(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Ehh for kids tat prone to have colds, running nose, is good to make them wear socks when they sleep at nite. That time when I had my postnatal massage, the massage lady told me tat wind will goes into the soles, thus we can easily get colds, feng shi etc. So I guess this shd apply to kids too. Usually when Ash down with cough/running nose, or I feel tat her body quite cold, esp the foot & hands, I'll wear the socks for her when she deep asleep liao, then I apply those bb vicks on the soles too.

tat's wat i hate abt aircon.
Can let her wear additional singlet inside her tee? My mum will let Ash wears a singlet inside her uniform, her PG class also air-con.

ok let me post these 2 pics tat I chance upon from a forum. The lady made them herself. she actually using normal prima deli cake, & cover with fondant. So nice hor?? she really a genius to me.. imagine u order these from outside, u'll be paying abv $200!

but of cos when cutting, is not easy. But i'm not into eating such cakes too lar, too sweet. But I'm really impressed by her skills & creativity. Salute!!
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
wow.....yummy! the cakes look so nice. too nice to cut and eat it.

thanks for sharing the link. have you tried cakes from sweetest moments? i scared it's nice to look at but doesn't taste nice.

today you very 'eng' at work is it?
<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
today our system down for repairing, cant do much work. me actually trying to scout for some cake for ashley. ahah!

Ya very sad to cut those cakes!

I'm not sure of the sweetest moments, i see their reviews not bad. Maybe u can google it to find out more. I'm sending this to my sis too. haha she giving birth abt ur time too.

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
have u come across any ballerina figurines in those diy bakery shops before ah? I saw BIY website, they dun sell these, I wonder U ever come across any when U go to such shops ??
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
Oh... poor N2! When you wrote "N2 now looks like a poster boy for infectious disease" I had this pitiful pic in my mind! Hope he gets well soon.

How are you getting along? Must be very very big now? Hee. Think you can still make it to one more Mums Nite Out before you pop? On 28 Mar Fri.
<font color="0077aa">Mums Nite Out</font>

Date: 28 Mar Fri
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: TBC

1. Tang Ling
2. Shane
3. Jaymom
4. Ixorarred
5. Cherry
5. Aries
YUMMY cakes! But I find that the strawberry one looks like it's made of playdoh! Hahaha.

<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Ya ya, I read that in the newspaper - flu-like symptoms but killing children as small as 2YO! Gosh.
Mums Nite Out

Date: 28 Mar Fri
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: TBC

1. Tang Ling
2. Shane
3. Jaymom
4. Ixorarred
5. Cherry
5. Aries

SALLY SAlly... can you come?!!
so u heard it too. i just hope she didn't get it from me. I have super sensitive nose.
E is like that, if too cold only will get running nose already.

me too. I wear socks for E every nite but nvr put vicks.
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
cay can't even colour properly. I really dunno what to do with her.

<font color="aa00aa">Twinklets,</font>
Yah, she got her report back. She no reaction when she realises no school this week, but there was one night she suddenly said she wants to pay with one of her classmate.
Hi ladies,

been MIA for a while becos of heavy workload at work and sometimes busy burning midnight oil on korean dramas...hahaha...

receive the SMS on mummies nite out next week... long time I think never met up with the rest... will try to join if possible...

the cakes above look so pretty...can see that the lady is a very detailed person to be able to put so much details onto the cake...

aeron loves to colour also... and the school will attach one piece of colouring worksheet and one piece of pre-writing worksheet for them to follow up during weekends... but sad to say, he lacked the patience to join all the dots... join maybe 1 or 2 lines... then stop... but for colouring he likes but cannot colour within the lines yet... and whenever... he colours... he will talks to himself, "colour, colour, colour...." like motivating himself to colour....hahaha..

but I agree with all the rest mummies that conversation with them now can get very funny at times...haha...
ya.. sky had another talent

he will tell mei mei.. NO CANNOT DO THIS...

u notti gor gor will beat!!
He sound like someone lor..... ME!!! wahahahahahahaha

and he also will tell mei mei to share her toys...
but when he snatch her toys and we forced him to share..he will goes..mei mei lend u..at the same time snatching it back...
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
Forgot to add that I used to keep cay's worksheets faithfully but one day she took it out to play and all become giam chai liao. bbcay also has a part to play. Now I dun bother to keep already but I will take a pic of it the moment she brings it home.

