(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

thanks for your concern! I don't think it's false measles. N1 had it before. If i recall, you can't "feel" the spots for false measles, right? N2's spots are "feelable", a bit like PCK's mole on his chin, only that it's red! hehe!
The hospital doc really put us off lah. very embarassing also. Like we kena major infectious disease with the attire. Did i tell you he wore a mask when he spoke to us? !?!?!

I like your link! Vey informative. now just need to figure out which one is N2's! He's still having high fever (39-39.5), despite the cool weather, lots of baths! And it's not even night time now... I dread tonight!!

i haven't commented. You really have a very very pretty daughter. At this rate that daddy is so proud of her, by the time she grows up, daddy would have created Forms for guys to call/date her!

A is so so cute! I like! aiya... my family portrait would just have to waitun til N3 is older, mummy is slimmer!
My hb just told me, why don't we consider #4?!?!?!?!?! "dear, we give ourselves a break first. maybe 3 years later?"
Aiyo, I was driving when we were hving this conversation. I was this close to E-break and clobbering him!

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
I have got to see your blog - I go home and see tonite. Hee.

<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
What form for CayDad - it should be database, complete with personal info of potential bf and family's. And with rating system. Hahaha.
Oh poor N2... hope he recovers soon. That doc SO blur! Even mummy and daddy could tell. Alamak.
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Your hb is really ON. He still wants a 'fa'? Can tell how much he love kids. peifu peifu.

Hope to hear your good news.
thanks for the compliments on A in the pics.

my hb also dun like studio photo taking. But he enjoyed the session. We have a good laugh. Definitely a different experience with kids around to take together.

No extra, just the amt agreed for the package of one hour shooting. Ben will take as many shots as he can n give u all in soft copies.

so u confirmed going to genius r us, will be fun. Okie I consider in conducting my class, but hor, clean up big headache. heehee

Foto U
No need to bring extra props unless u wan sth special. The studio has a quite a bit to take. Oh the soft toy dog is Akines's own. He insists to take it along to take the pics with him. BTW he named the dog HAPPY cos he said, then doggie will be happy everyday.

Aiyo.... mt alvernia.... I kanna once before.... also prescibed wrong medication. Once when Akinesh just slightly turned 1 yr, high fever middle of nite, so we rushed him to A&amp;E at mt alvernia, took blood test, urine test, blah blah blah, n gave antibiotics. But 2 days later, received a call from the doc at mt alvernia who attended to us that nite, apologising that he gave wrong antibiotics. Sigh. No wonder fever din go down. Immediately went to PD, n confirmed wrong med given, but must complete for at least 7 days then can change cos antibiotics. Angry ya. URRGGHHHH.... Glad that N2 okie now.

NO 4
WAHWAHWAH...... Mckee, Ndad veri solid lei, can think of no 4 liao. kekeke See i told u, there might be no 4 for u. heehee
<font color="ff0000">Mckee,</font>
Oh dear. Hope N2 is better now. When bbcay was around 4mths old, she also had some rashes and GP also suspected it to be chickenpox. Luckily the rash went off on its own. Phew!

Thanks for your compliments on cay. Pretty when young doesn't mean she will be pretty when she grows up. I was a prettier girl compared to my sis when we were kids but people commented that she is prettier when we grew up.

Kekekeke, your hb really love kids hor. I really wanted to kill my hb when he suggested #3, can't imagine #4.
To think that you still want to consider after 3 years. My hb suggested to reconsider after 3 years when he saw my reaction and I am equally upset. I dun want to go thru everything again after 3 years!
I've sent you an invite to my blog. Paiseh, a bit ma-fun. You can create a login using a gmail account or your own email address.
bbcay was not in the photo shoot. Kinda weird but in the first place, cay is not supposed to be in. It was my own makeover but in the end, the focus was on cay instead of moi.
Low morale because of some unhappy events lately and I am also worried over my hair loss.

bbcay is 10mths old liao but my hair is still dropping like crazy. Nowadays I'm the one cleaning the floor and I can see how serious my hair loss is from the amt of hair on the floor.

