(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

maybe ur contractions would hv helped to open up further. see this sat checkup.

huh, don't understand your boss thinking ...

ya she trying to 'encourage' my cervix to open. after she do that, i can feel some contractions. hope it will help me to deliver naturally lor.
i just scared if hv to induce then also nvr open up then need to go Csection liow....

shane, it has been 2wks...im really very disappt so i dun want to pin too high hopes liao. even if the contractions going to be super pain i will choose to ignore unless i can see tat water is gushing out instead

precisely...she hor just want a 'clean' record. can u imagine just now she talked so loud to the temp gal i got to chk with the temp if she wants to cont working or not. in fact it will help her a lot esp she's a student if she 'learn' something here of cos not fm my boss lah...hahaha...

she asked the temp isitz she has another offer before coming here n want a higher pay before agreeing to work here...gosh...wat a qn to ask when u desperately need someone to work for u

if it will help in tat then maybe it's good lor but like nvr heard gynae will do such a thing leh...lucky urs a lady as well :p
same here, very scare of knife :p
i think your boss will allow you to change the AL to ML when the times come. Or maybe, you can start the ML right after AL (not sure myself whether this is possible?)

yah loh, when a colleague today says i'm lucky to have both mothers on board in place for CL, i don't think so.

see 'red'... is it those little spotting or continueous like menses? Are you ok?

that sounds very painful... trying to stetch it open... that's not so good, not natural. Does it really 'encourage' opening for cervix?

had to bring work home last night as i have presentation today to the project team on how to use 'a certain tool?!?!!??? had been pestering bb to come out soon (by walking more), so i can hopefully get out of this torture soon.
Dunno & Shane, I was put on CTG the last time for 30 mins, was charged $30. So 1min $1..... gosh!

Shane, cervix check sounds so scary. I do not need to go thru any, thank goodness! U take care, n monitor the bleeding.

Dunno, with a maid, it's easier for yr mil to take care of bb fully. My mom also hinted to me on getting a maid.... but v ex leh. Then hubby said he'll do housework. But I'm not too pleased with his standard leh... hehe...

Von, must u first determine how many days of AL to take? Can yr company let u activate yr ML the day bb pops out, n the few days u take before that considered as AL? This is so unpredictable, think better get the company to give u in black n white before u take leave unless it's already in company's policies.

Saintbaby, wat Jane Tan mentioned is true. Normally, those pp bopian than use GA, if not most will b advised to be on epi.

Jane Tan, after hearing from u n Wynnie I'm feeling alot better abt caesearean.
Do u get to breastfeed at all for the first three days? Wat's the frequency? I'm afraid if doc dun let me get bb to suckle, it'll b hard for me to keep up my milk supply.

Jane Wsj, how terribly inconsiderate of yr colleague!! Already with the discomforts of late pregnancy, now u're dumped with more work, I can imagine how fuming u'll b! Can u push back the work to him? Or otherwise, let yr boss know u're doing extra since someone's not willing to do so. That's why it's good to take early leave, otherwise pp jus throw u shit, w/o a single regard to yr condition.

U poor thing, still gotto clean up the bathroom. U staying with MIL? I'll also b v fed up if I were u. Sometimes pp try to help, but make matters worse. Or level of cleanliness not up to my standard. This forum is an outlet to air yr frus, complaints watever, no good to bottle up.

I guess my temper is getting worse n worse. Just now, I was at SAN bookshop, borrowed 4 books. First, frustrated with their slow service n the cashier's blurness - can mistook VISA for NETS!! Reached home only to find out she overcharged me. V fed up lor!! I can't imagine if I am still working now, how bad my temper will b!
jane, nah my boss wont allow to use up AL then take ML if i understand u correctly.

gee...both mothers? i will choose my own mum

cookie, i already told her i will take 2mths but she suggested i take 2mths + 1-2wks. precisely lor...i really hate all these kinda arrangement, wont it be easier if i take adv ML

ohh..u also not working now? today again i also very frustrated...gosh...duno wat happened to us hor?
Von, true lor the 1-2 weeks u can take adv ML, easier to count also. Dunno y yr boss so problematic one, how clean does that make her record?

