(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

i need milk,
i've already bought a 2nd sling, collecting today..hehe.. hope it works for me!

my boss also not v pleased, but i thought it's a good chance to see if i'm suited to be a SAHM... hmm, till now my decision is still "no"... boy too "naughty"!

can u imagine that my aircon was on last night despite it being such a wonderfully cool weather?! Cos my boy will still get sweaty when he moves around in bed while sleeping.

wow, lib, u very can leh, somemore 2 meals. when i try to cook lunch, already stress.
tingting, i jus made order for tingkat to come on monday, i've asked for e lunch, so i can eat thru to dinner. where did u get yours n how much huh?

re: mittens
w e feedback, think i'll start to take it off next wk when boy is 6 wks old. btw, how do u cut e nails?? scissors or nailclipper?

re: wat you dress your baby?
jus 2 check on tis, i usually only put on short sleeve shirt for my boy in e day n add on long pants in e nite. he don't sleep in aircon. isit enough now that e weather is cooler. how to gauge if they r cold? he does perspire when hot.

re: nappy rash
my boy kenna nappy rash few days back. how to cure?? its abit swollen now, like got peeling too.
mine is from Jessie Catering. Dinner for 2, $170 incl rice. If hb not home for dinner, usually i'll either cancel or save the 2nd portion for lunch next day.

i use the baby scissors. cut when they are asleep, so they dun struggle so much.

re: dressing
mine sleeps only in t-shirt, always find him warm during night feeds, so reckon he is not cold. I cover him w a cloth diaper though. Sleeps in aircon room at controlled temp 28 deg... like greenhouse hor? :p

re: nappy rash
mine was a bit mild.. can buy nappy rash cream (Desitin - the one w aloe vera). During day time, air his butt (put him tummy down to expose affected area). I use nappy rash cream everytime i change the diapers.
re: nappy rash

use the desitin - with aloe vera ... its good ... my boy had nappy rash last week and after using it for a day ... it showed sig improvement and after 2-3 days ... the rash went off completely ... so now whenever i see his butt getting abit red ... i will put the cream for him

re: dressing

in the day ... we usually just wear a t-shirt and nappy for him ... in the night when we zzz in the air-con room ... we will wear long sleeve shirt and pampers for him ... then i will cover him up with his 'blanket' ... set my air-con at 26 degree ... when he wake up for his night feed ... i will cover his leg with my own blanket ... all the long pants are still too long for him ... oso i will change his nappy once i feel that its too heavy or when he poo poo ... so wearing the long pants q troubelsome for change ...
Re: dressing

in the day, i will usually just dress my baby girl in a short-sleeve t-shirt with disposable diaper. Then i will wrap her from armpit down with a nappy (like popiah hehe). At night, when we sleep in the air-con room, i will dress her in a long sleeve top or 3/4 sleeve top, with disposable diapers, then her from armpit down with a nappy, then cover her with a thin blanket. Air-con at 26 degrees. Later when the room temp gets colder after few hours of aircon being on, i will cover her with another blanket. When she wake up for her night feed, she will be bundled in the nappy i previously wrapped her in, plus a bib. I will use her blanket to cover her legs too..this mummy very KS haha..i rather she feel warm than catch a cold..i change her diapers before every feed. Hence, don't wear long pants at night cause troubelsome for changing...prob when she sleeps through the whole night then start dressing her in one piece PJs.
tingting, seabreeze
where to buy e desitin cream? i'm now using e mustela brand.

another qns on bathing...
1. do u still use cotton wool to clean baby's eyes, how long do we practice this?
2. must we clean the tongue as well?
3. do u wake bb up to bath him, or do u wake for him to be awake? need to have a fix timing for bath? so far, i only bath him when he's awake, n usually do so 1 hr after feed. timings is irregular.

boy is already 5 wks +, n i'm still struggling to learn how 2 take care of him.. seem so incompetent.
Hi all mummies,
How's life doing? I am feeling so bored at home until I am dying to go back to work early..haha.. :p

Re: Tingkat
I order my tingkat from Tong Chiang, $180 for 20 days, cos it's highly recommended by my friend who has been eating their food for 2 yrs! I din bother to try other caterer so straight away I order.
re: dressing
My girl wears t-shirt or romper for day and night. I don't bother to let her wear long pants at night even tho i on the aircon at 25/26 degrees. I just cover her with a cloth nappy. So far, she ok leh. Altho sometimes i find her feet and hands are quite cold..

