(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Kai is having a very bad cough now. Especially so at night. Can anyone advise me as to what i can do to make him feel better at night? He will cough quite badly almost every hour.
Already brought him to a doc and is taking cough mixture. But doesn't seem to be getting better.
Poor thing.


wow! i salute you! really hardworking bfeeding mummy! i remember during my peak time of expressing, i really couldnt have enough sleep. 1st pump at close to 6am, and last pump finished about 12am. I barely had 6 hours of sleep...

And Kai is good huh? Can take FM and wean off from your breast so easily? My girl is still very much attached to latching, will ask for neh neh and lift up my t-shirt...

Can understand how it's like when child is sick. Poor Kai and poor mummy...
Good that you've brought him to doc and took medication. I was also at wits end when my girl had bad cough about 1 month back. It worsened and she started vomitting her phelgm with milk, and then developed into mild bronchitis. Had to be on neubiliser in the end.

I guess we cant do much except to give medication on time and to be there to comfort them?
rE: cough
PD told me it's common for babies to throw up when they're coughing coz they dunno how to cough to clear phlegm, so they just cough until everything comes up. Isaac's cough got better with PD's medicine. GP's medicine not as effective.

re: brush teeth
i just started using a finger brush with water only. i dun think isaac knows how to gargle & spit out toothpaste... i only remembered brushing my own teeth with Lion toothpaste when i was 5-6 yrs old ley. How ah?! kekekeke

i at SKMC.

dominic used to nap at 12noon, now just shifted to 1.30pm and he is finding it difficult... cos will whine from 12.30pm onwards and kept asking for milk to drink. he knows that once drink milk can sleep.

still adjusting to the sleeping time. he is sleeping at 8pm, but he will still wake up once/twice to drink water.

re:rejecting food
ds has been fussing when eating for a few months.... have to give him toys etc... until HB decided that it is enough and said that if he wants to play and not eat then he can starve. hopefully after a while,he will get the pic that mealtime is not play time.

i dun intend to put him full time too early, eg 18mth, cos worried that he will catch germs and fall sick. probably half day and at 24mth. must discuss with HB first.

re:brushing teeth
dominic got his toothbrush at 11mth and has been brushing teeth with adult guidance, we have to hold his hand to hold the toothbrush and guide him. sometimes he will want to brush himself but usually end up trying to chew/bite the toothbrush. poor toothbrush! but our fingers heng!!!
as he still can't spit out toothpaste, we are using first teeth which is safe to swallow!

dominic "lao sai" last nite and this morn... very watery and smelly. i really hope that it is due to his teething, cos his upper gums are swollen and can see shape of teeth. pls let it be teething... ...

can't bring him to playground cos of the haze... hopefully it will clear up soon, i am going nuts chasing him round the house, especially now he will just stand up and walk off. *help*
Hi mummies,

can check with you when are u all intending to put ur child in childcare/playgroup.

A lot of people say that dun put them in the playgroup so early, coz very easy to fall sick. But yesterday I spoke to one of the childcare teachers, and she told me that actually every child may or may not fall sick, depending on their immunity. As of current, our child only faces 1-2 caregiver most of the time. But when they go to school, they will be 'exposed' to almost 50 or more students. Thus, the likelihood of catching and germs/viruses is very high.

But on the other hand, once they are exposed to such viruses, their immunity will be built up and become stronger.

Also, no matter what age we let them attend childcare, the chances of falling sick is high since it's the first time they are exposed to so many people for a long period (at least 4 hours).

What do you all think?

Me also quite hesitant abt sending my dd to school so early at 18M... but they are not learning anything at home now... just play, watch tv... can't learn much coz my MIL dunno how to teach...
ah, ilmare, i know who you are already.. hehe.. u can prob spot me too? cya in church this sunday!

re: feeding
zephan likes to play with stuff too. but i usually limit his toys to a book, magazine. i place a nursery rhyme poster on the wall next to him, and he'll do "rhyme dedication", i.e. he points to the rhyme n mummy sing/read. Mealtime can be interaction time too.

although zephan can't walk yet, i do let him roam around my house on his own. my prob is that he likes to follow me to the kitchen, and open the drawers and turn over my dog's food n water bowls.

re: childcare
while i do prescribe to the theory of "exposure to virus can strengthen immunity", must make sure that they are in good health first too. else, it can work otherwise and weaken their immunity if their body cannot fight the viruses. So maybe a gradual half day/alternate day first? i'm thinking of a alternate day arrangement sometime next year, but dunno if it'll be confusing for him.

i find that teaching need not be structured. e.g. simple activities like pointing out things in the house is also learning for them! i buy simple picture flash cards, so my mum can show and point out to him.
Hi Mummies,

Need to ask something related to 3rd moth maternity leave. How did your company practise 3rd month maternity leaves. Understand that MOM only eligible to extend 24 days (minus off the Sunday) of ML if not taking in continously. How about Public Holidays?? Is your company minus off the PH on that particular 3rd mth?

