(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Though my computer is on but I am not always there. I am always around the house doing my work. Sometimes I steal some time to sit down and catch up with the postings.

My p/t helper went back for holidays came back and is sick. So I have to do the housework. My hb is running out of working clothes. I have to iron a few to last till end of this week.

wah! KL is so funny! When I read it, I was thinking, "poor thing, parents must be freaking out!" then i read the punchline. haha... hilarious!

jia you! You're really doing great! take time out for yourself when J is in school.

thanks... you saw the little sour puss face that N1 had?
oh dear, u still have to cope with housework. U take care ya. Me cant leave without computer. Hb said if no computer and TV for me, I for sure will go depression and die. HK drama one after another. Now chasing 溏心風暴. kekeke

no lah, not all pics sour face of N1. heehee Veri nice pics. N u so gorgeous nei.
i watched that HK drama during my one month confinement. nice drama. usually i rent this kind of 'big' serial drama so that get to enjoy it in its original canto flavour

Yes, newborn period is freaking tired. so that's y i still kept my maid around during then to do all the housework. and thankfully Jr slept a lot in the first few months.
Now he's like K, take afternoon naps and 2 short naps in the later morning n evening and power up himself to scream and shout for attention.
It's difficult to tend to 2 kids without help now but i learn to take one thing at a time. I set priority to my kids, myself, then housework.
and everyday without fail, i've to bring both out to somewhere for breakfast if not they'll be super cranky at home. sometimes i dunno y i want to torture myself to bring both out without help, but i just did it.
previously i find it impossible to drive the car without anyone behind, the trouble to load and buckle 2 kids in the car. but they 2 are forced to learn to sit in car seats and play between themselves. unloading still have stroller, baby, toddler, bags, but after a while i got used to it. so can u
in case u r wondering why i'm here now. is because i'm pumping milk after the 3 of us woke up from our nap together hehehe today i super tired so decided to sleep afternn nap with them.
then they are both left at the hall with our ever favourite playhouse disney channel on with K taking her tea break and Jr playing in the exersaucer.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
You fantastic mummy! You drive out with them everyday? I need to get out of the house at least once a day too otherwise I will be cranky. I push the stroller to the nearby coffeeshop for breakfast and lunch.

I was pumping milk at 4-4.30. Then he woke up so fed him. Now while waiting for him to fall asleep I am folding the clothes. Once he sleep got to go wash the bottles, sterilise and put the rice to cook. And must work hands fast legs fast otherwise he will be awake very soon. Never ending...... pengsan. For the time being I can't look after Joelle. My hb sent her to my in-laws place every morning and she comes home at night.

How do you settle your meals? Do you cook for dinner? And what about Kay's meal.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
I watched when I was pregnant. I chased the drama no day no night. Even woke up at 3am to watched 2 episodes. I agree with <font color="0000ff">LV</font> must watch in canto. Canto version is funny. I saw in mandarin the shui mak mak (flight stewardess) is called shui bai bai in mandarin version. So funny..... totally different.
SAHM life really v hectic hor...rest time is only 1hr max...when they sleep we need to do hsewk &amp; prepare for dinner. When I was SAHM I no time to cook for myself..just cook for the kids. Lunch I will eat wat the kids eat &amp; dinner hb tabao.

Cooking for Jo shld be easy right...for R, lunch I cook soupy stuff or fried noodle. At night is rice w 1 vege &amp; meat dish or soup.

Hee hee..C under my care has been eating what we eat too...she doesn't like her usual porridge. She kept spitting out her food &amp; I got fed up &amp; let her eat R fried noodle &amp; fried rice. She loves it...
So good that your hubby gives u the green light to be a SAHM! It is difficult to choose between being a SAHM and having financial independence and recognition. Also, it can be lonely as most mummies our age are FTWM. That’s why, I decide to do some part-time work, hopefully to get the best of both worlds.

Endless committees! U sure know the system well.

I’m having two minds about it actually. I’m afraid I’ll lose touch of the world….

Twinklets &amp; Serrich:
Yes, the medicine is super bitter and smells strong. Lucky for me, he still takes it even though he dislikes it. But the first few days of feeding him can be very trying. However, it is very effective and can build up his immunity over time. Now I send him to TCM whenever he catches a cold. The TCM (Mr Chen Shui) at Changi General Hospital specializes in internal medicine such as asthma. A typical prescription consists of 2 – 3 days’ supply of medicine,18 to 20 small satchets of different herbs to be mixed with hot water for a day’s consumption. Subsequently, he has to be examined again to see how the body reacts to the concoction, and if need be, TCM will change the prescription to a certain extent for the next few days’ consumption. This process will continue until he’s healed completely. Cordycep I heard is not too safe for young children. I think a TCM’s prescription is better than something off-the-shelf.

Serrich, I think it’s better to take a recommended TCM. I tried a TCM from Eu Yan Seng – Bedok and her prescription didn’t work for him. U have to give TCM chance and time (a few consultations) to adjust the prescription. I hope your gal recovers soon, it’s so pitiful to see them cough their lungs and tears out.