Re: sleeping thru the night
my girl didn't sleep from 2am - 6am last night AGAIN... she wanna eat, dun wanna eat, kept kicking her arms and legs everywhere.. cannot keep still... aiyoh! Wonder how i go back to work next mth.

Re: Bathing
cookies - no, i don't use cotton wool to clean eyes. never did. Just use a cloth. Don't need to clean the tongue if its not dirty (no thick white stuff on tongue). Usually bb on BM tongue quite clean .. its the FM that causes the tongue to be very dirty.
re : dressing
my boy wears a thin t-shirt and short in the day. Long shirt and long pants in the night.
i need milk-need to cover bb hands and legs if u on the aircon at night. My cousin when he was a baby, his mummy also never cover his legs when they sleep in the aircon room.. now he's 7yrs old, always complain bout leg ache before the rain comes..

Re : sleeping thru the night
my boy have been sleeping thru the night for the whole of last week. don't know y yesterday, he woke up and cry at 3am. gave him milk and then he go back to sleep.. Hope tonight he not like that again..

Re : Poor Memory
mummies, do u guys suffer from poor memory after giving birth? i think mine quite serious leh.. been taking a note book to write down what i need to do and buy otherwise got supermarket that time, keep walking around and cannot remember what i need.. How huh?
cookies ...

me got it from the Mt A pharmacy ... think you can check out guardian pharmacy ... they just changed the packaging ... me was using the drapolene but not as effective ....

re: bathing

we use the steralised cotton wool to clean his eyes with cool boiled water ... my mum cleans his tounge occasionally with his towel ...

we usually wait for him to wake up before bathing him .. these days he seem to know that he will bath around 10am ... so he will wake up at 9am + for feed then wait for bath ...

cat_tail ...

me opp of you .. the tot of going back to work next month saddens me ler ... think i cant bear to leave my bb behind although he is q a terror at times ...

nicky's mom ...

me too ... these day i actually have a book recording down what time i feed my boy ... which breast i latch him on and for how long ... cos i always cant rem which breast to offer him at the next feed ...
Hi everafter,
That's a good deal! $14 per pk! Did you share with the rest? I dun noe whether to buy now cos still got 1 pk of S size & she seems like going to outgrown soon.

Hi Seabreeze,
True, it's quite sad to leave my gal alone but the daily routine really make me feel like ah sor. I dun think I can be a full time housewife staying at home but as a tai tai..hmm.. sounds good. *lol

Re: bathing
I will always use use a facial cotton wool bought from Watson & clean her mouth & tongue. Then use a towel to wipe my bb's face & gently rub her body when I put her in the bathtub.
hi mummies!
how's everyone doing? hope all babies and mummies are happy!
I have not been able to come in so often as Denise has been rather cranky and hard to cope in the initial few weeks...but she is getting better now although she still fuss alot, like what my PD says, she inherited some fierce genes! (not sure from whom )
Her crying can tear the whole block down....heheheh....Miss Leo i always tell my hubby.

re: mittens
My girl still wearing her mittens leh....cos' i find her fingernails reallly long, even i try to cut them, she hate it! so i dare not cut too deep. i realise she start to put her hand into mouth recently and suck.....ended up the mitten wet wet...

re: sleeping thru the night
my baby girl also dun sleep thru the nite, she will wake up for 2 feedings at least, if she sleeps at 10plus which is the last feed, one around 1am and another 4am....3hours apart normally.

re: bathing
Normally she bathe around 8plus or 9 plus, depending what time she wake up for her morning feed. I use cotton balls to wipe her face area. A small towel to wash hair....that's all.

re: dressing
She will wear a top for daytime and a diaper usually, unless got visitor, she will put on the bottom
....i start to change her into long sleeves and pants for nite time, just to ensure she is not cold at nite when sleeping with us in aircon room, she didn't cover with any blanket...Realise she sneeze alot!!!

