(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

wah my boy and your gal drink the same ml and last for same hours also... hehehhe. but Darren still wake up 1 time in the night. normally his last feed is at 10 pm then he will wake up at 2.30 am for one feed. after that he will sleep until 7.

PD also said my boy a bit fat fat hihihi.....

hi MBD
o ya... the 3 mths free is for the consultation. for the pap smear still have to pay... sooryy ya for my forgetness.
amari: haha, mummies tend to be more 4getful these days.

1)anyone started dropping lots of hair? i heard its normal and can leave it alone? mine started when bb turn 3 mths. i still have dandruff, wonder how to get rid of it!

2)when can we start bb on solid?wat shd we introduce 1st?
Hi all,

Do you feed your baby on demand at night or wake up at 3-4 hours interval to feed?

Is it true that by feeding baby on demand can train them to sleep thru at night?
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">MBD</font>,

I'm also dropping lots of hair. Keep finding my own hair on Janelle

It's better to start introducing solid to BB when 6mths old. I might b introducing some fresh fruit juice to Janelle after 4th mth.

<font color="0000ff">Sweetie</font>,

I think quite true cuz all e while I feed Janelle by demand &amp; she gradually wean off her nite feed automatically.</font>
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sweetie</font>,

Her 1st feed will b ard 6:30am &amp; last feed ard 11:30pm. Not sure how much she's taking 4 tis 2 feeds as I usually latch her. But she's taking ard 100ml of EBM in e day.

<font color="0000ff">Kris</font>,

Izzit ok if Janelle dun drink milk for 4~5hrs? Do I need to feed her with more water?</font>
Mrs Tan,

Me not working, but will be staying at mum's place for 2-3weeks when hubby reservist. Not bringing steriliser over hence bought the tablets. So duno if i need to soak the pump funnel into the solution after each pump or not lor.

2-3 weeks is quite a while. Why don't u consider bringing your steriliser over? It saves u $ on the tablets. Also, I feel that using steam (water) is better than some chemical in the tablet. I use the tablet only when pumping in the office.
Jenifur and MBD,
my girl will cry very loud when she is hungry and its very difficult to bottle feed. Got to calm her down first and then feed. This is why my hubby and I got to do regular feeds at night. The coaxing can take abt an hour... aye...
Jenifur: If it's at night it's definitely ok. In the day 4-5 hours without milk is fine but this should only be like once a day. Why ah? Your Janelle's interval so long one ah? Is she on TBF still? As they grow older we should be introducing water lah, tho the books always say if TBF dun need. If we hold off water too long they'll reject it.

SSL: I leave the pump in the water with sterilsing tablet in a container until I need to use it again. It could even be overnight.

do u rinse off with hot water or normal cool boiled water before using the pump? instruction said to soak bottle 1/2hr before using it n must runse before use. it's applicablr for teats, screw caps n caps too hor
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Kris</font>,

e problem now is she's doing this kind of interval in e day time now too. Today I latched her @ 7am prior leaving hse. MIL said she finish her 100ml @ 10am w/o any problem. But when comes to her next feed ard 1pm, she started fuzzing &amp; refused to drink. HB kept trying, she only relented &amp; finish up e milk @ 3pm. Her next subsequent feed was @ 8:30pm when I'm home to latch her.

Her interval is getting longer &amp; longer so I'm kinda worried. She's on EBM &amp; TBF when I'm home.

e thing is she dun like water too. She'll drink if I mix e water w gripe water.

I duno wat to do w her now!!</font>
SSL &amp; other mums,

just a query, sometimes when i only have 1 or 2 bottles to sterilise, I dont use the steriliser and will just scald in hot water instead. Been doing this all along, its ok rite? I will fill a container with hot water and then soak the pump/bottle inside for a few mins, then drain and thats it.

according to my pd, he said its normal that our 3 mth old will start to decrease milk intake ard this time and the weight gain will start to be stagnant for a while. Perhaps u can double check with ur pd regd janelle?

btw girls, where do u bring ur baby for the jabs? i heard that polyclinics provide free jabs. but then we still need to go to PD for the regular mthly checkup rite?
Hi Jenifur:

Please update my bb Ethan's growth at 3rd mth: 6.91kg / 60.5cm. Thanks!!

