(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

SSL: No, you shouldn't let bb sleep on the same side thru the nite. Turn him after a middle of the nite feed, or else one side of his head will flatten.

mybabydream: I think every bb is diferent lah.My gal jus naturally sleeps at 7+/8pm. My house has a dog, and is located directly in front of a bus stop, and my older gal makes A LOT of noise. Maybe all these keep her awake in the day and so in the evening she v tired loh. But if she doesn't fall asleep at that time she'll become cranky and will fuss till abt 9+pm lah. My older gal however used to sleep only at abt 12am also.

And when you wanna start weaning, i.e., start on semi-solids, start with rice cereal like frisocream or Nestle Stage 1 rice cereal mixed with ebm or fm. You can start when bb turns 4 months and her neck is definitely stiff. A good indicator that bb is ready for semi-solids is when she loses the tongue-thrust reflex. The tongue-thrust reflex refers to bb's natural reflex of thrusting her tongue out when a foreign object like a spoon or semi-solids is put into her mouth. This is a reflex in all bbs; like a natural way of protecting them from choking when they are still not ready for semi-solids. Once this reflex is no longer observable bb is ready for semi-solids. Start by feeding just once a day, at a time when bb is alert and happy, and you are also ready and not in the midst of doing something else.

san: u using avent bottles with pigeon teats or u change all your bottles? yes i am using avent bottles with Pigeon teat. no choice, my fussy girl just refused to drink using the avent teats. as if she knows the diff lor.. haiz.z....

i've freed brennan's hands while sleeping
heehee. its ok if he sleeps thru the night, when he wants to wake up, then he will scratch. me still letting him sleep on his back. but his head usually turn towards where i am sleeping.

btw, do we clean the entrance of the ear hole? realised that its quite dirty (maybe thats y brennan has been scratching?) i use cotton swab to clean, trying my best not to poke too inside.

mil likes to let bb suck bread
issit ok even after 4 months. she ask me to let him suck, i told her now still too early... better wait. hope she listens n dont secretly let bb suck again
ssl: I clean my gal's ear with a cotton bud every other day. Yes, it's usually v dirty, so must clean one.

I dunno abt sucking bread leh.. never heard of it leh..
help! tik my boy is getting into a bad habit. wanna suck on my nipple before sleeping at nite. will b cranky n wanna keep latching till really dose off. can take an hr or so. how to get rid of this habbit? his daddy surrender liao : )

let him cry? so far he don use pacifier..don intend to introduce too.
u might wan to introduce one feed (EBM) before he sleeps... my girl's bad habit is to carry n pat her after her last feed and she will cry n fuss till she zzz away.