How times flies, its my baby girl Denise 2nd month tommorow! I am actually reporting back to work next monday but have talked to boss that i couldn't find someone to take care of her now....so in the mean time, i am looking after her at home. Besides that, i simply couldn't bear to leave her with someone else, even my own mother. I just felt no one besides me, will love, take good care of her and always put her in first priority. I couldn't believe that motherhood has make me change my mindset so much and willing to give up so much in life just for Denise. This include the thought of giving up my job in exchange to spend her precious first 2 years with her.....its indeed a tough decision with a long list of considerations, but it would be truly a rewarding experience being a full time mummy to Denise if i could
Even she is naughty, fussy and wanting me to carry/entertain her all the time...i still love her so dearly....

Being a mummy is not easy, like many of you, my typical daily routine goes like this:

6.30am : Bathe myself, prepare breakfast for hubby and myself. Prepare Denise bathing stuffs, chose her clothings, mittens, booties, towel..

7 - 8am : Eat breakfast and feed Denise (if she is crying for feeding!) Watch the "Zao An Ni Hao" to catch some news...

8.30 - 9.30am : Denise usual bathing time, unless she is super sleepy, let her sleep first. So Cookies, i am same as you, my girl bathing time is quite irregular, if after feeding, i wait for 15min -20mins after burping.

10am- 12 pm: Denise nap time if she sleepy
She sleeps from anything between 30mins to 2.5hr which is the longest she goes for daytime.

1pm -2pm : My usual lunch time, will pack from downstairs or whatever is available at home. Then feed Denise if she wakes up or hungry.

3pm - 5pm : Denise feeding/nap time. If she sleeps, i will have time for surfing web or reading. Or simply rest and relax.

6pm : Prepare dinner

7-8pm : Wait for hubby, try to eat together if possible, else i will be feeding/attending to Denise if she is awake and seeking for company.

10pm -11pm : Denise will normally have her last feeding and goes to sleep...unless she is cranky!

My time with hubby is so precious, we hardly have coupletime since Denise arrival, so after putting Denise to bed, we usually catch up with each other, sharing our day
I love evening the most, its the most happiest hours cos' hubby is back and its our family time!
hi cookies,

desitin is very good... i use it on my boy and he never get nappy rash problem... it's pretty hard to get it from normal shop. perhaps you can try guardian. The phacamcy at TMC is selling at $13.20 but I can get it at $11 at my PD's clinic... i will be going down next sat for my boy second injection... if you need me to buy for you, let me know... btw, where are you staying?
hi nicky's mum/seabreeze... same here... also suffer from memory losses after giving birth... guess our baby took all the good things from us and left us with little hee.....any one got good suggestion to improve memory loss... anything vitamin we should be taking to help in it?
hi temple,
i stay in whampoa, but will try to search around 1st. check out watson today, but they dont hv. any ideas where else can find?

bring boy out today to junction 8, quite a challenge especially when he's hungry n e only babycare room is taken up. in e end, hv to rush to a fren's hs nearby to feed him.

re: memory loss
think those gingko supplements is for brain, duno about memory.

seabreeze, y r u going back to work so soon? aren't u on 3 mths maternity?
RE: nappy rash
I used desitin too.. tho find it abit too thick but it works wonder comparing to drapolene..

Re: Dressing
Kylie usually wear short sleeve/tee shirt during the day wif a diaper unless go gai-gai then will dress her in romper. Nite time will be long sleeve wif long pants. my girl herits my hb's sinus so we alt our a/c days liao... haiz..

