(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Hi mummies:

i need some reviews from u gals.. have u all ordered from 4seasons catering before? i have some issues with neo garden.. so most likely going to cancel from neo. or do u all happen to know any caterers with nice nice food?

happened to read or know any thing abt 4seasons catering? kindly let me know/? pls... ty ty..

hi adelyee,

i only ordered their tea selections for zephan's 1st birthday party. reviews were not bad. but i didn't have the chance to eat most of the food though. by the end of the party, at least half of the items are cleaned out! guess that means the food is nice.
My nanny does have some sort of routine for my boy, but it's not as structured as in childcare. Most of the time is play, eat, sleep and play again....
I have passed some toys and VCD/DVDs to my babysitter, so got 2 sets of many things, e.g. walker, stride n ride toy, DVDs. My nanny also buys toys for my son, the largest one to-date is an indoor swing!
Hi adelyee
I ordered from four seasons catering for zac's 1st birthday on 20 aug, tea reception...most of the people found the food so so only. I tried some of the food and I don't find it appetizing at all. The website looks fabulous right but when the items came I was kind of disappointed.

I ordered for 75 pax...maybe I ordered all the wrong items..dunno leh!

Ok. I'll change all the sizes to 2T?
Thanks a zillion.

Painter Jeans for Baby
Colour: Medium Stonewashed
Size: 2T
Qty: 1
Price: US$10.00

Denim Overalls for Baby
Colour: Medium Stonewashed
Size: 2T
Qty: 1
Price: US$14.50

Ringer Tees for Baby
Colour: Navy Blue
Size: 2T
Qty: 1
Price: US$2.99
fleece = more suitable for winter climate
i ordered a pair of fleece pants for isaac, but had to send it to Canada for my nephew, coz too warm to be worn even in 25deg aircon at night.
Dear Mummies,

How much milk is you baby taking each time as they are 1 year old now ? wondering if I should increase her milk intake?

she has been taking 6 oz per feed 3 times a day since 8 month .

My gal now is 10 kg at 1 year old.
any baby here at 1 year old is about 10 kg. Can share with me your baby milk intake.
Annette is 13 months+ and weighs 9.5kg. She takes 3 meals a day and 2-3 milkfeeds (7 oz) a day. At times when she sleeps early, we might skip the night feed. We also try to use milk to make her breakfast cereal.

Re Mt A admission. I just came back from my gynae and understand that this is probably just a rumour. Admissions are still handled the same way.
Sarah is 13+ months and weigh around 9.3kg. She has 3 meals and 4 feeds (we prepared 8oz each time, but sometimes she could only drink up to 7oz) every day.
wendy, zephan is alright in his fleece pants in church leh. i usually let him wear during church. ditto for his fleece jackets.

eileenp, ok.

coffeedrinker, zephan is 14m at 10kg. he takes about 260ml of FM in the afternoons. morning n night he latches on.
isaac 14m 10.5kg, 4 milk feeds 180ml water + 3 scoops comes up to abt 200ml each feed. Sometimes finishes, sometimes he leaves 60ml for mama to drink. haha.

anyone's baby food book says anything about giving baby mushrooms & dow-miao (green vege)? can't seem to find much info about it on the net
Hi coffeedrinker,

According to my girl's PD, babies of her age (13plus months) do not need that much milk now. Better to give more food/solids cause they get more nutrition from food. He says as long as they get at least 300ml of milk a day, its good enough already. Best to supplement with more solids. I was quite suprised to here him say that! cause he was saying that babies who take more solids grow faster and stronger than babies who's diet consist mainly of milk, or the main part consist of milk.
Hi coffeedrinker,

Zac is 13.5m, 10.7kg. He takes 4 milk feeds of 6-7oz each per day. Give him more he can't finish. He's only taking solid lunch and dinner but last few days have been refusing solid so only drinking FM.