Hopefully, our grouchiness stops when bb pop out!
yah loh, don't understand why your boss ask this kind of question to the temp...
But, your temp is staying, right? i think for now, can't really care too much who will take over your work during your absence, the ball's at your boss's court.

hmm, you understand correctly. so, it is your boss not being flexible :p feel that it is matter of days, it is still better than to spend the AL then to let them forfeit it.

i prefer my mum too!
at least less 'guidelines' to follow because she didn't bother to follow herself when was her turn and less surprises like this laundryroom/bathroom incident.
Jane Wsj & Von, same here, I'll prefer my mom anytime. But for fairness n to give my mom a break, MIL will b doing confinement for me for two weeks. Like Jane's mom, my mom is not particular abt many things n she's good at keeping house clean. MIL on the other hand, came to my house the other day, n already suggest alot of additions. V scary lor... I really dun like my house to b cluttered of things. Moreover, she insists I bathe herbal water. I really dun wish to.... how to turn her down huh! Already my bathroom v small, now hv to fit a huge tub of herbal water.... how can i move w/o banging into anythg in my toilet......
Well, have to torerlate your hubby's standard of housework for a while, he have to start from some point, which is much better than not bothering to start doing housework at all; after much 'coaching', he will eventually learn how to improve 'the skill'. That's how my hubby & i learn too.

My MIL came anytime she likes as she lives next block and esp now she scared of living on her own after my fil passed away about a month ago, now more frequent without sign/warning. really don't know whether i'm frus or just merely doing what was necessary before someone slipped due to the water retention in the bathroom. Was even jokingly telling my hubby there must be a very heavy rain before i come home (which he was surprised because our bathroom never have any records of rain splashing in!) but was sure i was shocked when learning the truth.

workwise: Made some contingency plans with superior as we can't really overrule that particular colleague as our 'rank' is kind of low in the eyes of the manager, even told him, that i wanted to take AL in advance, he have no comments as long i can finish up his stuff.

Agree with you and von, it is not just temper, emotions as well. Easily break down (besides the point being frustrated), less patient, is it our homones doing tricks on us?
cookie, just now i went to chk with my boss asked her wat she actually wants...she said i can just go then record on a piece of paper...hahaha...then hor she said must pardon her cos she cant visit me at the hospital.

ya i hope so too...i just want to be my own self i hate been so angry for nothing

cookie, ya hor forgotten u r a teacher :p

ya our mum needs a break but too bad lor i still prefer my own mum's cooking :p so she die die got to do for me...hahahaha...my MIL already said she duno how to cook so best is to get a CL if not my own mum. the herbal water is really good for u so bear with it alrite

jane, yalor my boss asked some more ridiculous qns.
ya she got to if not waste my time teaching liao...i care lor cos i really very scare to clear shit when im back
hahah, hope your boss mean what she says! it definitely sounds much more easiler to record on the paper.

Same here, my mil tend to suggest "this and that" while my mother just take it as it is and work around it. tat's why sometimes, i just ignore everything and go back to my room or kitchen to do my things.

Talking about bathing:
Have a funny question: How many of you will be bathing your baby in the bedroom (suggested by my mil again)? Just noticed that baby bathtub comes with a plug nowadays! I do not have the space in my bedroom for an extra bathtub and risking my floor getting real wet (laminated florring)
jane, hahaha...ya lor she always like to say things very easily then when do tat time..tsk tsk tsk...

tat's y i got those tub w/out the plug. cos mine also laminating flooring...
hmmm... anyway, those tub w/out plug is cheaper, still considering whether to bath bb in bedroom or use the bathroom.

Just that i might be risk knocking myself with the tub if i put in the bedroom (because we only left the border for walking around the bed thanks to the designers of that hdb block!)
Jane Wsj, yalor hv to tolerate my hubby's low standard. Everytime teach him, he still go back to old ways.

Haha... at least I dun feel so alone that MIL is always suggesting extra stuff n adding more things. She also suggested bathing baby in the bedroom, somemore must put the bath tub on a raised area, for instance on the bed??????!!! Yes, my bedrooms r all parquet flooring. I intend to use the free bathtub that Mt A gives - w/o the plug. I think she doesn't wanna squat that's y lor!

Even washing nappies, she got me two pails n said that my hubby will have to drive her maid 2-3 times a week to wash nappies. She says she can't do..... (or dun wanna do huh...)

I understand this kinda hierachy thing, cannot challenge one, must work round it. So jus hv to tahan.

Von, yr boss so farnie one, dunno for real or not! Jus do wat she says lor, record on paper definitely so much easier!

