(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1


happened to see your question on Mandeville. S has been attending suzuki violin class there since early last year. He is about to graduate from group class to individual. Let me know if you have any specific queries... will share if I know

my R oso very light only..i think he is only 14kg leh...

my R is only 14kg, i already cant stand carrying him liao..u not bad leh..still can carry Jay for at leat 100m..
actually even C, i oso abit buey tahan liao..
n she is only abt 11 to 12kg..

u look pale meh? you are fair to me..not pale leh..
ya..so fast hor? all the numbers 2 going to attend sch liao..
my C is attending the same sch as gor gor..n is cute to see both of them wear the same uniforms n go to sch at the same time..

n soon our number 1 is turning 4..can u believe it?

the other day, twinklets was asking if i'm excited over R's bdae..i was telling her..no..not yet..cos still far..
then when i look at the calendar again..
WOW..not too far liao leh..though still got abt 2 mths, but time flies lor..

i cant believe my boy is turning 4 leh..
sob sob...alot of mixed feelings..
Hey Poohy
Wow ok tks...yes I do have some qn.
Does the parent need to have music bkgrd? Its was stated both parent & child must purchase a violin each before the commencement of the course. Meaning I have to learn w him??

I have no music bkgrd & do not know how to read music notes....will it be stressful?

Ya last week i weigh, he is 14kg...1 kg more than mei mei only...i tease them...they look like twins! Cos C only shorter by him a little.
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Did you receive my email dated 22/3?

I am not really fair type. I am more yellowish. Make-up work wonders with all the whitening products in the market. When my face is naked it's pale.

<font color="0000ff">@</font>
You intend to send Raph to violin class? How I wish I have time to send Jo for music class. Most of the beginners class need one parent to sit in and it's really difficult for hb and I to commit due to our work schedule. Feels so bad and unfair for Jo.
u can send her when she is older...no need parent to accompany. Not sure if I will send this yr...maybe next yr when he attends K1 then I send him for classes in the afternoon.

many of the parents in S's class does not have music background. Its not that difficult as they proceed systematically and in a slow pace at first.

Yes, both parent and child needs violin. Violin for the child will be upgraded every other year as the child grows. S had already purchased 2 violins already. Suzuki violin teaches the parents to teach the kid. The teacher will practise with the kids but towards the last 15minute of the class will teach the parents. The parents pace are always ahead of the children so that we can teach them at home.

suzuki violin do not emphasize note reading at first. So you dun have to worry abt reading notes at least for 1-2 years
In fact, S also started on sight reading practises recently only and they are very easy at first... just 2-3 different notes a page.

suzuki violin emphasize on posture. Getting the right bow hold takes months to build up. Getting the right way to hold the violin between jaw and shoulder, the left hand position and fingerings. All these correct posture builds up to better tone.... a wrong posture will produce less desirable tone.

U need to learn together cos in a class of duration 45minutes, teacher cannot focus that much on each kid... the parents watches, corrects and take the teacher's feedback home to teach the kid.

dun worry... at first the pace is really very slow. It take months to get just the bow hold correct. The class is very fun and full of fun activities to practise such things and interest the child. And only after more than 6 months do you start to have to play the first song Twinkle. Of course, you need to have some memory to remember the fingerings of all the songs since the emphasis is not note reading.. so you memorise ;) But music tone is relative and after awhile you know the note without memorising.

After about 9-12months, the pace will pick up and then every 2 weeks, you will play a new song according to the suzuki violin book1. But by then, you will move on to individual class already.

I was happy this time milk flow was good. But i feed &amp; express till so tired..hee. :p
I mean clear 2 bottles (frozen ones) each day. &amp; some daily express one ..hee.

Jas, i also let JH drink &amp; he say taste funny so secretly mix with formula, but sometimes when drink half, he say not nice lor..
And also din eat any special food, but every meal must have fish.

Where to buy the playtex disposal liner? &amp; how much?

Hopefully the suppply can maintain hor

Who started the kids on piano? Madeville gd? expensive?
Hihi mummies...
Finally have time to pop in to say HELLO after MIA for so long.. Kekeke...

