(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

applejuz, i c.. so u mean teachers can book aloha is it? eh, includes teachers from independent schools?

thanks temple, cat_tail, vone for ur comments.

ixwong, heard of the big bungalows at pasir ris park. can share what's the rental rates like n is it open to public?
My company only had 1 bungalow at pasir ris. No, it's not open to public. As for rates, tink we employees only pay $150+ for a 3-days stay over weekend... Altenatively, we oso got chalet at Costa Sand Pasir Ris (Downtown east), v cheap at about $100 for 3-days oso. But all must ballot so depend on your luck which I dun like...
yap. cos my sis booked before... heehee..
but me dunno if teachers fr independent sch considered 'civil servents' or not... need to check with them...
tingting/ ixwong, the maid belongs to my mil loh.. i'm staying with them but most of the time my in law also not around coz got to attend to their business in msia. if i'm the one paying her, she sure kana send back long long time ago..

vone, i got another helper at home but she kinda 'bohchap' type wan loh.. haii

cat, the maid with us for coming to 8 years already.. so she tends to be a bit stubborn and refuse to listen to me esp when i'm not the one paying her..
worst, when i complained to my in laws they dun believe wat i said coz when they are around, the maid will be super perfect.

its the civil chalet at changi very far and isolated?
ixwong, i c... can't recall whether can just book or got to ballot for mine... too bad cannot take aloha...

applejuz, guess got to ask my MIL to find out.. :p hopefully she is able to book, else the other spacious n nice chalets i can think of is only at Tenah Merah country (golf?)club, which is super expensive...
Hi all,

*sigh* Dunno why my weight keeps going up. Now I am even heavier than when I was pregnant! My boss been 'hinting' to me these 2 days, telling me not to 'scare him' by getting pregnant a 2nd time. Feeling really depress now ...

I do wanna get pregnant again (when Clarence is 2 yr old) cos I want a bb gal but I have to risk losing my job if I do. Local companies aren't very compassionate I must say ... sob ... sob ...
No wonder this maid so ya ya... & worst of all, your IL trusted her so much! U ever complain to your hubby abt it? If not, really got to seek alternative like engaging a part-time bb sitter. My mum told me the rate is around $10 per hour.

Re: Changi Chalet
They are near to the Changi Village, walking distance says about 15-20 mins. I heard there's one at the hill top that is haunted! SO better be careful..when choosing them.

U eat a lot?
anissa, yah, think no matter where u are, pregnancy does lead to a frown on bosses' forehead. even in civil service, to a certain extent u also get it lor, cos they have to work with less manpower. else, ur job goes to someone else n u may return to a different position that u may not like.

hmm, saw a thread that laments about how difficult it is to get pregnant 2nd time, a bit worried leh.. not sure whether it's bcos of the hectic lifestyle that we have bcos of running around our kids plus job...
Personally I feel that I eat like normal leh. Also dunno why the weight keeps shooting up. I was around 48kg before pregnancy. After delivery, the weight was around 55kg. Now I have 'ballooned' to 60 kg. How, eh?

Yeah, I'm damn stressed... He 'hinted' to me again today saying what last time he purchased a horn to put on the crafts so that the captains can blow when a pregnant lady goes onboard cos there is a 'no pregnant lady' policy in the company. *sob* *sob*
ur boss so bad huh, bo chap him lah...if really pregnant oso can't help mah! Even govt oso encourage more kids, he old-fashion leh, heehee..

Yeah... 1 more hour to long weekend! :D
anissa, u still BFg? usually body will retain some fats reserve for this purpose one. if u've stopped already, then can consider exercising to keep weight down. also work on diet. sometimes when we're busy we have late dinners n sleep soon after that. if body has no use for the calories u consume then it'll turn them into fats.

ur boss is a mean person... he not married w kids arh?

was just reading my fren's blog on disciplining her 4 year old gal.. realised we still have a lot to learn in parenthood that goes beyond diet n sleep training!
phoebe, oic. no wonder u r frustrated. since we r staying so near, if u need any help can call me okie.

ting, if u gt frens who r members of d club, then u can ask them 2 book. it's cheaper. my boy's full mth was done thr.

anissa, *hugz*. tink ur boss is an a**. btw, hw's ur job search? worst come 2 worst, mayb u wanna tink of gg back 2 ur old trade? :p tink u r prob veri stressed, tt's y ur weight went up. relax more k.
annisa ...

yar i agree with vone ... i think such bosses are not worth ur loyalthy, time n effort ... support u to change job hahahaha

re: civil service

didnt know so many mummies here work in SB ... me too heehee

applejuz ...

clashes with my Da Chang Jin ler heehee
I have got chinese simplified wording file for you to print out. Have send you email. If anyone else need the files, do let me know.
I only breastfeed at night now. Not much milk left I think. Quite surprised that I lasted 6 mths actually.

