(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

hehe joyful.. going by your logic i won't be going back after 7 months liao... :p

for the last week we should be briefing our covering colleagues right? so not really working lah... from next week onwards got to spend time arranging my files so that others can find easily...

For me, my hubby ask me to take leave nearer to EDD on mon, fri, so only need to work 3 days...
at least won't use up leave so fast, and still can keep some for next year...

yah, it's a good idea to take the flexi 4 weeks coz they say take continuous 3 months very sianz at home, and also, might not have the motivation to come back to work... haha...
for me its my mum who encouraged me to go on that arrangement ... she thinks i will go crazy if i stay at home all the time and face the baby heehee
plse take gd care of urself...rest more esplly when u feel tired...

so u takin 8wks 1st then 4wkz later? i was thinkin abt it as well...since i know tat my hub is gog for overseas trainin 1mth in Nov...so no point for me to stay at hm w/o hubby company...;o) dilemma...coz i also worry 2mthz not enough 4 me to recover...i need more rest! more slp... ;p
I thot Mdm Naini is more ex at $450 for 5 massage + 1 scrub sessions?

I will be taking the full 12 weeks, and maybe another 1 month of annual leave (got a lot of leave left). Think it would be more disruptive to the company if I were to be in and out of the office with the 4 wks flexi.
Dear mummies,
just a quick update on tea-party, 2nd July @ 2.30pm:

1) Lib & Hubby
2) Lib's friend & Hubby
3) Christina - Fruit Platter
4) Yvonne-tt
5) Aidanee - Durian Puff/Cake
6) Miso
7) Snoopy - Lana Chocolate Cake
8) Reenie & Hubby
9) Vone & Hubby
10) Maltbibi
11) Everafter_03 - will be late
12) Ixwong
13) Sarah Goh & Hubby

Please let me know if i miss you out OR if anyone else is interested in joining, welcome!

Location: Blk 268B Compassvale Link #10-25 S(542268). Right infront of Ranggung LRT Station, a stop from Sengkang MRT.
When: Saturday, 02 July 2005
Time: 2.30pm till anytime!

If you are bringing food, do update the list. Or you can call/sms me for any new updates : 9743 2309
morning! yesterday went on a mini shopping trip for bb again... shrunk my outstanding list by quite a fair bit..

the shop at chinatown sells quite cheap clothings... starting from $2.. forgot to ask but it feels like 100% cotton. But it's just plain colours more suitable for home wear... also bought my mittens n booties sets. After that, went kiddy palace to buy the bedsheets, pillows n bolsters, though the selection was quite limited n we can't bear to buy the more expensive Disney ones... :p will prob pop by Isetan/Robinsons to buy a 3rd set of bedsheet one of these days...

now only have to wash the clothes n towels, n we're ready to receive our bb boy!

btw, sale at kiddy palace ends today.. but for most items, u can still find them at metro/isetan, which i think are still having sale till the end of GSS.

one question... how do we store the BM in disposable bags? can we just hold it over the pump, but then it won't be air tight? And when we want to use it, will have to pour into a bottle and warm it up is it?
Hi Seabreeze,

Yeah, i guess whether we take ML/AL earlier depends on our body then...cos by then maybe too tired to walk. But what my colleague said is quite true, if there's no one at home to keep u company, it can be quite boring too! Hahaha, it's actually my hubby who encouraged me to take the flexi week....cos can stretch it longer n might be helpful if we r thinkg of BF....

Hi tingting,
U planning to take such a long leave? Lucky u!
Your company actually approved it? I've heard lots of stories abt how emotionally attached the mommies get with their babies that they can't bear to go back to work after ML. So, I can't imagine after 7 mths!

Hey Reenie,
U having a mommies gathering this week? Would love to join in too but got another gathering to go too....i'm also staying in sengkang....at the rivervale side....so can be considered neighbours.
ixwong, oh yah, mdm naini more ex...
i found a cheaper massage lady - mdm jamilah.. she charges oni $350 for 7 sessions, 1 hr each, also recommended by the forummers here. But I'm not so sure how good she is, but she stays near my place, so i think i may try her out.

sorry i can't make it, coz going for my checkup on sat...

where did u buy ur bedsheet from? we really like the baby safe winnie the pooh bedsheet set.. but it's so expensive $129.... not sure whether it's worth it to get or not...