Can share how your company practise on 3rd ML? Million thanks.
I think standard company practise for 3rd month is to set 20 days of working leave.
And u can apply anytime so long as it's 6 months from baby's DOB. Eg, baby DOB is 1st Jan... then ur 3rd month maternity leave is valid till 1st June. and u can take 20 days anytime.

I plan to put my gal once she is 18month.
a few reason for so early :
- I don't want the maid liao
- I want my gal to socialise and pick up things from other child
- my nephew learn to feed himself when he attend childcare (after 2 week , he feed himself).
- Teacher bath them and they got to carry their towel and cloth to the queue up.

I'm more in discipline than learning words because at home we tend to pamper her and impatient and we will feed her and do things for her..

as for learning , I think she also can leanrn in playgroup and Sat/Sun we can teach her or get her into enrichment class.

Of course, sick is unavoidable..
Beside virus around, sometime is also the food and the "bathing".. my nephew got flu so frequently that my mum realised that is the bathing time he gets cold so he was "banned " from bathing in school.. but to join the fun, he also queue up and teacher only change cloth for him..hahah

At home, he was so pampered that he is well wrap and carry to the room and close the door when changing , so a little air around is enough to get him flu *sigh*
my maid needs to go home asap cos her hubby died last nite... now i super stressed over this!! need to settle and send her home, also need to find replacement and train. plus i can't take leave cos 2 staff is going to USA for conference... worry that dominic will fuss... really pray for strength now.

i am really sorry to lose my maid now, cos she is really good with dominic and he likes her too. just sad tat things have turned out like this... hopefully if she is willing to work, i will like to have her back. now just pray that new maid will be ok and have dominic's approval!

dominic still not good, today poo 5 times, little and slightly watery and no smell. tomorrow will bring to PD. otherwise, he is active and creating troubles. is it teething???

it is true that child can build immunity and also get sick often... for me i wouldn't want to 18mth straight away put him on full day chidcare, probably space it out like (earliest) 18mth half day and 2yrs old full day.

good to let them interact with other children, lots of learning but have to balance with health of child.

think it is standard, based on MOM rules... if want to extend have to apply AL lor... that's wat i did... for me it more to clear leave cos too many!

What kind of soup and yogurt do you give? Is it adult kind? Although mine ds has not been eating porridge for almost a week already, he is actually snacking non-stop... bread, bread and more bread, fruits, biscuits etc etc... hopefully this phase will go away soon or else very headache to participate his wants...

re: brushing of teeth
Right now, we have been brushing my son's teeth every morning with a toothpaste (first teeth brand), wipe the inside of his mouth with a cloth and let him drink water to clear his mouth at night before he sleeps... otherwise moght get tooth decay easily... actually I read in a book that it is not very good for kids to swallow toothpaste even though it is stated that it's safe... thus has stopped using toothpaste and will only resume when he knows how to rinse his mouth...

Julia Gabriel's Class
Anyone still interested to attend their nov/dec holiday programme.. want to get 2 more mummies to enjoy the 20% discount...

I think I will keep a lookout for good playgroups and enrol him once he hits 18 month... find that his time spent there will be more meaningful and it will be good for him socially too...
hi ixwong, aidanee, eileenp, i'm a mummy,

really paiseh, i still kanna problems with my ON verification address. I think the order cannot go through already. so sorry to waste your time.
No worries, tingting.

Re soup & yoghurt
It's home-cooked soup and petite maim baby yoghurt for haowwen. Actually during his food protest, I still feed him regularly at meal times (w bread etc instead of porridge), rest of time milk. Not much snacking otherwise.

Re diarrhoea
Can try giving rice water. My ds was having loose stool from teething for 3 days and it seem to stop after I fed him half bowl of rice water. So no harm trying. To make rice water, I basically just cook porridge with slightly more water, and scoop up half bowl of those liquid when the porridge is almost done.

Re coughing with phelgm
Not sure if u believe TCM, but I fed haowen "hou ning" from Eu yang sang to rid him of the cough and phelgm, and it works for him. But very ex at $55 for a v small bottle (enough only for 3 doses).
hi hosanna

I'm new to this thread.

See tt u were asking mummies to join u in the julia Gabriel's class. My daughter is 13mths now. you got any details of the class for me to consider?

It's ok. The next time then. Thanks alot anyway.

"hou ning" ah? Wah, so expensive leh. But if it works, then i don't mind trying. Better than those useless medicine that the GPs give. Somemore must take soo many times. Will go take a look. Thanks for the recommendation.
Hi jojo,

My ds is also 13 months old. I think you can go to www.juliagabriel.com to check it out. They have a pdf document detailing all their holiday programmes.