Lucky yr MIL opt out say dunno how to cook, otherwise u hv to suffer under her cooking.
hi gals, i'm back fm my check up liao...
Still no signs of contractions & doc says my cervic still 0 dilation. No point for inducement too coz i will end up in long labour & emergency c-section.
Final conclusion, having a c-section this coming sat.. kan cheong kan cheong..

Thks to the post on many details on c-section, felt a little better.. but felt a little dissappointed that i cant go thru the natural delivery... sigh....
Hi gals,
couldn't log in in the pm cos was tidying up my work. tomorrow finally on ML. the fact of being on ML hasn't really settled in, can't believe soon i'll see my baby, lastest by next wed.

that means wat ? ur boss still want u to take your AL and record on paper ? y like that ... sigh...anyway she happy can liow and most imptly is u can go on leave. so when u gg to start ?

don't get too disapointed abt not dilating yet. it's very hard to say whether bb will be early or late. all along i also thot my bb will be early. who knows till now also no sign. we same same lah, can wait together ... hee hee ...
for now, just enjoy our life first....
jane, cookie,
i'm ok. no more bleeding. i think due to the cervix check. but been feeling crampy on and off. hopes that helps in dilation ....

not sure if it'll really 'encourage' opening or not. i just follow wat my gynae say since she supposed to be the expert. i'll see her again this sat to check if i got dilate further, if not she'll 'stretch' again and wait till wed to induce. *scared scared*
re bathing baby
come to think of it i also don't know where to bath baby. i think most logical is in the bathroom ? But don't have raised platform so means must squat. not very convenient hor. maybe bring small table into toilet ? at least if water splash ard still not so bad....

re hubby doing hsewk
my hubby std also not up to mine std. i think men are like that, not tuned to do hsework. everytime i see him do, i must learn to close one eye, if not i got to redo everything again
But now with the p/t maid is gd lor, no need to do hsework for both of us ! hee hee ....
wow.. shane finally on ML after tomorrow..
It must have been a relieve to you, finally dun have to wake up early to work and can have plenty of rest ..

ya finally the big day is coming we can all see our bb by next week liao..
I will be admitted this sat so by next week i will be able to bring my bb home.. Gona set up his bedsheet tomorrow... happy!!!
wow ! so you'll see your baby this sat ! excited ? will u be opting for epi C ? finally the waiting game is coming to an end for you. I heard Csection very fast, done in 1/2 hr.

don't think so much abt the method of delivery lor, really beyond our control. most impt is baby and you end up being safe.

must share with us your birth story ya

seems like there'll be quite a few new babies this week. Rene and babyluv also scheduled for delivery this week... if i didn't rem wrongly...
ya finally lor. hope my bb will arrive soon, so i can spend more of my ML with her... but will also take the chance to really rest and enjoy my last few days of freedom before becoming a full fledged mum

sat will be here before u know it. must go and eat watever u want to eat and do watever u want to do before sat ! enjoy !

Ya.. very excited.. & a little mixed feelings too..
Abit worried abt c-section, but i will be opting for GA coz i am really terrified of OT..

Its really a pity i cant hear my bb's first cry or go thru natural delivery but ya lor.. so long as mummy & baby is fine i think its alrite.. hee...

Heard a lot of storries on c-section like cannot slim down fast, the recovery is slow.. wound is very painful .. bleed alot ..all these are really frightening me off....

We shall both share our birth stories soon...
Ya agree you must enjoy and relax before full fledged mum, i had my fair share of one mth freedom.. hahaa..

Yesss... these few days muz go eat whatever i wan, juz order the 933 golden pillow curry chix.. yummy..
It's ok. just opt for watever u're comfortable with. no pt gg with epi then u freak out in the OT then even worse....

No lah, u read so many +ve stories here abt Csection, so don't need to worry. wound will definitely hurt but it will get better as time go by. even if go by natural we also got the epitosomy wound to take care of. so either, we just got to be 'wounded' and suffer the pain

Yup. think most of the mummies in this thread will pop all abt the same time cos our EDD all very close...

Ya lor.. Juz dun think abt it so much & get myself mentally prepared on sat.
The thought that i will be able to see my precious one on sat is enuff to cover all the fears.. I think thats the power of Mummy!!

I am still experiencing BH contractions ..duno whether will i pop before sat haha...
Ur EDD is this Sun, excited?