<font size="-2"><font face="Courier New"> <font color="0077aa">as @ 16 Jan 06
Mummies <font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>Pop On<font color="ffffff">.</font> BB's name <font color="ffffff">.</font> Birth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>1 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>3 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>4 mth<font color="ffffff"></font>
Fun .......... 11-Sep-05 Alden<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.06/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.45/57</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.50/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">8.45/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Jenifur ...... 18-Sep-05 Janelle<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.81/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">3.90/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.40/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
ice .......... 19-Sep-05 Angeline<font color="ffffff">..</font>
Gracemum ..... 20-Sep-05 Sabrina<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.53/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">3.85/53</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.38/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
QiQi ......... 22-Sep-05 Boy<font color="ffffff">......</font>
Chris ........ 23-Sep-05 Shaun<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.50/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">3.70/53</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Mayday ....... 23-Sep-05 Tennyson<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">2.83/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.03/55</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Winnie ....... 23-Sep-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.95/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">3.97/53</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Pammie ....... 24-Sep-05 Tammie<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">3.84/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.23/59</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
MrsTan ....... 25-Sep-05 Kenshin<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.49/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.06/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.20/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fiona ........ 28-Sep-05 Genevieve<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.38/53</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.10/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
inc .......... 29-Sep-05 Boy<font color="ffffff">......</font>
Mybabydream .. 29-Sep-05 J.<font color="ffffff">........</font> <font color="0000ff">2.70/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">3.92/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.90/57</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
SSL .......... 29-Sep-05 Brennan<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.15/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.42/54</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.56/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sneaky ....... 30-Sep-05 Samuel<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.80/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.85/54</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fushiastar ... 04-Oct-05 Zoe<font color="ffffff">.......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.38</font><font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="aa00aa">3.40</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Mdl .......... 04-Oct-05 Tricia<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.25/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.80/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Snow ......... 04-Oct-05 Yong Shan<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">2.92/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.20/55</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">5.60/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
whitefloral .. 05-Oct-05 Charlize<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.50/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.96/58</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.03/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Viola ........ 07-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.30/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.70/56</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Celine ....... 12-Oct-05 Joshua<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.90/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.31/53</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">/58</font><font color="ffffff">.....</font>
Ling ......... 12-Oct-05 Clarisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">2.77/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.00/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Amari ........ 13-Oct-05 Darren<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.76/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">5.50/58</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.10/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
breakbeats ... 13-Oct-05 Ethan<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.55/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Garfield ..... 14-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.47/45</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">3.50/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Puea ......... 15-Oct-05 Boy<font color="ffffff">.......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.12/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.80/59</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Adel ......... 19-Oct-05 Brent<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.40/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">3.60/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kris ......... 21-Oct-05 Ember<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.35/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.35/55</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Nuttnuts ..... 21-Oct-05 Ying En<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.68/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.95/60</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Tao_baby ..... 24-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.03/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Yippee ....... 24-Oct-05 Kaiser<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.64/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.87/56</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fresia ....... 25-Oct-05 Amos<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.46/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sweetie ...... 25-Oct-05 Grace<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.50/58</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
3rascals ..... 28-Oct-05 Kayden<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.44/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.56/55</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Morraine ..... 28-Oct-05 Ashley<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.55/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Karin ........ 30-Oct-06 Nicole<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.23/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.40</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kuririn ...... 31-Oct-05 Sherisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.50/55</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Dolly ........ 01-Nov-05 Christine<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.61/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">4.05/54</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> </font></font></font>

<font face="Calisto mt"> If you would like me to update your Baby's weight &amp; length, please PM me! </font>

<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,

Sori still v zombie cuz these few days not enuf slp. Will amend my record.

<font color="0000ff">Kris</font>,

Wat shld I do to comfort Janelle after she's got a bad scare? She's super sticky to me ever since she got a bad scare on sat. I cannot leave her alone @ all. She used to b ok in her cot playing w her musical panio, now she even need to hold on to my hand when she sleeps &amp; will wake up crying if she cannot "feel" me.</font>

no, they dun sleep at the same position all the time. But they will go into deeper sleep before they shift position.


have you tried nuk teats before? my grace also dun like avent teats.
<font face="calisto mt"> V V fed up w MIL. Last Sat, I sat in e living rm to cut Janelle's nails. My MIL quarrel w my BIL over storing stuffs in e storeroom. Then My BIL got fed up so muttered some vugular language. Tis got my MIL pissed... She slamed e store room door, then grabbed a wooden chair &amp; threw it on e flr, directly behind me, missing me by abit onli.

I faster grab Janelle &amp; carried her into e bedrm even though she didn't cry. Only then I noticed tt Janelle was staring blankly w her eyes v big, like as if she was in shock 4 bout 3 mins, didn't even response when I call her. After tt she burst out crying &amp; screaming non-stop for almost an hour. She has nv scream like tt b4 &amp; nothing I do cld pacify her

My MIL always said tt she loves Janelle alot, always worried tt HB/myself "mistreat" her. AND yet she do this. Still got e cheek to comment tt I mus hv latch Janelle too much over e wkend, tt's Y she cried when I leave 4 work this morning.
Really feel like
sweetie: nuk teats also tried liaoz. dun wan.. dunno why this girl so picky. aiyo...

