(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Hi reenie, din see u in msn.. so hv to post here. I can't make it 2mlr for the meeting as ds got viral fever ytd. Hope to catch up with u all some time soon again!
hi reenie,

me oso can't go tomoro cos i've to attend a wedding in the afternoon, followed by a dinner..haiz..so sad dat i'll miz all the lovely food..
hopefully i can attend the next one..
oh dear, seem like many of u gals not joining the gathering.. *sob sob..

tink can oni wait till after birth then can mit liao
No problem, just come ok? Your hubby is more welcome!!!! cheers.

do take good care of ds, no worries, i am sure we will have another chance to meetup

are u yvonne?? sorry my msn is down presently, cannot connect and have limited access to internet cos' i am running into meeting session. Thanks for informing.
Dear mummies,
just a quick update on tea-party, 2nd July @ 2.30pm:

1) Lib & Hubby
2) Lib's friend & Hubby
3) Christina - Fruit Platter
4) Aidanee - Durian Puff/Cake
5) Snoopy - Lana Chocolate Cake
6) Reenie & Hubby - Drinks, Almond Jelly & Longan, Chicken Pie, Cupcakes
7) Vone & Hubby
8) Maltbibi & Hubby
9) Everafter_03 - will be late
10) Ixwong
11) Sarah Goh & Hubby

Please let me know if i miss you out OR if anyone else is interested in joining, welcome!

Location: Blk 268B Compassvale Link #10-25 S(542268). Right infront of Ranggung LRT Station, a stop from Sengkang MRT.
When: Saturday, 02 July 2005
Time: 2.30pm till anytime!

If you are bringing food, do update the list. Or you can call/sms me for any new updates : 9743 2309
Hi all,
Yeah... it's Friday... FINALLY...
Have missed so much of your postings...

I can feel the bb's kicks at my belly button area most of the time. Wonder what position is he in. How come kicking in the middle of nowhere. Hahaha.
I once dream of bathing my bb also. Can't really tell see the face. Quite blur.

Nowadays, I dunno if i stand too much or what. My thigh became really hugh and crumpled. Wonder WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!!!

Can't stand the look of myself in the mirror anymore. *sniff*
yes.... btw, if i can go, i will ring/msg u 1st... ;o)

all mummies 2b...
hee...think we all hav been thinkin of bb to much... tat'z why we had all these weird dreamz... haha...

same here... i dun like my legz now... tiz few daes i can see the swell at my feet and my handz will somehow feel numb early in the morn....i will ask my hub to rub rub or massage my fingerz b4 he goes off to work... sigh....
any idea when can get good n reasonable price for high chair, walker and bouncer?

all u galz r waitin to receive tiz as a gift?
hi gals, did u all watch a video on delivery process during ur prenatal class? i was quite horrified that the vagina can open to be so big! not really sure whether i can tahan the pain.. for those who are considering no-epidural, can give some words of encouragement??

the instructor is quite a matron-like person, and quite stern also.. like no-nonsense type.. and she's a lactation consultant... oh no, think i'll cringe when she does her rounds when i'm there...

btw, went ward visiting yesterday as well... find the 2 bedded room quite small.. may consider a 4 bedded instead, cos no matter whether it's single bed, we are still allowed day-time rooming-in only...
suggest you wait for your frens to give you as gifts. They will likely ask you what you want, more useful than those usual gift sets.

Tingting, which hospital you choose?
Dear Mummies!!!

Here's the photo of our Tea-party


Ladies, Left to Right:
Ivy, Ixwong
Esther, Snoopy
Yvonne, Vone
Maureen, Reenie
Rykiel, Lib

Gentlemen, Left to Right:
Reenie hubby
Vone hubby
Christina hubby
Ixwong hubby
Sarah hubby
Lib hubby

Pls. provide your email addy for orginial size
Forum got restriction leh.....only 50k allowance!!!
Thank u so much for all the fun and laughter at the mini gathering session! Please send my warmest regards and thanks to your hubbies too! Think we are too busy chatting and laughing away until no time to take photos
Luckily got a pict!

Also, thanks for bringing all the yummy food/fruits over!

Its great seeing you all
Let's try to have another one after our precious babies are born! Cheers! <font color="aa00aa">{{HUG</font>}}
Oh wow! All of u looks so pretty leh!

Btw, reenie and christina still looks so slim and tummy not v. big.

okie.. will try to join the gathering with all our babies!
Hi Reenie,

Many thanks for your hospitality. we had a great time chatting and sharing experiences. It was great to see so many MTBs gather together and have fun.

Take Care &amp; God Bless!

Sarah &amp; Hubby
[email protected]
gd mornin all mummies!

wow! seem like i hav miss the FUN gathering! ;o(

All mummies attended the tea gatherin...
ohmigod! everyone of u still look v slim!!!!

u r the slimmest among the all!

wow...ur tummy getting bigger hur!!
Morning mummies,
Looks like everyone enjoyed the gathering. Hope i can make it for the bb gathering the next round...

You are so slim! *envy*
Hi Reenie, thank you for your kind hospitality and realli nice to mit up wif u gals &amp; yr hubbies..

my email is [email protected]

As shared wif the rest last sat, went for my gynae checkup last sat, doc has said that my baby is now about 2.5kg, and as per my gut feeling, based on his experience, my bb mite come out earlier b4 my EDD... prob will become a jul babe.. hehe..
Hi ladies,

Nice pic! Looks like you had fun during the tea party!