tingting, i was thinking of storing the EBM in milk bottles, so didn't buy any disposable bags. BTW, do we need to boil the EBM before letting the bb drink?... or just put the bottle in a cup of water to warm it up?.... thanks!
hey tingting,

which shop at chinatown did u go to? my fren also recommended me a shop at chinatown...said most things to be cheaper than robinsons/kiddy palace...me buying things bit by bit too...too many things to get....juz got 2 Avent bottles (260ml) from Isetan yesterday....having offer...

hmm....not sure abt how to store in disposable bags. would it better to store the BM in the breast milk bottles instead? think that's what my fren does.....those are also in ready feeding size n can easily juz warm up the milk n feed...which brand of breast pump did u buy? any recommendations?
I bought my cot bedding from Aussino during their sales. Cost $63 after discount for a full 7-piece set. Also bought the extra fitted sheet from them (2 @$18).

Heard many mummies store the EBM in glass bottles. But not sure where to get....do not boil the EBM, heat it up using a cup of hot water, never microwave it!
Hi hoshi, if your EBM is frozen, do not thaw it by putting in hot water. Instead u hv to transfer the frozen EBM to the normal compartment to thaw it. Then when feeding time, just bring out and warm it by putting in a cup of hot water.

Glass bottles can get from hospitals, some do give it away. I also know a lot of ppl put their EBM in avent 4oz bottles and in order to stack it up, they use the sealing discs.
hi hoshi, how many bottles have you got? I dowan to buy so many bottles, so using bags instead.. it's cheaper..
am intending to pump as much as possible before i return to work, so tht bb can have about 3 months' worth of BM when i start working again.. dowan to pump in office... :p Like what ixwong said, don't boil the milk, just warm it by putting the bottle in hot water.. if u've frozen it, do thaw first by putting it in the fridge compartment the night before.

as for glass bottles, heard that we can ask for some at the hospital... but i quite clumsy, so think will just stick to the safe plastic..

ixwong, that's quite a cheap buy at Aussino! Dun think they having sale now right? may pop by one day to check it out..

Joyful, yah, i'm blessed to be able to take extended leave from office... works both ways lor.. when my other colleagues are away we also do covering for one another... i just feel that 3 months are just long enough for real bonding to start... that's when bb starts to really respond to u... how to let go? hehe... anyway, i have no alternative childcare arrangements till next year, so i have no choice actually...

thing abt storing in bottles is that u prob have to buy many, and u have to buy smaller bottles cos it'll be wasteful if ur bb cannot finish a large bottle. Bags allow u to store in smaller quantities in a more economical way. Alternatively, i've heard of pple storing BM in small containers. When frozen, it'll be like big ice cubes..

i bought the avent manual pump. supposedly one of the better n more affordable ones. kiddy palace is having sale at $59, cheaper than most places.
yvonne ...

yap thats what me intend to do ... anyway my boss also happier that i do it that way cos come feb got a mega event ... better that i am around ...

joyful ...

if i take my ML earlier ... will move to my mum's place so that someone can take care of me and standby heehee ... agree that 'dangerous' to stay alone at home ar ...

re: thawing of milk using bottle liner

my fren was telling me that we can thaw the milk under running tap water first ... when the milk is semi-thaw meaning abit like ice-kacang that type of feel ... transfer to the milk bottle and store in the normal compartment ... from there the milk can last up to another 24hr ...
I bought quite some time back, but think the sale may still be on due to GSS. But the designs available could be quite limited by now. You may want to call them to check out first.

I read from the other threads that although technically EBM can be frozen for 2 months, sometimes the "older" milk get a funny metallic taste and bb will reject, end up throw away the EBM. So you may want to watch out for this.
Hi Joyful!

Please...u are most welcome to join us!!!! do ask your hubby along if he is free
u know the way to my place? if not, u can always give me a ring

hi girls,
talking about glass bottle to store our EBM, i know hospital has, but not sure if they can give some to us.

i am using Avent pump so likelyhood will use the 4oz bottle to store, there's a cap to lock it tight before placing into the fridge.
reenie ...

think TMC will give ... cos my fren gave me some after she gave birth at TMC ... but must go and buy the bottle cap myself ... think need steel bottle cap for the glass bottle ...
hi ixwong, in the freezer compartment, BM can last 3 months, and in deep freezer, up to 6 months. The test is if ur ice-cream remains slightly soft, it's 3, n if it's rock-hard, it's 6. Yah, have to test the milk to make sure it hasn't turned bad if kept too long... but dunno whether i dare to try or not...hehe... psychological barrier...
that's great! u mean we got to buy the cap to seal the bottle? but how we do which cap size?? well, it certainly help to have those glass bottles! but i doubt i got so much spare to keep...hahhaahaha...
good mornin all mummies to be...