Tang Ling &amp; Jaymom:
I’m afraid I’ll be lonely and too free! How do u both cope with your life as a SAHM?
Fantastic Mums
Salute to all the mommies with 2 kids (or more) with no extra help and the SAHMs. All of you have been doing a wonderful job so far. Pat..pat..

KL is so cute! We parents must really be mindful over what comes out from our mouths!

Watching TV
I used to watch alot of Channel 55, AXN. I loved CSIs,sitcoms and those reality shows but now i hardly have time to watch even the news.
Now, it's either Disney, Leapfrog or Dora!!
Jay will go " No, mommy, sit down, change.. i want Mickey!!"
I feel liked i'm quite detached or deprived from adults stuffs sometimes.
ya i totally agreed canto version more shiok. heehee N realli can get hook on it.

beside hk drama, I crazy over english series like grey anatomy n desperate housewives. Lucky A is not the type glue to TV. So I get my share too when I wan to watch. I will tell him, disney channel finished, all go home n sleep already or taking a break, having lunch or dinner. heehee
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Wah, and A believes you?? I pulled that one on JJ but didn't work. He looked puzzled for a while, then started his whole saga about Mickey again. Kekeke.

Like you, I won't know what to do without the PC and TV! Hahaha.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
Sama sama. We have to watch Dora, Mickey, Pocoyo. Alamak. At night, JJ would also fuss and ask for his shows, but we became deaf, and watched our programmes. But can't watch shows like CSI and supernatural with him around. Hee.
<font color="ff6000">Cookie</font>
Hee. The temp SAHMs already voiced their life as being hectic. Ya, true. Esp handling newborns. Sally and I are handling a 3YO only.

When JJ is at home sick, whole day so busy. Wake up do housework, prepare his meals, wash up, do laundry, plan meals etc etc. The list goes on. Dunno where has all the time gone.

I remain contact with frens via msn, email. Forum is my frequent stop. Hee. But still feeling isolated. With time, eventually get used to it.

I started part-time work in April and realised that I have not lose the touch, at least not too much. BUT becomes more bo chap. :p Good in the sense that I don't get so stressed up easily. Hahaha.

If you really want to become a SAHM long term, have to be mentally willing and not forced into it given the situation, coz you may get resentful. I chose to be a SAHM after giving birth to JJ coz I want a break from working (for 8.5 years) and there is no ideal arrangement for childcare. I am the type who wants to take care of my own off-springs. I am a homely Cancerian.
No need to remove...
will dissolve by itself

Remember once in Gold coast...
My friend stop an ang mo..to ask where is the beach...as our hotel is along it...
so if she can find it..she can go back..

friend :" Excuse me, do u know where is the bitch"
Ang mo...VERY STUN...
Friend: the bitch the bitch....
Ang mo suddenly realise...."oh u mean the beach...."
then he give directions...

Sky will go OH SH*T...Oh Sh*t...
must really watch my mouth.....

Initially feel so helpless outside... but once used to it...is OK...
But I usually use the carrier... the baby bag and hold Sky's hands la...
Staying at home..will make me siao...

Tang ling
Sky dun allow ME and my mum to watch regular shows...
we must watch what he wants... that time he was super cranky after the accident...was watching DOREMON whole day..
before u arrive...we onli had 1 doremon disc...the da xiong and dinosaur... u imagine we watch that show for like.........7hours until hb came back with other doremon....
ya lor.. at home, other see the walls or me so they super cranky. K will keep grumbling to go shopping n jr just kept crying in the exersaucer but when we stepped out of the house, everybody is happy.

i watching the teeny boppers Taiwan idol serials on youtube these days. HK no nice drama recently so i take a break on hk drama. the only english series i love to watch were ally mcbeal n sex n the city, the rest i cant find the kick to follow up.

same.. everytime i change to other channels, K would scream and said it's her turn. it's like she watched for hours and yet it's never my turn.

i'm not fantastic..on the contrary, should be a lazy and bochap mummy i call myself now.
I hardly cook for K because from young she eats very little and survive largely on milk. so my cooking passion dies off long ago. occasionally i still cook but that's like once or twice in a week.
other times, we eat out and i'll give her rice/noodles. usually breakfast, we eat toast bread/ dim sum/ snacks or even roti prata for her. all because the lazy mummy not cooking for her. so she's exposed to the great variety of MSG and junk food.
I also enjoyed Ally Mcbeal and SNTC. Desperate housewives also not bad but nvr had the chance to follow it.

As for HK serials, I like to watch too. But my canto half baked. sometimes dun understand but love to watch the actors/actress and the plots.

