(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

vone, ok, will send the pics to you
yah, that pic with sarah, I coined it as "wang lao wu qu dao lao po"! haha...

re: baby bonus package
at least the 2nd child has an enhanced cash gift of $4,000 instead of $3,000. Wonder how come #3 & #4 don't have increased bonuses though. How about working towards #5 for $18k CDA? keke...

wow, suddenly, the thread so active...

Yippee. Can't wait for my 4 mth maternity leave!
But I think my new boss will faintz... Bo chap!:p

Today's Keyon's BD.. So sad I can't be present with him in CC... oni make Apple dip in choc fondue & let him bring to sch for his classmate + hb brot a Cake to the CC tis afternoon.

SNG mummy,
u got ur CC's principal's sister's contact oredi?
gt it. tks a lot.
nw tat u mention it, yeah, zephan really gt tat kind of look on his face. it's so cute...

hw come u can't b wif keyon in d cc? can't take leave?
hv to congratulate u again on your good timing. #3!!! u need all the benefits u can get.

hey Margie
it's time for #4...
ixwong ...

yap my mum had damn bad MS when she had me ... thats why she q patient with me cos she understands what i go thr. even told my hb off when he make some 'nasty' remark at me =p

been telling my fren ... till i pop i dun 'enjoy' the benefits cos the suffering is too terrible *yucks*

YC bday is coming soon but i really dun have the energy at all to think abt it and i feel really bad
agree you really have good timing leh... manage to 'tiao zhao' just before having #3 hehe...

jiayou to you... another 4weeks to go before moving on to 2nd trimester which shld be easier.
Seabreeze, dun feel too bad abt YC's bday. I'm sure he'll be equally happy with just a dinner out n birthday cake with close family members. Maybe Globetrotters since it comes with a playroom attached? His birthday present will be a didi/meimei to play with next year!
ting ting ...

told my hubby to just order 2 cakes from pine garden - 1 for school and 1 for home heehee no need to think so much and cfm no goodie bags lar cos too tired to think of it

cakey ...

i am crossing my finger that i will feel better in a couple more weeks ... my stomach like easily motion sickness like that. after i eat, must sit down and rest, once i walk around too much - straight to the toilet bowl. same as YC ... think vomit too much now got excessive salivation (which is the worst part of the whole preg)

when will march 09 ever arrives =p
Thanks, triniti. I feel better now with everyone's inputs. HW is quite peace-loving type, no violent nor agressive behaviour, just cheeky and active with endless energy that I sometimes find tiring to deal with :p

In fact, he quite sayang his mei-mei, will kiss her and pat her buttock for her to sleep. when mei-mei cries, he will imitate his father and say "ok...ok..."
hw abt asking hb 2 prepare d goody bag? jus tell him wat 2 buy & get him 2 buy it?

HW is so cute... can sayang his mei mei so much.
Applejuz, no leh.. i never wake up early enuff to go school with nick..
I'll call later today and ask for her number.

Wendyg, no lah... I still say.. 13mth ML, mai tu liao.. 6mths, i'll consider. now only 16 weeks... ask them to ownself give birth loh.. anyways, as what our PM say, economy downturn time, pple all will not get pregnant. So let's see when the economy picks up loh.. hahahahahaha

haha... then u tell him, YC is his son aso. so he mus put in more effort. m sure tt he wans YC 2 njoy his bdae wif his classmates rite?
ask them ownself give birth
they all men how to give birth.
change nappy maybe la, use safety pin & all.

actually get preg & give birth, i hv not much probs. But considering the AFTERMATH... that seems to last forever & ever until they turn 18yo. muahahaha
wendyg, they can "make" and the wife give birth mah.. lol.. My "sir" can do better then just change nappy and safety pins loh.. so that's really no big deal.. haha...

