(2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

i wanted to book Chervons but only for members..

So in the end nvr book anywhere... no idea yet.

Hey coffeedrinker, i saw from other threads regarding minibus to workplace. At this moment are you taking a minibus to work??

Im looking for one from workplc back to CCK.. You have any lobang??
Hello All Mummies,

Any of ur darlings taking Gain IQ?? I have 2 sample packs to give away, expiry in Nov 2007. Pls pm me if u r interested.

Hi Ling,

I c...I booked the one at Downtown East cos with my sil union member card can enjoy cheaper rates...keke...
Hi Mummies,

Seems like the thread is active again.

Hope all of u have enjoy ur weekends and now it is back to work again....

Can share with me what are the things that we need to look up for when searching for a child care. thks....
yah i've been very moody.. son is sick for the 3rd time!!
where the hell is his immune system? i really dunno wat i do wrong, man.
Hi Lynette,

Dun be too stress
....i understand how u feel cos at 1 pt of time my boy was also like that...think nowadays the virus is really strong....take care of urself too...cheer up....it will be over soon....

Btw, any mummies here on msn?? Easier to chat there...keke...
Hi Lynette,

Dun be too stress
....i understand how u feel cos at 1 pt of time my boy was also like that...think nowadays the virus is really strong....take care of urself too...cheer up....it will be over soon....

Btw, any mummies here on msn?? Easier to chat there...keke...
hi lynette,
understand how you feel cos you are not alone, my son is also sick for 3 times ever since he started going to playgroup. He's got very sensitive airways & very prone to bronchitis. Imagine every 3wks he will get it. i'm also at a loss. Somemore I gave him multivits and cordyceps. I've decided to pull him out from school end of june cos pay school fees already so might as well complete the month.....***Sigh***

Hi pangpang,
I'm on msn every mon, wed, fri. you can PM me yr id if you want someone to chat with....hehe
thanks for the encouraging words pangpang... my son is much better now that he's taking a stronger dose of antibiotics.

sighz, i want to work really hard on building up his immunity. lysm i am so sorry to hear about ur poor boy. yes my son falls sick almost every 3 weeks too and i'm especially worried abt the amount of antibiotics he has been consuming. Can u imagine he's been eating antibiotics since 4th month? i can't accept it!! i read from this forum abt Naturopathy and homeopathy. Why don't you read up on this too?
Hi Lynette,
is ur boy attending any playgroup session? Think it's quite common for children to pass virus to each other esp when they are in school.. my boy was sick twice when he attends his 1st mth playgroup (& mind you the viruses were really strong, he was on medication for whole wk), imagine he was taking antibiotics for 2 wks in a mth,i was so worried & almost withdrawn him.. my friend recommended cord liver oil to me & was glad it works!his immune system improved now, you may want to let ur boy try too..

Hi pangpang,
i'm on msn too,u can PM yr id to me if you want to chat & let me know when u online..
Hi lysm,

U have pm...

Hi lynette,

No problem....u can always come here and vent ur frustrations...keke...btw where to read up abt Naturopathy and homeopathy??...I too dread it when my boy fall sick...nitemare..

Hi jessica,

U dun accept pm lei...why dun u pm me instead then i add u in...thks..
Which playgrp is ur boy attending??
hi pangpang.. yeah but venting frustrations doesn't solve my problem.. i borrowed some books on immunity food for children from the library. try doing a search on Naturopathy in this forum. u'll find some info.
hi jess, hv added you in MSN but nvr see u online de leh... :p

u gals tot of which nursery/kindergaten to send your precious?? :p
hi ling,

kindergarten still a long way leh....

I'm considering appletree or totshouse for my son next year
Hi Ling,
Sorry leh, was busy recently cos planning to visit my hubby so have to get all things prepared.. See u next wk in MSN, ok? Btw, will u be online everyday?
hi girls,
just curious i wonder have u all been pregnant with ur 2nd one already? since our babies is going to be 2 in 2 months time?
Hi rooster,

Actually I am now pregnant with my 2nd one.....and due next year Feb.....Somehow feel the 2nd pregnancy is soo different from the 1st one.....
congrats winnie! enjoy pregnancy all over again!
well, i'm not planning for a second one. just want to enjoy the boy now..
Congrats, Winnie.. u becoming mummy again!

Not planning 2nd one yet, probably next yr lor cos want to give more attention to my boy so hope to get pregnant only when he's older..
Thanks all for your well wishes...
Haha why i say this pregnany is dfferent from the first one....as so far 7 weeks still have not any Morning sickness yet.......unlike the first one....start ard 6 weeks and till 16 weeks....
Fussy Eater
Anyone?? My son is very very fussy over food nowadays. He refused to take fish, veg, carrot, etc. He just like fishball, fishcake and eggs. I am so worried on his nutrients intake. He used to take everythings but not now. Do you all face the same problems? How to cope with it?
Hi rooster,

Haven log in for some time now. I think it is a phase they go through. My son used to be quite fussy too, will spit out whatever he doesn't like to eat and only like eggs too. So I like him self feed in this phase hoping to see more food inside his mouth. It's quite frustrating actually.