Mrs Tan:

Hihi!! How's Kenshin? I just brought Ethan to a baby clinic at Bt Timah Plaza, the PD charges $75 for 5-in1 jab &amp; $35 for consult.
ssl: i just use tap water to rinse. heh..

mrs tan: sometimes i also do wat u do lah. Since bb got no stomach upset i think should be ok one lah.

jenifur: my girl also like that lah. I'll latch her at 5am (only 1 side), and her next feed can be at 11.30am, then again at 3pm, then when I reach home i latch her at 7pm then she sleep till next day. She'll feed abt 3 times in the night tho, but each time only one side lah. She takes 120ml of ebm each feed when I'm working. i suppose we dun need to worry lah. So long as they look healthy can liow loh!
Hi Mrs tan,

I also used your method to sterilise the bottles and teats.

I am also experiencing the same thing as you now. My baby slept for more than 6 hours on ebm last night without crying for milk. When we fed her without waking her, she only took 2 oz and refused to take anymore. I fed her at 6a.m. and she finished 4 oz.
hello girl! wah ur thanthan so fast 3 mths liao hor? my kenshin is fine lor, still waiting for him to sleep thru the nite. looks like most of u bring baby to PD for the jabs.

jenifur, sweetie,
wah how come ur babies all sleep so long one? actually its gd leh, cos babies who sleep a lot grow faster. Mine is the opp man, he is awake a lot, likes to watch tv, look ard..even when its like 10pm at nite!
my samuel used to sleep from 9.30pm till ard 5 or 6am. but this week, he woke up at ard 2plus 3am for 1 more feed...so sian...it tires me out leh...

normally brennan's last feed is bet 1030-1100. we normally will wake him up for the last feed if the feed prior to this is around 730-800.

now i dont (or maybe he doesnt) wait till he cry for milk for night feed after he sleeps. once i realised he starts to lift his two legs high high up n down (usually around 330-430, i will monitor n use my hand to see if he sucks. if he does, then i will latch him. n usually it will be around 10mins n only 1 side.

he will do that action again around 730 n this time will wake up n cry. n i will put him to sarong n rock him to sleep before bathing him around 915 n feeding him around 10am. find that he likes to lift his legs up n down many times during his sleep at times. could be cos we put his hands into his pants (to prevent him from scratching his face n thus not able to sleep).

just wondering if i should ignore his "lifting exercise" at the 4+ feed n maybe he will sleep thru the night?

mrs tan

think should be fine the way u wash the teats. my mother also dont like it when she knows i sterilise so many times a day
SSL, wah...you put brennan's hands in his pants ah?? so poor thing leh...you're restricting his movements leh...i can't bear to do this to Samuel leh...

you are so funny to tug brennan's hands in pants...
no wonder he has to indicate using legs now.

mrs tan,

my baby sleeps little during the day, at most is 1 hour. she is rocked to sleep in arms during the day but once put onto bed, she wakes up in less than 10mins.

hi all,
anyone putting baby into sarong? is it good for light sleepers? my baby sleeps in baby cot now.
my girl same as urs leh.. sigh.. thats why she so small size.. duno what to do with her.. night time she will throw tantrum cos she very tired.. usually she will falls asleep by 10plus 11plus.. i got try to put her in sarong also doesn't sleep long.. sigh.. hubby said waste money buy...
hi sweetie

well, my son sleep in the sarong at daytime. he sleep long hours. at nite after we will put him in his cot after 1/2 an hour sleep in sarong.
ok lah
SSL: I think it's time to let Brennan sleep with his hands free liow lah.
Did you try letting him sleep on his sides?
i duno wats her weight leh.. last weigh at PD is 5kg (on 19dec).. think now 5kg + bah.. i used weighing machine to weigh when i carry her and weigh myself.. minus off around 5kg+ lor.. my cousin actually commented that she din grow much since she saw her during full mth celebration..
my cousin daughter real big size when compare the both of them like 2 mths difference but in actual fact only 4 weeks difference.. sigh...

Dun worry too much about the size. Is she within the percentile? My grace is the tall kind, maybe because she stretches and stretches. She is on the slightly average for weight but on the high side for length...

