(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

I'm a Mummy,
my carseat oso maxi cosi sps (front-facing). just upgraded 1 mth ago. so far so good

holiday? just go, dun think too much. Its time for our babies to adapt to new different environment, can start training now. Anyway, Zephan should be 9mth+ then, so food wise, maybe less restricted.

I'm oredi giving Keyon bits of 'other' food...eg taste of ice cream, sips of my our soup, mee-pok/kway tiao(of course soak in water)... haha.

Hi all Mummies,

Wanna to get more idea on food for my 7 month baby.

- Pumpkin
- Spinach
- Carrot
- Potato
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Marrow (Mao gua)

- Threadfish
- silverfish
- Scallop
- pork

Fresh Fruit
- apple (how to make it soft?)
- Pear
- Banana
- Papaya
- Peaches (where to get this, difficult to find)

Pls help to add on my list as I'm running out of food..
tingting, zaczac, i need milk,

Clarence likes to qiao jiao and rest his leg on the stroller bar all along. What I don't like is he shakes his leg like a Ah Beng.

Heard from my mum that Clarence can now stand unsupported. He also likes to make that 'tok tok' sound with his mouth these days. *SIGH* Dunno where or rather WHO he has been learning from.

Feeling damn tired now. We finally inflated the DHL balloon yesterday. Boy, it was tough job. Lots of blisters now...
hi coffeedrinker.. my additions..

- sweet potato
- white radish
- sweetcorn
- cabbage
- xiao bai cai
- baby kailan

- salmon
- minced chicken
- will add minced beef soon

Fresh Fruit
- apple (i microwave on steam mode for 5mins)
- Peaches (I use canned peaches, so not fresh. Fresh peaches i saw at NTUC.. $1.50 each!)

i wonder whether can feed kiwi to babies?

ice-cream for keyon?? wow, can u be my mummy? YUm yum =))
wendy, kiwi not suitable cos the seeds are hard to digest.. granted that they'll just come out in the poo poo lah.. but kiwi also usually got sour taste.

applejuz, wish i could be as assured as you.. food-wise think they still need porridge as a base until at least 1 year old. was thinking can get the restaurants or hotel to prepare for me, but dunno whether they can do it to a paste form, or will give the teochew porridge version? i have a good mind to bring a small crockpot and some rice myself to cook in the hotel room! then have to let him get used to eating jar food.
hi mummies,

re-swim diapers

where can i find swim diapers? i didn't see any at ntuc lei...which brand better for girls? hee
Hi Coffeedrinker,

These are some others that I have tried:


French Peas


Dory fish

Meat: My mum tried cooking porridge with frog legs. He did not eat the meat but it simply made the porridge a little sweeter.
Hi I am a mummy
You can let your child sit on front facing when she reached 9kg. I am getting the Recaro which is coming in mid may.Actually the one you are using is safer than front facing when there is a collision. I would advise you to use it as long as you can till your baby is 9kg, hope this helps

This is my added list of food

butternut Squash/pumpkin


apple and prune ( I am using dried prunes)
going to try watermelon and rock melon when he is 8mths old
wow.. that's a good food list!

to soften apple, can use one of the following way:
1. cut to slice + 1 tablespoon water, put in saucepan & cook till its soft. Then smashed to pureed.
2. my mum just use a feeding spoon to scrap the flesh of fresh apple.

haha, juz a little bit ice-cream oni. cos I was eating conetto, & Keyon see me & 'swallow saliva', then my mum say can give him a lick...me bad mummy, dun learn huh.. heehee.
I oso nearly give him durian too.. but scared he constipated, so withdrawn... :p

if u go for long duration, then worth brining ur crockpot. else if really teochew porridge, u'll have to mashed like mad liao..else bottles food is another alternative..

I'm a Mummy,
swim diapers:
u referring to those Huggies Swim Diapers (disposable kind) or those i-play swim diaper(swim-suit material kind). for i-play, can find in major dept store (taka, seiyu.. etc)
wah moulinmum n applejuz, so fast give ice-cream liao!

glad for the contribution of food items, at least i now have more choices for zephan!

re: trip
think the prospect of me going for the trip is getting bleak. cos just found out that travelling alone is v expensive. usually air ticket promos are for twin travel n above. bcos hb going there first, so i gotta travel alone w baby, and got to handle him alone for the first 2 days. hb can only join us on 3rd day. even though frens are there to help, not nice to disturb their holiday. they'd prob want to go out the whole day.
hello mummies, any suggestions if there is a kind of playmat (large one)to be placed on the floor so that I can let my 6.5 mth boi flip and roll. thanks!
wow, applejuz, so nice u give ice cream to keyon!!