Big congras to u!!

Wow S is learning Violin nw.. I did ask Sheri if she is keen in piano or violin bt she said she is not keen. She is more into ballet, latin dance and speech &amp; drama class..

Shall we plan to go St James one of these nites??? Must be realli happening and fun wor! ;)

How time flies.. Ur bb gg to pop anytime. ;) Btw, is Ash still learning ballet?? How is her progress?? Whenever i ask Sheri to dance for me, she just shrug her shoulders and tell me dunno how to dance.. Sigh..
just curious, how much is a violin ? reading that need to upgrade the violin a few times, seem very costly. what do u do with the old violin?

I wanna expose her. But she's not receptive to enrichment classes. think ixorrared and attest to that. ha ha..
Hi Jaymom,
Is Jay watching the sch concert dvd very often?? Bth Sheri and Shania have been watching it everynite before they go to bed.. Bt now the disc is spoilt.. Can i get a duplicate from u if yours is working fine?
Not bad ah, the forum got some ‘life’ abit. :p

<font color="0000ff">Weight</font>
-__-“ I slap my mouth, my Ashley is getting chubbier instead, think she got growth spurt. Her thighs think is the 3rd fattest in her ballet class (from wat I observe these sats..), the 2 are older gals which are 5 YO 1. So I guess she has the fattest thighs for the entire 4 YO.
How to be a Ballerina like tat??? MAHAHAHAHAH! I have yet weigh her, but I guess she may pass 17kg liao. Or is she approaching 18kg? I just hope she can be slim &amp; tall like Daddy next time with high metabolism rate man. ARRGH. She always keng infront of Daddy, wants him to carry. Daddy will always carry her until his face like abit pale 1 &amp; like wanna faint liao. Especially is like afterwork on a Friday Evening. I’m lucky this gal never pester me to carry cos I’m preg.

That day she wanted Daddy to carry again. Then I told her abt the Barbie doll dvd “NutCracker” she watched before. Told her abt the wooden soldier with the broken arm.
Told her if she insist daddy to carry, wait Daddy’s arm like the Soldier. Then Daddy added on “Ya wait u always eat &amp; eat &amp; dun walk, ur legs will become so FAT.” Then she guai guai listen to us &amp; walk herself liao! HAHAHA! But when we see her really tired, then Daddy will have to carry her. Shiong!

<font color="ff6000">Chiongster Mummies</font>
Ohh.. so gog to desert me &amp; go chiong among urself ah? Hahaha………
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font> , arrgghh have been v sian, really feel like R&amp;R with the music &amp; with the gals. But I think it is quite impossible for this year. Boo hoo..

<font color="ff0000">Bubblicious</font>
Yes Ashley still in ballet. She likes me to sit outside of her class to see her dance. So far she is enjoying her class very much, can see her improve a lot. I guess I’ll just let her continue if she continues to show such keen-ness in dancing. How abt u?
Hey thanks so much for the detailed info..shall take a look at the sch this sat. Still not sure to place him there or other music schools?

I am also curious on the cost of the violins...esp need to purchase 2 each time...seems costly to me too!

Personally, I find expressing more tiring than latch....you can get Playtex liners from those overseas Sprees.
Wow at least u can sit outside and see her dance. Sheri's class not those see thru type.. So i dont even have the chance to peep in to see what she is doing.. She looks forward to her ballet class every Sat so i will still continue to let her learn... ;) I am gg to sign her up for Latin dance too..
hehe.. I just came in to keep this thread alive!

music classes
one of my friends sent her son to Manderville. Very impressive. After 1 year, he knows some famous composers, knows quaver/crochet, beat in rhythm. I'm for it!

Was going to call up and sign N1 up, but just received news from her school that with extra $150 per month, the school will bring the kids for 1. Swimming 2. Maths enrichment 3. Music All during school hours!
We thought it was a good deal, cost definite savings for $$ and time!
It will start next week. So I'll let you know how it went!