You are thinking of buying a ballerina cake for Ash ah? Very good idea leh. I still dunno what cake to buy for bbcay's bdae celebration next mth. Celebrating it in end Apr because my mom said it must be before bbcay's lunar bdae. Then I will buy another cake to celebrate on her actual day. cay will also get a cake on her actual day bdae. Wow, I sure grow fat with the indulgence in cakes during that period. Better bf for a longer period.

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz,</font>
Since like your new job is more demanding than the old one. Maybe it's just the beginning. Everything shld be fine after you settle down and get the hang of it.

Agree that the way they talk is like parroting after us. Recently, cay told bbcay "chu qu! bu yao ni!" (get out, dun want you) and pushed bbcay out of the room in her walker. My mom was shocked as she always says such things when they are notti. I told my mom to be more careful with her words because cay is learning such negative things very well. bbcay is also getting good at imitation.
so nice, u wan me to come??? kekeke I try n put my name first cos now hb has got class every tues n fri, I check if he can potang one friday, so I can join u all w/o A. But will be like the previous, around 8 or 8 plus then can reach. :)

Mums Nite Out

Date: 28 Mar Fri
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: TBC

1. Tang Ling
2. Shane
3. Jaymom
4. Ixorarred
5. Cherry
5. Aries
6. Sally (tentative)
u see me so up...... me not that standard yet lah. heehee I din come across any ballerina items yet, maybe u can email cheryl from BIY to ask if she has, cos she dun put all items in the web. If have, then u go down n see. :)
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Of course you MUST try and come to Mums Nite Out lah! How can you miss it???!!! Hee.
Come late also can - no problem at all. I got my permit liao. Kekeke.
sibling rivalry
Its time for me...to reflect myself as a mum....

Today..out of the blue..after whacking him big time in the morning..i decide to show Sky my love..i kiss, hug and carry him....
GUESS what...mei mei saw me doing this...CRY big time to oppose me doing those act... when my mum do the same to sky...mei mei is indifferent lor....
So to mei mei..I am hers and hers ONLI!!!!
Oh dear, why you whack Sky again?

Sigh, I want to reflect myself too. For the past few days, I have been whacking my gals... yah, even bbcay kena because she is really turning from bad to worse. And hor, I only smack lightly and she hit high pitch crying. I need to hit cay really hard to get a reaction.

Anyway, I feel very bad for punishing them. My hb again said I shouldn't punish them like that. But he couldn't do anything to help at all.
The worst thing is my ils will come to me when they need me to discipline cay. Please lah, cay is like royal princess at their place. At home, I only need to scold her and she will listen. At their place, I have to hit her before she listens and I can tell they buay song lor. I told hb, next time I'm going to bochap when they tell me to discipline cay because they are the ones who spoil her.
he bring his tricycle inside the room and ganna stuck la...
so keep crying and screaming as he wants to peddle out.... the bed blocking him lor.... and he can use his legs to paddle and move the tricyle out mah....
but he just sit there screaming he wants to go out...and scream for a good 1/2 hr..before i cannot take it and whack lor...
while whacking..he suddenly can move his tricyle VERY WELL!!!
U see la..he just want to make a big fuss off a SMALL issue
nowadays they like that hor. want something only, will get fed up if they can't get it and fuss big time.

i told my hub i feel very old and aged dealing with E. The heart already very kek liow but yet must ren and talk to her nicely. sometimes i feel very very drained after a nego session with her.

haiyo, bb shane so so so sweet.....

nowadays i can't tolerate crying too. find it very 'fun' man. don't feel bad, sometimes we just have to do what's necessary for ourselves and for them. as long as there's explanation and love after the punishment, should be fine.

my E FINALLY learned this 'mountain' pattern liow. last sat, mil was at our place and i scolded her, right away she whined super loudly and like so poor thing and went 'nai..nai...!!!' i was like urgh.... and of cos my mil came and carried her away. urghhhh...
ya man... maybe you should go for #3... good genes! hee hee... carry on ur big pretty eyes genes. Both your kids got nice skin, complexion and eyes! nice!
Aiyo!!! bbShane sooooo... cute. Nice swim suit and cute big big tummy! Kekekeke.

