(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Ya... music changed!! Temporary no shake a bum bum for the time being. Kekeke...

Anton is always our perfect baby model. Lifting up weighin scale? Wah say, a hercule!!

Great World City basement got a new Organic shop.

nicky's mum, how about water soluble colour pencils or magic pens on a plastic canvas, say a floor mat? that way, u can rinse off and reuse again. even if it goes onto the floor, can remove easily.
Hi ting2,
yes, maybe mat's a good idea.. markers , he always ends up drawing his legs.. haha.. trying to attach the pix but not successful leh..
Hi ting2,
yes, maybe mat's a good idea.. markers , he always ends up drawing his legs.. haha.. trying to attach the pix but not successful leh..
Nicky's mom
Yeah! Anton likes to flip everything he lays his hands on to inspect the things. One thing I cannot 'tahan'is he kept eating things off the floor!! For some reason he can detect very very small particles on the floor, pick it up and eat it. Once he even pick up something from the floor, walk away from me and put it in his mouth!!Arghhh! I wonder when he will stop doing that.

No lah...anton is far far from being the model baby. hehe...
nicky's mum, no worries. these markers will wash off easily.. even on body and clothes. just read the labels carefully before u buy..hehe... to upload pics here got to conform to the diamensions and file size..sometimes gotta resize a few times before i succeed.
yes, she understands "no" and doesnt like it. will scold and beat whoever says "no" to her. haa.. fierce lady.. as i still wish to continue BFing (latch before and after work), i normally tell her "finished" or "no more neh neh". she knows what it means but still wanna latch for comfort.

yup, last weekend my mum happened to be staying over and she helped to bottle-feed her in the living while i'm in the shower. **failed** think she know's she's at home. nanny managed to bottle feed her 100% FM recently.

yah, you're right. i managed to feed her 100% FM only via spoon feeding but with cereal and her favourite raisin bread dipped inside. yes, it's very tedious if this is the only way for me to feed her FM.

anyway, all mummies, thanks so much for hearing me out and giving me suggestions and tips. guess i have to keep trying. btw, last nite i worked till 2am, and when she woke up for nite feed at 4.30am, i was too tired and took the easy way out of latching her in bed. there goes my past 2 nights of 1 hour battle training her..
cmyesther, okie, will do tt.
ya, coz i can't sleep. so i tot of surfing d net 2 pass time.

phoebe, yes, tt's gd aso. btw, when r u coming back 2 sg? m looking 4ward 2 c Daryll again.

raisintan, poor u. nvm, hang in thr okie. she'll take to btl feeding soon. gosh, hw come u wked til 2am? so poor thing. take care k.
vone, my OBS is a team building course, and rock climbing is one of the activities. v siong, but once u touch the top, feeling is v shiok! keke... but now suffering from the aches and pains. the day after the course, the common question we ask one another is "are you aching all over?!" :p
raisintan, just give more time loh.. she's not totally rejecting. ever heard of those method that some mummies rub some oil to wean off their bbs?

vone, maybe tis month end or early nov.. not sure yet. definately gotto meet up.. i've yet to pass the BST DVD to you
ting, ic. jus hv more rest & apply counterpain.

phoebe, no hurry. jus let me noe when u'll b back & we can arrange 2 meet up.
Wah, go OBS ah? So good leh. I brought my girls to the OBS in East Coast when i was about 3 months plus preggie last year. Hee. Tried the night tunnelling. Wah, thought that one very easy, skali, nearly died. Hahaha... Have to crawl, climb, walk through lots of balls and in the dark. Kaos.. Luckily Kai Kai was ok. But, 2 weeks after that was spotting, then kena MC for almost a month. Hee...
Silly mummy here.

Kai doesn't like to drink water from the bottle, still dunno how to use straw oso. Only can spoon feed him water. Can i add anything to the plain water to make him like it? I read someone added Ribena. It has to be very diluted issit? I just bought a bottle of it. Anything other suggestions?
my gal love to drink gripe water and fruit juice.