I actually resorted to not washing/combing my hair to slow down the hair loss but I learnt recently that it is important to wash hair daily to keep it clean, especially when I have oily scalp. Just now went to hair salon and the hair stylist was astonished to see the amt of hair loss when she was drying my hair.
She said I better do something about it and advised to try taking chinese medicine. Sigh.
diy bakery project:
no no, i can't do it as DIY.
No.1 for instance i know nutz about cakes. During Home econ lessons, i was the dish washing lady and the gossipy kay po beer lady.
no. 2 - I dont want to set my kitchen on fire. hehe.. doing outside has the comfort of not worrying about the aftermath. If at home, in the end, supposingly a happy bonding time becomes a sad scolding session again..

Today's learning takeaway for Kayla - Science Centre visit. wanted to throw in snow city as well but reasons like she's underage but yet still need to pay for tickets because of rental, we decide to push it til further notice.

i giggled upon reading your adventure stories of fake pox. But not to worry, N2 will be fine soon. U r right, when the night approaches, it's scary cos the temp slowly creeps to the highest during then. i'm tired of feeding oral med and having her vomiting out and not knowing how much med went in or when to give again. I've standby fever supp in my fridge. both the normal fever and the high fever type (39deg cel). Cos i realise in the end when the child reaches a high temp of 39.5 n aobve, the doc at 24 hr clinics/hosp always give a supp. as for anti-biotics, leave it to the PD to give the next day.

If u are having number 4, i'll applaud u not only with my hands, but also my legs!
<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster,</font>
Thanks for the compliments on cay. Your Jo is even prettier. cay is probably photogenic bah. In real person, she is so tomboy and rebellious.

I think the makeup artist also applied some powder on hb. I was surprised that they even put makeup on cay.

<font color="aa00aa">Tang Ling,</font>
You are not at home? Your wound is fine now? Dun need to rest at home all the time already hah.
<font color="0000ff">caymom,</font>
I am losing a huge amt of hair too. Feeling very depressed cos I am worried abt balding leh.
Sigh. If you know any remedy or chinese med that can help, let me know pls. Thanks!
I have been waiting patiently for the hair loss to stop but my hair stylist told me not to wait further. She said must seek help soon or else my hair will start thinning. So sad.

I am so frustrated over the hair loss that I flared up last weekend while cleaning the floor. I also flare up when cay or bbcay pulls my hair.

I've tried hair tonic. It worked for a while but started dropping again when I stopped using. I'll keep you informed if I have something that works.
<font color="0000ff">caymom,</font>
My stylist recommended a hair tonic. I applied less than one week and kana some rashes. Doc says it's eczema, not sure if it's related to the hair tonic. I have stopped using it since the rashes started.

Stress also plays a part I think. I have been really stress out at work lately so I guess as long as the stress doesnt go away...my hair loss will continue.
Tang Ling
Ytd still ok la
But i wear flip flop mah...as was told safety shoes will be provided... but need to order la
So in the end..i was CONFINED in this small area...as no proper shoes cannot walk all over the placew..and read doc lor...

This morning...was wearing this pair of covered shoes... then as this pair also LONG time din wear..the mouth start to open...
reach MRT station... realise..and quickly rush back..not forgetting to call hb to bring out my shoes....
In the end... u know where are my shoes... to bring out my shoes to hb is to bring out from cupboard..and left outside the door...
I FUME LOR...at the same time curse at his brainless act..already told him my shoes BREAKING apart..and he EXPECT me to walk all the way home!!!
But luckily not late la.... if not he sure ganna tonight

but again..the pair i wear today..is those pointly shoes..now toes very pain sia...

wah u all good sia.. i realise the PC i am assign to...NO INTERNET connection..so no way to be online..

