(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Thinking of bringing my gal to the birdpark since it's school holiday now. Anyone which card has bird park discount or anyone got any coupon?

hi mummies,
like to check if you have wean your 3 year old from milk bottles? I wean my kids off pacifier when they turn 2, thought of targeting milk bottles this year.
very quiet hor..

Share with ur. Those who want to bring their kid to watch movie. It is free for kids if you watch before 12noon show on weekend. But condition is can't used compliment tickets or voucher. Must 2 full paid tickets then can get free kid ticket. Brought Ethan watch Wall-E. Behave very good compared kungfu panda. Now waiting for Madagascar 2 . He already sing the song almost everyday after watch the adv.
hi esther, tks for sharing the good lobang! does it apply to all cinemas? any similar lobang for weekdays?

btw, not sure if the theatre's too loud for young kids? your views?

Only apply to GV. You can find it at newspaper but they didnt state the condition. I think only applicable on weekend. For me it is nice timing coz by the time finished it is about the time for my kid go back home sleep liao.

It's a bit too loud but i think still ok gua. Btw, if watch before 12noon. The cinema is very empty hence please bring extra jacket for ur kid. It is super COLD!!
hi just to share the bird park ticket is 20% off if paid by netts. Not sure promotion till when. Can call the bird park to confirm.
We enjoyed the bird park more than the zoo cos it's more colorful and easier to walk btw destinations (the bird smaller in size compared to the animals hehe...)

Littke Oaks Monte is 1:2 ratio? That's very very impressive. I just found out about the school and was actually planning to call them tmr. U mentioned 2 years waitlist, I was hoping to enrol my boy for N1 next year, but now it seemsrather impossible.
hello girlizz
Well basically, the montessori method is using mixed ages. In Anton's classes, there will be kids ranging from 3-5 and there are 12 kids in total. When they are doing or learning things, there will be split into 2 groups (6 in each group) and each group will have 3 teachers. The traditional montessori method has a very small ratio so they can know each child weaknesses and strengths. They are facilitators rather than teach. Yeah, they have a 2 year waiting list so if you have a younger child...you can put the kid in

Hello Mummies,
I was wondering if any of your kids have started to "lie" Like when Anton did something "wrong" like spill the fish food on the floor, and when I 'reprimanded' him. He said,"Its not me!" ( I was right beside him when he did it) then sometimes, when I expose him, he will say "I won't do it again." ( in a cheeky way)...

Is it a common thing?
Triniti.. I'm impressed. Most of the Monte schs I visited are not really full monte with 1:5 (15 students in a class)
I placed my boy on their open house call list (Feb09). Sigh.. hopefully they will call me. Hard to find a good sch.

Zephan sometimes will deny things that he did/didn't do, like saying he washed his hands when he had not, or insist that his daddy's handphone is his (bcos we told him he cannot touch things that don't belong to him without asking). In such situations, we didn't even start reprimanding him but merely asked him a question.

I'm not sure whether it's deliberate lying. I think it stems from an intention to avoid reprimand. So we are trying to reinforce the concept of telling the truth, and try to "counsel" instead of "punishment" when he does.
Just bot my 18mth old for his last 5-in-1 jab. The dr gave me a certificate and told me that is needed for his pri school registration.
And I realise that the clinic which my gal went to for her last jab didn't give me this cert!
Does anyone without the vaccination cert too?
I wonder is it because she doesn't receive all her jabs at the same clinic that's why they didn't give her the cert?
My boy's is a small booklet detailing all his vaccinations/date taken from day1 he was born. It is the same booklet used regardless we're in Malaysia/Singapore. Normally paed ask for this record when I brought my boy for jabs.
Hi Trinity & Tingting,

hey i oso experience Keyon saying something he didn't do. But i dunno if its purposely lie or jus wanna give answ that please mummy.

eg. Have u finish the rice? Answ: YES, In fact, still left half a bowl.:p
I think is to please us and at the same time avoid being scolded.
Often when she received something i asked her "have you said 'thank you'?". She'll tell me yes. I asked again telling her I won't scold her even if no, she'll tell me honestly no haha..
So now I don't ask her anymore, i just straight away remind her 'remember to say thank you to teacher when teacher give you something'.
i'd rather think on the positive side that they just want to give the answers that we'll like.

cakey, impt to have proof of vaccinations bcos u need to show proof (by way of health booklet usually) at pri sch registration. If previous records are missing, remember to get it fr the clinic.
tingting cakey and applejuz
But Anton said it like I have falsely accused him. Now, he would say things like I am not feeling well and then lie on me. When I told him, "Oh, since you are not feeling well, you don't need to go to school. You can stay at home and rest." Then he will say," No~! I want to go to school. I am fine now!" >.< dunno what he wants.