Hmmm you mean those soup that we adults drink? But don't they contain some spices etc? Is it suitable for them at this time? Tot of giving him drink Pediasure which is a complete diet compared to normal FM. I just bought the barnd of yogurt that you recommended. Will try him out tomorrow.
Ya, the normal soup we drink e.g. watercress, black beans, lotus roots, ABC, etc. We dun really add spices. Just cook the veg with chicken/pork.
hi tingting sorry to bother u here but i want to ask u for the discount code for vpost? Is it applicable to UOB cards? thanks. i'm ordering some stuffs from ON
ojx, discount code? hmm, i only know citibank has a 15% discount code, not sure if it's still valid. Read in one thread that the UOB one has already expired. For the citibank one, u can see it at point of payment. there's a drop down list. Hey, if u want to get something from there let me know i ride on to yours ok? remember to deliver your order to the Oregon address that is tax-free!
oh no!!! i used the california one. I didn't know about the oregon address.

opps & i already ordered last nite cos need to order some stuff fast. ok if this order is rejected i will try again & let u noe ok?
ojx, it's ok, there's always next time..
i'm also trying to place some orders to catch delivery before the increase in shipping rates, hope i'm in time.
calling ixwong n eileenp,

i'm placing a new order with ON (cap value at below US$100) to avoid "audit check". you still want to place your original orders with me?

eileenp, your heather grey ringer is OOS for 2T.

aidanee, your item is OOS, so i didn't include you.

i'm a mummy, ur order size is too huge. :p but i still have about US$20 to US$100, so if you want a few items, do let me know.

Hope to order successfully!
ya, pls include mine but only if the prices still unchanged.

Re hou ning
I was also introduced to it by my fren. She was all ga-ga over it and scaring me with threat of baby developing asthma from prolonged cough. That's why I decided to bite the bullet and try. Luckily, it works for ds, but also heard it din work for some babies...so guess it depends on the condition.

Yippee!! Me going on my holidays to Perth....finally! My first trip with haowen, hopefully will survive :p
ixwong, ok.
wow, how nice to go on a holiday! enjoy! guess the tricky part is the flight. u can try to distract him with toys n talk. can't wait for my aussie trip next year too! hope it goes through. i'm dying for a vacation! (wendy, a 1-day drive to malacca doesn't count! :p)
long time never log in liao.....so busy at work.

ting ting, no worries....thanks for your help.

wendyg, so did you get the pram?
isaac poos in potty, so his butt quite clean. just use 1 pc of Pigeon wipe will do. But people hv been nagging at me to start washing his butt. Well, i guess it's up to the caregivers at home, coz by the time he poos, i would already b on my way to work.
my mum will wipe and wash after that (usually she keeps his bath water n recycle). for me, i just wipe.

hmm, i dun think i want to wash potty leh.. prob wait till he's a bit older and get him the baby seat on the toilet bowl.
Cayden poos in the potty in the morning. Like Wendyg, i just wipe. Cos after that, he will take his bath.

If for some reasons, he poos in his diaper during the day, my mom will wash him straight. Otherwise, he will usually inform us before he wants to poo. so quite clean.

i just put some toilet paper in the potty...after business is done, i will empty the potty into the toilet bowl. Then i just rinse the potty with bb soap. quite easy and not messy at all.
Oh, cayden will bend over my mom's lap and my mom will use water to wash...sometime use the shower head to spray...is that what you are asking?
u will get wet lor.....i wanted to get a towel holder so that Cayden can hold on while we clean him up....but my mom says bend over is easier to wash.
hey wendyg,
u are really corny! so how's our playgroup coming along?

i am considering to enrol him at a playschool leh.....or childcare like 3x a week so that my mom can have a breather....now that he is walking, it is more taxing for her.
wendy, u have a playgroup meh? how come i dunno? :p

hi ixwong, eileenp, our ON order is already shipped! yippee! praying hard that we can pay the vpost shipping charge before the 1 nov deadline!
no i dun hv playgroup, i'm too old for such things.

aidanee suggested proper structured playgroup for punggol mummies, with different activities, syllabus etc. Maybe when i decide to run childcare la. In the meantime, wait for Ms Aidanee to move in & let her organise hor. hee!

isaac is 15m today

i've got Friso Gold 3, 1.8kg tins @ $30, collection Punggol. Pls send me a PM, tks

several mornings i noticed my boy poo during b'fast. then one day bright & early, i heard him fart. So i put him on the potty & shortly he poo'd. So that started the daily morning poo. Maybe since he was abt 10m+, can't remember exactly. Some mornings he doesn't poo until after his morning nap, there was once or twice he didn't poo the whole day but next day was mega poo. Those were days when he overdosed on potato/ banana.