My boss is married with 1 kid. He never fails to tell us how much he regrets getting married and having kids. His advice to all staff in the office is: Don't get married. *LOL*

Too bad my hubby isn't so rich that I don't have to work
Not everyone is so lucky like Vone *wink* *wink*

I hunt halfway then never hunt already lah. Did I tell you that time I applied for a job thru this agency and they actually called my boss to verify my datas?! Walau!!! I almost fainted when I found out. I cannot return to teaching lah. No more energy left after attending to my hyperactive son!
Wanna support me to quit also must find me a job first lah. Hahaha... I still need to buy milk powder one you know
I oso put on wt once I started to wean off BF. Think it's becos the extra calories are no longer used by BF. Really must watch diet *hiaz*. U better dun indulge in your fav durian for the moment...

Your boss is terrible. U might want to consider switch job before your next pregnancy.

we reports to same ministry leh...
ixwong, you still remember I love durian, eh?? I think Clarence takes after me! He can easily finish a few seeds himself! Hahaha...

It's not easy to find a job that pays well, that's the prob. Will have to bear with the situation for the time being I guess
vone.. thanks for the offer..

one of these days we must meet up la-kopi hor.. been only talking about it but never put into action.. haha
Your boss really siao! U dun bother him lah, there's nothing he can do except make some noise if u get preg. Heehee.. dun tell me he want to oppose gov?

Mayb u like to reduce your meat intake & then do more exercise?

This is my 3rd time watching Da Chang Jin liao..kekeke...
I am a meat eater. Asking me to cut down on my meat intake is like asking me to die. Hahaha...

Really damn stressed. I am already 32 leh. If don't faster have no. 2 scare later too dangerous to have one.
See lah, eat too much meat! Must learn to eat some grass..keke..

Alamak, suddenly almost all the Changi chalets fully booked! What happen?!!
cat tail, really?? maybe they saw us wanting to book so grabbed first.. :p hmm, at most maybe borrow someone's condo n use the function room? hehe.. my fren held her baby's 1st yr old party at a function room in a hotel.. pretty ex, but that's an alternative lor... i would really hate to clean up my house after a long day.

re: runny nose

these 2 days zephan has been having runny nose.. not sure if he got it fr me, but he doesn't seem bothered by it except that he gets teary whenever he sneezes... any one had similar experience?

anissa, hope u'll find a better job soon. economy's picking up, so u shld have an easier time

hmm, dunno when i shld stop BF.. like yest night, zephan was pretty upset n agitated during sleeptime. only when i latch him on then he became calm.. cant imagine what would happen if i stopped BF.. will no longer have the ultimate weapon..
i had the same thoughts... latching seem to be the ultimate weapon in calming the baby. But I intend to stop at 9 mths. Have already been reducing my pumps to reduce my ss.. now I only pump 4x a day rather than 6-7x.

did u have MacDonalds @ suntec on Thurs lunch? Saw a lady that looked like you...
i need milk,
Ohhhh ... I think that's me! I was reading a novel while lunching
How come you never come forward to say 'hi'?

No doubt the job market is picking up but my qualification is in teaching. Very difficult to get other jobs leh...

Ya loh, I agree with Phoebe... you so bad ask me go eat grass. Hahaha... but hor, if I kenna sack and can't find a job I will definitely have to eat grass!
hi, just wondering if ANYONE want (for a nominal amount) to have a sofa set (antique type those that we put cushion over it...

3 plus 2 plus 2 seater, cushion for 5 seater available.

I've post it for sale, if no taker, willing to give it away for free to someone who may needs it (self collect at tampines). Kindly pm me / email to [email protected] urgently

(need to clear space for parents to shift in by next week) thanks
Hi Aunties, mummy 'caged' me in the baby cot

Please save me...

Please... I beg you...

Me at happier moments


And my 'bad hair day'
heehee... don't wanna scare u cos u dunno me mah.. anyway, wanna lose weight gotta cut back on Macdonalds.. :p Clarence begging photos look so funny! And he was even kneeling!
Hi Anissa,
What camera are you using? the pics are so clear! i'm thinking of changing my digital camera..using the Sony Cynbershot V7..horrible in low light..cause usually i take pics of my bb girl without flash (dun want to hurt/strain her eyes with the flash), but then the pics come out not very clear..sigh..

Some pics of my girl...


i need milk,
Opps, kinda caught eating MacDonald! Hahaha...

You think I so easily frighten off one meh? Hahaha... Next time must come forward to say 'hi' hor. Very lonely to lunch alone.

Clarence likes to kneel a lot. Maybe he is training for future when mummy lectures him for being notti!

