(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

I realised that last weekend so I migrated everything to SLIDE. If SLIDE also got problem then I faint. I realised I have 60 slides there.
Nowadays I try not to make slideshow (no time to do also), I just make simple collages.

I remember Ash was a big baby. You eat a lot may not all go to didi. I ate a lot during pregnancy and all stuck to me. My two gals both didn't hit 3kg at birth. Maybe didi will catch up after he is borned. Heard that boys grow faster.

<font color="0000ff">Blog Backup</font>
I read before somewhere that some photobook company can convert blogs into photobooks. But video clips...
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Oh is it? Ok, I go check my bb feeding book too.
I tried the food cooked by my sis' CL, like very bland leh.
Hey Mummies,
Ask you about sterilising bottles for newborn.

1) Do you sterilise after each use?
Or only once a day and use whole day? As in just wash and use.

2) Pump leh? Also sterilise after each use?

3) When you stop sterilising bottles for bb?
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Don't worry about didi's weight. JJ was born 2.6kg and he is doing fine.
He put on a lot of weight during the confinement month. Hee.
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
Same here nowadays I hardly use Slides already. Unless really alot of pics. U v gd, still can do SB collages! I duno how stable SLIDE is .. anw we just be prepared bah. keke..

I really v sian to know my bb boy is so much smaller. cos when i was having Ash, by 36 wks, my gynea can already tell me that bb is gog to be big, min 3.6kg. I guess I just cant fact the face my #2 can be so tiny as compare to my giant Baby Ash.
As for ur statement on most weight goes to the Mummy, wow I hear liao , I also v sian. ahahaha!!

<font color="ff6000">TL</font>
wow i duno some photobooks can be so high tech.

Hmm as for ur quesions on the above, I think I'll ask u again when u got the answers from other mummies. HAHAHA!

JJ really grown so chubby after tat, wow! As mention to Caymom, I just cant face the term of it. haha. Think I abit crazy here, dun mind me, I'm bored at home now, so alot of babbles here.
I just hope my bb will be like JJ too, can grow bui bui fast.
<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
1) I sterilise after each use. Ang mo only do it once a day. But when I am outside I just wash and use.

2) I also sterilise after each pump.

3) Still sterilising since it's still working.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Joelle born 3.36kg but now skinny like a bamboo.

Jerrell born 3.35kg hit 10kg before one. I remember I was worried Jo did not hit 10kg before one. Birth weight should triple by one year old.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Your powerful breastmilk will make didi bui bui. But of course you must eat well during confinement ok.

hiya....I am so excited for you and waiting for your good news. I will be back to work next wed and I hope to see your baby before I leave.
<font color="0000ff">Sterilizing bottles for newborn</font>

Q1)Sterilise after every use.

Q2)Pump also sterilise after every use. When I went back to wk, I washed &amp; soak in warm water.

Q3)I am still sterilizing for C.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
oh no oh no that is not your desired date hor? sorry....! didi will only arrive on mummy's desired date ok. good boy.
1) Do you sterilise after each use? Or only once a day and use whole day? As in just wash and use.
I have 6 small milk bottles with me, finished 6 bottles then sterilise.

2) Pump leh? Also sterilise after each use?
I will sterilise my pump for every BM that store in the freezer.
Else use pump will keep in the fridge till the end of the day, BM will store in the fridge for tomorrow feeding.

3) When you stop sterilising bottles for bb?
I will still sterilise after 6 months but will stop when reaches 1 year old.
hi mummies,
Any of you went for/taken up Post-natal massage before? Will the massage and wrap help to reduce water retention, burn fats and etc? What are your experience/comments about the post-natal massage?
Thanks in advance!
<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
I did the massage for both pregnancies. My malay colleague told me they do 1-2 months every day and she is so flat on the tummy after having 3 kids.