My mum gives Clarence ice cream long ago. As a matter of fact, he has also been given CHICKEN WINGS AND COLD WATER. Nearly faint *pengz*
morning mummies!!

just an update ... YC can now change himself from a crawling position (not that he can crawl on 4s like patrick but he can leap like a thoad q well)to a sitting position liao ... he used to keep falling on his face when he tries to do so but noticed last night ... he could do it q steadily by himself

cakey ...

i went down to the fair last evening ... hmm FP toys q limited already but got lots of barbie stuff lor ... the dolls q cheap $8 only

think if you go down early in the morning might have a better harvest but honestly looking at the morning crowd (based on what angel shared with me)unless you have a long shopping list ... i think dun go lar hahahaha save the money for more bulk purchase
hehe yeah all our babies has grown up. Anton can also do that when he was about 7mths and 1 week..and also does the same thing as YC can crawl and does his occasional leap ( I think too impatient) hehe
morning! TGIF!

congrats YC! i hope zephan will learn that soon, else i'll have to keep picking him up whenever he wants to get up.

this morning, i joined the queue to buy a $10 cake from Post Express Deli at Fullerton hotel. the queue was v long, but moves pretty fast, so i only waited for 5 min. kudos to their crowd management! saw people re-queuing several times over cos can only buy 1 per time. funny thing is, i dunno what sort of cake i got! it's a just grab n go.

to mummies whose husbands go on overseas trips: how do u manage baby alone? a bit worried he may get bored of seeing me only the whole weekend, so want to think of some activities to keep him occupied.
You all are feeding your babies meat already ah? I'm still feeding bb Kai with the boring rice cereals, multi grain cereals and brown rice powder. Just adding the bottled fruits/vege from Gerber. Boring right?
Got no time to prepare all the delicious food for him leh. No choice.
Life has been hectic. Everyday, only sleep for about 5 hours. Cause i must watch Da Chang Jing. Hehehe....

Poor bb Kai just fell from the bed yesterday night. Sigh... Careless mummy, was feeding him until fall asleep. Then think he rolled over and fell. Luckily he stopped crying after i picked him up. Or else, i wouldn't know what to do. Hope he's all right. Do you all know what are the symptoms to look out for after they fell?
eileenp ...

dun worry ... YC also 'leaped' off the bed the other day ... just make sure that he is active, no change in eating or sleeping pattern, no vomitting & fever ... then he should be fine lar

me too MUST watch the Da Chang Jing ... nice show ... talks abt office politics in a kitchen setting hahahaha
eileenp, my bb gave me a huge fright when she fell from bed the other time. Just observe that he is not behaving unusual, not vomiting and no fever.
my bb also fell from bed early in the morning. He cried a while then stop crying when i picked him up. At the same time my MIL also quickly came in to our room as I scream quite loud. The moment my boy saw MIL came in he cried even louder and show "ke lian" face.
haha, cmy, ur boy so young already knows who will sayang him.. :p

wendy, i also realised later that several of my colleagues also went down to buy. ur office quite far away from fullerton leh.. she v on arh... hehe.. i went at 8.15am
Hi sharon,

ur ger is so sweet and adorable...*hugz*...my boi is born on 22/09..2 days later...hehe...he is taking 2 solids at 11am and 7pm of 1 small bowl of brown rice powder with puree veges or fish..in addition to 3 milk feeds of 200ml each...hope this helps u...
Hi ting ting

don't worry your baby wouldn't be bored of seeign you only. For me, what i do is i bring my son out of the house at least once a day, just to walk around the neighbourhood or to get food/stuff from nearby shops.

re : sweaty babies
does any of your babies perspire alot? I realise my son hair/neck would be all wet even when he sleeps. Noticed that when I was carrying him and he fell asleep.
Shao yen, thanks
does your BB finish all ??? your BB milk feeds 200ml x how many time ?? in total is how many ml ??

