(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs



tks, i'll.
tt's great. it's always been ur wish 2 b a sahm rite? hw's d adjustment?

hi esther,

ya, i agree wif u on d siong part. coz nw we need 2 take care of d older 1 as well as d younger 1. i dun hv a confinement nanny coz we feel tt it's nt necessary. hb is doing my confinement 4 me wif my maid's help.

hb cooked 4 me. coz he said tt for $25 per meal, he can buy a lot of good stuff 4 me. *faint* well, since he volunteered, i can't possibly refused him. bt seeing him so busy, i pity him at times.
Glad to hear all's well with you and your gal. I'm good. Tomorrow is my gal's full month :D can't wait. Your hb really gunho hoh, can do confinement for you.

My arrangement is similar to first one, my mum cooks for me. This time round better cos got maid to help do housework, and haowen is attending full day CC so had a really relaxing confinement. Need to work on my wt next. Got 3-4 more kg to shed.
ic. well, give urself some more time okie. being a sahm is nt easy at times.
ya, he can b v nice at times. tt's y i married him.

is it? i mus tell him tt he looks like 1 then.
his cooking is nt as nice as catered food, bt i guess tt i can't complained.

so fast ur gal is 1 mth old liao. so hw r u gg 2 celebrate it tis time round? ya, tt's wat a lot of ppl say aso. guess it's d cdo trait in him.
dun worry abt d wt lah. give urself more time. afterall, it took u 9 mths 2 put d wt on. 4 me, i lost 8 kg after i gave birth. so nw i need 2 wk harder so tat i can gain back my prev wt. hb had been complaining tt i m 2 fat liao. haiz...
Life is really tough wif 2 kids especially hubby is not at home for most of the times. Lucky I have a helper to tie over. How's your life?

Congrats to you too.

Aiyoo... your hubby is so sweet... U r lucky to grab a rare species... keke..
I still have that flabby tummy hanging around after my delivery. Dun noe how to get rid of it leh. My target is to able to fit in my bikinis by Oct... :p
hi mummies,

i gt 1 tin of neslac 1+, original flavour which is 3/4 qtrs full 2 give away. expiry date is 20 may 2009. my boy is fully weaned off milk powder oledi, thus he's nt drinking tt anymore. i tot tt it wld b a waste 2 throw d milk powder away, thus i tot of giving it away.

collection is at my plc at bedok reservoir rd. pls pm me if u r interested. tks.
This time round, the full month celebration is simpler. Just among the immediate families
So your dd is on full BM now? I realise the appetite of my gal and boy is totally different. HW drank 120ml per feed from day 4 and I barely could cope with his milk needs but my dd, at one month old, is now still on 90ml per feed. I got over 20 pkt of frozen EBM in my freezer now. :D

ic. i m still tinking abt hw 2 celebrate my gal's full mth. d date of her full mth is my mil's 80th bday celebration & i die die dun wan 2 celebrate together wif her. *headache*

ya, my gal is on bm nw. i hv no idea hw much she's drinking nw coz i latched her on. good tt ur supply is more than enough. then at least u hv 1 less worry when u go back 2 wk.

Any mummies bring their boy for circumcision? Can share?

Thought of want to bring my boys for circumcision coz found out Ethan has longer skin near the penny. Yet sometimes he likes to pull it longer... faint** Recently, teacher notice that he went to toilet more frequent but didn't pees much. Can be every 5-10mins wants to go toilet but yet nothing come out or little only. Quite worry coz tis is 2nd time already. I'm more worry he will get urine infection. Any one got similar problem?

ya. asked husband liao. He said every few mins go toilet but nothing come out is unusual. Further more the skin also a bit too long. He still hesitate for the circumcision. A bit against. But i more pro on it coz my mum is a nurse. She adviced must bring them circumcision for hygiene purposed. I more worried the process and healing part.

y dun u bring ethan 2 c a doc & c wat d doc says? if it's some kind of urine infection, it can b cured by meds. then u dun hv 2 circumcise him.
hi mummies,

i hv 8 pcs of mamy poko pants, size xxl 4 sale @ $0.50 each. my boy is fully toilet trained oledi, thus he dun need 2 wear diapers anymore.


collection is @ my plc @ bedok reservoir rd. pls pm me if u r interested. tks.
hi vone,
Your boy is not drinking milk anymore and on full solid?

