(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

i disagree with your IT person if he's talking about broadband wireless.
Yes, previously when i was using broadband 'dialup', will need to login.
Ever since, i upgraded to wireless, what i just do is to switch on the machine and wah-la, i'm online!

adora, ohh...u better now boh?
u didnt BF still pump out rite? they said milk will increase everynow n then

jane, ohh...singnet which one u r using? comparing price looks like starhub very competitive but got to buy the modemn rather ex lor $99.23 but the $2.50 plan sounds good
it certainly feels great. but abit bored at home also. nothing much to do. will be gg out soon. take it as my last few days of freedom before bb arrives !!!

it's abit sayang to take leave. i also feel so. actually yday i still undecided to take or not and hubby leave it to me. but i feel so lazy to go to work liow so i just take. take it as a short break before becoming full time mum lor.

anyway ur EDD later than mine. u c this sat, wat ur doc say. maybe u start on monday also can enjoy a few days before bb arrive. provided ur gal don't pop these few days lah hee hee ...

actually i find starhub not bad. i think the promo for free laptop over liow. i choose the free router package. we just need to plug into our cable outlet which all new flats have then can surf liow. but it's up to you. compare the prices of different provider and see which 1 u comfortable with....

oh dear, must be feeling sucky. take care ok. don't worry so much. concentrate on getting well. really not ez being a mum. u must hang in there.

ok gals,
i gg out to makan. chat with you all again when i'm back.
shane, ya tat i agree lor but at the same time like wat my hb said wat if my boss will take this chance to sabo me by saying i didnt teach the gal well leh?

yalor got to waste some more $$ tis sat again...sigh...most likely i will go ahead with the leave on mon lah

i find starhub one ok also esp the one i mentioned $2.50 cos im not a frequent user. dun tink i will be using internet everyday also. ohh...ya the free laptop one is over...gee how i know my hb dun mind getting broadband...gee...or maybe i just wait a bit longer :p
yes, based on the site i given, the wireless modem is free. got a wireless modem free when i upgraded too. discuss with your hb on which offer to take,
, i think he have a better idea than us. Like for my hb who is usually prefer pac net and always aiming for those unlimited plans.
jane, hahaha...my hb wont know all these things cos im more particular than him :p im discussing with him tonite n see how it goes since it will be a long run thing
C section w pain aso ah
I tot c section not as pain as natural
jus bk from c gynae
tin I aso need c section cervix not open
Feeling better now, fever subsided. Now need to clear the blocked duct, ease the engorgement. yes pumping milk, hope ss won't drop. Might have to combine BM with FM if ss no enuf.

yes feeding bb formula now, hope he still want BM after I recover.

Feeling quite bad. When I look at my bb, I just feel like crying coz mummy can't give him milk!
Not even dare to carry him coz I am having fever!
My coy allows me take ML any time even b4 give birth.
Cookie yr hubby nt bad volunteer do hsewk my hubby rather get a maid he so lazy
I wan c section 2day and he dun wan I really hv no idea wats the diff w do 2day and nx week since already confirmed c section
so nice u all hv MIL 2 help. My MIL not only not helping even ask me go employ maid & confinement lady as if we kn hw 2 print $
The cost for GA and half body is it the same? I hv not decided 2 use which one.
GA is full body anaesthic rt?
for side effect wise which is better?
bery sian feel like giving birth 2day liao after gynae say must c section. Nx week I gona try insert tablets for cervix softening if cannot then c section really dunno y so ma fan and my hubby wan me go thru it. I rather do c section 2day then try all means 2 give birth naturally
dunno, half body heal faster than GA i heard. Anyway, c-section can choose. Maybe gynae wants you to wait to still try natural birth.

as for bathing, my MIL bathe bb in my bedroom toilet on the floor in bathtub. Then quickly carry her onto my bed and change and wipe. So far so good. Make sure all windows close and fan off before you bathe bb.
adora, no worry just be calm cure ur fever n engorgement. it's ok to combine as long as u still bf ur bb...jiayou
i thot u go give birth liow hee hee ...

u confirm Csection ? how come so fast decide ? cannot wait till EDD ? u still got time ley, maybe bb will arrive naturally ley?