For both pregnancies I did 2 sets of massage with different masseurs. 1st pregnancy total of 12 days. 2nd pregnancy 14 days + 10 sessions of tui-na cos I couldn't stand how I look. It definitely can get rid of water retention and wind. Fats nope not really. Takes 10mths to accumulate those fats it will take 10mths to get rid of those fats too. Just massage will not get rid of fats overnight. My malay colleague keep telling me must bind tummy for 2mths if possible. But she said it's hell with those wrap.

Till today I still have a bulging lose tummy.

<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
Doing this survey for your sis? By the way, I am still using baby laundry detergent for Jo since she was born.
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
hehe cannot.. next week v crucial week for hb, so bb must not come out by then. Ya I also remember the weight has to be triple once reach 1 YO. I rem i like 3.97x3= nearly 12kg. but tat doesnt happen when she reached 1 YO. Think pass 10kg mark only.

How much rice u ate during confinement period? Ya I will hao hao bu myself. I hope my CL food is not so bland like TL's sis 1.

<font color="ff0000">Audrey</font>
U pop already?
How much I wish to but she is so comfortable and happily staying inside till not willingly to pop out
make me stress seeing my weight gaining day by day!
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
I ate very very little rice but lots of vegetables and meat.

<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
Correction. I did use Dynamo on Jo's clothes for a while. Now didi use baby detergent so might as well also.

<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
Enjoy while you can. Once baby is out no time to enjoy anymore. Hear from you your good news soon.
sigh... looks like fat is the way to go now!

I'm still sterilising the bottles now. A little redundant, but that's the least I can do for them... since I've no special detergent used.
<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
nvm u still got afew days for Aries!
Ya I agree.. enjoy while we can now, cos later baby comes out really no time to enjoy anymore. I hope to hear from your good news soon too.

<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster</font>
Another question, how little rice? 1 teaspoon tat kind? U feel u got energy to walk aro &amp; pump since so little carbo? I also intend to do that this time round, but I wonder abt my energy level.. dunno will faint or not? hmm..
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Less than half a flat bowl of rice. Think got 4--5 tablespoon. But I eat large quantity of veg and meat and also soup. My breakfast is high carbo mee sua or bread with egg and cheese or oatmeal.

After CL cooked me the first meal I had to tell her I am those that eat a spoon of rice with few spoons of dish. So she increased my veg and meat. Where else my hb is eat one spoon of dish and many spoons of rice. Won't faint one lah you ask her to cook according to the amount you want to eat. If hungry still got afternoon snack but I was so full till I can tahan till dinner time at 6pm. But I did eat more than my usual cos my mum keep asking me to eat more during confinement. I was very fat fat. The other mummies who saw me can describe to you.
Thanks Mummies for all your feedback. Looks like I'm normal. Hahaha. Having a CL tell you that another thing altogether makes me wonder. :D

<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Yes, during the survey for my sister. Her CL tells her that all her previous job only sterilise once a day, unlike her, after each use. I was like HUH??? And I was also surprised when the CL doesn't know that she has to wash with warm water to get the fats off the bottles. She told me that all her previous jobs all use tap water only. -_-"

Using warm water is more troublesome, but it keeps the bottles nice and clean. Normal room temp water leaves a layer of cloudy deposits on the inside of the bottle.

Washing clothes: oic. If I were you, I would have done the same thing too. Hee. JJ's clothes washed with normal washing powder now, but I still wash his clothes separately from ours. Stopped using baby detergent for sometime liao.
Hahahaha. <font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>, you looked more like a tai-tai during confinement! Aunty at home to do things for you and make sure you are well taken care of.
Now, I dare not dream for Aries baby! Left few more days only, sigh!

Everyday, hubby n I will pet and ask her to pop out before 19Apr. Even little W already impatient, time to time will face on my tummy and ask meimei when will she wants to come out and play with him
hehe... ... I think he will feel disappointed when he meet his meimei
<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
Did she use baby bottle detergent? For me I use bottle detergent so we will just rinse with normal tap water then sterilise. If she prefer to sterilise after every use let CL knows cos I also ever read and heard people sterilising once a day. My mum also told me they only boil the bottles once a day in the morning during their time.

