(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

san: bb is tired.. wan to sleep, but bb jsut din not get the right position to fall into sleep. try the MIM sarong, it might help. or not... try to pat bb till bb quite down then feed bb.

maybe try using a cooked hard boiled egg to roll over bb's tummy?

just fed my girl.. only drank 70ml then dun wan liao cos falls asleep.. can baby really goes without milk for almost 12hrs.. her last feed for yesterday is 6pm until just now i fed her..

already applied oil liao...

ya she is very very tired.. cos keep rubbing her eyes.. we already tried to quiet her down by patting, rocking liao.. if hubby carry, she cry louder and louder.. so in the end hubby so fedup that he put her on cot let her cry to sleep.. she did fall asleep at 10plus duno why wake up again.. she finally falls asleep when my hubby put her on rocker and rock her.. that is abt 12am liao..

i handwash BB clothes 2 times a day, after his bath and after the evening wipe. As for nappy, they are machine wash in the evening after his wipe cos he will be wearing diaper after that.

so far, my bibs are ok leh. maybe lately weather humid so clothings seems not very dry lor. try to let wind blow or sun it thoroughly.
would like to know how long and often your baby wakes up during the day? Wonder if Brennan sleeps too much during the day and makes him keeps fidgetting at night when he sleeps?? He tends to sleep better during day nowadays.

He started sleeping through the night (11 - 630) a week ago but these few days keeps fidgetting (around 3+) till he cant sleep. He doesnt want milk but just keep scratching his head and ears.
so i just pick him up and latch him for 10mins.

Could this be due to his long sleep duering the day?
sweetie, syl,

thanks girls. I had to buy a new pump yest. cos the old one totally konked out on me on Mon. I got the mini elec one in the end cos its easier to bring ard to office and I am more used to it too.

hows janelle? is she better and drinking normally now?
mybabydream: Yup, we all sleep on the floor. My bedroom has a queen mattress and a single mattress placed side by side and all 4 of us sleep together at night! Nobody gets hurt at all cos my walls are lined with foam mats and so is my floor. So the my older gal can actually jumo around and roll all over the place without us fearing for her safety.

How do I cope with 2 kids? We had to make a few changes b4 and after Ember's arrival.
1. I got a maid when #1 reached 1 and a half. This is so that everybody gets used to everybody else b4 baby's arrival, and also that I get help the moment I get pregnant.
2. #1 used to travel with us every morning to ny mom's place. Now my in laws have moved in with us (and return to their own home over the weekend) and when I work, the maid entertains+take care of my #1 and they take care of #2. Maid also cooks for us and do the housework.

We MAY have a 3rd baby... but right now we're still thinking if we can really afford it when they start studying.

got play with him liao leh....


u very lucky to have inlaws staying with u n caring for your children. i wonder if a maid would relieve my housework load. btw, so your maid got her own bedroom? thou i have pt maid that comes once in 2 weeks, i still wash baby, hubby n my own clothes myself. find it very tiring at times... must i get a maid who has experience in childcare? u got lobang?

btw u know of any infant care or childcare near ouyr place huh? if mil not taking care of brennan when i start to work (hopefully mid march), i will need to find one for brennan. so he goes infant or childcare har? by the time he will be around 5+ months
SSL: All kids 17months and below go to Infant care centers. Unfortunately the nearest infant care center to our place is at Sembawang. None at all in Woodlands and Marsiling.

