(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

ilmare, my boy who's 7 wks old is taking abt 120ml every 3 hrs.

triniti, d formula is oni a gauge. d best gauge is anton's appetite. dun worry so much.

cakey, tink their's is a course basis. as 4 ad hoc basis, i m not so sure. mayb u can call 2 enquire??

ting, poor u. can understd how u feel. when my boy does tat, i feel so frustrated & tired 2. u take care k.

i'm a mummy, i placed d mobile at d head part. find tat it's easier 4 my boy 2 c.

sorry to interrupt again. Me from OctMTB thread

Would like to find out for those who hired CL from malaysia. is the contract for 28days? If so, if my CL comes on 6Oct (12noon), she should work till 3Nov (12noon) for me right? If her work permit is till 3Nov, does it mean its ok for her to leave singapore on 3Nov itself?
lib ...

me wan to learn so that me can make my boy relax and zzz better at night. the teacher charge you $20 cos its your SIL teacher or is the public rate?

convi to pass me the contact? so that i can call and find out more ...

cakey ...

think better to learn and do it ourselves ... bonding mar heehee ...

re: gathering

when shall we have it ler?
like what vone said.. the formula is an estimation. It helps us to know roughly how much milk to prepare for our babies... however, the final say lies with our bbs!
If they overeat, they will vomit out..

yeah, CL is only for 28 days. But i dunno abt the work permit part.
the last time my hb was sick (he got flu), he also didn't help out. But he was sick for like more than a week! After some days, felt so tired so i ask him to help... so he end up using wearing a face mask plus, washing his hands b4 he help to carry baby or bottle-feed baby. Thank God my bb never got the flu... guess drinking BM helps!
Hi Vone,

My boy is really driving me nuts cos when I am alone at home, I really dunno how to feed him since he rejects the bottle
Anyway, here is a latest pic of us to share ...


I know permit wise its ok for her to leave on 3nov. But the thing is she insisted on leaving on 2 nov morning.
she say that's the day to leave and not last day of work!!! Find that she's trying to take advantage of me.
Any mummies use Kyo cakes for the first month celebration? Am comparing with Melrose cos they increased their cake pricing.
she dont have another assignment. she say thats the practice. i tot of deducting too but then she will say she should get the full pay cos thats the practice.
i need milk
thanks for the formula. guess i am a super ks/worry queen mum!

thanks for the link. i will show my HB tonite. maybe can consider buying. hopefully Kiddy Palace got, cos tat's the only BB store nearby!

now staying at my parents place, after CL left, parents now in-place of CL, cooks and cleans. i am taking care of Dominic full time.

sometimes really frustrating, Dominic will wake up at 6.30-7am without fail regardless of the time of his last feed(be it 5am or 6am) and i really bad mood at that time due to lack of sleep. anyone got any suggestion? i tried to feed him more prior to the 5/6am feed but he can't seems to stomach more than 100ml during nite feeds. but he will drink 120ml or more during the day.
I also have the Tiny Love mobile. Usually let my boy looks at it when he wakes up in the morning, never tried using it to lull him to sleep. Have to try that. At night, I usually rocked my boy to sleep in the sarong and then moved him to his cot after he fallen asleep.
I saw the mobile also at mothercare.

Re night feeding, why don't you try to adjust you bb's feeding schedule to feed at around 3-4am, then subsequently at 6.30-7am. I realise my bb would want to eat once he wake up, regardless when is his last feed. So now I'm trying to set his schedule 8pm, 11pm-12am, 4am and then 7am. Thinking of trying to see if he can skip the feed at 4am tonight....

Re wakeup at night
Mummies, what did you all do if your bb wake up at night but it's not time for feed? Currently, if my boy wake up earlier than his feeding time, I give him his pacifier.
vone, i need milk, am also v tempted to ask hb to wear mask too! but then feel quite bad to ask him to do things when he's already not feeling well.. haiz.. good thing boy doesn't wake up often at night, so i still get a bit of rest..

ixwong, doesnt ur baby wake up when u remove him from the sarong? or maybe i'm too "chor lor" so he always wakes up when i attempt to shift him... :p
This 2 days i let my bb lied on my chest after last feed. He fall asleep very soon. Think less than 5 mins. After that i moved him to our bed. he slept on tummy position. Next feeding same as when he was in the sarong. Found out that he can sleep better compared his normal sleeping pattern.

Re: wake up at night
So far he wake up once, but did twice once a while. If not the timing yet i let him drink milk coz till now he still reject pacifier. If not he'll cry more and more louder.
Hi SSL, re. ur cl, I think it's the norm practice. My cl also says she will leave in the morning on the last day after my breakfast and bathing bb. But she is so kind as to leave later in the day cos I had my gal's full mth celebration on that same day, and she helped me out with my gal while I am bz entertaining friends.. Dun think she's trying to take advantage of u la...
hi psmissyou
Not sure the one at causeway pt is it the biggest but it's certainly big compared to those at Tampines Mall, North pt.

hi lib,
May I have the contact of your massage class? After I started work bb will stay with in-law.. so not sure how often i'll get to massage her. So thot of sending her to some professional one (like mummy gg to spa
). Anyway no harm learning it myself if it's not too exp and too time consuming.

sorry for the late reply. finally manage to get contact tiz CL. she just finished one of her confinement.

fyi, she is ok on the coming Apr-May 06 confinement.

if u r interested, let me know asap ya.

u mean Cl will leave on day 28 itself. Can i also check if its necessary to give another angbao (on top of the bye bye ang bao) if CL here during manyue celebration?