U look VERY good lor...
thats make me SUPER tempted to sign for the make-up and hairdo..when i go for my shoot la

my hb also suggest #3...
then i told him of ALL THE COST involve..now he dun even dare to mention anything...

bbshane also PULL my hair la..so i will scold her lor..and it somehow work la.. after scolding her..her hands DUN DARE to go near my hair

#4...wah... u really hor...

wah..u involving ur legs in the clapping sia... but...awful pose leh..u think more abt it hor...
<font color="aa00aa">Tigger,</font>
Agree with you stress plays a part as well. Since school days, I have been dropping hair liao but not as kua zhang as after childbirth. I used to have a lot of hair but over the years, getting lesser and lesser.

<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
Glad to hear from you.

I have experience of shoe opening while I am outside. Really cham lor....

You hb is really one of a kind.
Anyway, I shall reserve my comments.... really one day I kena hacked by a thin man and still dunno why.

Thanks leh.... your compliments boost my morale a bit. I was kinda sian over the past few weeks that I actually considered doing lasik (you know how kiasi I am lah) and hb wanted to join in.

Kekekekke... I cannot imagine our elegant LV clapping her feet.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
I was thinking the same thing! I also can't imagine our composed &amp; proper LV clapping her feet! Hahaha.

I have started working. Yap, that was why I was not at home. I work sort of part-time at the moment - quite flexible hours.

I'm more mobile now and can move around myself (including shopping. Hehe), but still have muscle ache at some areas. The aches are from my wound - it caused some muscles to strain. But besides these, I'm pretty ok.
Though very tired when I had to work long hours, coz not fully recovered yet.
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Aiyo, your hb so 'cute' one. Though I can imagine you fuming when you saw your shoes outside the door. Hahahaha. You poor thing. But hor, MEN are like that one wor. Instructions have to be very very specific.
<font color="0077aa">Share with mummies something that happened yesterday...

JJdad promised to give JJ a gummy bear if he sits in the highchair for his dinner. JJ agreed and sat there, patiently waiting.

As promised, JJdad went into the kitchen and came out with a little gummy bear in his hand. Then, he BROKE the head of the gummy bear off and gave it to JJ, saying that the other half for Papa. I looked in HORROR at the bear head JJ held between his fingers.

Then JJ fussed and said "NO, I want TEDDY BEAR!!!" still staring at the bear head. No matter how many times JJ repeated, JJdad was indifferent - just stood there and told JJ "NO, you have to share."

Then I asked JJ "Then how about Mummy? Mummy has no gummy bear?". JJdad took control again... he took the bear head from JJ, broke it in half and gave 1 pc to me. The other pc goes back to JJ. Who again repeats "NO, JJ wants TEDDY BEAR!!!"

JJdad just felt that JJ should not be eating sweets before dinner and wanted to cut it down as much as possible... BUT... decapitating the poor gummy bear??? Anyway, JJ gave up and just ate half the bear head. Hee.</font>
tang ling,
very funny JJ!! it seemed that they are rather persistent these days and into some bargaining power.

Re:clapping with legs
not too bad lar.. just imagine doing yoga

i try out the bakery class before deciding whether to join the ice-cream making class. tigger is going for ice-cream class rite? maybe if it's fun i'll join u. but oh no, budget for enrichment over-stretched this month!
Tang Ling,
I see. Good that you have flexi-hours.

Hahaha... the gummy bear incident is so funny. I have a friend who bought a birthday cake with her kid's fav cartoon character. The kid broke into tears when he saw his 'idol' being cut up and told his mom to fix it back.
wow good to hear from u lei. heehee

hmmm Sori hor i m going to say sth about JJ's episode yesterday. I find JJ veri poor thing, kanna "cheated" by JJdad. To me, if JJdad thinks that JJ should not eat too much sweets before dinner, then in the first place, he should not have not have come up that deal, cos JJ listens n obeys. Maybe he should have said "a gummy bear AFTER his dinner". But then must realli give him one instead of a third. To me, kids at this age, understands veri well. Dun promise if u cant deliver. They will noe n next time will be hard to discipline them as they noe we dun honour what we said. Paisei long winded, just wan to voice out cos Adad warned me when I make such mistakes. Hence I dun dare to promise A anything or in exchanging any deals which I m not 100% sure I can fulfil. Esp now they will remember every single thing. heehee EG, next day bringing him out, I will tell him if no raining, then we will go. Last time I tend to tell him we going out next day, n immediately opens his eyes he will ask going out now, n if rain, GOSH, he will be so upset n nags nonstop. Hence just a thought about JJ's episode as I feel that JJdad should not have promise him n not fulfil his promise. kekekeke
Wee...too many posting..need to read slowly. Let me post 2 of Ra conversation today which I am amazed before i forgot the exact words....