Yesterday, my helper told him," Anton, you are old enough to wash yourself." And he told her," I am not old. Auntie Ella(my second helper who is 56years of age) is old."
MY helper bursted out laughing. Luckily my second helper wasn't there to hear a 3 year old 'insulting' her. Really don't know to laugh or cry.
Nope. In school, he is the perrrfect kid!!The teacher has nothing but praises of him and saying he has a good sense of humour. Both my hubby and I have concluded that he is good at conning the teachers and his friends.

long time never post.

re:diapers at night
dom is on diaper at night but he never pee in them. he will pee at around 8pm(when brush teeth) and diaper will dry for whole night until he wake up at 7am the next morn to pee. never wake him to pee, he just naturally dun pee in his diapers at night. dun know when will take him off diapers, scare of accidents.

he dun wear diaper when nap at cc, teachers are very consistent and train them at as early as possible.

dom pee on toilet floor cos he bit short to pee into toilet bowl.... so toilet sometimes bit stinky.

re: ntuc pull-up
it is quite soft and good, comparable to huggies pull-up. i am using for bry(#2) night and going out.

now sourcing for cheap diapers and pull-ups, cos work p/t but still have to "support" milk powders, snacks, clothes and maid!
hi ilmare

which article of clothing can your child wear on his/her own now? Isaac recently started wearing his underwear and shorts on his own, but can't figure out how to remove &amp; wear his top (usually T-shirt/ singlet). He doesn't know how to wear socks either.. only once a week wear socks to church.

Zephan can wear most of his clothes by himself, underwear, shorts, pants, t-shirt, n recently also could button his own shirt. Needs training. We let him wear his own school uniform every morning, and when he changes for the night. Sometimes t-shirt will be backward front, but we'll teach him to look out for signs like pockets, labels, designs etc. Haven't really let him wear socks yet, cos seldom wear them. perhaps can buy socks that are not too tight for practice? the white school socks shld be good.

if dom doesn't pee in his diapers at nite, then u can let him go diaperless oledi. accidents might happen, bt it's part &amp; parcel of his growing up.

congrats on ur no. 2.
hw old is bry nw?

my boy can wear his underwear &amp; pants by himself. socks r okie, bt it's usually askew a bit. as 4 tees &amp; shirts, he's still nt well versed yet.
It's been a long time since I posted here.... had a ds who was born in Sep 05.

I'm going to have my 2nd ds anytime soon EDD 9 Oct 08 but no sign yet... think baby is very comfy inside me...

Need some advice... those of you mummies who have a 2nd baby, did you experience any anxiety or change of temperament from your elder one nearer your EDD? I took one month ML earlier and during this period of time, my ds starts to be super super clingy to me... to the extent that he didn't even want to go to school and wants to stay at home with me... wants me to bathe him, feed him, pat pat him to sleep etc etc... tot my one month early ml can relax and prepare for 2nd baby... didn't know that it was going be very stressful especially in getting him to school...

Any thoughts on this?

sorry to disturb,i am looking for the Haenim Play yard,if u r selling please PM me your price, condition and age of the play yard and collection place.
hi girlizz, tingting,
My gal's health book has all her vaccination record. But there's no additional slip of paper given to me when she took her last 5in1 in 18mth. So I wonder is it a must to have that paper/certificate? It's a small A5 paper listing all her vaccinations and dates.
The clinic my 2nd one went to had given me that and told me that's impt. and ask me to request from my gal's clinic if they didn't give previously.
Cakey, The one I'm keeping is a booklet listing all the compulsory vaccinations for my boy. Those which are not compulsory such as pneumococcal, chicken pox, flu etc are added accordingly. All complete with date and the doc's initial.
cakey, i also didn't get a slip of paper. Believe it's sufficient to have the individual jab records in the health book.