Do u all try to give your ds & dd a variety of food? Cos my zac is only eating porridge and porridge and nothing else but of course the ingredient added for the porridge is different lah. My MIL always make him the same old fish porridge think Zac is sick of it liao!
yes i try to vary isaac's solids.. dat's why i'm asking abt mushrooms & dow-miao.

i'm a mummy
Provided we give super power solids.. must give balanced diet, fresh food, calcium, iron, protein etc. Fwah!

re: egg
i read somewhere babies can take 1 egg per day. Yolk & white. I think babies not too concerned abt cholesterol. kekeke
Edna is 14m, 10.5kg. She's drinking 3 times of 7oz milk feed & 3 solid meal. Been rejecting her milk recently so I think I am goin to cut down 1 feed soon.

U drank their FM? Salute u! It tasted quite yucky for me..wahaha.
What's wrong with mushroom & dou miao?? I feed her these oso leh.

I think zac sian with porridge lah, It's time to give more varieties for him rite? Heehee...
For Lunch other than porridge, I cook some simple soup noodles like macaroni, mee tang ma, mee hoon kueh etc. Then dinner she follow us eating the table food. It's quite easy, dun have to scratch your head. I will just scoope out the soup & 'liao' into her rice before I add salt. Or else can just steam vege, egg or meat inside the rice cooker. Can even pan fry the meat too with olive oil for some texture.
cat tail
no la. He leave some for me, but i pour away lor. kekeke.
I dun see mushroom & dou-miao in my ang-mo baby cook book, so asking around lor..
ya i agree lor...but then hor my mil is the one who take care of him and she always coook fish porridge...pengz ah, when I give zac some rice or fruits like guava, grapes etc she'll object and say he only has a few teeth cannot bite off the food.
Dunno how to tell her no need to cook porridge for zac's every meal, can follow us eat rice with vege, fish etc.

I tried making tomato/beef pasta for zac last sat but he took a few mouthful then don't want liao...seems like he can't really take meat, When there's meat he'll stop after a few mouthful.

U all know how to make meat so that it's soft enough to swallow without biting? for vege, do u cut into very tiny pieces b4 cooking?
hi zaczac,
I chop the veg into small pieces abt 0.5cm cube before cooking.
As for meat, I tried appliejuz's method i.e. buy those soft/fine minced meat and I chop it even finer before cooking. To prevent the minced meat from sticking together i.e. lumpy in porridge, I stir them in bowl of water then pour into pot.
Maybe you can start w softer meat like chicken. However my MIL says 1yr not ready for chicken meat.. dunno why.
babies mash soft food with their gums, not teeth. If want to wait until full set of teeth incl molars, then they can't enjoy solids until 2YO+.
Isaac enjoys grapes. He can chew a 10c size piece.
The cube lean pork that i throw into slow cooker comes out quite soft after abt 4-5hr. I dun mince the veg.. i want him to taste his food, not mush. Soft carrot he can take like the size of my pinky fingernail, sometimes even larger. Peas & corn too, but i mash with back of spoon b4 giving to him, in case he chokes.
Isaac's been taking pork, chicken, fish, beef. So far no problems. Looking for mutton & cod but can't find in NTUC...
Anton drinks 3 times a day-
morning 120ml followed by 120ml of yogurt with half avocado

afternoon- 60ml
evening- 180ml

He eats breakkie, lunch and dinner. Making sure he has enough proteins, vitamins and calcium
hi zaczac,
You have to observe his chewing pattern. My gal can chew carrot like Isaac but when mix w porridge, she simply swallow everything. So I try not to mix mash & solid food in one mouthful for her.
Hi coffeedrinker,

Keyon is 13mth 2wks, i think 10+kg.
He's still taking 210-240ml x 3 feed per day. Lunch & Dinner on porridge. He oso share's our table dinner @ 7pm...too, I put some rice or other food etc into his snack bowl wif spoon... let him mess ard. He could feed himself... :p

My mum told me ytd tt she's going to start on rice soon...