Anyone has kids in montessori? I want to send N2 there. He is developing slower than his peers, so I feel if put in normal class setting, it may be tough for him.
But I've heard so many stories about pure montessori and adapted montessori. So would like to find out if you have any inputs?

I just got dignosed with thyroid. I thought it was pregnancy related. But doc said, 6 months after birth, should be normal, but N3 is already 1, so it is genetic...
sigh.. that explains my super appetite, weight loss (and I thought it was post pregnancyt loss!), and trembling hands.
No worries now, just have to eat medicine which would slow down metabolic rate. which means will grow FAT.

anyone watches the Biggest Loser on Hallmark every day? My kids and I love it UNTIL the other day, at Airport. N1 saw this really really huge lady lining up for food. She was just behind us. And N1 said very very loudly, pointing her fingers, "Mummy, you see that aunty? she is so FfffAaaaaaTtttt!"
Wah! my maid &amp; I shussh her, dunno where to hide face. I felt guilty, cos during the show, we always comment, wah so fat!
Yes, just returned back from cruise.

so far i only saw diana ser and james lye. As for zoe tay, i think her mum is the one who always bring the boy to school. Her elder boy really handsome with rosy cheeks but so far i had not see her younger boy yet.
I did not know another celebrity, naz chong also put her child in st.james.

Anyway i do not follow those celebrity crowd, i follow by my friend's recommendation. Her whole bunch of cousin and children all studying there and told me that it's really a good sch. I did went down to take a look at the sch 3 years back but didn't signed up. End up i signed jacia up at kinderland@GWC. Later on, when the sch closed down cos lease expired, one of the admin staff who was quite close with me recommended st.james becos both her girls also studied there and found it good.
Again i went down to the school and take a look again for the 2nd time. Still i didn't signed up....haha i was being too stubborn and think "really got such a good sch"
So i register Jacia in Cambridge and later on i realised after a few mth, Jacia's behaviour was really bad and notti. And also many no. cases of HFMD up in her sch.
I gave up and went down to ST.James for the 3rd time and put her on waiting list. Never thought she could get in within 5 months. Maybe it is FATE....cannot escape after 3 visits...LOL

yes it is near dempsey! they are actually at harding rd.

i keep the thread ALIVE with my LONG LONG NAGGGGGG posting....LOL
Good for Jacia!
Yeah,my nephew was also lucky to be granted a seat just half a year b4 he started N2.I heard the curriculumn is quite comprehensive. Before they start an enrichment class on phonics, they even invite the parents for a refresher course so that they can guide their kids.

Sigh..read from the papers that the cases of HFMD is climbing again. This condition seems to be uniquely high in SIN and to think that we are already a very clean country. J's school constanly have outbreaks. A big concern and worry for me

Haha, the way u described Ash..No lah, u heard of Ni Da Shi Ba Bian...i think Ash is kust slightly bigger build compared to the rest. She is the Jie Jie of this thread mah. Anway, she likes ballet, continue to nuture on this interest.

Hihi! Miss seeing Sheri nowadays when i pick J from school. His current teacher is very strict &amp; fierce, even with parents :p

Oh no..hyperthyrodism?
Stress, diet or could be auto-immune condition that triggers it.
Do take care and manage your emotions well cos you still have to give in to the demands of 3 active kids.

Haha..i caught a couple of episodes. Is it the show whereby they will need to step onto a large weighing scale and determine which team losses the most weight? I remembered there's a participant who is a doctor!

Yes, our kids hold back no reins when it comes to their mouth..u call that "pure innocence"??
I nowadays dread going to the public toilet with J in fear of some of the "funniest" things he will comment loudly while we are in the cubicle! I tend to avoid eye contact when i step out due to embarassement.
wah, tt's a gd deal! E has enrichment in school but i'm not really inform of what goes on in each class. Now she has music, art and drama classes. But i really doubt the quality of the classes.