Now I'm mostly glued to the PC. Also NVR read newspaper, jia lat, feel quite out of touch. Feel really old when I visit happening place or even orchard! =P haha..
<font color="0000ff">Children TV Programmes</font>
<font color="ff0000">Sally, Tan Ling</font>, i DID tell Jay that Mickey, is tired, went home to sleep! He will ask for "what about Duck, Minnie and Goofy??"..sigh,he won't fall for it. He will start pulling out his CD holder or ask to play computer! The age of technology!!!
In the past, we only ask to play masak-masak or zero-point, rite!

Hb is a DVD freak, sometimes we tried to "catch-up" with backlog but 15 mins into the movie, we had to turn it off due to some violent scences becos dear Jay is standing around - SACRIFICE!

<font color="ff0000">Glayz</font>
The joke about the B.I.T.C.H was a good one..haha!
Typically S'porean's way of pronounication.
That's why it's important for our tods to learn phonics!
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Yes, we should learn from you not to be too hard on oneself..go with the flow..

<font color="0000ff">LV, Shane</font>
Haha! I loved Ally Mcbeal too. Desperate Housewvies was pretty good but it kind of died on me after Season II. Did you manage to get a chance to watch The Movie -Sex In The City? I heard over radio that during the preview nite in States, 75% of the audience were WOMEN. The joke is "Sex In The City" is the version of "Indiana Jones" for the ladies!

HK serials , i prefer those from TVB...i find the quality of the actors and scripts better.
As for Taiwan teenie pop idol serials, i can't appreciate cos they makes my hair stand on ends...too "act cute" for my taste lor. Probably i'm too serious

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Same, same, once daddy reaches out for the remote, Jay will scream " DADDY, put down!" What a tyrant!

<font color="ff0000">Newspaper &amp; Magazine</font>
<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>, i try to make an effort to steal 15 mins every morning to browse thru the paper every morning over breakfast. Catch the headlines, know what's happening around the world Sometimes due to Ah-Soh reasons, see where go sale, NUTC got promotions on Thurs or not.That's why i'm almost always late for work by about 15mins..kekeke

Nowadays, i even borrow old issues of Her World, Woman's Weekly &amp; Young Parents during my weekly library trip just to get updated
Since young, A is "trained" when nite time, disney channel all will go home and sleep. So must watch channel 5 or other prog with mommy/daddy. kekeke N if he sleeps late, he will join us for news, where his daddy will tell him how impt it is to watch news. Whenever he hears news highlights before 9.30pm, he will yell n say "news coming" or when news start, daddy still not at sofa, he will run to him "daddy, news start already". heehee
At times he will auto tell me, "everyone in playhouse channel goes home already", "everyone in disney channel eating dinner", or "everyone in mickey mouse clubhouse sleeping". kekeke
Yes yes he does point to the player and wan to put dvd to watch, I wil off the switch n tell him spoil already. Bad mommy ya.
Hi 5 jaymom, I also prefer HK drama. I hate Taiwan series. Cant stand.

I try to steal time to at least flip thru like jaymom reading headlines first. Then later in the day if more time, then read the details.
Thanks god my sis always passes me the old issues when I go over to my mom's place. She buys all kinds of magazines. kekeke
<font color="0000ff">Cookie</font>
U are so fortunate tat Justin is willing to take the bitter medicine, i really envy u. I cant force Ash to take such med, imagine I even got difficulty to let her drink honey, ownself made barley or ownself made Chrystantum tea. She will use her palm to cover her mouth, like want her life like tat.
Even con her to eat sweet after tat will not make her succumb 1. So I guess TCM is out of question cos I guess I'll make myself v v stressed when come to feed her.

Anw today I went to Watson to look for some supplements. Initially wanted to get the Lifestreams Cordyseps but was stopped by the lady there. She said too strong for kids liao, so advised me to let her take some Vit C &amp; fish oil first. Sighs, I also sian. Actually I just want to let her take a lil bit only, then the rest I take. Anw I shall monitor, hopefully her running nose &amp; cough will recover by itself &amp; minimize next time..

Wat side effects for kids when young take those cordyceps? my fren did told me of early puberty of the gals, not sure true or not.

<font color="ff0000">Jasmine</font>
My hb doesnt support me to be SAHM, partly is if got another 1 next time, he scares he cant tahan the finance. Another part is he feels I will lose touch with the world, then can turn into a paranoid Aunty tat wont groom up. I think he scare by the way he saw me during maternity leave. haha. Tat's wat he'll visualize me to be!
I guess I'll think more if I really become SAHM. All my focus will be my gal &amp; family, then I'll be more paranoid in a way too. These coming 2 wks, I already becoming a paranoid woman, doubting my hb whether he still luve me or not. I still feel not all women are suitable to be long term SAHM, have to depend on their characters 1 too. Hee, I think I lack of such trait though I really dun mind to be a SAHM. But I guess ultimately I'll erupt &amp; grow old faster when I relly become long term. So I relly saluate our few mummies here that have been doing such a good job being a SAHM for 3 years!

