(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

vone, i need milk & skippy10,
Yeah, it's disgusting! Imagine I had chewed it until it's FLAT! I threw up everything and drown myself with lots and lots of water. Didn't file any complaint though. Couldn't even bear to touch the packet of food! Think I will just avoid that stall and stick to fast food for now.

re: Bookshop @Suntec 3rd floor
I know abt that shop. Have bought quite a lot of books for Clarence already. He just learned how to flip the pages. Now when I put him in his cot he will sit there and flip the pages quietly for abt 15 mins before he calls for my attention again!!!
featherG ...

I am specialised in org event actually hahahahaha thats my job hiak hiak

<font color="ff6000">Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC</font>

<font color="aa00aa">1. Tingting &amp; Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey &amp; family
4. ixwong &amp; family
5. vone &amp; hb
6. smallbell &amp; family
7. applejuz &amp; family
8. aidanee &amp; family
9. cookies &amp; family
10. snoopy &amp; family
11. Sarah'smom &amp; hb
12. featherG &amp; family</font>
Hi all,

I was surfing the zoo website yesterday and wonder if the mummies here will be interested in organising a 'party' there. Their package includes food, goodie bags etc. and we can even arrange for animal appearance etc. Sounds interesting, eh?
aha! seabreeze, i tot u r a SAHM??! good for you!thanks for the invite.

wendyg, hmmm, seems that wearing low cut top also can. kekekekeke

anissa, wat a bad experience ;( heyhey, party @ the zoo sure sounds interesting
U r a teacher!! Hao Wei Da! I confirm cannot be one.

No wonder u got so many ideas on the party cos u r the expert.
Can I confirm with u on my attendance near the actual date cos not too sure will be in Sg tat time.

What a experience. Should drink more alcohol to kill bacteria...heehee..
Btw, how much izzit for the zoo party?
Where got Wei Da??? Nowadays, everyone can be teacher lor. But not everyone has the patience and tolerance. Mostly quit immediately after their bond. My patience and tolerance running out also. Hee... Hope i can stick to this line for a long time. Cause it's a very satisfying job. Just right for me.

Nowadays, children very difficult to educate. sigh.
no ley, dat time MOE dowan me... went for interview after i worked for a few years. I guess they want those fresh out of sch, easier to brainwash. haha
Bringing Elizabeth to CoverLooks tomorrow afternoon... I hope she smiles for the camera!! Anyone tried Coverlooks? Good?
I dun mind but my living room no air con and ventilation very bad. See how it goes tomorrow. My mum just told me that Clarence doesn't seem too well today
You are not the only one... me also a 'MOE-slave' lei with the amount of work given on top of teaching ;O(... luckily, i requested to be in the afternoon or else not able to manage both baby and work....

wendyg, not true. I went in to teaching after working for a few years too...

Children's Day party
Can join also? So will have double celebration this year... one for my 'children' and one for my baby...

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting &amp; Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey &amp; family
4. ixwong &amp; family
5. vone &amp; hb
6. smallbell &amp; family
7. applejuz &amp; family
8. aidanee &amp; family
9. cookies &amp; family
10. snoopy &amp; family
11. Sarah'smom &amp; hb
12. featherG &amp; family
13. Hosanna &amp; family (13 my lucky no. my baby's bday!!)

One-year Birthday
Anyone heard of 'out-of-the-box' at Milenia Walk. Tot of doing some cover looks for baby as a gift for his birthday. My friend did from this shop and they did a very beautiful screensaver for her too...

ELM bookshop
I got some cheap books from there too...however, don't know is it second hand for those cheap books cos some look quite old lei...

Just last week, I was sleeping with my baby and I woke up to find him missing. To my horror and surprise, I found him on the floor still sleeping... he hasn't learn to crawl down yet, always head-diving down... so still quite clueless how can he rolled down onto my marble floor and continue sleeping.. :eek:P

I always accumulate accumulate then i write all in one shot... :eek:P cos 'lao-shi' lah... not much time to surf internet actually...
You are not the only one... me also a 'MOE-slave' lei with the amount of work given on top of teaching ;O(... luckily, i requested to be in the afternoon or else not able to manage both baby and work....

wendyg, not true. I went in to teaching after working for a few years too...

Children's Day party
Can join also? So will have double celebration this year... one for my 'children' and one for my baby...

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting &amp; Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey &amp; family
4. ixwong &amp; family
5. vone &amp; hb
6. smallbell &amp; family
7. applejuz &amp; family
8. aidanee &amp; family
9. cookies &amp; family
10. snoopy &amp; family
11. Sarah'smom &amp; hb
12. featherG &amp; family
13. Hosanna &amp; family (13 my lucky no. my baby's bday!!)

