(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Hi mummies,
back to do some complaining...are any of you all still on breastfeeding?
I got lecture by my boss 3x today for expressing during lunch time. says she didn't dare to load me cos i am bfg. Is that fair? ting, you know what sector i am in rite? i can't believe my ears! i should have asked you to help me checked out before i accepted this job!

samantha, how come your boss like that?! what we do during lunch time is our own business, what does that got to do with her? For me, i don't even express during lunch time.. i actually do it during office hours most of the time to coincide with zephan's feeding time. But it's once a day of about 15 min. Certainly my boss has not given me less work because of this. And my boss is a male some more. Was ur boss in a bad mood and therefore being picky on you?
oh dear.. sam: which sector are you in?
mm.. no doubt tt u have got work to do.. but i think lunch time's a time for you to relax and do your own things.. i think those comments were pretty uncalled for.

just ignore her!
she is being picky is one thing, but i think it's quite mean to stop pp from breastfeeding esp i didn't use any office hours and i even wk OT without getting paid everyday. I simply bo chap her now, cos i am not going to give up bf just because of the public humiliation. actually, i won't give up because of that...so angry with the personal attack still...
don't let her get you down and affect your supply. She can't do anything to you if you've done your work properly. Just do your share and dun sell your life away to the organisation ok?
your boss is single & unmarried issit?
nxt time when we change jobs we must interview the bosses - ARE U PRO-BREASTFEEDING?!
haha, wendy, that's a good one. usu interviewer will ask u "any Qns?" - That'll will be it!

Samantha, good job for persisting the BF! Jia You!
haha...my boss is married with 2 kids. come to think of it, she is not even very pro-birth... if work here, i think will be very stress if i m pregnant.
samantha ...

i also think that she is q unreasonable lor ... if you express during lunch time its really none of her business mar

ignore her lar ...
aidanee, eileenp, coffeedrinker, cakey,

sorry, i think i can't get the ON order through. Pls join other sprees you find suitable. thanks.

wendy, aidanee, ixwong, ojx,

our ON stuff have arrived! will be getting the postman to re-deliver to my place next week, cos i wasn't around when they came.
Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

Payment Rec
1. JT and family ([email protected])
2. Cakey & family ([email protected])
3. ixwong & family ([email protected])
4. vone & hb ([email protected])
5. smallbell & family ([email protected]
6. applejuz & family ([email protected])
7. aidanee & family ([email protected])
8. eileenp & family ([email protected])
9. Samantha & Family ([email protected])
10. jh & family ([email protected])
11. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
12. cat_tail & bb ([email protected]
13. Seabreeze & Family
14. Angel & BB
15. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
16. Sarah's mom & hb ([email protected])
17. snoopy & baby ([email protected])
Pending Payment - Pls pay by 24 Sept (Sun), if not I will take it that you are not coming. I need to go and buy the goodies pack for the kids already

1. cookies & family ([email protected])
2. I'm a Mummy & Family ([email protected])
3. Lynette & Family ([email protected])
4. Hosanna & family ([email protected])
5. dressaholic & family ([email protected])6. Eileen (littledar) & bb

Here are the food that we have, will cfm the number of pax by the end of the week. Those who have not 'chop' a food, pls do so now!! Can buy food for the babies oso ... EVERYONE MUST bring something hor

1. Durian Puff - Cat Tail
2. Fried Chicken Wing - Aidanee
3. Otah - T_Teo
4. Chocolates - Cookies
5. Samosa - Eileenp
6. Bee Hoon & Curry - Angel
7. Drinks + cups - cakey
8. Fishball - Dressaholic
9. Roti Prata - I'm a Mummy
10. Ice Cream - Snoppy
re: strawberrynet.com

i wan to buy 1 item from the website as it was OOS last week. need 2 more items to get the 5% discount, as its my 3rd order with them, can get additional 2% off. anyone wan to buy anything from them? can let me know ...

if no one is keen then i will just go and buy stuff to 'stock up' heehee
hi seabreeze, just wanna check whether u know their biotherm products are much cheaper than singapore outlets? i know their Dermalogica range is, and have been buying from them.
tingting ...

not sure ler cos i usually buy the derma from them ... in fact i hardly use anything except demar pdt heehee

sarah's mom ...

ok will leave all the baby food to you k ... will advise u on the number of bb nearer the date
seabreeze, u also derma supporter arh? hehe.. but i find their moisturising range not v good, n preferred biotherm's. also find biotherm's mask more "power".. :p
ting ting ...

i use cos my beautician ask me to use lor ... me super scared to try other brand tat i am unsure of heehee

me use the booster and active moist + oil control ... so far so good lar ... no major outbreak after I give birth hahahahah
ojx, saw your payment. via atm is it? cos got no reference no. i'll be on leave for whole of next week. So it'll have to be october before i can meet up with you. else you may want to collect from my place at punggol.
Hi Applejuz

I was considering the one you mentioned but realised the trays are a bit small. The one that I posted have a couple of larger trays. Thought that might be better. Thanks:)
passing guest,
oh yes! Actually i oso feel the one i ordered a bit small, basically buy bcos the price is attractive ($80), & need some racks to organize Keyon's toys... heehee.