BUT, I do enjoy being TEMP SAHM. Damn shiok, cos no need to work. hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
gee I hear u explain to us tat tooth, I feel pain myself. Sky is really a brave boy, I think if is Ash, she'll be whining like dunno wat every hours.

<font color="0000ff">B*tch &amp; Sh*T &amp; F**K</font>
I'm more prone to say Sh*T &amp; F**k. -___-" especially when come to driving. Have learnt to restrain myself from saying these 2 words since got Ash. But sometimes things just fly out from our mouth too fast. Now I will say "wang ba dan", sighs, she also learns. Gee.

<font color="ff0000">Lv</font>
Ya understand why u always have to go out, if I'm you, I'll probably go out too. Cos at home, kids will be really more whiny &amp; find ways to attract our attention. U see my blog, I tend to do Project Times with Ash, cos she always asking for it, else she'll be finding something to seek our attn, &amp; ended up we'll be yelling at her etc. Very sian &amp; frustrating to yell when all we want is to have a good rest at home. So that's why most wkends we can go out, we'll go out. She is definitely more well-behaved &amp; happier when going out.

<font color="aa00aa">Children TV Programmes</font>
Now Ash is temporary back to my Mum's place first till July, she is back to watching TV all day there again. My Mum is a TV freak, bobian. But once she reaches home, she is not allowed to switch our TV channel, cos she is trained to understand tat hours belong to us. hehe.. I'm a TCS8 9pm supporter, haha. So every wkeday nite will catch their show. Just now got those intimate show by Anne Kok &amp; Tay PingHui, we'll ask Ashley to cover her eyes with her hands, then she'll indeed cover it, then when we say she can cont' watch again, she'll put her hands down. haha, ok she's trained tat way. But if too scary or intimate or too violent stuffs, we'll have to quickly switch channels.

Btw share with you gals something. Finally, my Mum is able to send my younger sis to a nearby school near her house, rather than let my sis idle at home for years. So every morning, my Mum will bring Ash &amp; my sis to the school. Ash will always very happy to send my sis to school cos she recalls those times I send her to CC too. &amp; when come to fetch my sis from school, she will so happy too. She calls herself "Mummy Ashley", hehe &amp; will always v happy to tell me she fetches her Mai Mai back from school. Sometimes I see her so closed with my sister, I cant help but feel touched &amp; tears will like macham wanna roll down. I hope through this sending &amp; fetching off my sis, will make Ash more sensible when we enroll her bk to CC at July. That time I was very tired with my pregnancy cos I was at Trimester 1, v v tired &amp; couldn't cope with her cries &amp; whines when I drove. I hope when July comes, things will be improved as I won't feel so tired so easily. Sighs, I really v sian when come to driving &amp; she crying hysterically. Sighs.
Sorry gals, I had to let my emotions out...

I really felt so so guilty today. My hubby was really sick but I did not tend to him as much as I should be doing. Not that I din want to, coz I really thought he was crying wolf... Everytime he was having fever, even just slight fever, he tends to exaggerate and overdo-his-act, seeking for my utmost attention. Worst than taking care of Riz, I always told him. And he would laugh it off and continue with his acts. And I even caught him red-handed with his acts recently and we would laugh about it :p

Last night, he started to have continuous fever and I tot he was simply putting up his acts yet again. But it was a tight slap on my face when his fever did reach > 40 n he got hospitalised today. During that time, he could still joke around about him being sick and all, even though he was such in a terrible state.

Suddenly I felt so empty and alone. I started missing my hubby so much when I opened the door home to an empty house. And started wondering, what I would do or how would I cope if I have to live one day without him. And how my mom felt when she lost my father recently. It never crossed my mind for years now, how much I actually needed him coz I've taken him far too much for granted all these years.

What aches me most is that I failed for not doing more than I should; which all he simply wants from me is my full attention which he seeks so much, when he was sick...

If only I could turn back time and make him happier... sigh N I can't sleep thinking about my guilt.

So mummies, treasure ur hubby ok...
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
oh dear so sorry to hear tat ur hb is hospitalized. When will he be discharging? It is really a v high degree for adults, I hope he'll recover soon. *pat pat*

Ya I also feel bad abt losing my frustrations on my hb for past 2 nites. The 1st nite was a Sunday, &amp; he casually asked me whether I wanted to bbsit Ash on Monday. I erupted when he asked me that. I retorted bk saying how could he be so insensitive to ask me to bbsit Ash when I am supposed to have this mini confinement &amp; rest my body? Even my MIL asked me on last Friday "Ashley at ur mum's house today?" when she back from work. I was liked "???" I became so emotional &amp; paranoid, &amp; felt they dun care abt me at all. All they care is just Ashley &amp; not me at all. 1 part of me want to nurse back my health &amp; feelings, but these 2 pple like so insensitive towards my feelings, must be thinking I am too idle at home. I din feel good at all on Sunday, so I blasted all out at Hb. But anw, he also din response bk, he went bk to sleep.