Hey if i din remenber wrongly babyluv is going to be induce tomorrow rite.. havent seen her this 2 days wonder if she pop liao?
serene, don't feel bad that you can't deliver naturally. when you see your bb this sat, all is worth it. most impt thing is both mother and bb are healthy. as for me, wound healed in a week and menses not much... stopping soon... think gynae will clear most of the bloody stuff before sewing you up. Actually the OT is not scary one...at least the one in TMC. They use a huge cloth to block your view, so you can't see or feel anything at all and then you just hear the 1st cry. But really up to you. if you decide to choose GA, like what Shane says, whatever is comfortable for you, just go for it.

cookie, if you opt for full breastfeeding, the nurses will bring in your bb every 3 hrs for you to bf. sometimes if bb is sleeping, then they will tell you and ask if u want to wake the bb up for bf. i told them not to... and i can rest too! it's impt to learn all the bf skills while you are in hospital but also impt to rest as much as you can before going home.
hi jane,

thk god & this forum that there is someone i can seek advice 2.. U r very brave u opt for epi C i think i cannot.. natural delivery doesnt scares me .. OT does... hee..

Is there any risk involve in c-section? how is the cut isit big? Were you put on drip & hw do you go to the toilet after the c-section? can come down the bed on your own or not? Gosh.. i am asking so much questions.. coz it all came too unexpected for me....

Btw, r ur going to count the strokes for your bb's name? i went down to jin zi long today.. seems like not bad.
hulo gals,

pai say to intrude ..
I'm also c section, & i bathe my baby by placing the tub on the toilet bowl (closed cover of cos..) As my toilet bowl 1 side is near to the wall & the other side (the left hand side) is a small passage to the bathing section, so i put a stool (those normal ht 1) on that side to support the tub, so tat it wont topple.
I sit on a stool (normal ht 1) & bathe my baby.
If ur toilet bowl is at the centre of the toilet, then u wont need the stool liao.

Hope my description not too confusing..

Btw C section better dun squat. think 6 mths .. better play safe..

wow so fast, u gog to pop soon!

Remember to update us when u pop, k!
Finally my DH is back from his business trip. Its been really tiring to do housework & cooking all by myself for the past 2 weeks. Now I fianlly can push it to him... :p I'm also excited my sister is coming on this Thursday.

The internal checking is really pain rite, especially when Dr finger doing some action inside. I also experience some heavy discharge with abit of blood after that day.

While we dilating, does our BB moves lesser now? My BB only moves when my stomach scream for hunger or when I need to pee, other than that, he been really quiet. So far I experience BB's stretching and some stomach harden(not tightening & not painful), I haven't experience dull backache or pain contraction or the need to pee every hour... hmm.. does that means still some time away even thou' I have dilating? I now trying to neg. with my BB to come out on this Sat or next Mon. Hopes he will cooperate.

I was given GA for my thyroid operation in 2002. And frankly speaking, the after-effect is terrible. I have vomiting feelings and been giddy for the whole day and no appetite. 2nd day is better and can really feel hungry in the morning coz' haven't take any meal since after the op. That means, 30hrs already.
Oh, my BB's godparents are helping us to go to Jin Tong Zi to count my BB's name. Still waiting their news....

Goodluck on your Fri C-section.
hi Serene, feel free to ask us questions. Will help as much as i can. You will be put on drip and urinary bag after op, so don't need to get out of bed at all. Your gynae will come and visit you the next morning and he will decide if you should be taken off the drip and urinary bag. e nurse will ask u to try to pee, if you can, then no problem. not sure abt any risks for GA and c-section. But epi, one side effect is cannot urinate. 1 in 10 kena this i think. it happened to my fren and she got to discharge w the urinary bag n after a week at home, she managed to pee on her own, then bag was removed.

e cut was not big, just small bikini cut, hardly visible if ur dr skill is good. my fren had her c-section done by laser 5 yrs back and therr was no stitches, just laser back, so no scar. i wonder why we are not given this option nowadays. Maybe no more laser c-section already.