I was in the hospital visiting yesterday, cause my sister-in-law gave birth. When i looked at the babies in the baby ward at TMC, all of them so tiny and beautiful. And while i was looking at the babies, my own baby was kicking in my stomach, and i was overwhelmed by the whole pregnancy thing. I still can't believe that something so small and perfect will be coming out of my stomach soon! I never felt this way about babies..until i'm a mother now myself..then i find the whole reproduction thing such an amazing feat of nature..sigh, i'm getting melodramatic kekeke

btw, any of you signed up for cord blood banking? can share what's the diff between Stem Cord and Cord LIfe?
hi ladies ...

wow seem like the turnout at the gathering was good yeah .... too bad i had to attend the anenatal class at 4.30pm ... if not will def make my way there for the gathering ...

both christina n reenie are so slim ... envy envy ...

wow Lib so you might be the first one to pop soon ... exciting right ....

mummytobe ...

me oso looking at it ... dunno should sign up anot ... my gynae passed me the one from Stem Cord ...
hahahha seabreeze &amp; miso, dun envy...i just weighed myself last night. pre-pregnancy weight: 45kg. current weight at 30 weeks: 60kg! im ballooning super fast, doesnt help that i need to eat 4-5 slices of bread every morning! The mummies2b almost fainted at reenie's house when i confessed that i'm so addicted to carbohydrates
Hi lib, v exciting right? hehe.. have you done your packing yet? i think i should pack already, cos these 2 days when bb moves i can feel my bladder being pressed upon... think he has moved lower down already... how fast did ur bb grow? at my check up 1 week ago, bb was 1.8kg... dunno how much he'll weigh next week, which is my next appt...

yesterday had a demoralising session by my relatives again...they are all telling me that me n my hb won't be able to survive confinement period alone... n my hb got to demoralise me further by refusing to help with the ironing yesterday...
christina ...

you look fine really ... but guess thats alot of bread you are taking every morning ... your baby like bread ar ....

tingting ...

if both u n hubby have already made plans and are prepared should be fine lar ... or get someone to standby like your mum or MIL? just in case ...
wah, u gals seem to enjoy urselves at the tea-party. guess I missed out the fun...

lib, wow, july bb?... means u r the 1st to pop and it's less than 4 weeks to go!.. 2.5kg... seems quite big already ya?...

seabreeze, i have booked the hospital already.. shld be getting my admission letter next visit@ 35 weeks. dr cheng says next visit must do vagina swipe....
gals, hv u done it before?....
haha... im 60 kg now in my 30wkz! ;p like wat u said, im also ballonin very fast after the 20wkz... hee....gotta control a little bit of my diet liao... dun want to look too chubby on myself...esplly can tell from my face!

my next visit is 16 july which will be my 32+wkz too.... cant wait to see how'z bb growin... btw, can i ask u what is the last lesson abt for last satudae? i missed the lesson... overslpt! ;p

think u r not.... coz i hav the same thinkin as u... but guess most of the mothers to be here... ;o)

hav u prepared everythin like bb n ur stuff?
Hi Lib,

Wow, 2.5kg is big hor? how many weeks was that? 36?

HI Hoishi,
I think should be the same as what happens during pap smear and vaginal examination? your gynae will use this metal thing to clamp open your vagina, then use a swab and scope down there...
skippy10, seems like our EDD is close. when is yours?

tingting, not to worry. most men change when they become fathers for the first time, esp if you're expecting a daughter. bb gal usually brings out the feminine side in men. so i believe your hubby will eventually help u out during confinement. i've seen the 180degree change in my friends' hubbies after they delivered bbs. my hubby has never lifted his finger on housework before, so i'm oso hoping to c the change in him after i give birth. cheer up!
serene, welcome! when is your edd?

mummytobe &amp; hoshi, the procedure sounds painful leh, sounds intrusive oso. every preggie needs to go through that?
Hi Christina,

Think so. For the first three months of my pregnancy, my gynae gave me vaginal examination with the scope, cause my baby very low, she can't see from normal tummy scan. She had to insert the scope in to check on the baby

Its intrusive yes and quite uncomfortable, but not painful lah. Just like your annual pap smear scan lor i guess..and the metal clamp feels very cold haha
oops pressed enter button accidentally.

anyway, as i was saying, for the last few weeks of pregnancy, think they will do vaginal examination also to check on the dilation of the cervix etc?
me, u, seabreeze, aidanee and ilmare edd is the same! ;o) 11 September.... ;o) if im not wrong, we are now just enter our 30.1wkz right?
skippy, that's right!!! Sept 11. what an coincidence. this week will be our 30th... about 10 weeks to countdown

serene, which hospital have u chosen? all prepared for bb's arrival already?
mummytobe, i've not done any of these vaginal examination before... so scary...
heard them say tat the cervix check is more painful... the vaginal swab is to check if we have any infections coz bb will pass thru this channel during delivery.. is the results known immediately?

seabreeze, my checkup is always on sat, so no need to take leave. somemore my 1st day of last period was also saturday.. thus, easier to calculate my bb's growth... always exact on the weeks. me gained another 1kg weight, dr cheng asked me to maintain at this weight gain till deliver....
now 61.6kg liao...
Hi Hoshi,

I haven't done the vaginal swab yet. Me now 33.5 weeks..when is the vaginal swab done? my next visit in two weeks time

think i'm the worst of all the mummies here hehe i put on 14-15kg so far
christina, my delivery will be at thomson medical hospital. Almost get ready all the stuff needed
&amp; had prepare all the neccessary stuff for my little prince.

hi christina.. thanks for your encouragement... me expecting bb boy... so daddy is a v important n influential role model for him... not that i'm perfect myself, but wouldn't want him to learn some of hb's bad habits...

re vaginal swaps, i thot it was a simple using cotton bud to go round the vagina area... still need to use clamps? i'll be having such checks from next visit onwards... hope it's not painful... i hated the vaginal scans during my first few visits to the gynae... was so glad when i could finally do the scans from the tummy...