jenifur: aiyo... poor janelle in a state of shock.. come on .. we all know latching dun make baby cry.. loads of crap... only old folks can come up with lots of excuses when they think breast milk is not good or too thin for the bb...

my mum ask me to give clarisse FM during the last feed, so she can sleep longer.. i was like.... hmmmm.. i already giving her EBM for so long and already total EBM, and ask me to introduce FM.. kaoz.. waste my effort.
jenifur: Unfortunately there's nothing we can do except be there for them loh. If u look at it positively it's a sign that Janelle is maturing.
Talk to her gently and tell her there's nothing to be afraid of.

Ya, try to talk to janelle that you and her daddy will always be around for her, she need not be afraid.


have you started carrying your babies in the upright position already? my grace will stop crying at that position.
sweetie: ya, my Ember since 2-3 weeks ago we already carry her upright. She turns 3 months only this saturday. She dowan to lie down one.
I had been carrying Sherisse in that position since she a mth old.. she seems to like that position alot.. she dun like us to carry her in cradle position.. recently she likes us to carry her facing the front so that she can look at things..

poor janelle.. talk to her and comfort her.. my mil comes out with all sort of things when my girl got a shock.. maybe first grandchild so very gan cheong about it.. if my hubby knows wat she did har.. he sure flare up.. I got feed her "jin feng san" maybe u want to try..
jenifur, don't be angry lah...i understand how you feel but there's nothing much you can do but to avoid loh...next time if you anticipate problems like this, walk away with janelle...for my case, i'm also helpless...Samuel is now down with flu at such tender age and is on medication, all thanks to his 2 older cousins who brought home the flu bug from school...what can i do? not ony samuel's sick, my maid is worse..so i'm home now looking after him myself...

please update samuel's weight and height at 3.5 months : 6.9kg &amp; 61cm
Jenifur: heard that "jin feng san" helps. my MIL wanna gv kayden jin feng san on alt days. Initially i tik its excessive, but my hubby grew up on that too.. But i told her don gv too often / once a while when frightened izt okie.
<font face="Calisto mt"> Wow lau now super tired, want to

<font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,

MIL said latching make her sticky to mummy. Think she dun like it when Janelle always want me instead of her loh. She thinks Janelle is her daughter

<font color="0000ff">Sweetie</font>,

We started carrying Janelle uprite when she bout 2 mths plus. Now mus carry her facing front somemore, so tiring...

<font color="0000ff">San/June</font>,

Gave her "Jin Feng San" liao leh but still like tt. Was telling Kris I'm surprised it affected her till today. Tot she will forget bout it e next day.

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Aiyo Sam is sick... feeling better liao meh? How come ur SIL didn't ask her kids to stay away from Sam? Really heartpain to see ur kid sick hor</font>

do u try to make your ger poo by making those sounds at same time every day? my mil does that after brennan poo at 1pm. n ask if i got do that over the weekend. told her no n no need cos if he wants to poo, he will. no need to do such things. she feels that its better this way cos bb wont dirty the nappy. told her its ok, i rather wash the nappy.
think maybe she had a very bad scare thats why still like that.. well i din latch my girl but my girl still sticky to me.. i guess cos i the only one looking after her now b4 i goes back to work.. whenever my mil tried to carry my girl but she will cry and cry.. but once i take over she stops crying then my mil says dun wan ah ma carry liao ah.. only wants mummy... haha.. she even complain to my neighbour says her granddaughter dun wan her to carry... so now whenever i go down to my pil's place my mil sure be the first to come over to carry over my girl..

heard that by carrying upright might not be a good idea as it will add strain to her spine cos she is still so small, is it true?