they always take care of the haven't preggy and no kids ones and the POOR ones.. we halfway stuck between rich and poor are the ones who suffer most! Like silly sam,got choosen for gifted program, but fees is 300+ per month. And, I've checked, we cannot apply for subsidy on fees cos our income exceed the max amount liao. So now is, can afford to pay that kind of fees and fetch and drop him off in school? i neither the rich nor the poor.. the want to die cannot die ones.. Don't let him go, feel guilty.. If he goes, "sir" and i need to eat grass everyday.. How is the govt helping us? And if i let him go and pay that kind of fees liao, what if my #2 and #3 later need tution? That time, i dunno want to cut from where liao cos already eating grass.. Maybe then live on fresh air and sunshine liao.
wengyg, paying back is 1 thing.. who bring him for additional lessons at MOE HQ? i thinking of resigning, then again.. how to afford? take bus bring him go or what.. i also dunno... then, by paying additional on his school fees also means i need to chop on other stuffs for #2 and #3.. is it fair to the other 2 bo? Also.. does that means i need to find $$ for his tution also since he will be skipping 1 level.. haiz
isn't gifted program just a matter of transferring to a school with such programs? at least that was what we had during my time. And I don't remember having to pay additional fees. Perhaps you could appeal to MOE that with 3 kids you're actually stretched financially. Or apply for bursary/scholarships if there're any?
tingting, ya.. change school and the fees structure is also different loh..

Bursary is little little.. Once a year if i not wrong. But i think got salary cap also.

Scholarship i don't think Primary school has. Even if it has, usually we have already exceed the caps loh.

Wendyg, i set-up and u support can? that's what friends are for right? hahahahahaha
SNG's mummy ...

Not everyone has the chance to get into the gifted programme so i guess got to cut abit here and there so that you can develope him lor never know next time he will be Dr Sam heehee
hi, passed by Robinsons City Hall and saw that the 6 pack per box of Pigeon wipes are on sale now. $19.90 per box i think. In case some mummies are looking for it. Remembered they were OOS for quite a while back.
i tell u what. Have your #4, #5 baby, and use the tax reliefs & CDA & baby bonus to fund Sam's GEP. what say u.
skali all your kids gifted, then really u hv to eat grass & drink water & live on love & fresh air...
Wendyg, tha sounds like a good idea... u work for the government arh?

Nick hor, i can chop and guarantee that he is no gifted.. ABC and 123 still dunno... how gifted can he be?

Sea, ya loh.. i know... that's y thinking where i can cut and should cut.. originally thinking of transferring nick to mind champs cc.. now, i think i need that cash for sam's GEP program instead. Dr sam, not thinking that far yet.. There is a trend of gifted children end up being worse off in life than the diligent ones. so it might not be a blessing at all...
this happened few days ago
husband was reading storybook to Isaac & when he came across the word "ball", he asked Isaac to spell it.. just to read out the letters.

Isaac read out slowly, "b" , "a" , "eleven".

hey ladies
how much u gonna pay for Sept childcare fees? $150 subsidy or $300? MCYS website says wef 17 Aug 08 cc subsidy is $300 but my boy's cc principal says "haven't heard fr MCYS yet"

Wendyg, Nick's principle say next month but no official letter from MCYS too..

Applejuz, i got remember to ask the Principle for her sis's number today.. but we talk so much liao, i left without taking the number..
will email u once i have it. she mention she need to check with the sis if anyone "reserve" liao..
Welcome Eunice.

Wendy, i still have not heard from CC yet. I think our MCYS needs more time to administer. They will probably take some time and will refund any excess paid once all is in place.
another qstn
in the middle of the night if your toddler needs to pee, can he go to toilet to do it on his own? Do u leave the toilet light on thru the night?
Hi all,
Keyon keeps touching or 'brushing' his eyes. sometimes left eye, sometimes right eye. And when I ask him, he say eye pain pain.
Anyone knows any eye clinic specially for toddlers?
applejuz, is it swollen or does he have eyebag? i have just reminded the Principle to check again with the sis.