1st one..early morning.
Me: Ra, pls don't bring your pillow. Shame Shame.
Ra : No, I want!
Me : Say Bye Bye to your pillow..we are going off already.
Ra : No, I want to bring pillow.
(Mummy give up, so he happily hug his pillow &amp; went out)
In the Car.
Ra: Mummy, see my pillow wants to sit car car!
yes yes sally. i agree with u.
We must honour our words because we have reached a contract with them.
Last few days i neg with K to take medicine by giving her a sweet after the med. She's great. She swallowed med, giving the terrible wrinkling face look but did a great job because she of the promise i gave!
Just now, she told me ' Mummy I want to eat medicine. ' Because she actually wanted the sweet after every med taken. haha. But i told her no more med liao.
So cute Ra. kekeke
Just amazing how much improvement they make on their vocals.

I feel that if we dun honour our promise, next time hard to reach a term with them n hard to gain the trust anymore, esp they feel that we lying to them. heehee maybe we think too much.
2nd one was Ra conversation with the MOON.

In the car, on our way home. Ra quickly crawl near the window.

Ra: Mummy...i can see the Moon! I love the Moon SO MUCH!
Moon, do you want to come to my house? or you want to go to Star's hse?

(no idea, why he said Star has a house...suddenly i remembered I told him before a story abt Star n Moon being gd friends)

Mummy : oh yes, Star &amp; Moon are friends right?

Ra: yes, star has eyes, moon has eyes...

These days, it is quite funny to hear him talks.
Actually, sweet treats is the last thing i will use to get him dwn for dinner. I will use his fav show or toys etc.

fever in the middle of the night can be v scary hor...lucky u have a maid at home can bring N2 to A&amp;E. But the Dr really too much leh...how can diagnose wrongly.
I also v peifu..you can still think of #4. Me &amp; hb both of us only want 2.

Yes...he is v vocal now. I totally agree with you nvr give empty promises. When I was young i experienced the disappointment myself so I will not let my kids feel that way.
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Ya, I know what you mean and I also agree with you.

Between me and hb, we also agree that we promise JJ only things that we can deliver. And we remind each other that. This gummy bear incident is just one of the 'accidents'. And I take it with a pinch of salt. I realised that I had been too rigid of rules and at times when accidents happen, I tend to just let it pass. Otherwise if I show hb a black face, everyone is sour.

JJdad was at the end of his patience when JJ won't sit down for his dinner, so resorted to that. Just need something to distract him and he would calm down. JJ was just upset that he can't see a bear shape. Anyway, he didn't fuss after he ate that one third of the sweet.

Actually, JJdad didn't think that far and was very desperate at that point in time to use that last resort.
Yeah, u have fun with K and hopefully tigger will fill us in on her feedback on the ice-cream making class. I find the fees abit on the steep side too. What's the duration of the workshop?

Your shoe saga very funny leh!
We miss you VERY much...
How! how! we need jokes in the day to perk us up(like coffee)..now we can only get our dose after work when u come home to surf

I went into your bog as a guest, haven't created a gmail account yet.
Cay is really very photogenic and pretty ..give her some credit lah, this little lady sure noes the camera angles, very natural!
Ur hb looks like he's having a great time too.
I hope my family studio pics will turn out just as nice.

Hair Loss
Maybe you can try taking more walnuts, in the form of a drink or even dessert.