For GA, like what anns said, you may feel more giddy and nauseous. may be on drip longer and may not eat so soon. bb also sleep longer since goggy. heard it's more painful for ga when anathesia effect is gone. Remember to ask for painkillers if too painful 4 u. i asked to bring back some home too.
jane, u can choose to put a cloth/floormat below the tub to prevent the stopper fm coming off.

cookie, hopefully wat my boss said it's true lor but hor she very fickle minded woman.

ya really lucky she didnt want to cook if not i will surely die liao

shane, precisely lor can go can liao i dun care AL or ML as long as the records are clean n she dun come n bother me. initially she said i can go today if i want but looks like it she prefers me to go on mon only so better play safe lah dun want her to hv a chance to say me

nah...i put all these behind me liao. last nite i was talking to my bb telling her either to come out last nite or dun move so much so that i can sleep n indeed she was rather quiet last nite...hahaha...ive a peaceful sleep at last

rene, all the best to ur c-section today!!!
put bb bathtub on the bed?!?? getting the bed is worse off getting the wooden flooring wet :p
my mil suggested on the the floor because she does not trust the stability of the stand (for putting the bathtub).

but, on the rate your mil adding the number of pails/tubs, i think you are really running out of space to 'store' them... as you mentioned, our toilets (and bedrooms) is very very small, such that we only left walking space for one person.

Don't be disappointed. think on the bright side, you will be seeing your new-born latest by end of this weekend
that's what i always think, logically should be bathing in bathroom so, even baby wants to play with water (in terms of splashing the water around), then, at least i don't have to wipe dry the floor (and the bed). but mil says, it will be faster if bath in bedroom, so can wrap up the baby ASAP after bath without catching cold.

thanks for the description on how you bathe your bb
think i might adopt your method, my toilet bowl is near a partition (for bathing) and the basin platform, so hopefully the slot is big enough to fit the bathtub.
If you can pop naturally before this sat, isn't that gd ?! Just keep fingers crossed.

Yup EDD this sun. kinda look forward to seeing my little gal. but also scared scared, don't know i know how to look after or not

When i'll deliver will depends on my checkup this sat. If still not dilating, sigh, will have to wait till Wed already unless spontenanous labour happens within these few days. but so far no action, but i experience some staining this am, think due to the cervix check.
great to hear that you hubby is back. So no worries if bb decides to arrive any min now hee hee ...

yea man, the check was really painful. the normal one was ok, but when there was action gg on in there, woah, pian man !

our bb does move less now cos lesser space in tummy. but so far my bb still quite active. sometimes my tummy becomes odd shape.
sure will update u gals ! now just waiting n waiting ...

in that case then bo pian. anyway today thurs liow. u only left friday, countdown ! countdown !

but once u go on leave then we can't chat with you liow
must keep us updated when u pop hor. sms me !

ya i think bathroom the best. for me i didn't think or worry abt bb catching cold cos can bring in additional towel and once done with bathing then quickly wipe dry, wrap up bb and bring to bed and change. not too difficult esp when our bed not so far away, i believe few steps only since bathing in mbedrm toilet....
actually epi Csection is the closest to natural birth, if you're gutsy enuf to go thru' it. If i happen to have to choose Csection, i'll go for epi also cos i'll want to hear my bb first cry and see her immediately when she arrives. Of cos, i think i'll be scared also, but my hubby can be with me and i can't see anything with the cloth infront so i think should be ok.

If GA it's almost like an op, can only see bb when u wake up which is a few hours later.

anyway just my own opinion. most imptly is wat u feel most confident and comfortable with.
Looks like we have a number of babies popping this weekend
getting excited.

i agree with you! the bathroom is only few steps away from the bedroom, and it is not that we will carry the wet baby out of the bathroom, of course we will dry the bb before coming out.
hi gals..morning..

Shane, thks for the advice..
Ya, i think i will discuss wif hb & decide on whatever we are most comfortable with..EDD this sun, you muz be feeling very anxious.. i remenbered when i was close to my EDD i was very excited too.. hee.. standby for action. Yesterday & today tummy feels very tight & little backache.. guess could be due to uncomfortable sleep posture.. Anyway still keeping my fingers cross..if i can pop naturally before sat hahaa
Will definitely share my birth stories with all of you.

Jane Tan, thanks for the valuable advice.. least i will be mentally prepared what to expect on that day. Am afraid that if i am dizzy or put on drip i might not be able to have the strenght to carry my bb. Anyway, will take a step at a time i guess...

Jane, thks for the encouragement..Ya, least i will be able to see my little prince by this weekend.