I put 0.5 oz of fruit juice and 4 oz of water (no sweet at all, but she love it leh)
I put 2 oz of water and i small sppon of gripe water (the spoon is those type that we stir kopi-o in coffeeshop one)

so she completed about 5 oz of these water a day + 2 oz of plain water.
eileen, my tots, if d ribena is 2 diluted, then it kinda of defeats d purpose. thus when u add ribena 2 plain water, mus ensure tt it has taste.

ixwong, yup yup.
thanks. yah, cos of a chain of unfortunate events i ended up having to rush some last min work

guess i have to be really patient with her on this. i'm not ready to wean her off totally yet, intending to continue bfeeding before and after work without expressing in office.

pardon my ignorance, what's gripe water?

not sure if you're the one - are you latching before and after work? do you still express in office? cos of workload i stopped expressing in office these 2 days. dunno how long my supply can sustain...

i presume zephan's last feed is via latching? and he can sleep throughout the night? you mentioned you have yet tried to bottle feed him. what about weekends? wondering how to cope this weekend. supply dipped a lot these 2 days, definitely not enough for her throughout the day this weekend.

yup, i latch on in the morning after he wakes up, and again for his last night feed before he goes to bed. he usually sleeps from 8pm to about 6+am. currently i express once a day at work, mainly to maintain supply for weekend afternoon feeds. (He takes 3 milk feeds each day.)

One mystery i can never solve is that though my daily expressing output is only 40ml, zephan seems to have enough when he latches on for afternoon feeds during weekends. He's mostly on FM during weekday afternoons, and my mum says he drinks about 260ml!

But i'm thinking of doing FM for all afternoon feeds, so that i dont need to express in office anymore.

eileenp, u v garang arh... :p seems like Kai is not adverse to drinking water, just that you have to find a suitable bottle for him. I use a Nuby bottle, which has got handles, and the spout is silicone. You may want to try it. Zephan has got 2 straw bottles waiting for him. keke... Kai probably associates his milk bottles with milk only.
Hi Adelyee,

Received your PM. Will send out tonight. Forgot bring to office today. sorry..


Hmmm. We missed him alots. He started eat rice recently as he split out the porridge during feeding which he seldom reject food. MIL commented he eats rice even faster than porridge. Greedy boy!!! Now we are counting down. He will be here on 4th Nov for 2 mths plus but in the other hand a bit worried too as now am preggie. More tiring then the previous one.. Worried can't handle him! Me interested in the holiday programme but look thru the website think we needs to apply leaves right? Not much leaves left leh!
High-nitrate vegetables, such as beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, collard greens, lettuce, spinach and turnips, should not be fed to babies in large quantities. The naturally occurring nitrates in these vegetables can change to nitrites, which bind iron in the blood and make it difficult to carry oxygen. This can make it hard to breathe and cause the skin to become blue. Limit the serving size of these vegetables to one to two tablespoons per feeding.
ya, hw also spit out porridge and we had to introduce rice. He's still largely swallowing the rice, although there are some extent of chewing. Your MIL coming with your ds, rite? If so, it wld be less taxing for u....take care hoh.

Re JG holiday programme
Ya, need to take half day leave everyday for 1 wk. I'm lucky as still got quite a lot of leave to clear which wld otherwise be forefeited. But must go back n negotiate w boss to change the schedule....
Hi ixwong
I have signed up with other mummies in the other thread! Mine is week one English (3pm) and the second week is Mandarin at 1100am. JG's classes are fun
Mummies, try to make it if u can
phoebe, what is "heng chai"? the one where u need to peel off a layer from the stems? That one is classified as a spinach. i'm also quite worried cos i've been feeding him carrots, cabbage, spinach and broccoli. think it's ok to feed them still, but not too much, i.e. if u're already giving carrots dun give broccoli etc. realised that on some days i gave all 4 on the same day! my gosh...
To mummies whom i've invited to Brent's party, this is a gentle reminder that the location would be at east coast chalet. Unit: M5/ 14 OcT/ 6pm..

mm.. Do make yourselves comfortable there... so, i'll see u ladies with your kiddos eh!
To mummies whom i've invited to Brent's party, this is a gentle reminder that the location would be at east coast chalet. Unit: M5/ 14 OcT/ 6pm..

mm.. Do make yourselves comfortable there... so, i'll see u ladies with your kiddos eh!
tingting, ya.. dats the one loh. my mum told me that its good for bbs mah.. so i've been giving it to Daryll almost everyday.
i think it should be fine so far as Zephan is alright with it..
its kinda headache thinking of what to cook most of the time...
wow.. zephan is really good! 8pm to 6am, how envious.. he sleeps really early huh? do you get to spend time with him after work? my girl's bedtime has been late at 10pm+ cos by the time i reached home and after shower, it's close to 9pm liao.

wow, take my hat off you, so hardworking to express though only 40ml? i've always dislike expressing and if each output is <100ml, i would feel it's not worth all the effort of washing &amp; sterilising. 3 milk feeds a day excluding latching? 260ml per feed? yah, i've read somewhere that it's possible for your body to enter into a biological clock of producing more during weekends and lesser on weekdays. i'm hoping to achieve your stage. this whole system of milk production is quite amazing yah?