Yesterday I blasted at him for coming home late, cos I supposed to wait for his collic confinement food. His collic was v nice to cook 1 dish for me, so Hb told me I could eat for my dinner. So I waited for him nearly 8pm, when usually he came bk aro 715pm. I was so pissed with him when he finally came bk. I told him he should call me earlier to let me cook my own dinner instead of waiting so long. I felt he din care me enough. I was like turning into a very terrible wife like that. I dun feel good.

So anw, today my mood is better, so we are like back to like everyting is as good as before. He pat my head &amp; touch my face before he turned to bed just now. I like his simple gestures like tat. if only he can show me such simple loving gestures everynite, I think I won't be so emotionally down &amp; paranoid whether he still luv me or not, or issit he hiam my looks etc.

So sory to post such a long grumbling post...
<font color="ff0000">Happy Birthday Aeron!</font>

<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
I hope your hubby will recover soon. I also canot imagine living w/o my hubby.

<font color="0000ff">children's language</font>
I agree we have to be watchful on what we talk. Ian also pick up "sh*t" from my hubby one day when the front car cut his lane and he said "SH*T! From there onward, ian will say that whenever he have difficultive doing things or drop something on floor..etc.

<font color="0000ff">TV</font>
Nobody likes korea drama? I'm also a PC/TV addicts. I watch TVB, korean, japanese, jap anime &amp; english drama such as "sex in the city", "Charmed" and "medium". Desperate housewife is not my type. :p

Ian also can be quite demanding when we watch our own program. Ian favourite is Calliou, I spy, Pororo, elmo's world &amp; Monkey Geoge. Funny thing is he don't watch Mickey shows but he likes Mickey merchandise. Yesterday he super happy when he gets to wear mickey picture PJ.

<font color="0000ff">SAHM</font>
Being SAHM for 5 years already and I can said I get mental stress at times. People said we should treasure our time with kids when they are young. I agree but not 365days, 24hrs. I actually looking forward ian going to preschool soon. Really hate the waiting list in preschool here....
<font color="119911">HAPPY 3YO AERON!</font>

<font color="ff0000">Erlisa</font>
Hope your hb will recover soon and fly back into your arms again

Yeah, we tend to take things for granted, especially people close to us. I'm also guilty for that. When is hb discharging? You can plan a mini Father's Day surprise tog with R and give him a warm welcome home.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
I always feel that Ash is a very sensible young girl. She will make a great jie-jie next time.You are a lucky mommy.

<font color="ff0000">Anns</font>
When Ian goes to preschool, do you intend to re-join the workforce, perhaps do some part-time or voluntary work? Do you join any society there?

Frankly, my dream is to earn enough, invest wisely and be sufficiently insured without having to worry about finances or medical care. When children are in school, can do some voluntary work or develop an interest.
Yeah...just dreaming
<font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday Aeron</font>

Wishing your hubby a speedy recovery. Don't feel so bad. Make up with ur actions by visiting him more in the hospital and be extra nice to him when he discharge.

I'm also guilty of taking my hubby for granted. With the demands of family and work, somehow I feel the sparks have died and life is into monotony auto gear! sometimes must really bear in mind to make an effort.

wow 5 yrs. did u manage to travel alot over there? I guess as humans, the grass is always greener over the other side. How I wish i can take a break off work and relocate temporarily. Say only lah, but I know it's hard to readj and be away from family and friends and delicious FOOD! haha... =P
oops.....me too guilty of taking things for granted. Guilty that I flared up 2 days ago. I blame it to lack of sleep. This lack of sleep makes me impatient, quick-tempered and whatever hb did is just not up to my standard.

I don't like to watch TV only occasionally there is nice production then I will watch. My hb is a TV addict. He can glue on the TV 24hrs. Ask him to watch after the kids he is sitting there like a block watching TV. TV is the worst invention. I hate TV.
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
She is not sensible at all times &amp; will not listen to our explainations. Take for this CC as example, she can still whine abt it even after she finished her school. She can even whine abt it on a Sat or Sun, &amp; she damn lorsor until I feel like putting a stopper in my eardrums. She could even tell me she want to be stupid &amp; stay at home alone &amp; dun want to have new friends. *FAINT*

But during these weeks of staying at my Mum's house, she can tell me she miss her new teachers &amp; even ask us to pretend to be her teachers. I really dunno wat's she thinking. So now I tell her even her Mai Mai also goes school, she has to go bk to school too. She now can nod &amp; say OK, but when come to tat time, she'll turn into a Whiner. Aiyoh i cant stand her, even her form Teacher in her CC told us on her first day that Ash is a very long-winded gal. Imagine, 1st day already can tell liao! gosh.