Nowadays he's betta. Maybe you can boil vegetable soup and let your boy drink the soup. Or fried rice with mixed vegetables in it. Try deep fry the fish fillet like fish and chips style too. My son still don't like the mince meat texture so he mostly take chicken.

Anyway, just be more patient during meal times cos I think he will pass thru the phase too.
Thanks Elaine for ur advise. So i guess i am not alone.... acutally now meal times is really a nitemare for me... i am just so worried that he is not taking enough nutrients and somemore i am station oversea so no support here. Thus, tends to get more worried.

BTW, how u cook the vegetable soup ah? Wat kind of vegetable u cook?
Hi Lynette,

My boi dun like puree... if the food is too mashed up he will not eat it. So i think blending his food into puree will not work for me. So headache ah... why he is so fussy.....

Is ur child has the same problem as mine??
Hi rooster,

My son refuse to eat my lunch today-fried tang hoon. Actually, I think it taste weird too. So I guess I will just have to make a better dinner for him too.

My son have food swings too, one day he likes cod fish, he can refuse to eat it the next day. But so far, his favourites are egg and carrots.

For vegetable soup, I just throw in carrots,onions, potatoes,pork ribs/ikan bilis to boil. You can put cabbage too. Sometimes you can add corn for sweetness too.

If your son likes soup, you can also boil chicken soup or fish soup.

Since your son likes eggs, you can beaten eggs to cooked vegetables and cook them like Frittata. You can check out the recipe at bettycrocker.com.

Don't worry, just try various ways to cook. Australia should have lots of ingredients for you to play with, I can't even find pork in Pakistan.
Thanks Elaine.

Actually i am cooking potato, carrot and sweetcorn soup today.

I think u are a gd mother, will try out various food for him.

As for me, i am a lousy cook. Just learn to cook when i am in Australia. I shall check out the recipe at berrycrocker.

So how is life in Pakistan. Will ur family be going back to sg?
Hi rooster,

I am not a great cook either. I also picked up cooking when I came here. So maybe a few more months more experienced than you only.

Will go back in Singapore in August for 1-2 weeks and to stock up food supplies.

All mummies,

Any 1 of your child still wake up in the middle of night? My boy sleeps in his own room but will wake up in the middle of the night nowadays. Just wondering why he still wakes up in the middle of the night when he's going to be 2 already. He will sleep back without milk but I need to be beside him.
it's maddening for us mothers and it makes it worse that we sometimes don't cook well!

these days, i give my son bread with butter/jam for lunch instead. and top up with fruits. but sometimes, he still won't eat. then i'll get really mad and make him stand one corner and throw away all his food. my idea is to let him go hungry until he begs for food. i tried it before and it worked... though i was very scared he might get gastric. but i believe it is every children's instinct to eat anything when they are really hungry, just make sure they have water.

rooster, have u tried pumpkin?? i cook his porridge with pumpkin and pork and it tastes quite good. just whack and try! (texture is similar to sweet potato)

and btw, could he be teething? tummy gassy?
yah, its really frustrating & mad when our kids refuses food. My son started to become fussy eater when he's 18mths & worst still, he dislike drinking water.

How abt making your son a shepherd's pie or some cream of chicken & corn soup.

My son sometimes still wakes up in the middle of the night & he takes 1-2hrs to go back to sleep. I was hoping he would get up slightly later to make up for the loss sleep, but he still wakeup the same time as usual. And he doesn't take long naps, at most 1.5hrs.

I guess every child progress at a different rate. At this age, I think most toddlers can speak in at least 1-2 words, while some are talking in sentences, so it all depends.
U r coming back for holiday only. When will u be back for good? My boi same as ur boi... but he still sleep with us. Actually intend to put him to his own room but dun have the courage yet. How u train him to sleep on his own?

No have not try out that yet. so we just throw in the pumpkin and cook together with the porridge?

My boi started to talk already. Simple communicate still can but not the pronunication still not very clear but at least i understand. Like wat lysm said, every child progress at different rate so not to worry.

Making shepherd pie????? Big challenge for me leh....
yes rooster, just cut into small pieces and throw in with the porridge. it softens very fast.

my son is very slow in his speech development. but he's blabbering A LOT. only manages a few single words, like Bird, cat, dog.. anyway, i'm not too worried about him not talking properly yet. :D
hi rooster:

Initially i also think its very challenging but its quite simple. I learned how to prepare this dish when my boy refuses his rice & porridge.

Just fry some onions (chopped) with mushrooms (chopped), carrots (chopped) & minced meat (either beef/chicken/pork) together with some stock or water until soft. then thicken it with flour or cornflour. Put into a mini pie dish & spread a thick layer of mashed potato on top. Put into an oven to bake.

I usually prepare the ingredients at night after my son sleep, so the next day just take out and fry.


Last time my boi also blabbering alot but out of sudden he starts to speak alots. Now he will parrot ur words and make u more angry.... so when they start to speak, they will tend to make u more angry... hahaha..