for me i prefer epi Csection cos closest to natural birth, can hear bb 1st cry and hold bb once bb is out. hubby can also follow you and witness the birth.
tt true lah but if u boss want to sabo you, anytime also can sabo u when u on ML. sigh ... working really sien, got to think of so many things...

wat is the $2.50 plan u talking abt ? Actually it's gd to get unlimited access cos once u have broadband, can do alot of thing, download stuff and surf the net and no need to worry abt the cost. u discuss with hubby and c wat's the budget. get something u're comfortable with.
don't feel bad. sometimes such things just can't be helped, you already tried your best. as least you're still perserving on BF and didn't give up.

did u check with doc if u can con't BF ? if can just con't pumping then u can give bb EBM and sup with FM, at least he's still getting BM.

once u recover can latch him on again. don't worry abt him rejecting ur breast cos from wat i understand if latching has been establish, all babies will prefer the breast to the bottle.

you take care now and concentrate on getting well. gd to hear that your fever has subsided.
tt's how i intend to handle my bb's bathing also. as long as keep bb dry and warm after bathe shouldn't cause bb any chills.
Dunno, u still have time n chance for natural birth. U may not need caesearean after all, by next week. I choose epi-C, like wat Shane says can hear bb's 1st cry.

Shane, enjoy yr precious last few days!

Adora, dun give up on bf. Meanwhile, pump out to maintain supply. Now have to rest n get well.

Oki gals, I chat with u all next week after my long stay in hospital. Til now, I can still feel my bb's stubborn head, so definitely tmr's caesearean for me.
Hi Gals thanks for replying but like what my gynae say this week and nx week no diff. Most prob aso c-section. No dilation and cervix not soft so hw 2 natural birth. Drink so much rasberry tea aso no use

Cookie aso due nx week but she gg c 2day so may b is our gynae feel no diff. 2 us quite sudden lor coz we nv expected c til yesterday.
shane, i guess tat's working life lor
anyway im still at work today. last nite i had very bad contractions after work but after an hr gone liao...chey...so disappt again.

btw...the $2.50 per day also broadband just tat i got to buy their modemn at $99.23. last nite didnt discuss cos im too tired liao
hi gals..morning..
so excited.. tonight i am gg to be admit into the hospital schedule for tomorrow's caesearean..
Btw, i am opting for GA am really terrified of the OT.. useless hubby also..haha..

Anyway juz pray tat all will be fine .. bb & mummy safe & sound.. Now left with my last few hours of freedom muz enjoy today before i admit myself this evening.

dunnno, u r still a week towards your EDD why dun you tell your gynae to wait till the EDD? My case is the same as yours, 0 dilation even at EDD hence my gynae advise no point induce & try for natural birth den go for emergency-c section coz its very high chances for me that i will have to go thru emergency c-section & unjustify for me if i were to bear the labour pain for several hours den in e end c-section. My suggestion is to wait till EDD before you decide coz there's still a chance whereby baby can come out natural before EDD.
Morning gals !

Looks like alot of us in same situation. waiting for natural but not happening. i also no action ley ! tomorrow gg for check up again. just pray and hope cervix got dilate somemore, if not my chances of hvg Csection is there also. i'll discuss with gynae cos i don't want to go thru 2x the pain and cost incase induce then no successful then Csection also.

it's friday liow ! so just look forward to monday...

don't so disappointed, who knows bb might pop over weekend. these few days i also not much contractions. i don't think so much liow, wat will be will be ... only sometimes when i wake up at nite, then i hope water bag burst, but bo ley hee hee ...
Serene u same as me? Cervix not soft and no dilation even baby engaged. Gynae aso tell me no point go thru 2 types of pain.
GA hubby wont b inside leh and GA will be unconscious for hw long?
Thanks for yr advise
The thread so quiet today.
Shane but yrs already dilated so dun worry.
Serene check w u, did your gynae try 2 place something for yr cervix 2 soften and dilate b4 asking u go C? So can give birth after EDD? Yr EDD is 15 and 2molo is 18 June liao.
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>06/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>06/07/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>08/07/2005</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
no news from bbluv, i think she pop liow hee hee .... must wait for her birth story ...

my dilated but must be able to dilate somemore. if don't have also no use ley... like u say cervix too hard, very hard to dilate. sigh. anyway at the last visit gynae say will induce by wed no matter wat... must c my little gal wants to come out before that or not lor, everyday i just hope and hope she wants to come out naturally .... but still no signs....