<font color="ff0000">TV</font>
Oh dear I'm quite a TV freak too if I'm not using the PC. :p But mostly at nites I'll be 1. Like now I no need to work, I can watch Discovery Travel Channel till 3am. I luv to watch Miami Ink, the Party Planner, Tattoo wars that kind. Hee I'm definitely not a Drama person cos I'm dun like to chase dramas, I prefer to watch 1 espoide tat kind or movies kind. I remember I borrowed 1 Jap love vcd series from my fren last time. &amp; I bascially pressed the "Fast Forward" to hasten the process. My Mum is a TV freak. She also likes to watch all kinda shows. For Taiwanese shows, she'll cry like mad. Even Ash will follow her watching this TW show airing during wkdays afternoon. She can even sing the drama song to me. I nearly freak cos my gal is watching TW Aunty Show during wkdays afternoon, moreover kinda hokkien 1!! Then now evening watch tat "Tong Xin Yuan". Aiyoh bui tahan, saw Felicia Chin now, will say "MEI REN YU". Then hb wears gold necklace which me &amp; Her say VERY Beng, she said HB looks like the "Adrian Pang" in that show. Can faint or not? My gal so small already TV freak. Luckily once start CC back again, she can no need to watch so much this kinda shows. -___-"
Wish your hubby will recover faster. Don't feel guilty. Just sayang him more after he had discharged. I do understand your feeling very well. On this month of june, it always remind me SOMETHING BIG had happened. It was my hubby's first serious accident on Father Day. Strange...one year later, my Jacia was also born on the same month, so close to that accident date.
I still remember crying sadly at the hospital while the doctor was stitching him up on his face and arms for hours. I waited outside the emergency room from 4pm to 8pm. That moment, i thought i would lose him for good. He was in intensive care unit for a week, i couldn't sleep well at all. Kept waking up crying in the dark, alone in my bedroom.
His case was quite serious as he needed operation to put few metals on his cracked cheekbone and got to rest at home for 3 months. But on other hands, luckily his interal organs and legs are okay. Even policeman who had survey his vehicle also mentioned that he is a lucky man to escape death. The vehicle was beyond repair. What a close shave for him!
Since i got 2nd chance to have him back, i will treasure him more...hee hee

Jacia is at Cambridge. U know the old guy at CC? He is a great guy but too bad, he did not want to start another childcare again. I still keep in contact with her old principal.

Your girl got cough? I strongly recommend Ho JO Sun (got double swams). The box is red color. I bought it at chinatown near macdonald there. Whenever the western medicine cannot worked, i would fed her with chinese medicine. So far she is willing to swallow the bitter medicine.

Happy 3rd birthday aeron.
thanks i received the CD in my mailbox today but yet to view it.

for TW drama, maybe i still want to live in the fantasy of sweet romance. so can still bear myself to watch some of it

the disney channel retires for the bed/meals is so funny!!! i must do that to K cos she cries when we switch on the TV with cartoons on but change the channel to others.

twinklets and cookie,
did u try singulair by PD for sensitive lungs and cold?

yes, my hb also dont like me to be a SAHM. he said short term ok, for BF purposes, if not better go back work because i'm more cranky than the kids to him.

u r good, do all these proj work. i always go out with them, so i call it the field trip and experiential learning haha supermarket is our favourite venue of learning.

hope your hb gets well soon.
u 2 are really v lovey dovey..
me and my hb are like 2 cold ice berg. we don't express our feelings that easily. even when we were dating, we don't hold hands when we are out, i remembered seeing someone commented that we looked like just quarrelled which we didnt

korean show TOOOO slow and draggy for me.. think they focus more on scenery and internal feelings. Jap show yes, i like also but depending on what's nice again.

this TV thing also gets my hb in a slow motion mode all the time. always sit there and did not tend to the kids when K talked to him or jr crying away. as usual i go with my nagging and instructed him to switch it off IMMEDIATELY
Thanks for the well wishes. Went to visit hubby this morning and he was oh-so-happy seeing me. And he was smilling and grinning so widely like a small kid getting his candy cane. I felt good too. Now just sitting around and accompanying him while he watches TV... LUcky I can still surf :p

I'm so sorry to hear bout your hubby. It must have been heart-wrenching to see your hubby in such a state and for him to go through that kind of pain. But I guess God is always fair, always give a second chance in life to 'repair' things...

I always thot the two of you are the lovey-dovey kind coz you two look like one from the photo..

I'm like you too. Would not in my best of mood when I don't have enough sleep. Sleep is sooo important to me and I'm the kind who needs to have enough sleep or else, you can see the mood in my face somehow.

TV Addict,
Talking about this, my hubby is one addict. Can sit in front of TV for hours without inching a step. He can watch his Discovery Channel &amp; News for hours and hours. Even when Riz wants to watch TV, he can don't give in to him some times *unbelievable* But then again, in the household, my hubby controls the TV while I control the PC. Heh So it works both ways... haha

Haha, I use similar trick on Riz. I told him that at night, no cartoon. All cartoon characters go to sleep. And my mom's house has the subscribed cartoon channels while my house don't. So when Riz told me he wants to watch cartoon, I would say Punggol house no cartoon, only Ang Mo Kio have. That's my lame excuse to him. But when it comes to my mom's house, after 7pm, no more cartoon for him. Reason: All cartoons need to rest and study and after that sleep. Coz it's my mom's turn to control the TV. Haha
Hugs to u. Wishing yr hb a speeding recovery! Is it virus causing the high fever?