One-year Birthday
Anyone heard of 'out-of-the-box' at Milenia Walk. Tot of doing some cover looks for baby as a gift for his birthday. My friend did from this shop and they did a very beautiful screensaver for her too...

ELM bookshop
I got some cheap books from there too...however, don't know is it second hand for those cheap books cos some look quite old lei...

Just last week, I was sleeping with my baby and I woke up to find him missing. To my horror and surprise, I found him on the floor still sleeping... he hasn't learn to crawl down yet, always head-diving down... so still quite clueless how can he rolled down onto my marble floor and continue sleeping.. :eek:P

I always accumulate accumulate then i write all in one shot... :eek:P cos 'lao-shi' lah... not much time to surf internet actually...
Actually, i prefer to be in the morning session. Seems to have more time cause work finishes earlier. I can be home with my bb at 1.30pm on my lucky days. Hee... But mostly, it's after 3pm.

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting &amp; Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey &amp; family
4. ixwong &amp; family
5. vone &amp; hb
6. smallbell &amp; family
7. applejuz &amp; family
8. aidanee &amp; family
9. cookies &amp; family
10. snoopy &amp; family
11. Sarah'smom &amp; hb
12. featherG &amp; family
13. Hosanna &amp; family (13 my lucky no. my baby's bday!!)
14. eileenp &amp; family

Me going too.....

I like morning session too... time passed by super fast and it's not so hot... but because we need to ferry baby around so pm is better... btw, doing my lp now...:eek:(
wendy, i should be able to go over. will bring the milk sample n we compare the ingredients.

hosanna, i'm amazed at your boy too! maybe he just learnt how to go down?
my boy's quite funny one, knows how to go down my platform n sofa, but dunno how to do the same at my parents' sofa..
hey, my bb Sarah too. She would climb down from platform bed and sofa. Climb up from sofa backrest to the display shelf (single plank). Yesterday, heard from her teacher that she was climbing the little fence (abt 1m tall, straight one, not the cross type). In teacher's words "like climbing coconut tree" which she herself has never seen a 17th month (oldest boy there) does, needless to say a 10 month old girl. She behaves more like Zena, instead of living to her name, Sarah (meaning princess).
hi mummies,

re- birthday cake

any good recommendations on where to get nice birthday cakes for bb? Sugar inc like not open lei..i like their 3d cakes, so cute! hee
i'm a mummy
chk out websites of bengawan solo, ecreative, 7thmanna

sarah's mom
Xena is also princess right? Warrior Princess
Seabreeze, like to join you guys leh, sounds fun. But it kind of clashes with my engagement and wedding anniversary. That day my hubby was asking like do i like to go bali or not, then happen to c brochures on bali in his document bag. So dun knw is he up to something or not? Scarli he want to give me a surprise leh...I go test water and then let you knw again.

Anissa, i cant believe that! Did you report the stall to MOE? I can give you my bro's contact if you want to complain. My god, I think of it wanna puke liao. Must gurgle with whole bottle of listerine man.
hi wendyg,

thx for directing me here. so i believe most of the bbs here is about the same as my boy who's 11mths old.
That's so sweet of your hubby. Mine will always ask me what I want and my standard answer will be 'nothing'. So boring

Nope, I didn't report the stall to MOE. Anyway, I have already thrown away the packet of food. Without evidence how to complain?
My hubby is only sweet once in a while, otherwise he can also be a great headache too...keke
But i knw he always have this great idea of wanting to surprise me by taking out the airtiks and then tell me we are going on holiday that day. Last tm working so he can't do it. Mayb i shd act blur and play along with him???

Re: Complaint
Nowadays MOE is quite strict with hygiene, so as long as they rec'd complain, they will send someone to disguise as a customer to go and check on the stall. No need evidence one lah. Anyway with evidence also cannot prove that its frm the stall unless the package box has their name.