As long as the PD says she is a happy baby, I am happy...
sneaky, sweetie

no choice leh, brennan likes to sleep n his hand movement very big. keep scratching his face n cause him not to sleep. even in sarong, he will do this too. but i wont his hands in pants whem he in sarong. only hold his two hands n rock him.

after a while he will go to sleep, but sometimes after sleeping for a while, his hands starts to move all about again n he cant sleep again...


am trying to stop putting his hands in his pants... dont worry, all his pants are super big ones. even his hands can stretch inside. haha... n sometimes if movement too big, one hand will escape! haha

so good that your bb can sleep in cot. brennnan cant even in playpen. half an hour will wake up liaoz
the last checkup her PD said she is growing well thats all.. her next checkup at 3mths (in feb) will be at polyclinic and also take her first 5in1 jab..
hmmmm....what abt putting him on his stomach to sleep, ssl?

by the way, mummies, do you all put baby in the sarong to sleep throughout the night? usually, i will rock him to sleep (if he can't sleep in my arms) and transfer him onto the cot when he's asleep...what do you all normally do? keep the baby in the sarong throughout the night?

do you put brennan sleep on his side? i find my grace sleeps longer when she is put on her side. I use two bolsters to make her comfortable like carrying her...

Don't worry too much. My girl's the same as yours. She's abt 4.8-5kg right now. As long as they are healthy and drinking milk, should be ok. I will go for the next check up and 5-in-1 jab on 1 Feb.
<font face="Calisto mt"> I agree w Sweetie tt BB tend to sleep better &amp; longer when they r on their side.. Tt's prob 1 reason why Janelle has stopped waking up 4 nite feed.

<font color="0000ff">MrsTan</font>,

Ya our PD did mention bout drinking lesser milk. But I'm worried tt she'll b dehydrated as she's not drinking water too. She dun like plain water jus like her mummie, only will drink if I mix in w gripe wter. Wonder if I shld give her some squeeze fruit juice.</font>
wah ur appt earlier than mine.. my girl's one is on 6feb.. she is drinking well 100ml every 3hrs in the day.. just that she is not sleeping much so her growth not alot lor..

no he sleep on his back. maybe thats y. i dont put bolster at his sides. will only cover him with blanket. maybe will give a try. do they sleep on the same side forever till morning?


i dont let brennan sleep in sarong after his last feed which he will usually doze off on the bed automatically. n i sleep beside him. easier to take care like this. for feeds before the last one, i will put him into sarong to sleep..

if baby keeps fidgetting but doesnt cry for milk, do u feed him? or u will only feed when baby cry?
I witness my genevieve turned and lie on her tummy last nite. I am the first to catch this, am so happy. She look so cute, like a turtle struggling on the beach.She's exactly 3.5 mths old yesterday.
my girl gotten her jab and super cranky.. i almost give up.

growth.. i know the length dunno her weight... 58cm/??kg

Anyone of your breastfeeding, then intro bottle feed (due to going bk to work) and bb suddenly rejecting bottles?

My 2mth+ boy suddenly been so cranky this few nights, used to be perfectly ok when his dad feed his last feed.

Wonder what's wrong? Or should I change teats type? Now using Avent, tried pigeon seems too small.

im wondering, how come some of you's bb can sleep early and then through the nite? isit coz your bb is a heavy sleeper? or your place's surrouding is v quiet?

my bb is a lightsleeper, wakes up if there r noise, like dogs barking downstairs,vehicles moving,etc.even if i swing her to sleep at 10plus, she will wake up a few times. so in the end she normally sleep thro the nite from 12am.i havent introduced her to sarong yet.juz put her in high chair and swing.
Mooee: which teat are u using now? my girl using Avent 2 but change to piegon lately. she rejects each time when i use avent.. dunno why, but the piegon one i used seems very slow and my girl just dun finish the milk.

MDB: my girl sleeps at 12.30am and wakes up abt 7am. only last 2 nites cranky cos she just gotten her jab.
Mooee: I introduced bottle at 6 wks old. Initially use Avent size 1.Guess flow is too slow, bb gets cranky. Now changed to size 2. sometimes use Pigeon Medium flow. Both okie. Perhaps u try changing the teats to a bigger hole one.
Dear all
lat nite i saw my son turned his body.... hehhehe. finally he can turned either side right or left both can. very cute... he is 3 mths old yest.

hi mummies

started work on Mon, very hectic week, bringing ebm to mum in the evening, play w bb, then go home and next day repeat.

what positions u guys use for the sling? so far i have only tried cradle and 'kangaroo'. BB doesn't like cradle now and kangaroo seems bad for her crossed legs for long periods.

my bb also scratch her ears often, think it's just a habit. She also turns her face to rub on my chest when I carry her. Finds that a very sweet gesture. Milk intake also fell. Now she's taking 100ml every 2.5hr.

she smiles more to her dad, sometimes even laughs loudly than to me. so jealous.