RE: nails
i trimmed my girl's nails any time of the day so long as she is in happy mood.. sometimes will distract her wif songs/toys..

re: bathing
i still use cotton pad from watson to clean her face/ears & even vaginal agrea..
I need milk
I stay in Yishun. Any chance you will come by this area? Just to let you know that the NAN 1 I have is a small tin (400g) and only two-third left. Meeting up is always a challenge now w baby...

Sure, let's meet up. I stay in Yishun. You? In fact, we should organise another gathering like we did during our preggie time at reenie's place.

you can get the desitin aloe vera at polyclinic pharmacy too.

Re dressing
I dress my boy in a romper and shorts day and night. At night, will add a long-sleeve as cardigan (for his arms) cos he likes the aircon to blow direct at him.
triniti, tks 4 sharing anton's pics.

ixwong, my boy naps 4 abt 4 hrs in d day. abt 2 hrs in d morning & abt 2 in d afternoon. his morning naps r longer, abt 1 - 1 1/2 hrs. guess tat it's coz he wakes u early (7am). but his afternoon naps r veri short, max abt 1/2 hr, then he'll wake up oledi. seems like ur boy sleeps a lot in d day, tat's y he keeps waking up at nite. try 2 keep him awake in d day so tat he can sleep longer in d nite. if not, it'll b veri tough on u when u r back 2 wk.

angel, megan is so cute & chubby.

cookies, i use nail clippers 2 cut my boy's nails. 2 c whether ur bb is hot, i chk 2 c whether he's persipiring. 4 cold, i usually feel his hands & feet. in d day, my boy usually wear overalls. in d nite, we'll change him 2 a shirt & long pants. 4 nappy rash, i use pureen's nappy cream on his butt whenever i c redness. if not, then i dun apply, oni apply powder. on bathing:-
1. nope, we dun use cotton wool liao. we r usually a face towel 2 wipe his face b4 his bath in d day. in d evening, we use a face towel 2 wipe him down b4 dressing him.
2. yes, we do clean d tongue 2 remove d milk stains.
3. we dun hv a fixed timing 4 his bath. usually it's abt 11am after i wake up.
cookie ...

me taking 10 weeks of ML ... started my ML 1 week before my EDD ... had 1 week rest before my boi arrived so only have 9 weeks with him lor ...

re: meeting up

yap we should arrange for a gathering ... maybe first week of nov when all mothers from this thread have finished their confinement ... will be 'fun' with so many babies heehee
the ML shld be 12wks rght? so u save the balance for future use hur?

i take the 12wks plus few 5 days of my AL. so total i take 13wks. will be back to office in the end of nov. :eek:)

hav long no hear from u!! glad to hear tt everythin is copin well! :eek:)

Re : sleeping thru the night
my boy also the same! he will wakeup 2-3times in the middle of the nite for milk.... sianz.... wonder when he will slp longer time... :eek:|

Re : Gathering
hee....is a good idea. anyone can decide where to gather together wit all the babies! i will definitely please to host it at my plc, just tt there is tiz "naughty" puppies at hm, so i afraid some mummy will not like it...

shall we organise it during 2-3wks of December? of any better suggestion?
Hi Nicky's mom,
Ya ya ya! me become very absent minded..everytime i walk into another room to get something, but once i'm in the room, i can't remember what it was i wanted to get..happened like 8 or 9 times already..cham lah like that..
Hi mummies,
Looks like i'm not alone.. Apart from stocking up of FM and diapers, got to also get a few small notebooks.. Haha, then will look funny cos everytime want to tell someone something, will have to take the notebook out.

