(2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

Hi coffeedrinker... so cute your girl.. she looks very fair in the red top :p

I luv a gathering.. hehe.. But not sure where is good...

Howis other mummies?? any updates on your kid?? hehe

good morning mummies...

long time nvr come to tis thread liao....busy busy busy with kids...time not enuf...
specially my elder boi, super duber cranky nowaday.....he just like to abit abit cry...make too much crying noise liao...sometimes just cant stand it....arghhhhh....

me too wanna join if got gathering....
...i tink must try to bring my boi out to make some frens..hehe.. as i reliase that he's quite selfish leh...he's not very keen to share his toy or stuff with others...how? me quite worry....

ask u mummies, do you use cane on your kid? i mean not really hit them la but just to scare them off with the cane?
Hi Shannon,

Ha ha ... i am one of them using cane to scare my boy. Anyway, it works! I have no choice... that is the only thing that he is afraid of.

My boy also very selfish.. he is not willing to share his toys too. I think it is a signal that they want another sibling to play and share with... hahahah... Shannon... Jia you ah...
oh i dun have a cane, but i got a plastic ruler! and i do hit him, very hard. he poured milk all over the house this morning when i didn't notice. it got me so mad!! But after hitting, i always regret,so i try not to hit him too much, unless i really think he deserve a beating.

My son recently kept digging at his arsehole, it seemed to me that it was itchy. My mum suspected it was worms. Ewww.. i wonder how he got it! but luckily it was cleared once i gave him medicine which i bot from Guardian.

Coffeedrinker, well i decided not to wean him off pacifier now. i tried and it was a terrible experience. see how lah. and yeah, coffee first thing in the morning - a must!! haha..
Shannon/Rooster: i dun use cane.. hehe my husband is the disciplinarian.. he uses the ballon stick instead.. hehe. Im the one spoiling her.. ops :p

So when gathering?? :p
hi Lynnette,

I was reading this posting and saw your soup! it look so yummy. Btw, you take good pictureS! the kopi and bread look like those from magazine

Have a question to ask....can you share more recipes of soup? or any dishes? I am lost with what to cook for my dear son..he is currently 20month old
Morning morning mummies......

so most mummies use cane hor....at least i dont feel that bad liao....hehe...

Ya Lynette, u speaks my mind....avtime after hitting, i alwiz regret....but sometimes just couldnt control la....that y now i usually use the cane to hit the floor to scare him off more than hit him....u know what, last Sunday when i brought him out to playground hor, there's one boy wanna take my ah boi ball and play with him...den i was suprise that my boi raise his hand & wanna bit the boi leh...aiyo, i was like...oh no!!!! maybe he tink we adult use to do that when he's notie...how? teaching kid is really a tough job manz

re : gathering
Picnic @ Batanic Garden
Morning 8.30 - 11am (Morning sun)
3rd June Sunday
1)Nickname (Mum / dad / Baby)
2)Shannon + hubby + 2 kids

Anymore mummise interestes ah?
re : gathering
Picnic @ Batanic Garden
Morning 8.30 - 11am (Morning sun)
3rd June Sunday
1)Coffeedrinker + hubby + my gal jasmine
2)Shannon + hubby + 2 kids

Anymore ?
wow!! 8:30am is real early leh!!! i have to wake up at 6:30am & get ready my boy to leave home at abt 7:15am (i live in Woodlands, very far leh!), dunno my boy can wake up or not.. Yup,agree with Ling,probably make it later abt 10 or 10:30am, after the pinic can go shopping,heeeeheee...

Same as Ling,i used balloon stick to scare him but i do beat him sometimes cos can't control myself then regret it later,hahaha.. :p as my boy is the stubborn type,i hv to discipline him more but lucky,he's not the selfish type,will share his toys among friends..
ladies, i dun tink i beat my girl leh... only recently once only when she becomes cranky cos jz went CC and Im really gg crazy cos of that. Luckily now btr...

I dun like to beat her cos will regret later one... so i choose to talk and explain to her. Then i ask her understand, she will say "yes".. haha.. duno real or bluff oso.. hehe..

btw, anyone working in tanj pgr? hehe
re : gathering
Picnic @ Batanic Garden
Morning 10.00 - 12pm
3rd June Sunday
1)Coffeedrinker + hubby + my gal jasmine
2)Shannon + hubby + 2 kids
3) Ling + ? + ?

what about others.. wanna join ?
10am will be fine..