Salute your hb to even think so "Fa"!He is an exemplary citizen. Fatherhood is indeed giving him so much joy
<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
That was also the first and last time sweets would be used to get JJ down for dinner. We have never done that before either and I really don't like to use that.
About the tendancy to overpromise, must really learn from your reminder. Jaydad and i sometimes also make that mistake. I will always stop Jaydad when he wants to reward his son with a snack after another. Told him our son is not a pet and i don't want him to become a junkie. When Jay overheard his "reward" and rushes for the fridge, i will say a firm NO! Of cos, he will fume and get cross but i will try to quickly divert his attention to doing something else. It does work.
Since everyone is on the topic of conversation

On Sun nite, we went Bugis Street for dinner. Halfway thru the meal,an old man approach our table to sell tissue paper. We politely rejected.The old man went over to Jay's corner and Jay reaches out his hand to take. A very natural reaction from both of us is to ask him not to touch. Jaydad's voice was a little firmer than usual. What happens next?
Jay looked down with a guilty look and started to whimper.

Jaydad: Daddy's not scolding you. Why u cry?
Jay: Gong...gong...
Jaydad: U wana help the Gong Gong? U cannot just take,u wan to buy the tissues?
Jay: yes (a very soft reply and look down again)
Jaydad: Stop crying, Daddy bring you to Gong Gong?
Jay: ok, let's go (face lighten up)
A couple of secs later, hb and Jay came back with 3 packs of tissue
Jay: Mommy, tis-sue..yeh!
Jaymom: Jay's a good boy, help Gong-Gong by buying his tissues

The old man actually walked back and said thank you again. Jay smiled shyly
Hb and i thought for a while.Jay probably didn't understand why he couldn't take the tissues in the 1st place when he was offered but we wish it was also the philantrophic trait that we are seeing in our boy. I'm glad we explained to him
Jay is such a dear boy...can imagine his look when saying Yes.

Hey...i have been searching the link u gave me for your blog but i can't find...can u re send me. Pls send to my yahoo email. I want to see your makeover pics...I also feel like doing.
Bribery, rewards, punishment
These days I feel as if I'm practising my nego skills. Must bargain so hard and rem to fulfill. But I must add that every siutation is unique lah, so sometimes we just got to adjust accordingly. I also sometimes bribe her with sweets which I myself don't really agree with BUT when you reach the end of the line. It's just 'watever that works'

Totally agree that we should fulfill our promise. Long time ago, my mil already reminded us cos when we tell her, if you do 'x', then you can get "y". then mil will tell us, 'make sure you give "y" to her'. hee.

Nowadays she's paying us back us with our own medicine. sometimes when she wants something, we'll use 'ok, later'. Now when we ask her to do something or give something, she does the same 'later ok?' haha...
Dear baking mummies,
Do you have a super duper simple cookie receipe to share ? those cut cookies type. Will i be able to buy a pack off the shelf ? Like betty cocker type ?
thank you!
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Hahaha. Can imagine E saying that! SO cute!

Yes yes, end of line... whatever that works...

Picture Me: No no, I'm not signing up anything with them. Just happened that I got a voucher at lucky dip: FREE 15-20 shots, 2x4R &amp; 1 make-up styling. Allows up to max 8 pple.
So their pics no good ah?
Pics are so-so. I find the photographer not v gd. Maybe if you picked a gd photographer will be ok but I'm not sure which photographer is good there. I didn't rec'd good service from them, v tardy on delivery.

Since it's free, i would recommend that you go and TRY your best to stick to the freebies. Their prices to purchase per pc, is quite ex. I spent about 400+ for the session and about 20 or so photos. They do not return all the digital copies and have to pay for them.
Jay is such a sweet boy. U must be so proud of him at that moment.

After trying a few recipes, I find the below recipes easy n involve the least ingredients n taste is excellent. If u dun have the cake flour, let me noe, I pass to u n u just get the rest n try. I have big packet, so no need to buy as u just need a bit. Or u wan me to mix for u the dough? Oh and also a box of cookie cutters u can choose from. SMS me if u need.