Sorry but dun quite get what u mean by another angbao on top of the bye bye angbao. I gave her an angbao b4 she's due to leave together with her salary. She gave my mil an ang bao for my gal's full mth. Yes.. they will leave on day 28 itself.
Hi Anissa,
Your boy is very cute. Btw, I had the same problem as you. My bb also rejects bottle. If I am alone, I will try to jiggle her while feeding her with bottle. If not, i will ask my mil to help to bottle feed her.

But, be warned. this can get worse cos my bb gal knows all of our tricks to coax her to drink. So, our tricks are getting more complicated like shaking toy to distract her or stand up to rock her..very tiring....

I always scold her for being so naughty.
Hi Anissa,

Your boy is sooo cute! Luv his chubby cheeks. Ya, it's so much fun when baby reaches 2 mths old. They start to smile, laugh & coo back when you smile & talk. Whenever my gal does that, my heart melts & all my "suffering" just disappear. So heart warming~

Hi pinkroses,
Dun scold your baby "naughty", he will know one & may even double it.

Normally when CL comes, we give her angbao. When she leaves, we give another. Was told that if she's here during man yue time, we need to give another angbao.
psmissu ...

the one at toa payoh is VERY BIG ... havent been to the causeway point one before ...

cmy ...

my bb same as you ... like to lie on my chest on his tummy position ... usually put him in that position and he will fall asleep very easily ... my aunt told me that they like to lie on our left side cos they can listen to our heart beat ...

finally me finish my confinement offically today ... my mum wanted me to do a 40 day confinement ... going out to cut my hair and do facial next week heehee ...
thank you ladies! will pop by there once i finish my confinement next week.

btw, does anyone of you buy storage bags to freeze yr breast milk? it seems so difficult to find storage bags now. need to find them before i throw anymore breast milk. (> 48hrs in fridge)
so many brands of milk bags around!
avent, pigeon, gerber... Kiddy Palace, John Little, Robinsons, maybe even Guardian n NTUC. where u live?
hi ilmare,

i think kiddy palace doesn't carry it... u could call to check though!

hi ixwong,

we used to do that too - rock my boy to sleep in sarong! but we not as diligent as you, we don't transfer him to his cot cos scared he wake up & then all our efforts go down the drain! we only transfer him after the next feed at say 1am, when he 'seh' already...
oh yeah, ixwong, i was so impressed by ur boy's looks, i asked my fren to check out his pic! hehehe... she agrees that he's really good-looking!
re: Pram
wat brand did u buy n how much isit? i was given 1 aprica but was 10yrs old, so very bulky n difficult to store in e car. thinking of getting 1 for my boy cos wan to bring him out every wkend. any recommendation for something about $100+.

re: Travelling in car
do u put yr baby in carseat or carry him in e arms?
We dun give her an angbao when she's here. Only gave her one on the day tt she's leaving, also din give her extra angbao for the full mth celebration.
hi ixwong,
yesterday was a nightmare. my mum went out for 5hours and i was left with bb. he kept fussing and refused to sleep. can die, i almost want to strangle him! finally sleep at about 5pm, imagine woke up at about 7am and only sleep at 5pm. left him to sleep on his stomach and he slept much longer.

night feeds:
i gave him 120ml at 11pm, but was a struggle. refused to drink and ended up 4 adults(parents and HB and me) had to coax him till 12.30am! he slept till 5am. think he was too tired and not bcos of the feed.

car seat:
we are getting a car soon (hopefully), wonder if anyone can recommend car seats and what is the suitable age ranges. thanks

i got mine from robinson(centerpt), les bles for about $129. not yet try to sit him in yet will try later. it is double-fold stroller, suitable for infants and quite light, about 3.5kg.
Hi ilmare, how do u make ur bb sleeps? For us, we normally carry her till she sleeps then transfer her to either sarong or bed. For nite time feed, her last feed usually wont finish then she will fuss cos she wanted to sleep! lol!

i will lay him on his stomach and pat his butt, sometimes give him pacifier. trying to train him to sleep without carrying. for nite feeds, he will usually drink untill sleepy.
I'll wait till he's deep asleep (i.e. sarong stop rocking and he does not stir) then I carry him up and tell him mummy is moving him to bed. Usually he will stretch a bit and then go back to sleep. If it's near his milk time, he will wake up but fall asleep again after his feed. His night sleep pattern is changing, he can now sleep for 4 hours or more w/o milk. if he stirs, I will just give him his pacifier and he will continue to sleep until he's hungry....

To put my boy to sleep if I don't use sarong, I will give him his pacifier, pat him for 5 min and put him down to his cot. He will suckle himself to sleep but mainly light sleep, for about 1 hr.
Hi to all mums.

I am a feb'06 mum to be, i would like to know if i can use avent breastpump on nuk/prince/pigeon feeding bottles?

My sis in law is going to pass me down her Avent breastpump and i do not wan to waste $ buy a new pump. But i dont want to use Avent feeding bottles.

Pls advise.

Think your bb might be over-stimulated. If my boy wakes up at 7am, he would want to nap at 9am, then play for 2 hrs before he's tired again. He gets v cranky if he does not get any shuteye....
i bless u
I have seen before adaptors to convert from wide necked Avent pump to narrow necked regular bottles.
Call Avent office to enquire - 6391-9191

keep receipt for the cot mobile... mine stopped turning & Hypermart charged me $20 to get the motor repaired coz i dun hv rcpt... coz it was a gift mahhh, duh.