Yup, take my hats off you as well. Was still total bf Kai when he was 10 months plus. But during one weekend, i just don't feel like expressing anymore. Was expressing in the office like 3 times a day. Really tiring. Spent all my break expressing.
Then after that weekend, i just stopped. Hee... And started him on FM when he finish up the frozen BM. As for mummy, never felt better man. Work is sooo much less stressful after i stopped pumping.
But seriously, BM is still the best.
hmm, never say things too early.. yest was trying to wean zephan off his pacifier, with disasterous results! he cried for 15 min during his afternoon nap, and slept for about 40 min. but when we gave him back his pacifier for the night, he still continued to cry! cried for about 15min before he went to sleep, but this morning still had about 5 min of crying before sleeping. haiz.. think he's got a bit of phobia of the bed already. hope he goes back to his usual "happy to go to bed" routine soon. thank God he slept through last night as usual though!

raisintan, i reach my parents' place at nearly 7pm to have my dinner and fetch zephan. reach home nearly 8pm and put him to bed. so it's only about 40min interaction with him. hb n i take turns to eat/play with him. also try to do some sing songs with him in the car. i now quite bo chap abt working late. just go off at 6pm sharp. but daytime just have to pay back a bit lor.

yah, the BFg system is quite amazing. but i dunno how to stop actually! hehe.. it's a v good calming tool that sometimes even pacifiers cannot match! his total milk intake is 3 feeds, so 2 latches and 1 FM during weekdays.

eileenp, at least u TBF till 10m, i switched to PBFg soon after i went back to work, cos i simply couldn't express enough! initially i tandem pumped in the morning when i latched, and combined with the miserable 40ml i got from office. that was enough for him until he grew older and i latched him on both sides during each feed. after that i went on PBFg. now i even cut back on using pump, just hand express! save on lots of washing as well.. hehe...
Dear Mummies: Thanks for coming to Brent's birthday party! Am sure he enjoyed himself. Just hope that you gals won't mind the poor hospitality of mine! I do hope to catch up with you ladies soon! plus our kiddos!

Mummies: I love your presents!!!!!

Thank you! Really thank you all!

*Brent says thanks to all mummies. Love you all!
hi mummies

can i find out how much your toddlers are sleeping and time of nap &amp; sleep?

Dominic's Nap &amp; Sleep
* wake at 6-6.30am
* nap from 9-9.30 to 10-10.30am
* nap from 1.45-2 to 3.30-4pm
* sleep at 8pm

we just introduced the 1.45-2pm nap to reduce his naps from 3 to 2. there are many toddlers(about 1+ yrs old) at church who don't take morning naps. is dominic napping too much?? the plus side is that hb and me get to listen to sermons but dominic will not get to play with other toddlers...

how did zephan react when you didn't give him the pacifier? dominic is very attached to his pillow and we are thinking of weaning him off that first! dominic will spit out his pacifier once asleep but i don't think he will be able to fall asleep without it.

any sucess stories of weaning off pacifier?
my gal nap twice a day too.
She started her day at7am , nap at 10-12pm and 3.30-5.30 and sleep at 8.30pm.

I did not plan to wean off her pacifier.. she only take her pacifier when she is going to sleep/nap and we pull it out after she is sound asleep.

This pacifier speed up the process of getting my gal to sleep if not we will have to pat her very long.

Personally, I think it's ok to miss a nap on weekend ( only once a week).. at time when we go shopping with her on weekend , she missed her afternoon too.(Bad mummy)

I just enrol her to My Little Gym at6pm Sat.. so I push her nap half an hour early and she wake up an hour earlier (she got to sacrific her sleep to meet that 6pm class)
hi coffee drinker

thanks for sharing...

dominic wants to nap(morn) at church, he was yawning but still wants to play, but struggled and whined etc... but he finally knocked off and slept thru service.

i agreed that the pacifier will speed up sleeping, or else we will be patting them till the cow come home! i just hope that it will be painless when we have to wean them off!

i am bringing dominic down to the playground in the morning, provided not too hazy, for him to climb and crawl etc... i am a lazy mummy and leave all the chasing to maid. now, he will point to playground and make noise, kinda of demanding/commanding that he be brought there to play.... :p
hand express some more, you're really good!

wow, how did you survive expressing 3x in office? i tried that schedule when i first returned from maternity, and gave up after 1 week. have been expressing 2x in office after that. you had no problems giving Kai FM after you stopped? it took my girl some time to acquire the taste of FM. are you still bfeeding now?

wow, i dont know how you ladies managed to put your kids to bed so early at 8pm! envious..
when my gal reaches 16 month or so, I plan to cut her nap to 1 time and plan to let her sleep between9-10pm.