Wendyg,when nick wants to go pee... he will wake the maid up.. Do u allow yr boy to go toilet on his own? i still think advisable not..
Isaac sleeps in same room as husband, so he has been waking husband up. Husband complaining & wants Isaac to go toilet on his own. I'm trying to figure out how?!?!? Coz the whole house dark wor, unless i leave night light on the whole night.
My dad scared that isaac will fall headfirst into the toilet bowl.
daytime he demo to us & show that he's a big boy already, dun need our help, he can pee into toilet bowl on his own, tiptoe, pull down pants etc. As far as i can help it, i will make sure someone follows him into the toilet, just to check that he doesn't play with the flush, splash water all over himself etc. But middle of the night i'm sound asleep in the other room with baby. Husband's duty but he complain lor.
wendyg, potty? but boys potty very funny hor.. actually i wasn't thinking so much of the fall down cos my toilets has anti-slip mats.. I was thinking what if they decide to try swimming and put their heads into water..
i don't dare to take the risk..

BTW, i do have a bright lamp on in the hall that is on the whole night. So even if my #1 goes to the loo at night, he don't need to walk thru that long dark hall alone.. my elder 2 usually use the kitchen toilets.
wendy, i think it's too dangerous for a toddler to go toilet by himself still, especially if he needs to tiptoe. During the day, will still follow Zephan to toilet to make sure that he doesnt knock his head or something. Sometimes he can get a bit kancheong esp if he's urgent.

one option: get isaac to wake u up instead when he wants to go toilet. If it were me though, will try v hard for hb to do his part before resorting to this.

btw, are all the boys here trained to pee standing up? cos i trained Z sitting down. Not usual I know, but felt that he is still not tall enough to pee over the toilet bowl, and he'll also drip over the rim.
so far my boy dun wake up in d middle of d nite 2 pee leh. hw come isaac needs 2 do so?
bt if he needs 2 do so, either me or hb wld accompany him. coz 1st, we dun him 2 walk in d dark. 2nd, v 'taxing' on my utility bills 2 leave d toilet light on thru d nite. ask hb 2 do his part. if nt, then swop wif him. u look after isaace & he looks after d younger 1.

y dun u bring keyon 2 d GP 1st? if it's serious, then he can refer him 2 c a specialist.

when my boy is at hm, he wld pee sitting down. bt i tink in cc, he pees standing up. btw, chk wif u, is Z still on diapers in cc?
husband dun hv breastmilk. dat's y i'm with #2. Maybe these few nights quite cold... there was 1 particular night he wanted to go toilet 2-3 times, even tho he's wearing diaper.

ask isaac to pee in regular potty or buy those stand up type? Quite ex ley.

Husband would've been awakened when isaac opens the bedroom door to get to the loo. There may be times when baby is latched on & asleep, means i can't get out of bed in a hurry to help isaac.
Isaac pees standing up - trained by husband. Only when he has to poo does he pee sitting on the bowl.
wah, all full toilet train already ah? Ethan still wear diaper at night. He doesn't want to go toilet after last feeding. Even ask me help him wear pamper before sleep and he pees inside. sigh..

tingitng, the teacher nvr train Z at CC? Ethan is standing up.
maybe you could help to 'blow' his eyes first in case some particle/dirt? I experience eyes uncomfortable for afew days myself and after someone blow my eyes for me it's ok liao.

re: boy
if the boy is not tall enuff how to pee standing up? Just pee on the floor and use the hose to wash it to drain later on? My boy is now 18mth wonder how to start training him... sit or stand? if stand he knows how to aim?

re: girl
does your girl go to toilet on her own? Do you help her to wipe clean after that? My girl is tall enuff to use adult toiletbowl on her own... but she doesn't know how to tear the toilet paper and wipe properly.

maybe instead of toiletbowl, ask him to pee in a pail in toilet at night? Make sure the floor is dry and cover the toiletbowl before sleep. Then ask hubby to empty the pail in the morning hehe...
I think last time I also let Ethan pee on the toilet floor. Till maybe he tall enuff then ask father to demostrate. he got bad bad habit when poo, he doesn't want sit on the toilet bowl. He wants POTTY only. Not in toilet somemore, is at dinning. Can imagine when the smell out....