Yup,what shall we bring for the pinic? Each one of us bring 1 kind of food or what? Btw,must have plenty of toddler's foods & balls to play(my boy loves to play balls),hahaha..
What is your child doing at home ?
my gals has about 4 hours free time a day (already exclude 1 hous VCD time) ..
I don't know what can she do :
- Flash card / books / drawing (30mins)
- Puzzle / Lego / pretend cooking (the most 30 min)
i cannot join on 3 June cos vel has a makeup lesson... hmm, u gals wana bring forward to tis sunday?? if so, i can join... then its only the 3 of us wor.. :p

Which part of botanic gdns is good to lay the sheets down to enjoy?? I duno leh.. :p

Other mummies join us leh...
Hi mummies,

Just checking, who is sending their kid to childcare now?

Wat is nursery? At what age should they attend nursery? Is it a must?

Sorry to ask so much questions. My son now is currently staying at home doing nothing. Did not send him to another enrichment class or playgroup. I am afraid that he is lacking behind.

Please share.... thks...

my girl jz joined the childcare @ 19mths. She is with the nursery class students. Nursery class is for 3-4yrs old. So the school has N1 and N2 (for bigger students).

You can start him off with playgroups which are 2-3hrs long. They can learn to enjoy and interact with friends, at the same time learn through fun, singing, dancing etc... Unless you are a keen teacher, otherwise, let them mingle with others in school is not a bad idea :D
my boy has been attending playgroup for 2 mths liao (1.5hr daily, mon-fri),he enjoys himself in the school (esp singing & dancing session),think this is the way small children like them mingle around with their peers..

From what i know (i was once a childcare teacher),in a childcare,they classify their classes into Playgroup (for children age 18mths-2yrs),Nursery 1 (which is called N1 is for children age 3yrs),Nursery 2 (which is called N2 is for children age 4yrs),Kindergarten 1&2 (which is called K1&2 is for children age 5 & 6).Most of the childcare centres operate the same but there are some that hv infant care (for 18mths & below)too.. Hope this info helps..
Thanks mummies,

What kind of playgroup are your kid attending. I am currently in Australia and will be sending him to playgroup in July which are 45 mins only and once a week. I am not too sure whether that is sufficient.

I thought of sending him to a day childcare but dunno whether is it too young for his age and will he be bully by the local here.

I feel so stress as he has not started off with anythings yet. Just feel bad that i have not plan and enroll him to any classes.

As for N1, wat do they normally learn? Not too sure the system here.
Hi mummies,

So sorry, cant attend the gathering liao as i've already got something on...almost forget it..heee...will join u gals next time

Hi Rooster, u r not alone....me too only plan to send my boi to half day playgroup in Oct..actually me oso not very sure wad type of playgroup coz its arrange by my sis in law which my boi wl b attending together with his son....hehe...actually my main concern is onli to let my son to expose more to outside world as he's kind of antisocial type
....will see how it goes...

So currently ur boy stay with u at home. Are u a SAHM? Sorry forget liao.... What he normally do at home. I feel that my son is wasting his time watching tv... can sense that he is bored loh... dunno how to keep him occupy...
hi, mummies

any problem that, my gal still don know how to eat rice ? and her still don know how to chew e food yet.

even tot porridge , she is taking "hong kong type" very cooked. can't even see e rice.

I'm very worries about it
any mummies face same problem like me...
Ling, nope.. did not manage to have enough people.

This thread seems to have only 5/6 mummies .. 2 overseas if I did not miscount...
so left a few..