(makes about 36 pieces)

100g butter, softened at room temperature
80g caster sugar
1 egg yolk
180g cake flour
20g corn flour


1. Sift cake flour and corn flour together and set aside. Line baking tray with parchment paper, set aside.
2. With an electric mixer, add in sugar to the butter in 2 ~3 additions and cream till the mixture turns pale and fluffy.
3. Add in egg yolk and mix well.
4. Add sifted flour mixture in 2 ~ 3 additions, stir with a spatula to form a soft dough.
5. Place dough in a plastic bag and flatten with rolling pin.
6. Refrigerate the dough for about half an hour.
7. Remove dough from fridge. Roll out dough on slightly floured work surface and cut out with slightly floured cookie cutters. If the dough appears to be a little to hard and breaks into pieces while rolling, leave it at room temperature for a few minutes. The dough will soften up and can be rolled easily.
8. Bake at pre-heated oven at 175 degC for 15 ~ 20mins.
9. Let cool and store in air-tight container.
Hi Ladies...
SO SO SO tired...
being reading docs these days lor..
Today FINALLY a chance for me to prepare reagent...but GARANG GABO lor...as long time din prepare liao...wahahahahahahaha

Think Jay must be thinking..he MUST accept everything anyone offer la...wahahahahahahaha

aiya... my shoe saga..FUNNY meh...
Me fuming lor.... next time I make sure he dun tell me to put pot on stove..I just put there lor...

wah.. u all STILL nego har..
For me is IF U DUN DO THIS..will ganna whack...
I dun bribe lor...too lazy liao...whack faster...wahaahhahahahahaha
But Sky also smart...he will run when he know he is ganna whack soon....
Progress in school
When Sky got all his artwork back...we tot is done by the teachers..until he got back 2 books from class...as he was absent for 1 day..that day activity was left blank.... and Sky happily 'fill' in the blank la...

there was dot where they are suppose to join..and Sky join the line by himself and colour within the line he drew.. not to say...me and my mum are so impressed....

then to keep him occupied during the mar holidays..my mum bought this colouring book...which my boy quickly proceed to colour the picture..he used to colour anywhere he like...whethjer within or out of the picture....

I am so happy!!!!
even tho his speech wise..still a lot to catch up la if he were to talk like A or E la...

But he love class...i cannot imagine the amt of noise when he stay at home during this holiday...
(my mum actually tell him teacher is sick..so no class..then he allow himself to be absent.. my mum had personal matter to tend to la)
Good leh. Sky is so smart. I am quite worried for cay now.
Seems like she is still the same pattern as during Edufarm time.... refused to let teacher guide her.
Not smart la...
but i am amaze he can do so much lor...
anyway..my mum inform me..he always fight to be the first few to enter his class lor...
wah! sounds like new job not as welfare?

hehe... had a good time laughing at all the conversations! our kiddos are really getting more intelligent!

aiyo... don't be deceived. Hb is only making casual comment (I choose to take it that way!!) I don't think we are that BIG on kids! But to fast forward all that to when we are old, 4 kids really sound very comforting!

today, LOTS of spots appeared on his body. It's the false measles attack. Sigh.. after all that, it comes down to this. But thank God, with the spots out, the fever stopped as well. Just that, for N2, this is quite a severe outbreak, according to doc (we went to see PD again just now).
When I got back from work, N1 was down with fever and cold. sigh... you tell me, HOW TO BE EXCITED ABOUT HAVING N3, let alone N4?!?!
glad to hear N2 fever stopped. Oh dear, now N1 is down w/ flu. Is it due to recent weather?

There is blood test that can confirm whether or not a person has been infected by chickenpox virus.
Sigh.. I don't have any good conversation w/ Ian, coz' his speech still pte ltd. Sometimes he talks sound like "korean". My hubby said I watched too much korean drama.
Hope you're coping fine. Just hang in there for the initial years. When there's more than one kid around, they tend to pass the virus around. it's good to separate them if situation allows.
hope N1 fever is under control.

Agree with Anns that the weather has not been very good as well.