the only bad thing abt the upright position is the milk dirtying our clothes...
jenifur: kaoz.. WTF?!?!??!?! ooi.. dun spoil ur lovely sweetie mummy look infront of me hor.. wahha maybe looks are deceiving. whahahahah
ssl: i think ur mil is doing u good.. i think tt potty trained bb is really better. even the books say so.. keke.. so it ain't the old folks tale at all..
i do this all the time till.. my son knows how to mimic the sound.. not 2 vowels though.. jus 'hmm'... before he wants to shit.. so we do know tt he wants to shit! kkekeke..
my stupid medela mini elec pump is dying on me...the motor sound has changed and suction became so weak. Anyone has lobang or wanna sell/give away their pumps?
It's really interesting to know that most babies at the same age behave exactly the same way. Mine doesn't like the cradle position either, likes to be upright, either over the shoulder or facing front. Guess they're all curious now, wanting to look everywhere..
MrsTan: how many times u use a day? Mini can only use like max 3 times a day. its for occasional use not a heavy duty one.
now my girl likes to suck on my shirt when i carry her upright.. thought she hungry give her milk she dyn wan just want to eat my shirt.. sigh...
ok thanks, i go check out.

huh is it? i didnt know that leh! i pump 4 times a day, each time abt 10 mins. The motor sounds funny this aftern and the suction became so weak.
brennan now has the habit of wanting to lean forward when we carry him upright.
is there anything to let him sit up straight besides getting items like bumbo seat?
mrs tan

if u find a very good buy online, u can reserve online or call them. otherwise it maybe taken up very quickly. i missed a good deal of $60!!

maybe u can adjust the motor by turning it? think there is a circle mark on the motor and the funnel screw area. think those two has to be in line cos mine sometimes also like weak weak pattern. and i used to pump about 4-6 times a day.
i did...i took out the adaptor and re-screw it back again leh. still cannot. it happened a few times already. So Medela dual pump is the best is it? but i so used to the mini elec one leh...
<font face="Calisto mt">Janelle hasn't drink any milk since her last feed @ 9am, already 7hrs. How?? HB said she kept crying... then now back to sleep again... wat shld I do?? So worried for her now.</font>
me using the same one as u, single pump one.

jenifur, why not bring her for a car ride to calm her down? or just a stroll outside?
take her temp, see if got fever or not. but if her appetite has dropped, dont worry cos my pd said its normal at this stage for bb to drink lesser.
any casearan mummies gone for lo-impact aerobics? wonder if i can take the jumping about. still find my health not as good yet as before.
<font face="Calisto mt"> HB did everything he cld to make her drink milk but she jus dun want. e moment HB tried to feed her, she'll fuzz &amp; cry.

I'm not worried bout her fuzzing, more worried bout her not drinking milk/water over such long period of time</font>
<font face="Calisto mt"> Guess this is e only way out. She was ok over e wkend when I gave her bottles but now
. Wish I can b rite @ hm with her</font>
dont worry jenifur, like u said, she is prob just very attached to mummy so wants to suckle. Good also. My kenshin anybody also can carry or feed one, sometimes i wonder if he knows who mummy is...sigh.
Mrs Tan: yes... mini electric cant use more than 3 times. unless u wan the pump to go up lorry faster... whahahahah... i am using PIS traveller
try to feed her while sleeping if like that. too long no fluid maybe dehydrated. how is the diaper?

mrs tan,
i have medela mini to sell. how much are you looking at? mine is rarely used.
my girl very fussy.... when i head to work in the evening, my mum and hubby taking care of her... usually she sleeps at 12am, and tt nite i am working she just refused to sleep and keep fussing... till i come home she then kuai kuai sleep in my arms.. aiyo... i can see both my hubby n mum very tired..
<font face="Calisto mt">Sweetie,

Duno leh. Ask HB, he everything oso duno then somemore sound so fustrated &amp; impatient. I oso jus worried she dehydrated loh, 7hrs no input but output (tears)</font>
Jenifur? ask hubby carry her to yr office. then u sneak out for a while?

today my boi also keep crying. bit bit cry, sleep liao. cry &amp; wake up again. rainy day nice to sleep. but still grouchy..i dare not even go toliet..
