(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

To all preggies,
congrats!!!!!! hope you have a smooth pregnancies.....enjoy yah...must salute to you all for being so brave!!! Unless it's accident (i hope not!), dun think i am ever ready for another one.

I was referred by my gynae from MT E to NUH to do the amnio. we used medisave too.....mybe they have changed the policy yah? ?? dun worry, hope to hear good news from you......

anyway, whatever choice/test we make/do during pregnancy is really up to individual. My gf chose not to do all tests( for abnormalities) cos she is really ready to accept whatever comes along......as for me, i dun think i have the capability and the strength to take on the responsiblity, hence i chose to take all the tests.

Actually, no need to waste money if the prob is zero in the family history.

Congrats to all the preggie mothers...May your pregnancy be smooth and trouble free.

Is your gynae Dr Lawrence Ang? I tot I saw you at Sembawang last wed 27 Sep.
party photos,
I still in process uploadg the hi-res photos.. got to do it in batches cos file size too large. Will inform you all when ready.

Yap, I was there! Oh you were there visiting Dr ang too?!?

The NT was done by my gynae. Choose the blood test cos was cheaper than oscar...

passing guest,
I'm with TMC... Dunno whether to try MA this time round or not leh.. But to save trouble might just opt back TMC. What's the sign for 18Mar? I only know ours shld be a piglet in Chinese calender hehe...

Don't think I'll ever feel ready enuff for 2nd one too... So since want a 2nd one, just try and see God's timing lor.. Also hope to do that before turning 35 to avoid the amos test dilema...

nappy rashes:
Anyone know besides nappy what else could cause nappy rashes? My gal suddenly got nappy rashes yesterday starting from the previous night. Tue night she's crying/moaning couldn't get to sleep and next morning she woke up with nappy rash stretching from the behind till infont a whole big patch! It's so painful that she couldn't sit/sleep at all! She'll cry when couldn't sit & play. Poor MIL got to carry her.. MIL manage to clean her frequently and now subsides to a much smaller patch and she could sit and & play. Was so shock and rush to get the desitin yesterday night at 9pm+.
Would any food cause nappy rash? Wonder it's the Angel wipes that she used quite a few pieces on Tue due to abit of diarrhea. Previous week she used a few times but 1 piece each time.. This is the first time she got nappy rash..
Dear mummies,

here's some interesting photos taken during our children's day party. :>

Chicken Littles in the pen

Zephan 'sian za bo'

Cayden:'dun touch herl...'

Cayden:'she's mine...'

YC:'who'll be my date?'

Edna:'Are u talking to me?'

Re nappy rash
could it be due to diarrhea? When HW got watery stool, I will bring him to toilet to wash with water, rather than wipe.
cakey, i tink it cld b due 2 tricia's diarrhoea. use warm water 2 clean her up instead of wet wipes. it helps.
applejuz, nice pics n dialogues! didn't know tht zephan can "xian za bo".. haha.. can you send me the high res pic of that? my email add: [email protected] thanks!

cakey, hmm, shall consider #2 seriously then.
Hi all,

Haven't been posting for a looooooooooong, loooooooooong time already. Went to the wrong thread earlier and was reading all the old old postings, wondering why I couldn't recognise any of the nicks! Hahaha... so blur.

Anyway, congrats to all the 2nd time-to-be-mums! All the babies look so cute!
So fast u r persuade to change your mind already.

Thanks for the pics, here's another version of the dialogue..hyiak hyiak...

<font color="0000ff">Zephan: Look!! Superman!!</font>
<font color="ff0000">The Gals stare: Dun bluff us lah!! U think we are kids meh? </font>
think only mah.. can think seriously for a long time.. heheh...

the 3 kids really look like they're conversing hor? so cute!
Congrats to the 2nd x preggie moms!! Looks like I've not been working hard enough...

Agree with Tingx2. The dialogue is funny and great pix too. Could I have both the pix of Cayden and Sarah? Cayden's expression is so cute...
cat_tail, wendyg,
this time round must learn from past mistake and make hb list down the things he will help out first.. haha

cat_tail, u leh?
Congrats to all preggie mums!!!

when is ur turn? :p btw, Edna is so pretty...she looks like the little cat_tail ler...
When is yor no. 2 coming ah? Heehee..

Ya man, be smart! I have already listed all my terms &amp; conditions for my hubby who wants a no. 2 badly. Even name oso have liao...wahaha..

Long time never see u ard.
Congrats to all preggie mummies..
I also don't have the courage to have another one. Took up too much of my time and sort of jeopadised my work.
And i really miss some 'me' time. It's been work, baby, work, baby.
I've just joined some aerobics classes and it's been enjoyable. Glad that i can take some time to do my own things.
Maybe i'm selfish, but i really don't feel like starting it all over again leh...
Any mummies have the same feeling as me? Or am i the only one who feels like that?