Recently, was looking for phonics or dance or music. But yday just asked her if she would like ballet, she ask 'then where mummy go?' I told her i'll wait for her outside. and as usual her reply was 'don't want lah, i want mummy'

Oh no, hope it will be well controlled and you wun put on much. take care okie. try to take things easy. good thing u cut down on ur job hours.
Not sure is it age or our society getting more stressed. I've been hearing of thyroid cases among friends and colleagues. Quite worrying. And some of them are about the same age as me.

Btw, what made you go for a check up before u had a dignosis?

Auto-immune condition
Does anything trigger such a condition ? Or it's genetics ?

Speaking of medical conditions. Recently, i have a couple of colleagues who "took turns" going surgery to remove either fibroids or ovarian cysts. In a span of 6 months, i've heard of 3-4 cases. It's quite scary cos they are symptoms that you take for granted such as bloatedness, fatigue, backaches.

The most recent case, a colleague only found out after co's routine health screening checkup. Initially was to remove cyst but during actual surgery, was advised to remove 1 ovary

How to take precaution unless you are super on and take annual health screening test.

Auto-immue diseases
It just hit without warning. For thyroid, with proper care, i think condition can still go into remission but sometimes stress will bring it back again.
think most impt is to be hapi and not too stressed. somehow i find stress can cause alot of chemical reaction in ur body that one is unaware off. then overtime, things will develop.
easier said than done tho' - the singaporean life just doesn't allow it.
I used to have hyperthyroidism but after going for surgery to remove 1/2 of thyroid gland, it becomes hypothyroid.
Now I gonna take synthroid forever so sometimes I dunno did I make a good choice to remove it. The reason I went for surgery coz' its keeps coming back n its affects my heart beat, I guess the reason of recurring hyperthyroid is I did not take medicine regulary when I have hyperthyroism. So remember to take medicine in time, by 1-2 yrs, you will recover. And yes, Hyperthyroid medicine will cause some weight increase, even how much I restrict my diet but that time i took another medicine for controling fast heart beat, so not sure is that the cause of it too. I do have a friend who has it but was gone once her stress under control as her is not genetic, so if you do not have any family history of that, maybe your is just due to stress.

Best way to find out hyperthyroidism is via blood test. My friend who has hyperthyroidism Symptoms but turn out it is not.
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
Oh dear... thyroid - you take care! I had that when I was a teenager, and had several relapses. Almost nearly went for the surgery that Anns had. Luckily it was under control without the surgery.

My case was genetic. My mum's and sis' thyroid was triggered several years back and my sister still on medication.

Have to control your stress levels well, and like Anns said, MUST take medication regularly if you want it to go away for good.

FAT: Hee. I can imagine your red face. :D :D
Can't blame them when they are so innocent. Kekeke. Nowadays, I also watch my language and avoid these not-so-nice words in presence of JJ. :p
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Auto-immune diseases can be triggered by anything. Like what Jaymom mentioned, it just hit, with no warning. There is nothing that we could do. So have to learn to be bochap at times and take stress in stride.
Remember sometime back I asked on behalf of my sister about confinement lady?
My sis delivered on 31 March to a baby girl (3.2kg). I had been kept busy since then. And talk about bad timing... the day after she delivered, I came down with flu... alamak.

Downing tons of water and medication to recover quickly. Luckily I was ok by the time my sis was discharged... coz they are counting on me to help out. Hahahaha. Ya, I became the part-time confinement lady. :p

Forgotten a lot about newborns, but it came back quite easily. Had to do some flipping of books again though. It's like taking care of my #2 except that I have not gotten thru the pregnancy. :D :D

But the princess is so cute - and it's interesting that she actually calms down to my voice too. ??? Maybe I sound like her Mummy. Heh.

Anyway, after the first few days, the white flag is out, and they got a CL afterall. So now, I take a backseat and 'supervise'. :p
So now you can rest more and also learn a few dishes from confinment lady, so next time when its your turn, you can do it better.
so tempting No.2 liao after see the little princess?
Thanks for missing me.