I also find Ash veri dongshi.

Me okie for Korea/Jap dramas but must see who the actor. Some of the dramas veri dragging. heehee

I noe him cos last time my company got business dealings with the cc, but he wont remember me as me onli small small fry. heehee Din noe there is a cambridge around that area. Tot u would go for the little skool house there in nearby vicinity to her ex cc.

TV addict
Think I m more TV addict compare to hb in terms of dramas.. sitcoms or shows like apprentice, cooking prog, etc. But coming to news, he is more addict. hee

Funny hor, we have to resort to all kind of excuses to get back the TV from the tods. kekeke
I did tot of that skool house before cos it is even more nearer to my place. But i worried about the sand fly there which i heard from my hair stylist.

I treasure this 2nd chance and became even more caring to him than before. It taught me a great lesson not to anyhow lose my temper on him and take him for granted. One of his friend saw how i "sayang" him went "wowed" hee hee Later he complainted to my hubby that his wife never treat him like this so nice. Opps....!
Hope ur hb havew a speedy recovery....

Think MOST guys if not ALL are TV addicts la
My hb also 1..will GLUED himself in front of 1 as soon as he reach home...
He played with my kids..but his eyes is always on tv for like few seconds..back to kids..to tv...
but once mei mei sleep...he will glues 100% in front of tv...and sky will JOIN him!!!
and he watches the TCS 9pm show DAILY without failed....
once he got impatient and flare at me..just becos I ask him to attend to mei mei... during this drama LAST EPISODE....
he can tell me..mei mei can wait..but his tv cannot!!!! DUHZ right

and also was watching those late night air crash investigation LATE last night...hb claim cannot sleep..also come out watch...
Guess what is his first action...take over the remote control and channel surf...it was until I stared at him and tell him off that I want to watch that air crash investigation in a OH I AM SO PISS voice..then he guai guai change the channel back...
and add.. oh I din no u want to watch...
Hey..I am the one who switch on the tv lor

I also like discovery!!! but i like nat geo better.....
I like those crime shows..air crash investigations.... and seconds from disaster as well as those history shows.. not the modern history is the OLD OLD eygpt, alexandra type...wahahahahahhahahaha

ONLI daddy can make sky give up his shows...
He simply switch off and tell sky to watch whatever hb is watching
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Though I don't like to watch TV but that doesn't mean I don't turn on the TV. There are some real life incident programmes I like to watch. e.g. behind closed doors, crime watch or some short documentary etc.. mostly short short programmes. And it's like if happen to show then watch.

We same same. I like to watch air crash investigation and seconds from disaster too and some of the talk shows. But I won't glue to the TV and waste time.

And I have all the channels from cable. My hb will never run out of programmes to watch. can die.
<font color="0000ff">BF problem</font>
Part of my right breast is hard and painful. And only 20ml of milk came out. Is that due to blocked duct or engorgement? Or previously I did not empty my breast completely. I read the KKH website but still don't know what I should do. To use hot method or cold cabbage method or should I get baby to suckle.

I have tried taking hot shower and massaging and it's still hard on one particular part.
<font color="0000ff">Lv</font>
nope, PD prescribe the other 1, something ketomine, meant for building up the lung. Suppose to drink long term to see whether got gd effect on her or not. But anw we stopped it after 3 wks+ of taking it. Still dun feel gd taking western medicine for long term. Now all her med except running nose all finish already. We had stop all medication since Monday. Her running nose somehow recovered by itself today. I think I want her own immunity to kick in to help recover her cough &amp; running nose. So far her cough is still ok. On off cough abit, at least I dun hear alot of phelgm or hear coughs when she's sleeping now. i heed ur advice to apply tat Ecaplus (dunno hw to spell) oil on her chest &amp; soles everynite, hope she can sleep better.

<font color="ff0000">Sally</font>
A also seem dongshi to me too. He can say so many sweet things to u. hehe.

<font color="119911">Glazy</font>
Same here, I like to watch Nat Geo &amp; Discovery Channel too. But these days been hooking at Discovery Travel at late nites. :p I like to watch those u mention too. &amp; another 1 is "The Haunting". Recently now I keep watching You Tube. Alot of interesting clips up there.

Ok lar, i can understand ur hb on the last eposiode thing. Me also like that! haha :p V exciting mah.
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
I read back my posting and the way I wrote it sounds like I am telling you off. Sorry that's not what I meant. My english no good. It should be :

Though I don't like to watch TV but I still do turn on the TV and watch some of the programmes.
<font color="0000ff">Dear mummies,</font>
little aeron says thank you for all the well wishes...
falling asleep in dreamland now...