very pissed off tiz morni...but nvm, tell myself to calm down, dun want to affect bb... ;o) he's the king to me!

anw, i think i will take 2 mthz ML 2. spoke to hubby, he said anythin upto me...(sigh...men r alwaz like tat...)

notice tt, tiz few daez mornin my bb's movements r quite vigorous! hee...can see tummy movin here n there...so cute...
I bought the avent newborn starter kit tat comes with 2 small and 2 big bottles. then bought another 3 bigger bottles. not sure whether it's enough. But i'm only intending to BF for abt 2-3 months. hv to see how. if it's too troublesome to BF @work, i may stop lor... also, dun want to keep the EBM for so long, scared not 'fresh'... haha.. so at most will store the EBM for 1 week in big bottles, then when bb wants to drink, just transfer to smaller bottles lor...

reenie, wat is this 'cap' for the milk bottles?.. is it bought separately?... and for avent bottles?..

i bought the medela mini electric single pump. Heard tat it's good, juz tat it's very very noisy. ameda lactaline seems more recommended, but too ex, coz me only intend to BF for 2-3 months, so no need to invest so ex lor. also not sure whether the flow can be established...
as a cheap alternative, use cling wrap over the bottle n secure tightly with rubberband around the mouth... it's pretty air tight too... i use it to store freshly squeezed apple juice n u can see that there it v little oxidisation...
hi ladies,

have u heard of docs giving jabs to support the placenta and estrogen pills to MTBs at 8 weeks? my friend's doc is doing that... dunno if i suaku or if it's a dodgy practice...
hi hoshi,
the sealing cap comes with the milk bottle if you purchase Avent pump
But for those glass bottles from hospital, i am not sure leh....got to find out from the hospital i guess.
no matter wat happen now, baby is our first priority
hug hug....don't get too upset over things now..take it easy
i got medela mini electric single pump from my fren. is brand new but i still went to buy another set of avent breast pump. so one use it in the office, another 1 at hm. i heard from mrs wong, our antenatal class teacher, she told us to invest in medela isis cost abt 600 plus...so ex!!!
hi joyful, forgot to respond to ur qn abt the chinatown shop. It's at Blk 34 Upper Cross Street, next to OG, above an S11 coffeeshop.. facing the CTE entrance... it opens till 8pm, so can go after work.. they also sell strollers n cots, n provide free delivery.

i bought the "i love mummy/daddy" set of mittens n booties... last time i used to think that i won't buy such things, but now that i'm a mtb, i think it's really cute to see my bb in them..hehe.. n my hb wants him to wear the "daddy" one on his right hand (he saw bb suck his right thumb at a scan once n thinks he's right-handed), so that he'll always "tell" pple that he loves daddy when he moves his hands...
i bought the same set as u! ;o) i think is quite cute...esplly for bb to wear it...

ask u, can u see ur bb's hand n foot print on tummy?
Dear mummies,
just a quick update on tea-party, 2nd July @ 2.30pm:

1) Lib & Hubby
2) Lib's friend & Hubby
3) Christina - Fruit Platter
4) Yvonne-tt
5) Aidanee - Durian Puff/Cake
6) Miso
7) Snoopy - Lana Chocolate Cake
8) Reenie & Hubby - Drinks, Almond Jelly & Longan, Chicken Pie
9) Vone & Hubby
10) Maltbibi
11) Everafter_03 - will be late
12) Ixwong
13) Sarah Goh & Hubby

Please let me know if i miss you out OR if anyone else is interested in joining, welcome!

Location: Blk 268B Compassvale Link #10-25 S(542268). Right infront of Ranggung LRT Station, a stop from Sengkang MRT.
When: Saturday, 02 July 2005
Time: 2.30pm till anytime!

If you are bringing food, do update the list. Or you can call/sms me for any new updates : 9743 2309
Hi ladies, today is a fine day.. hope u guys have a good day..

Yvonne, wat happen to u.. *hugz hugz..