Ya, I am indeed v lucky to have my in laws come and stay with us.
My maid has a room but that is actually a playroom for Kyra and there is also a little study area there. We dun need to put a bed for her cos in my house everyone sleeps on tri-fold mattresses (except for the master bedroom). In this way we save a lot of space. It is important to get a maid (if you want one) with experience in childcare or even one with her own children cos that's the only way they will know how to take care of children and that they are precious to us parents. Choosing a maid is really a matter of luck lah. You can be v careful and particular abt your expectations but still the maid who turns up at ur house may be completely different from what u expected. Dun have too high expectations if you wan a maid and you will be spared a lot of headaches.
BF mummies, do u inform yr boss that u need time to express? I'll b gging back to wk. Hvnt hv a chance to inform them. worry hv no time to express... & now is def no place also... tiking oif changing jobs, but wanna get a friendly environment that encourage bf, good to inform during interviews?
3rascals: i seriously dun think u will want to tell ur next prospective employer tt u are gonna eat up ur working time by going to expressing milk for ur bb.. think carefully about it!. they can jolly well pay someone.. who can do ur work.. tt u are gonna do.. but minus bf!

I didn't officially inform, but once you express in the office, they will come to realise that you are breastfeeding and kinda accept it. I also try to do it quickly (15 mins) so that I wouldn't take up too much office time. What you need to do it get your eqt all ready before you leave home(ie. sterilised bottles and funnels, bags, etc).
yah, better dun mention that u will want to express milk to interviewers! from now on, i will also tell white lies. if interviwers ask me the no of kiddos i will want, i am saying i am stopping "at one" and i have maid and mother to help look after, juz to make them feel assured. no pt being honest coz it reduce the chance of hiring. they only like to hear ans they like. i have enough of discrimination!

but i feel u shd tell your boss abt expressing so he knows where u go... out of respect also lah...

how's the lunch u have catered so far, nice? wah, u stil have time to handwash twice a day?!and still use nappy! i throw all in machine except going-out clothes then i wash twice a day.

u catering neo garden dinner? hows is it so far? whats the rate now? do they still offer noodle/rice on every wed? coz i catered few yrs back and it was horrible.

is yr baby delivered in sept? coz i saw u in that thread b4. u're the slim mother if i rem correctly...haha.
yah, better dun mention that u will want to express milk to interviewers! from now on, i will also tell white lies. if interviwers ask me the no of kiddos i will want, i am saying i am stopping "at one" and i have maid and mother to help look after, juz to make them feel assured. no pt being honest coz it reduce the chance of hiring. they only like to hear ans they like. i have enough of discrimination!

but i feel u shd tell your boss abt expressing so he knows where u go... out of respect also lah...

how's the lunch u have catered so far, nice? wah, u stil have time to handwash twice a day?!and still use nappy! i throw all in machine except going-out clothes then i wash twice a day.

u catering neo garden dinner? hows is it so far? whats the rate now? do they still offer noodle/rice on every wed? coz i catered few yrs back and it was horrible.

is yr baby delivered in sept? coz i saw u in that thread b4. u're the slim mother if i rem correctly...haha.
yah, better dun mention that u will want to express milk to interviewers! from now on, i will also tell white lies. if interviwers ask me the no of kiddos i will want, i am saying i am stopping "at one" and i have maid and mother to help look after, juz to make them feel assured. no pt being honest coz it reduce the chance of hiring. they only like to hear ans they like. i have enough of discrimination!

but i feel u shd tell your boss abt expressing so he knows where u go... out of respect also lah...

how's the lunch u have catered so far, nice? wah, u stil have time to handwash twice a day?!and still use nappy! i throw all in machine except going-out clothes then i wash twice a day.

u catering neo garden dinner? hows is it so far? whats the rate now? do they still offer noodle/rice on every wed? coz i catered few yrs back and it was horrible.

is yr baby delivered in sept? coz i saw u in that thread b4. u're the slim mother if i rem correctly...haha.
Think almost everyone's baby is about 3 months by now.. What's the latest development? Baby is better at grabbing and start turning already?
Anyone getting ready to feed cereal?? I can't wait.
hi ruff
my bb can turned already... he is now 3 mths 5 days. very cute... yes his grabbing is better and he is trying to open and close his hand.
he will try his best to turned if the 1st attempt failed. hehheh... try until success.
and we will encourage him by clapping hand.
mybabydream: u looking for job?