My ger still intake 120ml - 180ml/ea , don't know is it too little for her liao. she take 2 meal a day too.(2.5 scoop cereal x 1 scoop oat meal x 2 scoop milk x 1 puree) is @ 7.00am and 4/5pm , she can't wait till 6/7pm le, normally she sleep very early.when she is sleeping ,she will reject la
thanks for sharing
re taiwan. Why dun u book online with Jetstar? These budget airlines do not usually have 2-to-go condition.
Hi Sharon

My gal born 3 days earlier than yours 17/9.
My baby is taking porridge now (a small bowl)for lunch.
as for dinner , is taking cereal (about 9 scoop of cereal).. going to start on porridge on Monday for dinner

Meal time 11am & 7pm
Milk time 7am , 3pm, 11pm (6oz each time)


We will be open to public on 27th April. Look out for advertisement in Straits Times from 27th till 1st May. There will be a 30% discount for locals with the newspaper cutting

I already went up the balloon several times to test flight. Didn't realise I got jelly legs. *LOL*
i need milk,

Many apologies, can't pass you the things on Monday, 24th April as I need to attend the piloting course. Next week will be very busy as I am pushing for some licensing for the DHL balloon. Will let you know again when I will be available.
hi tingting,
I dun think bb will get tire of seeing you.. but maybe he'll grown more attach to you... I'm been taking care of my gal every weekend diligently as well as when I'm on leave eg. today. while hubby sometime will go out (eg. car service, dentist, blood donation blah..)
Somehow these 2 weeks she's grown sticky to me! Eg. when she's startled or scare she'll crawl to me and refuse hubby.. also tonight when she was crying when hubby patting her to sleep, but when heard my voice she stop crying immediately and felt asleep..
Also she'll want me to carry her and refuse MIL when visit her each evening. Maybe it's just natural that bb will stick to mummy.. Or maybe she knows that whenever mummy visit it's playing time hehe...
hi cakey, emmie, that's reassuring to hear! eh, hope he wouldn't get too attached to me such that he cries every morning type. haha.. demanding mummy here...

ixwong, jetstarasia timing is not ideal for me, that's why never chose it. but agree that their pricing is v attractive. and for infants below 2 yo they old charged $20 while SIA charges $300+!
Hi all mummies
I am planning to sell my Baby Signing Times which I bought for my last purchase at $75 dollars. Almost brand new. Interested mummies please pm me before I post this ad on market place on monday. I know the original price is like99SGD and I bought it for like $82. Please let me know
Hi Sharon,

my bb take 3 x 200ml of milk, total is 600ml...yes...he will finish everything.
...usually will not reject food..so we also have to take care not to overfeed him..hehe...maybe u wanna try increasing her milk intake lor...

Hi coffeedrinker,

hey...our bbs share the same feeding time..cheers
she looked so cute sittting back in her high chair...

Hi all mummies,

Have a good weekend ahead!!!! btw, check with those mummies whose bb is sleeping on mattress laid on the floor...which types u all using?? think my boi is going to outgrow the exisiting mattress soon...so looking for alternatives...any suggestions??
My bb still takes his milk every 3-4 hours leh. Every time only about 100ml. Sometimes even less. This is only bottle feedings lah. Only when i'm working. whenever i'm home, i'll latch on. Also every 3 hours. So tiring. So feeding him as much as 8 times a day wor.
Plus one cereal feeding at around 6pm. Just about 4 teaspoonful of rice cereals/brownrice/multigrain cereals plus fruit or vege puree. My bb's mummy is very lazy. Hee..
Hi Sharon,
My gal is is at 7.6kg (2 weeks ago),

Is it taking a lot ? I still worried that she did not have enough because she finish Milk & rice till last bit..so I think she can take some more , is just that we control her intake, by not overfeeding her.

She takes fruit every day (1hour after lunch), and fruit juice (1/2 hour before afternoon nap)

She still cannot crawl, sitting is still not steady yet..

you start your first solid on breakfast (i see you stated 7am ) ?

I have not started the breakfst yet.. maybe when she is 8 month

Shao Yen,
ya, when I see your post on the feeding time.. I think like you too.. both our bb feed the same time

re: mattress
idea: bumper bed ? ppl say bigger than cot.

Hi eleenp,
How old your baby? if is more than 6 month, think you should start to train your bb to take more.. 8 times a day.. very tiring for caretaker
cat tail!
Finally i saw a picture of the bed u were describing. I saw it at Carrefour some months back, abt $100.. i thought too ex so didn't buy. But it's been on my mind...
btw, coffeedrinker, i use your picture from mktplace thread hor... no copyright infringement hor? heh heh

Re: Zoo Gathering on 2 May (Tuesday) at 10am
1) snoopy & nicole
2) angel & megan
3) dressholic & chloe
4) smallbell & patrick
5) seabreeze, hb & YC
6) moulinmom & julia

coffeedrinker.. how do we know if we're over feeding ar? my boy now taking 1 1/2 bowl of porridge for lunch and 5 x 180ml of milk