Agreed wif tingting, it wil be more economical to use milk bag to store our EBM then to use bottles.. And more space savings as well..
reenie ...

my fren gave me the address to buy the steel cap ... will check it out and let you know ...

yvonne ...

my hubby oso had no comments ... ask him wan stay with me at the hospital anot oso dunno ... thats why till now haven't decided 2 bedder or 1 bedder ...

ting ting & yvonne ...

me bought the same set of mitten oso ... oso bought a shirt and pants with i luv daddy & mummy for my ds ... teased my hubby that machiam we scared that he will not luv us like that so from young must keep reminding him ... heehee
my hb complains that there're more "I love mummy" designs available, n when it includes both, mummy is always mentioned first! haha.....
Anyone bought the raspberry tea? I've bought 1 packet from MomsInMind and started to drink 1 cup daily for about 1wk+. But not sure is it too early too start? Also i find that i've loose stool recently not sure is it due to that leh..
I quite like the smell and taste (like chinese tea if w/o sweetening) so quite enjoy drinking it together with hubby each night
hi tingting,

yeah, agree indeed it's a blessing to be able to spend at least 1/2 yr with your baby....we really need to treasure those moments....

thanks for letting me know the shop...think it could be the same one my fren was referring to....yeah, i got the same mitten/bootie set as u too!

hey reenie,
thanks for the invitation....not too sure if can make it cos got to go to a fren's new place at 3pm...
Hi Musicgal,
Yes. Doctor do that for some people. but generally, I know for problematic/not naturally conceived preggies they do that. Suppose to provide them with more nutrients.
I think gynae normally only give folic acid unless there are complications.
Hi joyful,
hi musicgal, i was given hormone pills during my early preg as i had some blood clot ard the sac, and it caused some pain (like menstrual cramps). doc was worried may suffer fr miscarriage so gave the "an tai yao" until the clot disappeared. i think jabs are for those more severe cases like bleeding, etc who may need more bedrest as well.

hi tingting, i bought those cute booties/mittens as well, couldn't resist them. it's much smaller than those i bought at chinatown shop, so shd fit NB bbs better..jus washed the bb stuff, find everything so small and adorable..can't wait to see my bb in them
hi samantha and timie,

thanks for the info! it's not an assisted pregnancy case and she hasn't experience any bleeding nor blood clots yet the doc gave her all that so my friend has decided to seek a 2nd opinion...

hehehe... i must confess! i have a pair of those 'i love dad/mom' mittens too!
hehe... think most of us bought "THE" set of mittens n booties... maybe next time we can bring bb out together n all will wear the mittens n booties...
Hi Yvonne,

Cannot leh..i only see her moving here and there, and a bump here and there, but can't see if its the hand or foot..i heard some mummies say they can see a hand print or foot print? i can't leh
you can see?
morning mummies!!!
its friday!!!
Looking forward to evening...hahaahha....and of course Saturday to see some girls!!!

have u dream of your baby look before? ever since you are preggie? i have! few times...just few days back i saw her face and i was carrying her in my dream.....hahaaha...she didn't inherit my double eye-lid but got a pair of sparkling eyes
she looks pretty small and wearing a pink cap on her head :p

i can't tell whether hand or leg as well :p just saw the wave movement and bump too. My mummy told me she can see my fist when i am in her stomach!!!! amazing....
good mornin everyone!

finally weekend is just ard the corner!!!! YeePeE! ;o)

same here...can only see the movement from left to right quite vigorously nowadays....but cant tell which is which.... ;p wonder when can we really see bb hand/foot print on tummy! ;p i saw it b4 last time when my ex colleague preggie...so cute... hee....

i only dreamt of my bb few daez b4 i know im preggie.....but not bb face... bb was wavin at me n said " hi! mummy! " ... hee....
morning gals! TGIF!!

abt dreams... i only dreamt of the delivery process... and it was amazingly painless! like just go into hospital n then bb came out...haha.. wish it were so easy in real life!

last night saw bb's fist punching my tummy... a small round ball protruding out.. think not easy to see handprints cos bb's hands are usually clutched.
good morning to u! wow..u got 6 sense! :p i wish i hear my girl calling me..hehehe..now looking forward to her arrival

that's great! u saw the punch? so cute! have u tried sayang bb and normally my bb will response by making some movement, i love it!
morning ladies ...

so far can only feel my baby on my left or right only ... but his kicks are quite strong lor ... my dad says that he playing soccer inside thats why heehee ...
not 6 sense lar....maybe i was keep thinkin of havin a bb, tat'z why i dreamt of tat... hee... ;p

btw, sorry to tell u galz tat, i cant join u galz for tom gatherin... tho i really want to go!
remember to take more pic to show me oke!