I'm not sure is this a valid concern... but will he mind next time when he grow up? Cos i've impression man is sometime abit sensitive abt this.

It takes courage to put down your career and be SAHM leh.... is your family supportive? How abt yr hubby's family?

he's nt drinking powder milk anymore. instead he drinks either hl milk or those packet milk meant 4 kids 1.
The durian cake looks yummy...tat's why the cheeky smile on Isaac's face lah... can't wait to attack! hahaha.

Daryl is diaper-free now... so envy! u ca save to $ to buy mei mei's diaper :p
Keyon still need to wear diaper at night else he'll wet his bed... haiz.

Hi all,
Share wif u, I'm expecting no.3!
EDD next yr Feb. This time its accident. Sweat liao.
Anyone has good transfer maid? Need a helper before the new bb arrive...
wow applejuz,
No.2 and No.3 only 17mth apart! You must really train up the 'gor gor' to help out liao... That's how our mother they all survive last time w/o maid.
Anyway "Jia You" and congrats! Take good care and dun think too much for now..

u r really heading d govt's call 2 hv more bbs.

re. diaper free at nite, initially he wld aso wet d bed at nite. wat we did was 2 limit his water intake after 8pm. after a few days, he was okie oledi. u can try it. mus persevere okie.
Applejuz, congrats!!! hopefully more baby goodies for u will be announced tonight in PM's national day rally speech!
isaac pronounces "children" as "chiu-learn" or "choo-learn"

husband and i crack up everytime he sings the song "Praise Him praise Him all you little children..." etc
Hi all,

Thanks... haha dunno to be happy or not, but anyway, every little life is a blessing.

My hubby still can joke...
1st child named Keyon
2nd child named Kecia
3rd child...... Ke - "Qia" !
If got 4th..... Ke - "Siao"!
Applejuz.. if the govt announce 13mths paid maternity.. i'll join u for #4.. hehe... COngrats..

BTW, my boy's childcare principle's sister is letting go her maid in Nov. She offered it me but i think i'll stick to my current. If you want, let me know and i can ask her for her sister's contact. She's only willing to transfer after oct/nov cos she's sending her child to childcare liao. She claims that she can read and teach the baby. Filipino with 2 offs a month.
oh u're not in 2nd place after Margie... u're 3rd place!! Someone else is 2nd place and her #3 is going to pop SOON! And she didn't even post much after she had her #2....
who who who... sounds like Liang Po Po

u think who amongst us just had #2? Then who hasn't posted for long long time?
applejuz ...


well ... me oso wan to share that i am expecting my #2 ... abt 7 weeks when i went to check on monday and could see the heart beat. EDD in march.

happy but damn sianz at the same time cos my MS is the same as when i had YC!! vomiting non-stop and excessive salivation =p luckily now got remote access for my work so i can still work at home.
wendyg, wah... i went to read the archive for that loh... skippy skippy.. now i am trying to think how she look..

SeaBreeze, congrats!!
SNG's mummy,
ur boy's cc principle sis is leeting go her maid? Yippee...Yes Yes I'm interested, can pm me her contact?
Timing is good too.

i kno who liao... hee hee ... ya she din post for quite some time lo...

Congrats! So happy for u.... so we're both big tummy mummy next yr CNY.. hee hee
Hope tis time ur MS won't last whole yr! *touch wood*
wah, ur news is v 'ling' ah.
even though she didn't post, u aso noe abt it.

m v happy 4 u. will keep my fingers & toes crossed 4 u tt ur ms is nt as bad as d last time okie.
applejuz, i will speak to her on monday cos me no bring nick to school.. me still on happy mc..
But u ok with the 2 offs a month.. that one she say cannot nego one..

SNG's mummy,
Sure. You can pass to me next monday. I've PMed you my HP number liao.

2 off day per month... hmm, i'm not sure, is it a norm? If she's behaving good, i don't mind.