Oh my sis follow my mum's method. Only once a day.

Some people think heating too many times is not good due to the BPA.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Yes, my sis is using the baby bottle detergent. Ya, my aunty also told me during her time, it's boiling once in the morning and use through the day.

Yes, understand about the BPA thingy. One way is to use a glass milk bottle. My sis bot 1 of those, but I find difficult to handle and would be scared that it would slip out of fingers. :p
I also sterlise once a day for sky..
but i use a sterlising tablet for shane...(change every 24hrs..or something like that)

I also dun use speacial detergent... and all my kids clothing are wash together with ours lor...wahahahahahhahaha
on sterlising of bottles... i think my CL is the ultimate.. use baby bottle detergent... sterlise after each use and boil all bottles after 2 weeks to get rid of any residual.. she also asked for 2 big clean containers that have cover to keep all bottles and pump after sterlising..
she said little baby very easily to get infection and not the time to build up immunity.

my electricity bill went from from monthly S$100plus to about S$600 the month i was on ML. :p
<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
Ya guess dun think so much liao, just enjoy. Especially our last few wks bonding time with #1.

<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
Thanks thanks, ok I shall tell my CL to cook lesser rice for mee than. Btw I dun think u fat wat, dun forget I visit u in hospital leh.

<font color="119911">TL</font>
come to recall back, my mum only sterilizes once in the morning only during my confinement period. &amp; when 2nd mth onwards I took care myself, I also sterilized once in the morning. :p But 2nd mth onwards I BF all the way till last feed is bottle feed.

Frankly I hate to just sterilize using the sterilizer just 1 bottle only. haha. really quite waste of electricity to me. :p THis time round I only bought 2 big + 1 small bottles. &amp; I havent descale my sterilizer yet. Hb tried to go Mothercare to look for descaling tablets but OOS liao. So i gotta look for tat stino white vinegar. Any using this to descale? I used this last time, but I forgot the method liao. Need some refreshing advise now.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Oh no no no, we didn't ask the CL to sterilise 1 bottle lah. Hahahaha. Waste of electricity. Coz my sis is pumping too, will accumulate, when there is enough to fill the steriliser, will go ahead and steam. She has 3 milk bottles for bb, and that doesn't count those attached to the pumps.

When I say "sterilise after each use" meaning that the bottles will be rinsed and soaked after use. When there are more items to sterilise, then wash and sterilise together.

I also hated the bottle washing and sterilising... :p

Descale Steriliser:
My sis is using Pigeon steriliser and I remember reading that they suggest to use lemon or vinegar to descale. Next time I check for you how much lemon to use. It will smell nicer then vinegar any how. Hee.

What brand of bottles are you using for bb?
The CL tells me that Avent are very good - all the bbs she take care of are all using Avent and no colic. My sis is using Pigeon bottles.
<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
Wah, your CL is the most hardworking that I have heard of!
Ya, I also agree that it's crucial now to make it as germ-free as possible for baby.
Just to share a bit about what I learnt in Uni donkey years back as Microbiology is part of my major. Our hands are very dirty and full of bacteria - with the things that we touch. So it's impt that when we handle the bottles, avoid touching the parts that would come in contact with the milk, basically the inside of the bottles. When assemblying the bottle, be careful of which parts we touch, so that we don't transfer the germs from our hands to the inside of the bottles.

To tell you the truth, I was rather skeptical about how my CL and later my maid assembles the bottles after sterilising. So Mummy dearest do all the assembly. :p
Here you go!
Lemon Juice Cleaning method for weekly maintenance
1) Half freash lemon
2) Clean Soft Cloth
3) Mug

1) Extract lemon juice into a mug
2) Pour into the sterilizer without boiling
3) Leave it to stay for 30 minutes
4) Use a soft cloth to remove remaining limescale
5) Drain and rinse sterilizer with clean water
Another method for Pigeon brand sterilizer

Vinegar and Water Cleaning method - for occasional maintenance to help remove stubborn stains
1) Clean Soft Cloth
2) 40ml Vinegar+80ml Water (Ratio 1:2)