Sarah's mum,
can pm me ur email add? wanna send u Sarah's photo leh.. :>
OIC..tot u r so courage to drink it.
Mushroom & dou miao, I just chopped them finely & cook in any pattern I like. My cookign style very rojak one.

Hmm..can use metal spoon to scrap or mesh it, then it's easier to eat. Nvm lah, understand MIL is always very hard to tok sense. Then during weekend, u can cook some sumptuous meal for poor zac lor.

Btw, u got check the taste of the beef pasta?
For minced meat, I add a little tapioca flour to prevent lumpy. Very chinese style.

Anton is eating very ang mo style.

That's nice! Edna is too lazy to eat on her own. I put biscuits in the bowl, she will just overturn them.
wendyg, i hv given baby mushrooms & dow miao 2 my boy oledi. he seems 2 b okie wif d mushrooms, bt 4 d dow miao, mayb u wanna try n c hw. my boy dun seem 2 like it coz it's a bit difficult 2 chew, thus he'll kinda of choke on it.

zac, yes, i try 2 give him more variety of food so that he'll nt b a picky eater. after he turns 1 yo, it's easier as we dun hv 2 cook separately 4 him anymore. he eats watever we r eating.
Have you tried feeding birdnest with codyceps+ginseng for baby to stop their cough? Not sure if its effective...Thinking of trying this evening as Sarah has been coughing for days...

My email addy is [email protected]. Thanks for the pix..
Re: Milk
Any mummies give their toddler fresh milk? Do you heat it up before giving, or just give it cold?

Re: Milk feeds
Any toddler drink milk from cup? How do you go about introducing it? My gal drinks only a few sips of water from the cup using straw.

Re: Other fluids
What other liquid drinks do you give to your toddler other than water? What kind of juice (from where)? My gal does not like Ribena.
i pour some Heinz/ Gerber bottled fruit juice into his water bottle. My hubby lets him lick Vitagen off his finger
Ethan is 10.7kg when 13 mths. 3x 210ml but each feed have to split to 2 times. In btwn drink water as well. 2x porridge in lunch and dinner.

passing guest,

You may want to refer this link. No.6


At first I also thought is rumour. I went to search internet. True enough they've change the rules on 1st September 2006. I am hoping to give birth at Mt Alvernia same as Ethan. Further more,Mt Alvernia car park is more convinience. (Personal preference lah) Haven't decide yet. Don't know they will special waive this rule for existing patient or not hor.
Personally I felt this rule very stupid leh, it will only scared those patient whose cash not enough. Imagine if I need to go thru caeserean again I've to folk out $2k cash! If not mistaken last time admission only $450 for deposit.

I think I will try to call the hospital. Update you again ya?
Re: solid food
How long does each meal feed last if you give yr toddler "chunky" food? Lately, meal time is a challenge for me, cos my gal doesn't want to sit on her chair, she wants to stand up, and after a while, she wants me to carry her. I have been thinking of ways to "discipline" her, but I think she would rather not eat. Before she turned 1 year old, meal time was a breeze. So I still grind her food, so that she doesn't take too long to chew her food, to shorten her eating time. Any mummies have any suggestion of what I can do? I don't wish to let her watch TV or move around during meal time.
Hi ixwong,
Your nanny sounds really good, hard to come by. Even buy toys for HW. I remember you sharing that she feed your son well too. You're really lucky!
That's great info, thanks. I shall check with clinic again. Whatever is the case, we will probably still stick to Mt A as our gynae practises there and we were so comfortable with our stay the last time. Yes you are right about carparking. Also, I find that Mt A is not so crowded.
Today all very hot abt food..heehee...

Sarah's Mom,
Have u check with the TCM? Got to be careful cos Bird nest is one of the allergy food.

U meant Chinese mushroom is dried shitate mushroom? I any mushrooms oso give. Recently there's an article report that the "jin zheng gu" is good.

