is abit exp becos some nanny take $500 and provide food to baby when they are able to take solid.

Lastly better to spell things out upfront to the nanny, like your working hrs, feeding habit (hygience) etc

hope the info helps!

my hb till now dare not let bb sleep in between us. so always me sleeping alone with bb, separate from hubby. if he does sleep with us, we will sleep in L shaped format. me beside BB and hubby at the base of the bed horizontally.

brennan doesnt like to sleep on foam mattress cos hot. can only sleep on spring mattress at night. so i also duno what i should do when he starts to flip. think die die have to let him get used to it
dunno why my boy didn't want to drink his milk today...he usually will gobble down the whole bottle at one go...but today he only drank a few sips and started using his tongue to roll &amp; bite the teats...wonder if he's teething...
Wah so many bb is teething...my gal is 3mth 2 wks maybe soon too.

She flip over too on Sunday .. so funny to see her did that... she scream when she cant turn back..
me also like u.. sometimes when really duno wat she wants and she cry and scream until i cannot take it i will just leave her alone to cry.. but only for a while then go carry and pacify her..

re: impatient daddy
my hubby also another one..

duno wat happened to my girl last night.. she fell asleep then suddenly wake up and cry real loud.. when my hubby carry and pacify her, she cry even louder and scream.. so poor thing.. when i take over she also cry and cry.. took almost an hr to pacify her then pat her to sleep..

my girl recently is also refusing to drink milk.. she rather bite on my shirt and bite her hands.. is it she going to teeth soon?? really had hard time feeding her these few days..

re: nanny
I'm going to put my girl with nanny from tomorrow onwards.. going back to work next monday.. she is 50 yrs old quite experienced.. found her via agency.. guess my is the most ex one.. need to pay her $550... she will be only looking after my girl only.. all her kids are grown up.. i guess its ok to let nanny bring my girl out should she need to go out buy things.. i rather she bring her out then leave her alone at home... if she is to go somewhere far and long i will want her to inform me first lor..
san: ya dunno wat they crying manz.. haiz.. mine too dun like milk like tt.. like to suck her hands and my shirt..

my hb is now more responsive towards his girl, maybe she knows how to respond now.. kekek.. he took care of her with my mum on sat, and when i am home, i can see both of them fussing over the girl and they look damn tired. so poor thing. aiyo.. kekeke...
so who is trying for the 2nd one? lol... i got this weird thinking.. whahha.. i wan another oct bb. whahahha.. i think i siao liaoz.. whahahah
probably sneaky! hiak hiak...
ya lor like i torture her like that.. change diaper liao, apply oil liao.. give her milk she dun wan just cry and scream.. sigh.. really give up on her.. duno what she wants..

my hubby asked me when want to have 2nd one I said let me think first.. this one already cannot handle liao still thinking of 2nd one.. win liao.. kekeke
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Mygirl/San</font>,

Thanks for sharing. But HB dun wan Nanny. He still insist on maid

<font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,

I also want another Oct BB.. Will prob start TTC next yr when Janelle turns 1</font>
san: lol.. me thinking... too.. sometimes see my girl so cute, i dun mind having 2nd one.. but when she fuss, i say, no tks.. whahaha.. contradicting manz.

jenifur: kekek.. turns one.. meaning make in Jan 07 leh. whahahaha idea..

so fast think of trying liao...
i told hubby will try when my grace turns two so that she can help abit when she is three years old.
ya lor at times she so cute esp when she smiling at u when u call her.. really melts your heart.. told my hubby one already cannot handle still want 2nd one.. he said maybe 2nd one not so naughty kuai kuai one leh.. alamak as if he really can predict.. he was very sad when his girl dun wan him to carry..
I think it's great to have a second one to accompany the first. Better still if one's a girl and the other a boy. I agree that when baby smiles and laughs, it's really cute and heartwarming. Of course, there are nightmarish days when baby fusses non-stop. Let nature take its course loh...

My baby used to sleep from 11pm to 5am, but for the past 3 nights, she keeps waking up at 4am. Any of your babies change their habits too?? I hope she reverts back soon, otherwise I'm going to have panda eyes.
clever adel!!! i want and i'm planning to start this june...scary but it's exciting...maybe not so easy to strike...so start early loh...

ling, lai leh...cheong ah!!!
syl, my son also like yours...he used to sleep frm 10pm till ard 5am. but last week, he started waking up at 2plus 3am...but he's stopped doing that last night...phew!
I brought my bb to CCK's Kidslink.
The PD is very good &amp; patient.
I think the PD in JE shld be ok too.


Tell your hb, we can't trust maid lah. Already so many maid ill-treats babies cases, I oredi scared liao. Tat's why I engage a nanny, instead of maid. Unless you got someone at home to "watch out" for you, or else, better not to take maid.

re: nanny
I pay mine $700 (day &amp; nite). I tot $500 is the standard market price for taking care daytime?
My cousin paid her nanny $600 ley.
I leave my boy at nanny's house from Mon morning till Fri evening.
My nanny is abt 40 yrs old, quite experienced. She got 3 kids, the youngest is abt pri 4.
I think it's better to look for one who has the youngest kid abt pri 4 or 5, so at least the "experience" is not long ago, somemore still got energy to handle babies.
hi mummies

some notes on nanny


my friend used to have a maid who twice feed the baby with the wrong medicine.(scarely). some more this maid got 3 kids back in their hometown.

She told me got to give very detail instruction, like every 2.5hr must feed. so if 2.5hr is up, baby not hungry also feed
. if u tell them baby hungry or cry then feed, i guess our bb never get feed ..haha
Anyway i think good maid that can TAKE CARE kid are hard to find. Got to tell the maid first that they are looking after kids, got a cousin who pay "extra" and the maid could handle the baby (9mth) well
i'm really at my wits ends... duno what my girl wants.. had been crying for the past 2 hrs now still crying and screaming.. i know she very tired cos she keep rubbing her eyes... but she simply dun want to fall asleep.. so now my hubby put her on her cot and let her cry herself to sleep.. and also her last feed was 6pm... till now still refuse to drink any milk.. what can I do to make her drink? last nite also like that..
1)kris:r u saying that u sleep on the floor now? btw,how u handle 2 kiddos now?

2)wah...talking about the 2nd bb,i love to have a yr end bb again next yr, moreover my girl will be at least 2 yrs old by then but my gynae asked me not to delay due to my endo. so i will b trying from june, hopefully my window of opportuity is still there.

anyone thinking of having at least 3 kids?

3)anyone's bb bibs has mould?! how to avoid it? do we have to wash the bibs everyday by hand to prevent mould fr growing?

4)how many times do u wash bb clothes, handwash or mach wash?