1) Mix 1 part Vinegar to 2 parts Water
2) Pour combined mixture into empty sterilizer
3) Switch ON the sterilizer for about 1 minute
4) Then switch OFF the main power &amp; leave to stand for 3 minutes
5) With a clean thick soft cloth, wipe off any remaining stain or Limescale. Caution: Combine mixture is HOT
6) Drain and rinse sterilizer to wash away vinegar
7) Pour 120ml of clean water, switch ON to run a full cycle with just clean water
8) Switch OFF the main power, rinse and wipe clean the sterilizer

**Important Note**
- Percentage of vinegar must not be more than 50%
- Do not complete a full cycle with vinegar mixture
- Do not boil vinegar MORE than 2 minutes. High concentration of vinegar will cause corrosion
- Pigeon Liquid Cleanser can be used to wash away vinegar after cleaning.

I got this information from leaflet when I went to Taka babyfair last month.
Thanks Audrey for the info! =)

Have you engaged your CL? All prepared for the new little bundle?

I see my niece and really can't help feeling that gals are so much more sweet. Hee. You know lah, as a mother who has a boy for #1. ;)
Now u know hor... *wink wink*

but my ger a terror leh...
She refuse to be alone when onli me and her around...she will watch me bath...and watch me poo...then tell me chou chou... *roll eyes*

Sterlising &amp; Detergent
In the past, i also washed with BB bottle detergent,sterlise everyday for bottles and breast pump after every use. Same as Sam's CL, i also put all sterlised bottles in an air tight large container. Before using the bottle, will still rinse with a little warm water.I continue to use sterliser until Jay is almost 1.5 yrs old.
Super kiasu :p

As for BB clothes washing detergent, me revert to using OUR detergent only after he turns 2.

Guess better safe than sorry..kekeke

Your cleaning methods sure are helpful!
I used a similar method for my kettle. Soak and boil with lemon once in a while. After that, use the lemon to clean the surface as well.
My mum will be my CL

Have ready for everything and waiting for her arrival but seems she is not yet ready

Whahaha.... going to plan for 2nd? :p by chances you may conceive a baby gal
<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
I find all the bottles are the same whether NUK, Pigeon or Avent. Jo uses Avent while Jer uses Avent 90ml size for 1st mth then switch to Pigeon big bottles.

My CL also put all the sterilise bottles and pumping accessories into a tupperware.

For descaling I buy the citric acid sachet from Avent.
<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
This time round I'm trying out NUBY brand due to the BPA thingy &amp; it got anti colic too. I hope it is good as well, hmm.. I cant use AVENT cos I'm using NUK sterilizer, have to stick to universal size bottles &amp; not wide sized bottles.

Actually what ur Sis's CL said is not v true leh.. my sis used Avent for my niece last time, but she got Colic at week 3 or something..

<font color="ff0000">Audrey</font>
That's v good info thanks! I guess I'll have to use white vinegar first cos havent descale my sterilizer for 3 yrs+ already. I like the lemon 1, seem so much nicer. I dread to smell the vinegar smell actually.

<font color="ff0000">Any1 sterilize the TUBING of the breastbumps??? </font>
Dear all,

Sorry, descaling means what? cleaning of the sterilzer with lemon?

You gals did not use the glass bottles for the newborn babies? Now i still use the glass bottles we get from hospital leh, ok rite? Coz express in there so heat up the milk from the bottle. but using pigeon teats..
When after sterilze, u gals transfer to another container?
i leave it directly in the sterilizer? is it ok? i did that since JH time..:p
Not this way meh?
Do you gals dry the bottles?

the tube can sterilze???
<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
hee i google in the morning, cannot sterilize :p. I just worry after 3 yr+ not using, think still safe to use tat tube or not.