GA i think will take a few hrs to wake up, not so fast one. then after wake up also abit blur blur... at least tt's wat i encountered when i go for mine wisdom tooth extraction
ur 2.50 per day means unlimited access for that day is it ? u got use on that day than u pay ? if not no charges ?
hey von,
i went to check out the starhub web and read abt ur plan, it's the flexi one rite. not bad ley, no contract and pay for wat u use and it's unlimited for that day... quite gd. only thing is got to buy the modem. like very ez to set up also. u can consider lor.
dunno, ya same bb engaged but no dilation yet.
my gynae did not place any pills to soften the cervix i think that pill wud be meant for inducing ardy rite? not very sure.. but i dun have.
Ya, depending on the bb size &amp; bb in the placenta if all is fine its ok to go pass the EDD for a week or one &amp; half week. But your gynae muz advise you on tat coz i understand there's a validity on the placenta if too long there might b insufficient oxygen for the bb.

Shane, wow at least you got abit dilation is enuff for me to envy liao.. Me same like you ..always wake up in e middle of the night hoping water bag burst..not nope.. its always nothing.. no show also..sian!!!! but since you have dilate before your EDD i think your chances of natural delivery is very high. One of my cousin when to induce when she was 41 weeks she was only 2.5cm dilation but she managed to go for natural delivery..so yours shld be alrite.

Hey i din noe cookie was schedule same day as me in the same hospital .. maybe i can see her there..hahaa
dunno, ya i forgot..
for GA, after the op, the nurses will wheel you to a resting area for awhile den push you back to your ward. you will slp for abt 2hrs i guess... Meantime they will clean your bb &amp; feed them if i am not wrong den when you wake up you can see your bb liao..

Ya GA, hubby cannot go in .. but its ok la.. anyway my hubby also dun dare to go in ..he scared of blood smell...useless rite...hahahaa
oh your bb also engaged ah. gd ley. mine is not engaged yet. hopefully she'll engaged lor, then easier to give birth.

thks for the assurance, really hope can natural lor. but up to this stage already, i also don't think so much liow, be it natural or csection as long as can see baby safe and sound and soon ! can liow ... getting abit tired of the whole pregnancy already. everything is ready for her, just waiting for her to arrive. have even set up her cot already
hi ladies....im going to see my gynae later cos got water flow out but not a lot. anyhow bb's movement also reduce so might hv to get ctg chk ltr n also if really needed will be admitted today...i will let shane informed then she can update u

meanwhile...all take care cos i wont be logging on for some time
yes..so envy von!!!!
we all wait untill neck so long also no water no show... hahaha....
take care &amp; keep us update!!!! Good Luck!
shane, dun wori i think your bb should be engaged soon.. mine was only engaged at 39 weeks.. notti boy!

Ya same, yesterday his dad make his bedsheet liao..
spread his pillow &amp; blanket nicely waiting for him to come home sweet home..!!

in the hospital duno can opt for half BF half FM or not leh? or gif him FM first den go hm i gif him BM? Wonder the nurses at MAH nice or not... scared scared scared!!!!
Now I'm expressing only to empty milk from the breast....DR said I can't feed BB. So had to express n pour away. Heart Pain to see the milk goes dwn the sink!

Hi Gals
Be patient...sure your bb can't wait to see mummy n daddy. Guess if we don't hear from von she might be in delivery suite liao.

For GEH, they have half BF n half FM. BF BB during day time, then FM at night. Coz my first few days really no milk...nothing comes out...just let him suckle in teh day to stimulate milk flow. At night really no choice but to give FM becoz he cries so loudly.
hopefully lor, but last check at 39 weeks+ still not engaged.

your bb will be home soon ! u and hubby can start countdown liow.

yup can partial BF. half BF and half FM. just tell the nurses your request. i think they'll ask you also.

hey don't scared. i have heard very gd reviews abt the nurses from MAH. they are nice and pro BF. so no worries.

oh no, quite wasteful hor. nvm think +ve, hopefully this will help you stimulate more milk flow when you're well. look on the bright side. most imptly is for you to recover so u can go back to BF bb.

ya counting down now.. i juz came back fm salon..
Went to wash my hair &amp; blow nice nice..haha... wonder when will i b able to wash my hair again..