<font color="0000ff">erlisa,</font>
me also very guilty of treating my hubby like that...
hope your hubby recover fast fast.. and get to go home soon

<font color="0000ff">BF problem</font>
bbrooster, it could be due to that you did not empty your breast earlier on...
Best option is to get baby to suckle...I remember last time I also have times like that, engorgement and very painful but once baby suckle and the milk flow, then is ok liao... so I think the best way is to let baby suckle if your baby can suckle well else you got to massage liao which is more painful...
Tang Ling:
Kudos to u, Sally and Anns who have been doing such a great job!! Recently, I’ve been looking after Fangyi all on my own and was super busy already! I can’t imagine SAHMs with 2 kids. I also lose my temper very easily too! As much as I wish to stay connected with outside world, there isn’t much chance for any peace and quiet. By the time he is deep into his nap, I’ll be so tired that I doze off too.

Who helps u out when u work part-time? I’m also a home-body, hee.. a homely Capricorn. I hope to stay as positive as u in future. All along, I’ve also wanted to look after kids myself as I wish to foster a close relationship with my kids like how close I am to my mom, even to this date.

On the contrast, it’s not good to not expose kids to a variety of food from young. I’ve learnt my lesson when Fangyi’s preference for only mushy food and refusal to self-feed present problems. Yes, he’s been on singulair for a few months, but still keep catching cold and flu. And now still on his Ketotifen.

I guess his willingness to take bitter medicine is because I started forcing him to take medicine at a young age. When they reach 3 yrs old, many die-hard habits can’t seem to change. My friend recommends Pharmaton (a children’s multivitamin) that can build immunity. I think fish oils is also very good, esp for brain development. I heard of the early puberty bit too. Maybe it’s better to be safe.

Ash is such a grown-up gal, already can see her keenness to care and love others. I remember my week-long at home last year was horrible too, cuz I would snap at everyone around me. And there’s the mood swings and sudden outburst too. Hopefully u’ll feel saner after some time.

So sorry to hear hubby’s hospitalised. I hope he’s getting better now. When can he be discharged? Treat him ultra nice by bringing him some nourishing food. I’m also guilty of taking hubby for granted. Last week, he’s out of Singapore for a few days. At certain times, I’d worry that something bad might happen on board and get very worried about how life would be without him.

Wow.. 5 years and many more to go? How do u cope and stay sane?

Last time I sought help from a lactation consultant to clear my engorged breast. She has a way of massaging it to clear the blockage.
<font color="0000ff">BF Problems</font>
Thanks for your advice. Milk came through last night when I massage really hard at the same time expressing. In between went into a 45degC hot shower aiming mostly at my breast and continue to massage and then pump again. When I stepped out of the shower can see my right side all red and burn due to the hot hot water.

Luckily it cleared otherwise I won't be able to sleep last night and probably fever this morning. phew...
aiyo, you so funny go for such a hot bath!
You can put cold cabbage on that particular spot. but once it eases, remove cabbage.
Are things better?

i used to teach lah... it was the commitees that drove me up the wall!

i hope hb is better now!

Happy belated Birthday Aeron!

N1 gets fustrated when I let her watch Kids Central. She's so used to non-commercial Channel 34, that when ads come on Kids Central, she thinks it was ME who changed channel! And there's nothing I cansay to convince her it wasn't me, even when remote is in her hands! sigh...

opps, so sorry, my posts are all ove the place. strolling up and down the page to address the different topics!

bday celebration
today N1 distributed her party invites to her classmates. Wah! she was so happy! for that moment, she was like Ms Popular, w all her friends surrounding her. And all the classmates so happy too, trying to read the Princess Party invite.

At that moment, i felt all that $$ spent was worth it leh. They all looked so happy!

Shane, we decided on Princess party in the end, cos she suddenly decided on that and declared it to her teacher. I couldn't go back on that! so from now till the party, we'll hype up on princess theme, so she don't sabo and change her mind on the party what she likes!
<font color="ff0000">Mckee</font>
Wow, N1 must be real excited about her birthday!

Did you manage to prepare treatbags for N1 school party? I chance upon Princess theme stationary set (consists of pencil, eraser, ruler and a sharper) for $0.50 a pack where i work in Raffles Place. They also have Dora, Barney and Mickey design. Seems like a good deal, i couldn't resist buying them.

Jay misses school and it's a pity i couldn't celebrate his birthday in school cos it's the school holidays!
He was crying and fussing with my maid yesterday after his morning shower becos he wants to put on his uniform! Called me at the office and tell me " Mommy, i want to go to school!!" and when i told him it's raining and it's the school holidays, he told me " Daddy, please bring me out!"
Guess he can't stand staying in the house for too long

The name of the shop is Trendyhub at OUB Centre, 3rd level. It the building that you exit from the MRT station. They are having a moving sale. It's 2 packs for $1/-.

I believe they are open on Sat too till 1pm.
I saw many parents snapping them up.