I use fresh milk to cook cheesy macaroni & she only drink water & juice from the straw cup.

re: Other fluids
Hmm.. Heinz fruit juice, barley, coca cola, ribena, yakult..etc...

re: solid food
I try to distract & keep my gal busy like toy, book or even sit her near the window for scenery. If all these fail, I on Hi 5... confirm can eat.
re: Food

I am oso v sick of giving YC porridge but my mum who is his weekday chef is not keen to start him on rice .. sigh

I have tried giving him the ABC pasta but he dun really fancy. He likes those ramen that we eat at restaurant and he dun mind the cheese macaroni from kenny rogers. Maybe its something wrong with my cooking hahahahhaa

he is still drinking 4x milk ler cos this lazy mum dun have time to feed him solid for breakfast. 1st and last milk feed its milk + 4 tea spoon of cereal (180ml). In bet lunch and dinner its still 150ml.

Cakey ...

Same ler ... when I give YC porridge he seem to assume that EVERYTHING can be swallowed so he sometimes get choaked on the soft but unmashed vege *faint*

but these day very funny ... when he gets choaked he will pat his own chest hahahahah then smile at us

boise ...

YC oso that day but I use v brutal method lor ... I just let him sit on the high chair while I go and watch TV and use my hand to force open his mouth to feed him (cos i was so so so angry ~ even my hubby siam us that day)then now whenever my hand go near his chin he will quickly open his mouth liao and stop making a fuss on the highchair. But v brutal lar when I think back heehee

But YC oso showed me that he angry with me lar cos after we let him down from his high chair .. he walked around the whole house making alot of noise, banging onto everything that can make sound and threw all the stuff on the sofa and coffee table onto the floor lor *faint*
cat tail
shitake = japanese mushroom
i mean those dried chinese mushroom lor.. nvrmind la, i let isaac try & see if he can take it. hey what's jin zheng gu
oh great! Thanks for the info.. good that it has a picture of the mushroom, coz i'm not too good with the names... too many types.
seabreeze, YC is so cute... can pat his chest & show u temper.

wnedyg, i give dried chinese mushroom to my boy. u can try n c hw. d eng name 4 jin zheng gu is enoki mushrooms.
Hi coffeedrinker, Daryll is taking 3 milk feed a day (total intake 660ml) and 3 solid meal. cereal for breakfast and porridge for lunch & dinner.
but his weight only 9.4kg at 13.5 months.. dunno how to increase his weight. PD asked me to increase his solid but he's already taking 1 full bowl of porridge.

hi mummies, do you all give snacks in between meals?
wendyg, if u wan cod fish, u can try giant. coz they gt promo nw. it's selling at $17.90 per kg which is veri cheap.
Kai is taking 3 milk feeds a day, about 250ml each time. And 2 solid meal for lunch and dinner. Family too lazy to feed him breakfast. Therefore, he only has Cheerios cereals on weekends for breakfast.
He still cannot take rice leh. Gave him bit by bit but he gave me one kind of a face and shuddered.
His weight is 10.29kg at 12 months.
Solid meal oso same old stuff everyday. Porridge with potato, carrots, broccoli and fish/chicken/minced pork.
Naughty mummy only gives him plain water other than milk. Maybe it's high time i give him something more interesting to drink. Didn't give him fruits oso leh. Come to think of it, he really poor thing.
Haven't consult TCM. She is now under western medication. (sigh) no maid to help clean the birdnest, got to DIY everything...cannot send BB to infant care. I'm physically exhausted...(shi shang zhi you ma ma hao)

I oso think it's something wrong with your cooking, tat's y YC luv outside food...wahaha....Btw he quite fierce hor, cannot play play with him.

The mummies here are so well inform! Remember to chop off the roots before u cook the jin zheng gu..heehee..

U wanna try Scotts cod liver oil? Can help to put on weight one. Sometimes I give snacks for hi-tea.

1 kg of cod fish for $17.90? Cheap cheap~ I ask the fishmonger chop 2 pcs & already paid for $17.

Sarah's mom,
Tot u have a new maid?? The bird nest thingy hor, better wait for a while before u give. Already confirm a frd's baby ganna allergy.