I was quite busy for the past few weeks. The girls were sick and very sticky to me. Any spare time I had was spent on updating my blog so I hardly come in these days.
It certainly is time-consuming. There was a time I told myself I will stop when C1 reached 4 but I think I will still continue.... maybe when C2 reached 4. Kekekeke...

Actually, blogging is good for me because my memory is really bad. The blog serves as my external hard disk.
It feels great when I cannot remember something and it is just a click away.
<font color="0000ff">Mckee</font>
oh dear thyroid.. luckily u now working hrs are lesser rite? Try to de-stress more often.. My sis also got it few years ago. Took the med timely &amp; she's all recovered already &amp; need not take the med anymore. But i duno whether will relapse or not once her stress comes bk though..

<font color="ff0000">Bubblicious</font>
wow latin dance?? 4 YO can learn that mah? Me will just let her focus on ballet &amp; see how things goes. She mentions she luv Tap Dance too, so if she really wanna go into that, I will let her pursue. but she can only join 1 dance at a time cos Mummy here not much $. hehe.

<font color="aa00aa">Jaymom</font>
haha Ya i guess I worry too much liao. When she slim down i complain, when she chubby, i also complain.. really not easy to please.

<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
How are the gals now? Better?
Ashley is down with fever too, &amp; the sian part is Thursday I'm gog to celebrate her 4 YO party in her school. Sighs.

btw i agree on the blog serves as external hard disk. I myself also getting so short memory. But with my blog aro, i can easily recall things back. Even wat clothes Ashley wore on that particular occasion. Hb said I got super memory, but that was becos i blog it, I began to remember it. hehe
caymom, twinklets,
ya agree it helps us to remember. i just wonder if it will be there forever. so recently i've been thinking of printing it out and put together as a journal booklet. Just in case one day the blog disappears.
anyway my blog really did helped me rem some impt stuff! ha ha ...

as for time spent on it... cannot deny definitely takes me away from more useful stuff. like sometimes E wants to play and i'll be bz on the computer. then i'll hv undue stress and guilt for being on the comp instead of playing with her. And if I wait till I have my free time (after she sleep) then i'll hv to sacrifice my sleep.
thanks everyone for your concern!

so comforting to know i'm not alone! and both of you are doing so well now! I just got to be faithful eating those pills!
Yes, it's Hyper, which means loosing weight! yahoo! but of course now with pill popping, the metabolic rate drops, the weight sure sure go up....

it started with trembling hands and wobbly knees. I thought it was calcium deficiency. But took blood test, so confirmed everything.
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
My gals are ok now.
Hopefully Ashley will recover in time for the celebration. C1 is very excited over it too. She is already telling me what she wants me to include in the party pack. She also demands for a cake. Initially I wanted to get cupcakes but she doesn't buy the idea.... sobbed in disappointment. I guess I shouldn't deprive her the thrill of blowing candles and cutting cake.

Hahaha... I realise my memory also 'better' with the blog. My hb reviews the blog and will pinpoint errors once in a while. I guess he also see the good points of having the blog too.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
I doubt it will be there forever. I have been researching how to backup the blog. My hb also suggested printing everything out but the slideshows will be lost. Anyway, I will probably do that for C1's blog when I have the time.

I understand the stress and guilt. I no longer update my blog during weekday nites so I try to catch up during weekends when they are napping. I also 'blog-on-the-go'.... I will write notes when I have something to blog about, so I can finish a post quickly whenever I gain access to the PC.
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
The dosage cannot be adjusted. You see, when hyperthyroid kicks in, Mckee is practically a walking furance - she burns away anything she eats. That may have increased her appetite. She can be eating anything and there is no weight gain. Oh ya, bad temper is also a symptom. :p Short-fused and hot tempered.

When her medication starts taking its effect, she won't be burning all the energy away, BUT her appetite is still as good as before. :p So, she would be putting on weight. Mckee needs to control her diet.

At one stage, I was also round round when my thyroid was back to normal. Hahaha.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Oh dear... I hope the girls are feeling better now. Do pop in even once in a while okie?