I'm a mummy,
How I love those eyes of your bb! Was really hoping for a bb gal. They are just so sweet looking

I'm using FujiFilm FinePix F10. Actually I am no profession in phototaking. My hubby is the one who loves to play with camera.
re: runny nose
Zac is also having runny nose, and he tears when he sneezes too...he had fever yesterday but now seems ok...still playing n laughing away even though he's having runny nose.

ya agree, latched on is ultimate weapon to stop crys n crankiness...dunno why, zac can suddenly start crying/screaming in his sleep.
Hi zaczac,

I think bbs have a higher tolerance level than adults. Clarence also experience what you describled; crying out suddenly in his sleep. Once he was 'screaming' and though I sat him up, he just couldn't stop. Glad that he has overcome that phrase.
Anissa & mummytobe,
Both your babies looks so lovely!

Haha Anissa & Phoebe,
Look at the bright side lah, 'eat grass' is cheap & healthy.

At least the period of the Aug I want was almost fully booked! Me too, I dun want to house the activities at my home. Let's see any alternative around.
anissa & I'm a mummy ...

aiyo so cute the 2 babies ... really brighten up the BLUE monday heehee

zac zac ...

YC oso ... has been screaming in his zzz and then he will flip up and start to rolling himself around like some SIAO bb like that ... have to faster carry him up and hug him to calm him down ... latching used to work ... but last night ... he actually push me away and just wanted to hug me to zzz

i feel like a tree these day cos that YC like to zzz on my like a kola ...

YC had running nose the week before ... took some med from the PD ... he recovered only aft 1 week
Hi Seebreeze,

Your description of a SIAO bb really made me laugh! Clarence also like that. He will get up from his sleep and 'rotate' around 360 degrees then starts crying. Have to lach him on to make him calm down. Hahaha...
Good Morning Ladies,
Hope u have a wonderful weekend! Really dreaded coming back to work...

Yes Yes... the baby pix brighens our blue Monday!..

Seabreeze, hee hee.. ur description so funny...that make me a tree too... Keyon oso like to hang on me, guess my heartbeat is soothing.

haiz, recently Keyon very temperamental leh... abit abit then cry, mummy leave the room, oso cry, take away his toys, oso cry... qi si wo le!
he oso scratch his ears very frequently, dunno izzit ear infection?
hi applejuz,
My bb also like keyon easily irritated. Cry easily and became 'sticky'. also scratch behind ears frequently. Even saw 'dried blood' in the ear! (guess she scratched and broken the inside of her ears).
I remember him falling asleep on your shoulder last fri - quite sweet leh. Not at all like koala and tree lah....
think now they are beginning to experience separation anxiety... last weekend i did a brief experiment w zephan. when i was facing him he was ok, but when i turned my back he started to whine. it was like that when i turned towards n back to him several times consecutively. so u can imagine it was quite funny, him whining on n off...
Re play yard
Mummies who bought the play-yard, can pls advise whether u find it useful? Cos me thinking still and everytime the BP is on, my heart itches....
re: kola sleeping pose

oic ... so my YC is not the only kola around hahahaha

re: scratch ear

hey YC too ... his ear is forever cracked one ler ... sometimes he pull so hard that i am so worried his ear will drop out

anissa ...

yar yar YC oso lor ... flip, turn & roll and scream on top of his voice and the worse part is ... ONLY ME can carry him n calm him down ... if my hubby carries him YC will cry even louder ... dun understand why ... anyway for this behaviour of YC .. my hubby is super jealous hahahaha

ixwong ...

its sweet when he allows me to put him down after a while ... it is a torture when i have to do that for more than 30mins and the moment i put him down he wakes up *faint*
hahaha...seabreeze, looks like YC and zac very similar woh! Zac also flips, turn, scream and cry and after u hug n pat him for a while then he will calm down. agree with u, he's also a bit siao! hahaha
but why he always does that at night...so tiring...trying hard to keep my eyes open, that's y login here to read the forum.

how come all the bb same same one....Zac also pull and tug on his ear very hard, especially his left ear...till the skin broke and then bleed. haiz...

so this period of time is when our babies become very temperamental and out of sorts!
ixwong, eh, i've sort of kept away my play yard for a while already.. cos it's quite leh chey to move it when i'm cleaning the floor w the rubber mat beneath it. but will be useful if u need to keep him in a safe place for short period of time while u do something else. anyway, he's only home to use it during the weekends, so even less incentive for me to keep shifting it. am thinking of bringing it to my mum's place where he can make better use of it.

Hi, I'm also interested to knw if the play yard is useful. Yest went to chk out one at Toys'R'us, white metal gate cost $180. Thot nt worth. My gal now rolling all over the plc, pulling dwn things and kicking the furniture. Hubby super heartpain so thinking of fencing her up

My gal also like to dig her ear, pd said becoz there are ear dirt inside, so she feels itchy. But its can also be ear infection. Mummies...better chk w yr pd.