How huh? looks like cod liver oil etc also not any help.. Any solutions?
re: meeting up
me game for meeting, esp since i missed the last mega gathering! hopefully neighhours won't complain with one baby crying after another... haha!

ixwong, i stay in punggol, but it's ok, i'll try my best to perfect my skills with my newly acquired sarong sling and will be able to go places!

re: baby at night
i'm a mummy, be careful not to overheat baby w too much clothing/blankets.. equally dangerous hor!

re: day off
today had a 1/2 day off from baby duty.. my parents looked after Zephan while me n hubby caught a movie n had a relaxing dinner.. time passes so fast! already made a deal to make it a weekly affair... haha...

bought lots of cds, a storybook n some picture cards to keep Zeph entertained... bcos i'm running out of stuff to talk to him (being a house hermit), and he's being super curious these days..
Hi cookies, frankly the best way to heal nappy rash is also the simplest.. ie. to wash their buttocks with warm water. Then wipe it dry and apply nappy cream. Air it for a while b4 wearing the diapers. It will heal v. fast.

Re: dressing
My gal will be in short sleeves top + long pants over at my mil's plc cos a lot of mosquitoes ah! If at home, will wear only a romper. Nite time will be long sleeve shirt and pants. She sleeps on her tummy next to me and I will cover her with a receiving blanket (aircon rm).

Re: sleeping thru the nite
Think my gal has somehow establish this. Will sleep till abt 6 am for next feed.

Re: bathing
All along only use a hankerchief.
Hi tingting,
hee not to worry..this mummy very ks one..through the night will feel baby at least twice either at the neck or her arm and leg to see how hot/cold her body is and regulate the blankets etc accordingly.

Re:- Colicky fits
My baby girl only has her colicky fits when we go back to my mum's place leh..so far out of her 5 colicky sessions, 4 took place at my mum's place..at starts around 5pm plus, then cry cry cry until we bring her home. When we reach home around 8-9pm plus, then she begin to settle down.. if not, normally at home in the evening/night, she's ok lor..so now i don't know if its colic or she's scared/upset because she doesn't 'recognise' the place when it comes to evening/night time..

also, my girl don't like to be in the car leh..everytime we bring her out, she's ok for the first 10-15mins, after that, she gets agitated, fidgety and will start to cry...sigh..

any mummies facing similar problems?
re: night feeds
i'm somewhat glad that my boy wakes up for 1 night feed, cos otherwise my breasts will feel engorged when it's not emptied after so many hours..
re: day off
got 1/2 day off today but feel quite sad and strangely empty cos too used to having bb around 24 hours with me and then now suddenly she's not around.. like so quiet... i'm beginning to think i should be a SAHM!!

ixwong - yes, meeting up is indeed a challenge these days......... yishun is quite far for me.. don't think i will be passing by that area cos i am mostly at home.
hi wendy, regarding drypro, you have seen S size? I would like to get one cos I tried drypro and is very gd odourless and quite gd adsorbent
re: nappy rash
i've tried to clean with warm water n air boy's buttock these 2 days, cos e rash seem to become worst. so heart pain.
btw, wat could be e cause? isit e diapers used? i've always apply nappy cream whenever change diaper but recently change brand of diaper n it became like tis.

tingting, like u, my breast will engorged too if my boy sleep upto 5 hrs (his max so far).
never go to church ah?
last nite isaac woke after 5hrs (instd of 3) & my breasts were so heavy i got a fright. Luckily he managed to drain 1.. & the other one too when he awoke 1hr later. phew. Maybe later get my mom to give him a bottle, then i can EXPRESS & flatten them. haha.