My hubby was saying go ahead look for job 1st, if really new environment cant express then we switch to FM. but feel a bit guilty lei. Anyway my current environment diff suck, been wanting to change for a few yrs liao.

mine still cant turn 2 mths & 3 wks now. But learn to grab things. esp my hair. I teach him to hold teether & rattle.. after a few tries he much better. i;m excited to see him turn.. hopefully soon..
Do you put on socks for your babies at home? Think wearing socks restrict their ability to turn cos its rather slippery...
put my girl with baby sitter today.. morning stay at baby sitter place till 9am plus then go tampines central have mac breakfast then go jalan jalan.. now back at home kinda miss my girl liao cos house suddenly so quiet then no need to entertain my girl.. lucky going to go fetch her soon :p

mummies have u all stop letting your baby wear mittens and booties?
Hi mummies,

When shld we stop wearing mittens & booties for bb? Mine is 3mths & 3 days liao, I still let him wear the mittens & booties at nite when zzz.
He oso cant turn though he sleeps at side now. Hope to see him turn soon...
My mum commented tat his butt is big & heavy tat's why cant turn... Hahaha!

it's like tat ones... once you get used to it & back to work, you won't miss her so much liao... :p
I experienced tat... first day back to work, I put my boy wif babysitter (mine is day & nite). I cried very hard at nite ley... missed my boy badly... then after 3 days, I kinda of get used to it liao... :p

At least u're not so "bad" as me, u got bring ur girl back at nite.
wahh u mean u dont bring ur boy home the whole week? like that u dont worry if baby is ok with babysitter? wah i cannot leh, if me, think i worry to death..cos i super worrier one, hehe.
hehe.. my baby sitter keep asking why dun put day and night so that we can rest.. i said dun wan cos we want to spend more time bonding with her.. hehe.. i'm going back to work next monday kinda sian...
eh mummies i got a qn,
whenever u all go out with friends or hubby without baby, do u feel guilty and want to quickly rush home? I think i am driving myself mad, cos i always so scared that my son will be close with maid/mil so even if i am super exhausted, i still force myself to bathe him or feed him.
me too. whenever i go out, will leave bb with MIL. though feel safe, but wanna go bac to see bb. n most of the time will wanna bring bb out too. even at nite also wanna see him while i sleep,..
3rascals: yah looking for job desperately! if i cant get one by june, then i will start to procreate. i quitted when i was expecting my bb. in need of $ u see, haha. but i think bb stress(not being able to produce) will be more than work stress(jobless). wah, u can still tolerate in yr co for few yrs, mine limit quite low.

mrs tan: i am! heart w bb even when out......b4 i wean, i wan to rush home to bf...dam stressed.

ruff:i intend to feed bb at 4/5 mths...quite "tense" coz i dun know much abt food, read abt pp giving solid food i also blurblur. coz i cant cook myself. :p yes, bb wear socks even at home, else feet cold.
If the weather is cold, I'll let my bb wear booties, but bb has not worn mittens for a long time now, so that she gets to grab and feel with her hands (of cuz suck her thumb and fingers as well..haha)

I leave my bb with parents overnight (abt one or two nights per week) if I want a break (ie. sleep more or just have time to ourselves). It's quite nice to have a break once a week actually. Of course I miss my bb but I think it's good for me. Otherwise having bb every night is quite siong as well.

I'm blur about solids as well cuz I don't cook at home! Will have to start reading up and asking the rest of you soon (those who cook).
mrs tan,

Ya lor, work too busy liao, very hard for me & hb to take care of him especially now he still will wake up at nite. The next day both of us become panda liao... Hahaha!
Oni bring him back at Fri nite & spend weekends wif him lor. Not so worried tat bbsitter will "ill-treat" him lah, cos we usually will pop by at nite to see him.

Of cos I will miss him too... but no choices ley, no work no $$... :p

Ya lor, sianz hor when u're thinking back to work... :p
Me oso like tat when i back to work early this mth...