Now designing the toddler room. Kinda excited. Now got the racks, going to get those mini table & chairs from Ikea... :D
hi mummies,
You may want to let your MTB friends/relatives know if they're signing up with cordlife..
Cordlife is now having promotion of discount $600 at the expo exhibition 'Women Expo 2006'. Registration fee after discount is $800. They're at Hall6B boothB2 from 29th Sep to 1st oct.
See detail at:

Thanks for organising the ON spree. Will take it that I've save some bucks
I think we will need more drink contributors other than cakey? Everyone will drink but not all will eat? If so, I can bring some pkt drinks to supplement cakey's. U got ice box to chill them?
Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

Payment Rec
1. JT and family ([email protected])
2. Cakey & family ([email protected])
3. ixwong & family ([email protected])
4. vone & hb ([email protected])
5. smallbell & family ([email protected]
6. applejuz & family ([email protected])
7. aidanee & family ([email protected])
8. eileenp & family ([email protected])
9. Samantha & Family ([email protected])
10. jh & family ([email protected])
11. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
12. cat_tail & bb ([email protected]
13. Seabreeze & Family
14. Angel & BB
15. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
16. Sarah's mom & hb ([email protected])
17. snoopy & baby ([email protected])
Pending Payment - Pls pay by 24 Sept (Sun), if not I will take it that you are not coming. I need to go and buy the goodies pack for the kids already

1. cookies & family ([email protected])
2. I'm a Mummy & Family ([email protected])
3. Lynette & Family ([email protected])
4. Hosanna & family ([email protected])
5. dressaholic & family ([email protected])6. Eileen (littledar) & bb

Here are the food that we have, will cfm the number of pax by the end of the week. Those who have not 'chop' a food, pls do so now!! Can buy food for the babies oso ... EVERYONE MUST bring something hor

1. Durian Puff - Cat Tail
2. Fried Chicken Wing - Aidanee
3. Otah - T_Teo
4. Chocolates - Cookies
5. Samosa - Eileenp
6. Bee Hoon & Curry - Angel
7. Drinks + cups - cakey
8. Fishball - Dressaholic
9. Roti Prata - I'm a Mummy
10. Ice Cream - Snoppy
11. Curry Puff - Smallbell
hi ixwong,
Would appreciate if you could help to bring some drinks too... my hubby was saying he needs alot of muscle for that hehe...

hi Seabreeze,
Might need you to contribute plain water (at least for bb)..

hi wendy,
Heard many diff comments abt private cord blood banks... My first one is with cordlife. So maybe my 2nd one will contribute to the public cord blood bank. But heard that seems they've problem substaining leh... not sure how true is it.. Will find out more when the time comes.
Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

Confirmed attendance
1. JT and family ([email protected])
2. Cakey & family ([email protected])
3. ixwong & family ([email protected])
4. vone & hb ([email protected])
5. smallbell & family ([email protected]
6. applejuz & family ([email protected])
7. aidanee & family ([email protected])
8. eileenp & family ([email protected])
9. Samantha & Family ([email protected])
10. jh & family ([email protected])
11. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
12. cat_tail & bb ([email protected]
13. Seabreeze & Family
14. Angel & BB
15. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
16. Sarah's mom & hb ([email protected])
17. snoopy & baby ([email protected])
18. I'm a Mummy & Family ([email protected])
19. dressaholic & family ([email protected])
20. cookies & family ([email protected])

Food List

1. Durian Puff - Cat Tail
2. Fried Chicken Wing - Aidanee
3. Otah - T_Teo
4. Chocolates - Cookies
5. Samosa - Eileenp
6. Bee Hoon & Curry - Angel
7. Drinks + Ice + cups - cakey & Ixwong
8. Fishball - Dressaholic
9. Roti Prata - I'm a Mummy
10. Ice Cream - Snoppy
11. Curry Puff - Smallbell
12. Pigglet mooncake - Vone

ixwong & cakey

ok will leave the drinks and ice to the 2 of you ... plus paper cups too ... pls coordinate among yourself k

JT ...

I think lets leave the drinks to the 2 of them will do liao ... can bring something else?

Mummies who have not decided wat to contribute ...

Here are some ideas:
2)Disposables like paper plates, plastic forks, plastic spoons etc
4)Titbits (for adults)
5)Poh Piah
6)Cut Fruits
7)Agar Agar
8)Pastries (eg egg tart, chicken pie, apple pie etc)

Guess these items should be more then enough to go round
ixwong! Wow! Haowen is so smart!!! I am so impressed! Feeding himself and sitting on the chair by himself!! Your little boy sure is growing up fast!
hi ixwong,

Wow I'm impressed!
I can't imagine my gal doing that leh... she'll sure play with the food instead of eating it! Somemore she'll be busy standing up and grabbing our food after sometime when she's bore with hers, instead of kuai kuai sit down and eat her own stuff...
Btw. do you bring yr own spoon or just use the spoon from the store?
ixwong, that's really smart of Haowen! Do you put a napkin on his lap? And I'm really impressed that he can just sit in the chair by himself!

okie...then we will get the paper plates, plastic forks, plastic spoons. as we will be there around 11am as only wifey and son will attend cos myself last minute meeting to attend on that day.
Zephan so happy with his bouncer. hey, he got how many teeth liao?

Haowen so guai, can sit still & eat. u 'xin nang' liao lor..

me oso tryin to guide Keyon to self-feed his porridge. But he always make a mess with flying porridge & spoon....

passing guest, Keyon big boy now too. Here's photos to share.