Isaac nvr pull and shake ah? hahaha...
haha.. esther, if my boy demands to poo outside of toilet i'll threaten to get him to poo same place as my dog.. i.e. the garden outside! :p

hmm, Z always uses toilet paper, bcos he sits on the bowl. Bcos i follow him, i'll tear for him, else he'll just pull a whole lot out.

Z also has a bad toilet habit.. he'll only ask to go toilet when he's super urgent, and more often than not, he'll stain his underwear a bit by that time.. always tell him to go earlier, but no use..
my mum has this small bottle for YC to pee hahaha so sometimes YC self-service and pee in the bottle then bring to the toilet bowl to pour it away.

but at night cfm wear diapers lar actually only my mum trains him cos me too lazy to keep going after him to ask him wan go toilet or not etc guess now that i totally dun have energy, he can wear diapers until i pop hahahaha

i rem what my aunt's maid does is that she will wake the boy up at regular interval at night to ask them to pee every 2-3hr interval, then slowly pro-long the hours until they zzz thr without having to wake up to pee liao
re: YC reaction to bb

this morning i was so hungry then my stomach was growling and YC ask: Mummy, what's that sound? is it baby?

i shake my head and he actually continued to say: oh no more baby? Mummy not sick already? Good job mummy!!


but at the lift, when I met my neighbour ... he actually when to tell him that: My mummy got bb in her stomach you know?

When my neighbour asked him: So is it didi or meimei?

YC: Not didi or meimei - BABY!

Guess its a love-hate relationship from the start hahahaha but i cant feel that he dun quite like to talk about #2 =p
oic. coz i tot u mentioned tt he's toilet trained in cc oledi. tt's y i was quite surprised 2 c him wearing diapers when i was thr on mon. d reason y i noticed was tt coz he seems v uncomfortable as he kept adjusting himself, if u noe wat i meant.
tink u can let him go diaperless oledi. as 4 pooing, does he show any signs b4 he wans 2 poo? 4 my boy, he wld hide in 1 corner. then we noe tt he's gg 2 poo oledi. then we wld 'catch' him & bring him 2 d potty or toilet.

ic. if he can go 2 d toilet in d nite, then u can let him go diaperless oledi. as 4 d prob of him gg 2 d toilet at nite, mayb u can try 2 restrict his water intake after 6pm. or get him 2 go 2 d toilet b4 he sleeps? tis is wat i did 4 my boy when i toilet trained him 2 go diaperless in d nite.

i tot of a method 4 u 2 train ethan. bt dun noe whether it wld wk or nt. hw abt u hide all d diapers. then tell him tt thr's no more oledi. so he mus learn 2 go w/o? i used tis method b4 when my boy insist on wearing diapers when he sleeps.

can start training ur boy 2 sit in d potty 1st. it's easier as compared 2 pee standing up. once he accomplished tt, then u can train him 2 pee standing up.

sounds like YC is jealous of d bb. guess u hv 2 b 'careful' when talking abt no. 2 oledi.
we started with isaac standing on stool to pee in toilet bowl. Then now he's taller, he protests when anyone asks him to use stool, saying he's "big boy already, no need to use stool!"

the teachers are supposed to take off his diaper after he wakes up from his nap. Though i suspect sometimes they do forget. he's supposed to be in underwear for as long as he's awake. He's quite alright when it comes to poo pooing, i suppose bcos the control is easier. so even if he only gave a last minute warning, he still makes it to the toilet safely. It's the peeing that he'll leak a bit.

I think i'd rather let him wear diapers for sleeptime for a while, cos he's a deep sleeper n won't wake up even if he wets himself..