Currently, not happy with my maid, but I just bear with her till my gal is about 18mth or so, I plan to sack her and put my baby with my mum and my mum will go and fetch her home after 3 hour playgroup. and I will go to my mum's place and fetch my baby after my work , so reach home maybe about 8.30pm.

Plan not to have any maid after sacking this one.
Hope things will go on smoothly
my little dominic

*sleeping... he will turn to like this and then flip back... kinda of looks like as if he is deep in thoughts too

dominic: dun disturb me. i am thinking.


*crawling up slide


*wanted baby!!

coffee drinker

guess the best is not to have one... i was also quite fed up with mine about 2mths back but tot she is very good with ds, teach him lots of things and encouraging him to explore(climb, walk, stand etc). plus the nature of my work and my mum also part time, so kinda of no choice.

i also tot of stopping hiring maid after her 2yr contract or put ds in playgroup, provided i am able to change job or switch to part time.

if have 2nd bb, will still continue to hire (regardless whether i am able to change job). really "pei fu" FTWM with more than 1 kid and no maid!!
ilmare, will you put your baby in full time childcare when he is 24mth ?

If my baby can adapt, I plan to put full day, but my mum and sis disagree and suggest that I put with my mum for 1/2 day.

If she can in full day, I don need to fetch to and fro my mum place.. My office near by got one "Kinderland" 7am to 7pm..

I'm still thinking hard what to do..

But putting her to playgroup for a start is definitely a must for me..
My nephew learnt a lot when he go playgroup..
My Princess jasmine

She will put the toy-pail on and talk inside the pail
(see , my maid will just sit there and don't do housework when we are playing with Jasmine)

At the stage of touching everything and climbing here and there.


hi ilmare, i'm actually not 100% sure whether it was the weaning of pacifier that set him on a crying bout, cos his schedule that day was also haywire. but after the 1st crying each subsequent bed time he will start to cry or refuse to go to bed (e.g. cling to me when approaching bed). but i just did my usual bedtime routine n closed the door. by last night, his "crying" stopped within 5 sec after i closed the door. figured mummy is not going to bite the bait! but i still miss his usual "wave mummy goodnite" habit. hope he gets back to it soon.

anyway, we gave him back his pacifier liao. try another time. :p

as for sleeping schedule, zephan's is:


we're trying to shift his morning nap later, so that he can gradually cut back on his morning nap duration and eventually cut off the morning nap. But not sure whether this is good, cos he sleeps at 8pm, which is 1 hr behind their "biological" clock schedule. have to wait and see.

nowadays zephan also seldom sleeps in church already cos he wants to play with other toddlers. but i see it as an exception rather as a norm, cos on those days he'll take an afternoon nap of 12-2pm, then he needs to go to bed early at about 7 plus pm.
Hi mummies,

Rejecting food
Any of your babies rejects food, like his favourite porridge? My 13 month old son began to reject his porridge, cereal and pasta totally since last Wednesday, even when we cook his favourite... he likes to eat rice but only less than 5 mouthfuls... he likes to eat bread though... but I'm worried whether he will have enough nutrients... any advice on this?
My ds also went thru a period of rejecting porridge, cereal and pasta. He also only loves bread then. I was worried too but can't force him. During that 2 weeks, we feed him yoghurt, egg, raisin, etc to supplement the bread diet. Later on, we tried giving rice and noodle which he likes. So he's now eating rice (2-3 tablespoons) with dishes on the side and must go with soup.

2-3 tablespoon of uncooked rice or cooked rice ?
I'm also not sure am I overfeeding or under-feed.

Tablespoon size is about those type we use to eat chiken rice outside , right ?
2-3 heaped soup spoon of cooked rice, in addition to shredded meat/fish and vegetable. About half a rice bowl all in all, and half a bowl of soup.

Yup, I also cannot believe that i survived that long. I will arrive at school at about 6a.m. to pump. Then will pump during my recess at 10am. Then another time at 1p.m. If i had to stay back for house practice, I'll pump the 4th time at 4pm. Can you imagine that??? OMG.
I kept to my schedule for a while, cause dun wanna affect my ss. But it still went down, think due to work stress. I pumped more frequently when my ss dropped.
I'll always latch him on when i'm at home lor.
Then 2 months ago, mummy decided that she doesn't wanna pump anymore. Hee... So, i just suddenly stopped pumping, but still latch him on at night.
Then when i ran out of frozen BM, i just gave him FM. Luckily he took to that quite well.
Then mummy also close shop at night. Hahaha....
So, he is a pure FM baby now.