hmm, let me recall the sequence. he'll pull his t-shirt up from the bottom, through the neckline to get his head out, then both his arms...
maybe isaac's too fat.. his round tummy prevents him from crossing his arms to grab the shirt at the bottom and he'll collapse in laughter. hai...
haha.. not that bad lah! I don't think Z crosses his hands actually.. both hands parallel, which means he'll sometimes get stuck, but he can still pull off the shirt eventually.

bry is 1 on 4oct... dom and bry birthdays are 3wks apart. so i very busied, cooked dinner for 6 adults and dom for the 2 birthdays.

must ask my big boss(hb) if can let dom off diaper.

dom can wear singlets, shorts, underwear, shoes. for t-shirt need to help him put over head. removal clothes, only singlets, shorts and underwear. i can't teach him to take off t-shirt. button shirts he can wear and take off but can't really button.
wendy, nick takes off his shirt in this manner..

1. hands take out the sleeve holes...
2. hands go to the waist hole and then raise up to the head and then his will pull out the shirt from the head.

Not sure u get what i mean.. but no cross leh..
yeah i get what u mean. but some of his t-shirts quite fitting la.. no chance for him to wriggle his arms into the sleeves. kekeke.

so instead of teaching him one way for singlets and another for t-shirts, we thought to be consistent and teach only the cross arm method. who knows his arms too short or his tummy too round. aiya it's so funny when he does it, then he'll complain "help me!"
wendy, my 8yo hor, also cannot cross arm loh... lol.. u teach that method, he 8yo still will go "help me, help me..."
Anton take off his shirt by taking both of his hands and pull the shirt off his head and wriggle the shirt out of his both hands. I think its easier that way for him. Taking out is easier than wearing for him.

He still wears diapers at night cos in the morning, its not dry. I think he is slow when he comes to night wetting.

BTW, anton has wanting to clean his own bum after he does his big business, so far so good, he can do it quite well though he still ask me to wipe off the final time for him, just in case he miss any spots.
tinging, girlizz,
thanks for feedback. then i guess i can just based on the healthbook record, don't have to go back to clinic to ask for 'paper certificate'

I'll need to help my gal to lift the edge of the shirt to her neck. then when lifting her left arm, her right arm will naturally came to pull off the shirt at left arm.
In this way it's sort of 'cross arm' but only after the shirt is already lifted till neckline.
Mummies, need some opinions.. I am planning to send #3 (18mths old) to childcare. But the current cc that my son is in does not have enough students to start a playgroup. They suggested putting her in N1. What do u think?
Pros : Maybe she will learn more with the older kids..
Cons : She will be the baby in class since she is the youngest and i wonder if she will end up having the "it's ok not to know" thinking permanently in her brain..
hmm, i'm not so concerned about the cons u mentioned, but rather if she'll lose interest in the lessons if they're beyond her comprehension. Though if she's been showing keen interest in what her brothers are doing at home, it may not be a concern. Also, will she be missing out certain foundation skills that are no longer taught in N1? It's a bit like jumping to pri 2 without going thru pri 1.
ting2, am not sure if she will miss out on foundation skill since most pple tend to skip the playgroup classes especially the 18mths part and send the kid to cc after 2yo..
Hi Nicky, I would think the concern here is whether the teacher would be able to care for a younger tot while looking after her N1 class. Tots require more attention for obvious reasons physical development and emotional maturity thus the smaller group ratio as compare to N1 classes.
hi agree with girlizz. My primary concern would be the daily care of the kid rather than the learning aspect. For that I think compare to staying at home with maid/bbsitter, he'll definitely learn more. But when comes to physical care, maid/bbsitter (or good teacher-kid-ratio CC) might still be better than N1-class for young tot.
hi if your pre-schooler like the disney playhouse magazine you can call below hotline to enquire about buying past edition at $4/copy (usual is $4.90).
[email protected]
I bot them usuing the form inside the current issue. But I suppose just by call is fine too

cakey / tingting,

i brought my gal 2 d polyclinic 4 her 3mo jab yday. so i asked d nurse abt d slip of paper. she said tt it's v impt tt it's given coz when our kids go 2 pri school, they wld need it. d paper is called certificate of vaccination. it wld list d type of vaccinations given &amp; d date administered.