Anns, thks for your advice too.. wow your hubby came back liao u muz be very glad.. least there is someone to keep you company & share your housework now..
then how ? will ur mil interfer with your way of doing things ? i think bath in bathroom better. if not wait bed/floor wet wet ...

ya lor, keep wondering when bb wants to say hi to us ...
shane, ya lor now doing count down. my boss is asking me am i coming tmr

ohh ya u remind me liao im suppose to chk the broadband...which service provider better huh? most likely i will get internet access then can chat liao lor...kekeke...yap i will keep u updated...but u too alrite cos urs is tis sun wow...at last liao rite?
my mil will definitely nag non-stop. but, what i would plan to do as final resort is to chase her out of my bedroom, lock door and do whatever i want.

so, what did you reply your boss?

my superior is starting to 'panic', asking me to give him 'report' on what is still outstanding everyday before i leave office... heh heh heh.

don't worry
i think they will remove the drip once you are conscious and able to move around without any problems because you can eat on your own.

As for dizziness, read from somewhere to avoid carrying baby standing up, regardless method of birth.
hee hee then how ? u gg to work tomorrow ?! take lah then idle at home :p

for broadband, i'm using starthub one so far so gd. sometime ago, they have promo, sign up plan can get free laptop i think. I didn't compare the prices of singnet and pac net so not sure.
quick quick go set up then we can chat liow kekekekekeke.....

ya this sun is EDD but nothing happening ley. my mum say sunday gd lor when i told her it's father's day so maybe she'll like give her daddy a present ha ha .....

cool ... ha ha ... but ur mil will face black black or not ? :p
i'm using Singnet wireless broadband, usually their first 6 months have promotion price, that's why during first trimester when i'm kind of 'confined' on my bed, my hubby bring in the laptop so that i won't get too bored staring at the ceiling.

hee... in the matter of fact, my mil is 'black' in complexion (because of her father is a indian)... can't really tell whether her face is black or red

seriously, of course she'll be unhappy, but for a while only, just have to 'hee hee ha ha' with her to smooth out the relationship afterwards.
mine also wireless. like the convenience of being to surf everywhere in the hse hee hee ..

hee hee, u noti noti huh ... lucky ur mil don't come into the forum. interesting, means ur hubby also got indian roots ? cool ....

ya get wat u mean, must pretend nothing happen and be nice all over again keke....
Anns & Von, thanks for yr well-wishes! Really excited n anxious to see baby, finally. Anns, good that all yr help has arrived. Yr house will b v 're nao'.

Jane Tan, I'll keep yr tips in mind. Will try to be as hardworking as I can about breastfeeding.

Shane, u finally on leave today! Doesn't it feel so good?

Jane Wsj & Shane, I agree with u that best to bathe bb in mbedrm toilet n dress bb up in mbedrm. Wun make a mess with water. Mayb can try twinklets' method, put bb tub on top of toilet bowl.

Serene, all the best for yr delivery this Sat. Watever method, GA or epi not impt, bb healthy most impt. Choose wat u r most comfy with.

Babyluv, I hope u r doing fine. hmm... mayb bb popped out liao....
jane, wow...u can do tat to ur MIL? most likely i will shut myself in my own room

i told my boss yes lor unless my gal choose to come out tonite

my boss kept nagging today...gosh...our ears going to burst, the temp gal also buey tahan her. other ppl's fault but yet kept screaming

i chk with my IT person, he said singnet got to log in password n kinda troublesome so he said starhub better lor...

shane, me find it sayang to take leave leh :p most likely i will still come to work lor...if not like wat my hb said she might find this as an excuse if the temp gal still duno my things

i went to chk no laptop leh...they giving out either monitor or pocket pc but most likely i will take the cheapest w/out freebies

tat's wat i told my hb...at least this year got father's day present.

cookie, kekeke....ya lor very excited hor...must prepare urself n chk make sure everything is in order

Hi Gals
Went to see Dr today, running high fever due to engorement! Now cannot feed bb BF liao
as I am on medication.

Scared when I gets better, he rejects BF. My bb's appetite is real good...also scared later cannot meet up to his demand. He is drinking 90ml, where got so much milk ??? My best record only manage 100ml in the morning, the rest of the day is 80-60ml.

Next time when u gals BF must be careful, must adhere to the 10-15mins per breast, then slowly build up. I see bb so hungry so feed him longer, ended up with sore, craked nipple, now engorement!