<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
JJ know the 'mountain' thingy since dunno when, but hor, at home only 2 mountains. When hb scold him, he goes "Maaaaammmmmiiiii..." and when I scold him, he goes "Daaaaddddiiiii...", and like E, also cry till so poor thing, like we just tortured him!

But when he comes to me, I ask him "Why Papa scold you?" and get him to say sorry to hb.

Hey, I remember you mentioned sometime back about their 'rationalisation skills' improving and I see one of the examples during the weekend.

We were out shopping, and I asked JJ if he wanted to sit in the stroller. He said "Noo..." and so I turned around to continue walking. He was holding my mum's hand. Then he commented "No space!" coz I had shopping bags on the stroller seat! Me, my mum and my 2 aunties started laughing at his as-a-matter-of-fact reply. Hee. He must be thinking "No space how to sit anyway?".
Yes. E does that to us too. When i scold her, she says 'i don't want you, go away.' And vice versa when daddy scolds her.

I always tell her if she doesn't want mummy then no more mummy. and all the condequences, then she'll say sorry and change her mind. hee hee...

haha, JJ is so cute. now it's really interesting to see them talk.

sally, tangling,
thks for the receipe. I did my cookies! hmmm, feedback from sils, bils and hubby say ok, not bad. But i find it so so only.. cos i find it abit too sweet and some chao tar =P haha....
but my icing sugar too watery!!! so ended up v messy. but kids had fun. E just kept eating the decor! haha!
will post the pictures when i have time.

will rtn u cookie cutter soon. thks!
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Bbshane is so chubby &amp; sweet. I din realize it is a swimsuit until TL mentioned it. The big tummy is very cute.

<font color="ff0000">big mountains</font>
same here, Ash also always shouts for DADDY if Mummy is the 1 scolding her, &amp; vice versa too. But if Daddy also bo hiu her, she'll go to her NAI NAI, which I really hate lor, cos Nai Nai will sure carry her 1. So now when I know tat she is gog to throw huge tantrums &amp; crying v loud, I'll simply carry her to the room before she can seek help from any mountains. Really sick of hearing her DADDY &amp; NAI NAI.

She is always the 1 that comes to me automatically to say Sorry after the big Mountain finishes pacifying her. She wants me to sayang her back again, so she has to say sorry. Then she'll say "Mummy, smile", then her face will have that mi mi yan fake smile look.
bB Shane is super cute...eyes so BIG!!

When i am angry, Ra will also say " Mummy, you happy?" then he will also show me his wide smile.
me will definitely try. heehee dun wan to miss lei.

wow u all make me drool for bb gal...... sobsobsobsob.... here i m struggling to stop at one after going thru the headache of no helper n dun wan to go thru bbhood again.......... here u both posting pics to seduce me........ URRGGHHHHH

no prob la.
If watery, u should add more icing sugar mah. heehee
good that they all have fun. Ya post pics for us.
ya i added alot... then realise need to add alot more. should have added and used up the whole pkt. now left abit only.

u decided to stop at one? sure or not... hee hee.. bb gal so cute ley....
Sally, Shane...
just the other day, i overheard one lady telling another how much she &amp; hubby regretted having only one child and now too old already... so sad...

so better think thru properly okay.
ya when you are young you want to enjoy. old already cannot enjoy then come and regret why i only have one. so suffer first and enjoy zi sun man tang later.
does that mean u going for no 2???? Hooray!

wait more kids more headache, more bu xiao how???? Then commit sucide? kekekeke
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Don't mean to ask you have half a dozen. Just have one more only.

<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
Are you......? Are you.....? Nowadays seldom see you post. Morning sickness and tired??


No #3 la... too ex liao...
After scolding Sky..he will tell me..."u go away"
If I am at my mum place..."mummy hui jia la" (mummy go home)
If my mum scold him..."daddy...(daddy not there lor...) wo yao hui jia"
If I scold him at my home " Ah po... hui ah po jia..."