Re: dressing
am i the only one dressing my boy in sleeveless tops?? he doesn't wear pants unless we go shopping mall or church, where we can't control the aircon. He's v sweaty lah. Kena heat rash when he was 1 month old & doc told us to put him in aircon rm. Siao ah, i'd rather dress him down. Anyways at night we swaddle him, so he's nicely wrapped up - with fan blowing indirectly.

re: cleaning baby
i've stocked up cotton balls to last him 6 months i think. for cleaning eyes, face. Recently bought sterile gauze to try wiping inside his mouth - he doesn't like it!

re: Desitin
can only get fr pharmacy/clinic i think. Punggol has a GP (Blk 198) that's selling it for only $11. NTUC Unity was abt $12?? There's someone in the Marketplace thread that's selling it even cheaper. I came across 2 wks ago..
the cause of nappy rash... infrequent change of diaper - the soiled diaper against baby's sensitive skin for too long, no air coming thru. Before putting diaper on, ensure baby's butt is dry.

hmm. u wanna call directly to enquire? Chern Lon 97656982. He'll provide delivery svc.. i think min 6 packs.
1)have u decided what bank a/c to open for your baby? any recommendation?

2)if we are still bf, we cannot wear the padded bra right coz we need to wear breast pad? but the bf bra does not look nice as it will look crumpled from exterior? any solution?

3)when can we stop using antipetic solution for the bottom wound?
re: (2)
momsinmind sells hard-cup nursing bra. $30 each, it's cheaper if buy 2 or more.
I use Medela reuseable bra pads, they're quite thick so fills up the cloth nursing bra quite well. Of course not as good as the hard cup.
Hi Wendyg,Princessar,

Drypo is diapers by which company? good? where can i buy if i only want to buy one pack of S size to try?
today aiyah, boy boy not cooperative lah.. actually wonder if should just get him there n play by ear what happens...

re: dressing
me also let him wear singlets on some days, and nights too! he perspires easily.. i'd rather put him in aircon cos he gets "sticky" easily...
Hi all,

Something very strange happens ... my baby now refuses to take bottle from me and will only accept breast feeding. This happened after I returned to work. However if hubby or someone else gives him the bottle, he will readily accept it. Wonder why??? Does anyone else experience this? It's so frustrating!
it has happened to me too. I guess this only gives me the excuse to take a break while i let someone else feed my bb the bottle... only problem is when i am alone at home...

guess its like what some pple said... babies knows its us and want the breasts... cos they prefer breast to bottle mah.....
re: 1) Bank acct for baby
my hubby have research & found Maybank & UOB's junior account quite good. got insurance too. u can check it out.

I'll be opening 1 joint acct with baby with UOB, so that to start saving for his future use.
Hi all,

My left breast had quite bad blocked ducts. Some very painful ones even when i touch them. I've tried massaging them with hot towel often but to no avail.
I've had high fever (above 38 degrees) on and off for the past 4 days.
What should I do?
need to clear the blocked ducts... just like how u massage a blue black. I asked my husband to do for me coz i can't inflict so much pain on myself.
as for the fever... i dunno ley. I din hv fever.

Use cabbage. It works magically! Just take a few leaves, mash it, apply around your breast. 30 mins later, remove cabbage. You will find your breast immediately soften.
the last time i had blocked ducts also ganna slight fever. took panadol and use hot towel to massage the breasts. the ducts cleared only after 2 days.
me also kenna high fever abt 39, also due to blocked ducts... massage with hot towel doesn't help at all! Tried the cold cabbage, but still quite painful. Heard tat cold cabbage will reduce ms, so didn't use tat anymore.

Best solution, go see ur gynae... they have a medicine specially to soften the breast and make the milk flow better.... took the medicine 1 day, and ok already...
hi mummies

wat do u do with yr baby when they r awake?
me been talking n singing to my boy, duno wat else can do with him. any advise?

hi cookies,
Maybe you can read to yr bb?

hi hoshi,
long time din see you in forum.. you back to work already? Both me and hubby was busy coping with bb so guess will ret your book maybe after i ret to work? cos by then MIL will help to look after bb

hi ixwong,
What checkup did dr ang perform during yr papsmear test? Yr first menst. came already when you did the test? Do you know is the 6th wk checkup included in the package? Cos I try booking appt but was told again that the test could only be conducted after first menst. But that means i'll miss the 6th week post-natal checkup since dunno when the menst. will come.