My gal hasn't been sleeping well these days, waking up like 7 8 times per nite. Just now cry until vomit somemore...sian...Anyone heard of this black charcoal looking thing called 'Or Bak'? Its said to help bb in sleeping well at nite. Wonder if we can buy it at medical halls?
talking about contaminated food,
very long ago, me and hubby went to East Coast for chilli crab. It was the corner restaurant along the row of restarants. Think it's called Long Beach or something like that.
We ordered chilli crab and another char siew chicken.
Happily eating away until my hubby decided to take a closer look at his half eaten char siew chicken. To his horror, saw half a fat worm. (No prize for guessing where the other half is.) He just spit every thing in his mouth out and called for the manager. Me still happily eating away.
When the manager came, my hubby just pointed to the fat worm and there i was asking my hubby wat happened.
And guess wat? The manager apologised and asked if we want a new plate of chicken. Pengz! Who has the apetite to eat another plate of chicken upon seeing half a fat worm.
Your bb sleeping in air-con? Could it be that the weather's too hot? Or teething and gum uncomfortable?
Mine also woke up quite alot of times.. Until I gave in and on the air-con for her.. Will try giving her a hot bath next time..

Me missed gathering again? Haiz....
Mil fractured her arm, so now living in jurong for another 3 weeks. I think i will be able to join in for gathering in aug or so.if got gathering, remember to jio me...hehehe
Calling for Yishun/Khatib's mummies. Currently NTUC got offer for Pamper Premium. (L size) 3 packets about $79.5. I need 1 packet only. Any mummies would like to share with me?
hi wendyg,

So our boys' b-day is 3 days apart.
Had done all the preparation? Mine will be this weekend.
your boy bday celebration this weekend?
So fast! Mine will be on the actual day - 23 July. It is a Sunday. Your boy born 20 July huh.

gotta do it this weekend coz next weekend won't be in town. Anyway had checked that his lunar b-day also next Monday so do his b-day this weekend. My initial plan was to hold on 15/7 so not so rush for me.

My hubby had just only confirm Neo Garden to cater lunch. Now left with the decor.
cakey, no leh, my gal sleeps with us in aircon. I always give her a hot bath and her last feed of milk b4 tucking her comfortably to bed. I adjusted the temp to 26 degrees so that its not too hot or too cold for her. but since 2 3 mths ago, she has been waking up at nite. At 1st it was like 2 to 3 times, so still manageable. But for the past 1 mth, she has been waking up and crying for more than 6 times every nite! I've chkd and she's not teething or stomachache. She is just unable to sleep peaceful thro'out the nite. Me and hubby have been struggling, not enough sleep every nite
No big discounts leh. Just 5 or 10% off. Was wanting them not to charge us for the chicken, but he said that cannot be done.
Should have told them, then i'll write to the Straits Times. Hahaha.... But it was very long ago lah. More than 6 years ago.

Thinking of starting Kai Kai on FM already. Dunno if i should or not. But he seemed to slim down quite a bit. But always doesn't wanna drink more than 120ml.
Wat do you mummies think?
Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting &amp; Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey &amp; family
4. ixwong &amp; family
5. vone &amp; hb
6. smallbell &amp; family
7. applejuz &amp; family
8. aidanee &amp; family
9. cookies &amp; family
10. snoopy &amp; family
11. Sarah'smom &amp; hb
12. featherG &amp; family
13. Hosanna &amp; family (13 my lucky no. my baby's bday!!)
14. eileenp &amp; family

moulinmum ... yar KS mar hahahaha ... so u coming for the party?

kathy ... its ok lar dun spoil ur hubby surprise for you ... if u are free on that day then just pop over lor

eileenp ...

me started YC with FM when he was 8.5mth ... my supply really cant meet his demand and I really feel like weaning him off already ... now he takes FM in the noon and I only latch him on at night

when i first started he refuse to drink FM when i feed him ... will fight and struggle ... but showing some sign of 'giving up' ... will give face drink 60ml *faint* but he is ok when my mum feeds him and i am not around ... once he knows that i am around ... even my mum feed him oso cant
seabreeze, count me in, i kept forgetting to update the list.

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting &amp; Hb
2. JT and family
3. Cakey &amp; family
4. ixwong &amp; family
5. vone &amp; hb
6. smallbell &amp; family
7. applejuz &amp; family
8. aidanee &amp; family
9. cookies &amp; family
10. snoopy &amp; family
11. Sarah'smom &amp; hb
12. featherG &amp; family
13. Hosanna &amp; family (13 my lucky no. my baby's bday!!)
14. eileenp &amp; family
15. dressaholic &amp; family
Hi Mummies,

I am a July 06 MTB and I am thinking of engaging Nur/Noor for post natal massage. My search in the forum took me to your thread and it seems like many of you engaged her.

Really appreciate if you can share your feedback and if it was effective.

Thanks a lot!

hi jul04,
I've engaged her. Her rate is quite affordable and the massage is quite relaxing. I've not used others so can't compare. My weight did reduce but not sure is it due to massage or busy tending to baby or even some BF.