Btw, just to share. E has this longest flu that goes on and off. When i brought her to the PD, he said might be a symptom of allergy. Told to avoid food with artificial colouring and some other stuff but i can't rem
I sure hope it's not allergy but i think i'll be more watchful nowadays.

don't worry. I talked late too but my mum said I didn't shut up after that. haha....
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Although you said Sky can't talk like A or E but he is good in another. Jo cannot colour within and join dots. She just simply colour anyhow. I have to sit down and coach her to colour and remind her not to colour out of the picture.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Hope your kids get well soon.
<font color="119911">Tangling</font>
Tat's quite funny for the bear part! Now they are more dongshi liao, so we parents have to be more careful abt such nitty stuffs. To us, it may be nutting. But for the child, he may get traumatized if next time his favorite character kana chop head. Keke. Tat's why I dun really favor getting a 3D cake for birthday cos I think Ash will be v sad if she sees people cutting off whatever character head off. :p

<font color="aa00aa">Jaymom</font>
Tat's a touching moment, seem like Jayden is getting more dongshi, &amp; if his compassion trait stays, then u'll be so happy &amp; blessed cos easier to upbring him into a sensible child.

<font color="0000ff">Mckee</font>
Ya the fever will be gone when the rashes come out. Think the rashes shd be gone by 2 to 3 days.
The weather is really bad these days, I myself just recover from flu too. Think better separate N1 &amp; N2 for the time being to promote faster recovery.
U take care too as u D day is coming v near too!!

<font color="ff0000">Glayz</font>
Wow u now a nite bird liao! Guess we’ll be missing your 1 statement jokes &amp; getting summary post from you daily at nite liao. Keke!

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Read from your blog tat Cay got her progress card last week, so was Ash. She happily showed me all the worksheets tat she had done. I put all her past worksheets in a folder, folder gog to burst liao. I kinda bu she der to throw away all the stuffs. Hee I think I’m gog to buy more folders to put her stuffs next time.
This week is holiday for them, she mad 1, Monday fussed my Mum to wear the uniform for her when she knows that there is no class. Days like need to go class, she’ll cry &amp; say dun want to go class &amp; refuse to wear uniform. This gal really full of patterns.

<font color="aa00aa">Anns</font>
Got talk to Ian more nowadays? Btw my ex colic late talker at 4 YO, now speaks very well &amp; is 1 of the top salesmans in our company last time.

<font color="119911">Esher</font>
Artificial colorings? But nowadays a lot of snacks got such stuff hor? Ya must really be more watchful on those labels. I’m quite surprised of wat the PD told you. I tot getting flu is quite common for a child tat goes CC.

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>
U gals gog for the Dancepointe trial rite? Pls update me of this trial ok? I wanna send Ash to this too once she over 3 YO. How come so weird 1, tat time someone or u called said must reach 3 YO then can have trial, then now in March can go again hah?

Ashley has been asking me on Ballet class again. Hahahaha………….
It probably was becos i said E flu never recovered and at the same time she had some eczema patches. Maybe that's why he said could be due to senstitivity or allergic reactions.
He prescribed Zyptec which I had also but i was giving her Rhinmine instead. Seems like Zyptec was more effective. Now flu ok liow.

Actually I think it's not allergy. Cos i gave her medicine on and off, not regular =P and she only starts to have flu when weather is cold or she's not kept warm at school. her school aircon v cold.

oh KY had eye infection and it was becos of flu ? wah, i didn't know that....

I understand this flu thing that you're referring to. PD said before that it's something they'll outgrow, cos it may be an allergic flu.
In anycase, I was also warned to be careful and really monitor, as it can develop into sinus if it does on for too long. (and he didn't say what is too long!)
I hope E's case is not sinus. My hb has it, and it looks like N2 got it from daddy. cold weather, direct fan blowing, little bit rain could trigger the nose.

Thanks for all your concern! N2 now looks like a poster boy for infectious disease. lots of spots, poor thing, very itchy too. N1 just got the normal cold, with runny nose.