<font color="ff6000">Anns</font>
Pickup dishes from the CL? Ummm... My sis was saying that the aunty's dishes are very bland, saying that confinement can't use salt. IS IT???

Yes yes, the little princess did inspire me!
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
You take care with the weight gain - it's hard to shed. Hahahaha.

But really, not to scare you, but if you want to avoid radiotherapy and surgery, take the medication regularly. It's important.
Wah......so happy to see the thread very lively.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
I also had thyroid months before I was pregnant with #2. I discovered a 50cts lump at the side of my neck and thought was lymph nodes. After all the test found out it was thyroid but luckily it's a non-active one so no gaining or loosing weight. I told the specialist I planned to have a 2nd baby and hopefully can avoid taking medication. He suggested me to draw out the fluid from the lump but no guarantee it will not come back. Thankfully, so far no relapse.

If you have medical questions ask jaymom she is very good and can explain clearly. Also TL.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
I miss all your humourous postings. Do come in more often.

<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
My CL also didn't use salt on my dishes. She uses soya sauce. I'll go and refer to my book "Feed your Child Right" I remember reading it from there. Let you know the reason later.

I used alot of yellow rice wine. Food is not bland and taste very nice.
<font color="0000ff">Caymom/Shane</font>
I did asked abt backup of blog from some1. He also not much idea how to backup except save into mayb microsoft words &amp; print out from there. He also mentioned got some software to dl if really keen to do backup. But he did asked me 1 question ie. Blogger is own by Google &amp; Google is so rich now, so chances of closing dwn Blogger is slim.. So I'll just wait &amp; see. Hopefully by then I'll be a white-haired lady liao. hahaa..
<font color="ff0000">TL/Bbrooster,</font>
Thanks. I will pop by whenever I get the chance.

<font color="aa00aa">Mckee,</font>
Take care. Seems like Hyperthyroid is quite common.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
What your friend said is quite true but nowadays things are so uncertain, big corporations can collapse overnight too.

Time really flies, you are popping soon.
Backing up blog
Talk about the devil. I just lost some photos cos my laptop crashed due to virus. So frustrating. Not the first time already.
Thankfully, I got the blog, still can save some photos from there but of cos it's not the original ones already.

So hvg a blog really has it advantages.

but but.. i'm not on blogger! I'm so tempted to switch but yet so lazy...
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Ya things really uncertain now

Btw some of my slides done by ROCKWELL already MIA from my blog, cant be seem already.. But 1 thing dunno who's the founder of Rockwell, maybe just so unstable.. I dun dare to think 1 day my blog is not working, think I'll b v upset abt it but I guess no matter what will come to term to it. Partly why I still develop hardprints photos is becos of this too, at least I can relly put in photoalbums &amp; wont scare they 'run away'. :p

Ya 38 weeks now, but bb seem so small for this 1. Now I'm feeling so guilty for eating not very well this time round.

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
err .. but Bill Gates is the richest man on earth, u lagi no need to be scared rite? hehe. :p
I dunno how u gog to switch from MSN to blogger, can all topics migrate there??? btw my stupid blogger got problem, i cant upload my photos from there. *gee*
<font color="0000ff">Maternity Leave</font>
Anyone know the 3 mths Maternity leave is equivalent to how many days &amp; that 4th mth is only equivalent to 20 days? My gynea's ML system is so stupid, has to generate in days interm of weeks, so now I have to tell them how many days for 3 mths so he can prescribe 3 mths ML to me. Arrgh..
Think u need to check with ur coy...how they count ML
My ex coy does by the weeks... 4 weeks is 1 month... so 3 mths is 12 weeks... if u strta ur ML on a monday...u start work on a mon 12 weeks later... no additional leave if ur ML had any PH in between....

I finally had time to update my blog... even tho I cheat la... is machiam all pictures and not much words...
very difficult to type when mei mei is on my lap....

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
reason i'm still not checking with my co. is becos they are super blur 1. Guess they'll go MOM to print out those stuffs also. So better ask u gals any idea first..

wow.. u blog when Mei Mei sit on ur lap.. u good man..