Tks for the assurance, ok i will tell the nurses my request.

No worries ya, ur EDD tis Sunday who noes bb ardy engaged now.. haha..

Adora, ya dun be upset once you recover liao u can start feeding ur bb again..

Ok gals, logging off now.. hubby's home to bring me go kai kai before hospital ..
Will share my birth stories once i am back!!!
u gd huh, still can go salon and blow nice nice hee hee ... gd lah, pamper urself abit.

ok waiting to hear ur birth story soon ! take care.
afternoon ladies!

don't worry, my colleague had been telling good stories since his wife gave birth @ MAH
Shane, Serene
Ya now taking this opportunity to rest...so can recover fast!

Only manage to pump out 60ml each time...bb now taking 90ml...my supply kind of drop after the medication. Hopefully my milk supply can increase &amp; meet up to bb's demand!
adora, my fren also had fever but dr said she can cont to bf, not sure why... maybe different medication. don't worry, keep pumping to prevent engorgement and keep the supply going. at least your bb will suckle, mine still dun want to suckle as she is real impatient and also, she still can't latch on. i just have to pump and bottlefeed each time. used to pump only 10ml for 30 mins but as i increase my pumping frequency, now can pump max 60ml. Yesterday whole day didn't pump, kena engorgement and pump out 70ml... record for me! now pumping while typing.. hee.. we just got to keep the flow going and be more hardworking. i understand how you feel abt wastage... i also very heartache when i once accidentally knocked down my pump and spilled 10ml of bm... wan to cry... it is 30 mins of hard work.

serene, von and cookie, can't wait to hear your birth stories....

shane, don't worry... your turn very soon... maybe this weekend. : )

babyluv may have given birth liao.. no news from her.
sure can one, just rem demand = supply. so just keep pumping and latching bb on, sure can meet demand.

hopefully lor
will keep u all updated.
hi ladies,
just to annouce i have delivered on 15 Jun afternoon to my bb girl. my brief birth story:
- 2.30am waterbag burst &amp; vv mild contraction
- bath, went to coffee bead for sandwich and headed straight to hospital.
- nurse checked and said only 1cm diluted &amp; may have to wait for another 10 hours.
- called covering gynae (as my gynae still overseas) and gynae ordered to speed up contraction by putting on drip.
- nurse said once drip is admin'd, contraction will be continuous and vv painful so asked if i want to take epidural first. i said no as wanted to see how bad is the contractions.
- after abt 1.5hrs of drip, contractions vv bad. nurse came again and asked if i can carry on as it would be 8am soon and the docts that adminster the epidural may be vv busy with operations and i may have to wait up to an hour is asked for it any later.
- i gave up after another 10 mins. nurse called for the dr and came within 10mins as he was just near by but leaving soon.
- gynae came to check after 2hrs of drip and only 2cm diluated and said that i would take another 8hrs to fully dilute as est'd 1cm per hour.
- after 3hrs, gynae came to check again and was surprise that i have diluated by 8cm and would be ready in another hour.
- nurse came and told me that they will prepare and get me ready to push in 1hr time.
- after 1hr, midwife &amp; gynae came and asked to push with help of vaccum. within 10 mins bb out.

that moment when bb is out is priceless so enjoy every bit of it ladies.

thereafter i suffered from the side effect of edipural. giddy, vomited for next 5hrs. couldn't even get up to see bb. i really salute those who can take the pain &amp; deliver naturally with epidural!

i am also trying to bf which is tough and depressing especially when bb loss too much weight. hence decided to go on mixed feed.

will update again when i can. good luck to all.

congrats Cherry!! Wow! Your pushing is fast... only 10mins. Good for you.

Sorry to hear abt the side effects of epi. As for me, i shivered for a while and my bottom half was so numb i couldn't urinate, so kena tubed to the unine bag till the next morning.

Indeed, after seeing your princess, all is worthwhile. So what's her name?