U noe there's this metal thing in the sterilizer rite? it will get sorta brown if u dun descale regularly. I cant really rem how I store my bottles. Damn really short memory. Cant rem i store in my sterilizer the whole day, or leave them dry in those 'stick' rack then store into the box once dry.
Most Sterilizer keeps contents sterile for up to six hours, if unopened. So after Sterilize I will fixed up the bottles &amp; keep in the sterilizer...at least the teats are not exposed.

Extracted from web :
All tap water contains mineral deposits that are invisible to the naked eye. When heated at high temperature, water evaporates and leaves a thin layer of mineral deposits (Limescale) on the heating plate. Such deposits look dirty and are often mistaken as rust. If deposits are not cleared regularly, it will affect the performance of your Sterilizer.
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Hahaha! Mei Mei so cute leh, can tell you chou chou some more. She must really LOVES you to not want to be alone. Hee.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
Ya, same here, I sterilised till JJ was 1.5 or was it 2 YO. For the laundry detergent, I only switched ard 3 YO! :p Coz JJ has eczema and we had been warned about sensitivity to even laundry detergent. So I was super kiasu.
<font color="ff6000">Audrey</font>
So nice to have your mum helping out as CL. But she has to take care of your boy too, ya?

Are you 38 wks now? Should be anytime liao hor?

When my sis preg, I keep touching her belly (coz she has a gal), and was told now have to keep holding my niece. Wahahaha. I tried what I could, and now what I need is luck. Hehehe.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
I remember that time, Avent was the most popular brand. Dunno if it is still true now. That was why I picked Avent.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Oh... so not true that Avent is totally anti-colic. I take it with a pinch of salt, about what the CL said lah. She is telling me that the Pigeon bottles is the 'normal' type of bottles. But it is not the cheapo type hor. Hahahaha.

The PD also mentioned that bb can get colic thru wrong latch on (when can hear sound when bb suckle) or even when bb cries. My niece had 2 episodes of drawing blood for test of jaundice levels and cried the lab down. How can she not get colic from that? Hee.

Tubings of Pump:
Ya, they cannot be sterilised. You might want to check if the parts are still ok, if not, buy the replaceable parts. By right, the BM should not get into the tubing. If it does, something is wrong with the pump. Was just told that when my sis bot an Ameda pump.
<font color="ff6000">Aries</font>
After sterilising the bottles, if you don't open the cover of the steriliser, the contents can keep sterile for 6 hours (see your manual, like what @ mentioned). Once you open, have to assemble everything and keep in a clean box and close the box.

Do NOT put the bottles on the rack to dry! After all the sterilising, if the poles of the drying rack is not clean, your bottles are gone liao. I usually just turn the bottle downwards and fling away any excess water before assembling the bottles.

Have to take care of where you hold the bottles too - avoid touching the inside of the bottle and teats where the milk comes into contact with. The steriliser usually have this small tong thingy that helps you assemble the teat. That tong has to be sterilised with the bottles each time too. Don't touch the tips of the tongs, where it would touch the teats.

I also realised that having said all that, before sterilising, it is impt to know where to put what. Most sterilisers have 2 layers. If you have parts mixed up in the 2 trays, assembly would be tricky.
Hi everyone..

hmm..looks like i'm the most KS mummy ard..
i sterilised their bottles until R is 3 yrs plus leh..is only until last yr then i stop..
cos pass the steriliser to my bil

but over at my mil's side..she still boil their milk bottles lor..

u are TTC now?? give u lotsa of bb dust..hope u succeed soon..

so who else is TTC?? give u bb dust too..
not u are the only KS mummy ard. I am most KS...till now i still sterilise their bottles.
I find it more cleaner to put all bottles overnight inside the steriliser so might as well "heat" up at the same time too.

Back to the massage issue
you use back the same massage lady? Freelance or you purchase packages?
I need to ask around and collect feedback as till now I have no idea what area I have to look into in order to get a good massage lady!

My mum's friend will drop by to visit us after giving birth to my little gal, so she will help up with some house chores! Each of us take turn to take care of the kids, think will able to cope with it

Ya, any moment my little gal will pop out!
I will pass my luck to you as well and hope your wishes will come true! Good luck and 加油!