I oso want to have bonding wif my boy, but currently not possible lor, too busy at work liao. Maybe wait another mth then bring him back at nite liao. Hope happens soon...

Kekeke! My bbsitter is opp of urs. She keeps asking us to bring back & take care of bb at nite on our own... hahaha! She said like tat would be better for parent & bb, more bonding time.

i stopped the catering after trying for one month. food so so and always arrive cold. so MIL say dont order. sometimes she cook for me, sometimes i cook myself.

huh, i do the handwash when MIL around to take care of BB. no choice la

Brennan has stopped wearing mittons and booties. Only let him wear socks at night and when we go out.

Ya, will definitely feel guilty when i go out, even to buy his stuff. Will make sure i rush back before a certain time.
Syl, sweetie, puea,

I see...so i am not the only one lor. but i do agree that its also impt to have some couple time with hubby or else will really lose the marriage life.
bo bian lor.. I also duno what my workload will be like after I go back to work.. but lucky if we cannot make it to fetch her, can always asked my parents in law to go fetch.. today i just brought my girl over then come home liao..

Singapore is really really very small.. haha.. cos turn out that my bb sitter is sort of related to my hubby's side.. my bb sitter's husband sister is my hubby's cousin's wife.. really very qiao right.. got to know about it yesterday.. cos when i was chit chatting with my bb sitter somehow or another talk talk talk then she said maybe related.. haha then she really go and find out from her husband sister see if really someone she knows.. kekeke

how old is your baby? she looks big.


my grace has been crying badly when we fetch her home every night. I am wondering why. She will cry for about 1 hour+. Diapers change, not feeding time yet, no stomachache. Maybe frustration being not able to sleep after last feed at baby sitter place cos too much movement when we pick her up.

my grace will smile alot and chuckles when she wakes up in the morning everyday. I will miss it if she were to be taken care by baby sitter during the night.

Will be travelling on bizness trip soon. Hubby going to take care of her singly. Baby sitter not willing to take care cos she scared no rest at night.

wah your hubby can manage? I'm the other way round, my hubby went overseas during nov and dec and i take care of her myself too. Baby sitter too dont wan to take care..so i hv to manage. Very siong!

My gal also cry at night when i fetch her from nanny place. After sometime i find out that she autually wan to sleep.

My gal this few days dont really drink much. She only drink 2oz during the day. But at night she drink 4oz...dont know why.

My baby's 2.5 months..the youngest of all the Oct babies. Maybe it's the pic that looks big, but she's quite small still compared with the rest of the Oct babies.


The first day of work after ML for me was terribly hectic because of all the work that has been piled up. Will get better after a couple of days once you start clearing some backlog.

ya, i also think she wants to sleep.

my hubby will try out first. now my grace can sleep thru abt 5 hours without wanting milk, maybe ok.

heard from pd that babies also have good and bad appetite on some days. So dun worry too much.

Your bb so cute.
Ya, she looks quite big in this pic. Hee, my boy oso likes to suck his fingers, he more glutton, 2 fingers at 1 time. My mum said it's bcos his mouth is big... Kekeke!
my bb also very small.. haha 1 day older than yours niah.. my bb sitter said she very small size for her age... think main reason is b'cos my bb dun sleep much during the day.. bb who sleep more thens to grow faster.. bb sitter said she will help me adjust my girl's bad habit..

my girl also same as urs.. like to clench her fist and push the whole thing into her mouth but her mouth so small of cos cannot go in then u can see her keep pushing and pushing so funny...

ur boy very cute and look very alert

san & puea, my son loves to pose in front of the camera one...very hiao hor...haha...for your info, he was sick that day (flu) but still so happy...haha

by the way, do your babies have rashes related to their saliva being smeared onto their faces by themselves? mine have a bit here and there...the fold on his wrist also have saliva and sometimes 1 or 2 rashes leh...