I was thinking of a group sept birthday party..
Ling - gal - 30 Sept - CCK - FTWM
Jessica - boy - 30 Sept - Woodlands - SAHM
Coffeedrinker - gal - 17 Sept - Woodlands - FTWM
Rooster - boy - 18 Sept - Sengkang - SAHM
Sharon - gal - 20 Sept - Sengkang - FTWM
lysm - boy - 10 Sept - Sengkang - Working from home
Elaine - boy - 18 Oct - PARKISTAN - SAHM
Cyruslll - boy - ? - ? - Daddy
Winnie - girl - 9 Sept - Bukit Gombak - FTWM
Shannon - Boy - 11 Aug - Jurong West - FTWM
Lynette - Boy - 22 Sep - Queenstown - SAHM
IC_69(Ivy) - boy - 22 Sept - Sengkang - FTWM

I was looking for tis list and noticed quite alot of mummies but alot of them MIA le.. sobx

Bday party is not a bad idea but coordination may be tough... Must find a location first :p

Sharon: no such problem... My ger is eating away alot of stuff... I tink u can try to start off with not cooking your porridge so "broken"... See some rice.. then starting exposing her to semi-solids first... teach and show her that she must "chew" and show her your mouth action of chewing.. U noe wat i mean.. :p Till now, I will tell my ger "chew properly" and she will purposely show me her "chewing" mouth.. hehe

Hope this helps :D

Yes, i am in oversea. Not able to join u gals for the birhtday party. But must show me the photos leh.


Like what Ling said, try not to cook ur porridge till so broken... keep reminding her to chew the food.
Ling and rooster

e problem i face last week , i had try e way "ling" matter, but she refund to chews end up i throw away one whole bowl.

I did remind her to chew e foods , but she just lazy........

maybe u want to try other food that she like first. This will encourage her to chew. My boy till now still can't drink from a straw. I also very lazy to teach him because the moment i take out the straw he would want to play with it. So i got no patience for that..

Do you use toothpaste to brush teeth for your boy/girl? I yet to start my boy,only using plain water.

Thinking to start him with toothpaste but dunno which type to use,me scare he will swallow the toothpaste leh. Anyone can recommend the brand of toothpaste that is safe to use?
jessica, I used the "first baby teeth" toothpaste (duno I get the right name anot) cos over $10. Its edible kind and can get from Watsons...
Hello All Mummies,

Like to join in the thread. Me a FTWM with boi born on 22 Sep 05, staying at woodlands....Hope to get to know more mummies...
i am using the normal kids gel toothpaste bought from the supermarket. my son loves swallowing it. i guess a bit is okay lah.

been MIA, cos i've been worried sick over my son who fell sick twice in May. sian. I've been coughing a lot too.

A group birthday party would be really great fun for our kids but i think it's way too tiring. I'm happy sharing tips with you ladies online!
Hi Lynette,

Mine was born around 250pm via c-section at TMC. How abt urs?? U r a SAHM, rite?? I really peifu those who can be SAHM lei...think i will go crazy if i am one...kekeke...

Well, talking abt our darlings falling sick...Mine just recovered from chicken pox...Nitemare lor...din manage to bring him for the jab yet then he kena the virus liao..hopefully his scars will recover soon...
hey where u mummies work?? see whether working nearby can mit up awhile ma..

Im working in tanj pgr.. :D
pangpang, welcome to the thread!

yup, a group birthday party will be great for mummies & babies! dunno whether i'm able to join cos i might b visiting my hubby at Taiwan during this period for abt 3 mths.. if i can't join, wld be glad if those mummies who joined can take some photos & post online to show us who can't join..
hi pangpang, oh mine was 4something am at KKH. yeah i am a SAHM. OH pls dun peifu me, cos i basically just laze ard all day at home. I had wanted to go back to work, but i couldn't bear to leave my son in someone else's care. I'll definitely start working again when he's 4years old.

I thought of teaching my son some ABCs and 123, but u know the attention span of children!

Wah CHICKEN POX! how did he get it! actually i heard that even with the jab, u'll still get chicken pox, but not so terrible sores.. Oh dear must have been hell for u.

Hi Ling & Jessica,

Thks for the welcome...
Me working at Orchard...

Hi Lynette,

Aiya mine also lah...teach him things hor will depend on his mood lor...recently managed to teach him his own name and age...keke...now i am trying to teach him Happy Birthday Song so that he can sing in Sep...haha...

Think he got the chicken pox virus from the gp clinic when i bought him for the last compulsory jab...thank god its over...the gp actually prescribe a med to minimize the pox outbreak..the med cost $80..wah piang i nearly fainted at the clinic..

Btw u all have any plans for ur darlings birthday celebration?? I have booked a chalet for the celebration..hehe...