Thanks to small_bell and cakey for those wonderful pictures. Zephan was sooo cute in that pic. Manage to capture the 2 ladies' attention. Hahaha...
haha.. eileenp, the gals were probably thinking "never seen such a greedy baby in our lives!" :p

cat_tail, ur hb so cute, even have the name ready.

eileenp, i think we've been so used to being individual and having personal for the past 20+ years it's difficult to give it up all of a sudden. even now i also feel the pinch. I dun mind going through it again, but must be well supported by network of helpers. actually, with my MIL retiring end of the year, maybe my hb can psycho her to help out a bit.. or am i getting myself into trouble?
eileenp: you are not alone... i like the carefree kind of life.. tt i used to have.. not much responsibilites... etc..etc..

i think one is kinda good enough.. but my dear hb wants a second one too. Am trying to push the topic away.. coz i thought.. wow.. i've just been thru a huge milestone myself!i dun really want to do it all over again. its like a vicious cycle.. pregnant-difficult pregnancy, plagued by morning sickness.... so on.. and so forth....

but nonetheless, congrats to 2nd time mummies! i admire u ladies! really wei da.. unlike me.. i've always feel tt am a lousy and selfish mummies.
Hi Mommies,
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
I am going to let Edna drag the obiang lantern tonite...keke.. it's the one with hokkien music.

He tinks of bb until siao lah.
hi ladies,
I don't think not having 2nd bb now is selfish lar... I've enjoyed freedom for 30+ years already so I can't delay much longer... you young ladies only enjoy 20+ yr leh hehe...

hi ixwong,vone,
Thanks for the advise on nappy rash. My MIL did wash her after wiping when diarrhea... so dunno what happen also.. Still got 2 red patches left. At least now she no longer pain even when washing/wipping the red patches.

hi seabreeze,
I let dd play the lantern in the goodies bag and she love it leh
In fact she got quite a few musical ones but she's scare of them... really dan3 xiao3...
eileenp ...

i think thats the struggle that we have lor ... esp now that the bb are 1YO and we are enjoying 'more' freedom ... its a very tiring thought to start all over again!! For me, I will think abt #2 when YC is 2YO (sounds far but not that far!!) if anything happen before that ... it is ANOTHER accident *faint*

cakey ..

Glad that she like the lantern =)

Me going to bring YC to carry lantern tonight too!!
cat tail
hb says OK to #2 when #1 is more independent. I think that's 18yrs later. hiak hiak.

yeah, for me also work-baby-work-baby, it's a sacrifice la. My personal time is almost nil, no time to do housework also. kekeke.
Today hubby met me for lunch &amp; bought me a $15 handbag. I happy liaoz =)
for mummies, esp christian mummies who wonder why they have children, my friend quoted from a book:

1. You've already been called. (John 1:46-50, John 15:10-16)

2. Many parents refuse the call. (Matthew 22:2-14)

3. No experience required, with opportunities for advancement. (Matthew 4:18-22)

4. The more you learn, the more confidence and skill you'll have. (Matthew 10:1, 5-14)

5. This is a long-term mission, not an overnight process. (Matthew 13:31-33)

6. You will have to make some sacrifices. (Luke 14:25-27, Luke 9:57-62)

7. Be open to change internally as well as externally. (Mark 2:21-22, Luke 19:1-10, John 9:39-41)

8. When you hear the call, expect a blessing. (Luke 3:21-22)

I'm still trying to internalise the lessons.
i'm v impressed by my friend's wisdom in parenting, even though we're of the same age! If i could, i'd probably publicise her blog address here.. :p
Me too, been loitering around for a while too. How's life as a housewife? Shiok shiok??

18 yrs??!!! "lao" liao lah, cannot even lay an egg, how to hatch one? Kekeke
my hands itching for ON spree again! now that i've got the US verification address, can't wait to see if it works! Anyone wants to join me? Collection points at either Tanjong Pagar or Punggol.
i lost my newly bought hp!!!! sob sob...now i am a handicap!!! tingting, i would want to get Cayden another jacket cos the one i got earlier is too small leh....pass it to my nephew liao.... can you wait for me? let me get oriented. Now no phone....and no contact list backup.....

was trying out the downloading and wanted to download the contact list, but decided to do later....now no need to do anymore!!!! sob sob. Once i get a new phone, would need you guys to sms your hp to me.....
Babies are encouraged to tried eggs (must be fully cooked) before their 15th month to make sure there is no allergy. If your baby has never tried egg before, you can start with feeding egg yolk first.
hi tingting,
I'll give the spree a miss this time cos my cousin is coming back from US soon and see whether she manage to help me get anything first.

Can i tong bang 3 items?

Painter Jeans for Baby
Colour: Medium Stonewashed
Size: 12-18m
Qty: 1
Price: US$10.00

Denim Overalls for Baby
Colour: Medium Stonewashed
Size: 12-18m
Qty: 1
Price: US$14.50

Ringer Tees for Baby
Colour: Navy Blue
Size: 12-18m
Qty: 1
Price: US$2.99

Can advise if i should buy a bigger size?
Thanks alot!
yes i was looking at that item too, but no more suitable size liaoz.

depends on how u want the clothes to fit your boy. I'm now buying 2T/3T sizes coz i want more mileage out of them, since isaac is already 14m. I dun mind that his clothes are looser instd of fitting. After all he's a growing boy, dowan to restrict his growth
eileenp, i think kai should get a larger size. zephan looks smaller than kai and he's wearing 12-18M pants from ON. graduating him to 18-24M ones in about 1 month's time. let me know if you want to change the sizes?
hi aidanee, ok! am planning to order tonight cos waiting for eileen's reply and i can't access the promo code in office...

Hi Mummies,
Mummies who place their toddlers with nanny, do you know if nanny has structured program/routine for yr toddler? Do you pass nanny toys/VCDs for yr child to play/watch?
