(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

huh is it ? different doc rates for different rms ? jia lat ... i only got an estimated bill from them as a guage ... will check with them. thks...

take care...

i went NTUC to see, the colours is nice nice ... but i didn't buy in the end. still undecided whether to get the 5tier or the 4tier one. The NTUC one is algro brand rite ? cold storage one is toyogo.

ya it's rather late liao me also controlling, die die also try to squeeze into my pants if not really got to wear dresses...yucks!!!

time really files...must start preparing ur bag already. last nite was telling my frd got to prepare 2, one at hm the other in the office...n she laughed at me :p she said aiyo just one will do lah...hahaha...

ntuc one is nice huh? then must well get fm there since can find ntuc easier than cold storage. personally i will take the 5 tiers in case you want to put more things inside :)

re bed
same here ive yet to book my bed n room anyway it's still early :p

wow...how come ur fee all increased? mine will be the same be it what kinda of rm you're in leh...
Yes, the NTUC one is Algro brand. I also saw the toyogo one at Cold Storage, didn't like the color too! The drawers are quite big, 4 tier shld be enuf lar...

In case of emergency.. u rush to hospital first & get someone to bring u the bag. However, admission letter must be with u all the time.

Metro Infant Fair
Went Metro yesterday, nothing much to buy. I'm thinking shld I buy the $55 playpen

<font color="0000ff">Cookie &amp; Serrich</font>, both of u bought the playpen right? Did you take the internal dimension, can we get the mattress easily?
ya lor ya lor...admission letter must be with us all the time. u hv any idea when will our gynae gave it to us?

kekeke...nothing hor :p ya tat $55 playpen is good enuf liao.
getting kan cheong huh hee hee ... I'll be packing my bag in mid may. now will start washing all the clothes and bedding stuff first. plenty to wash !!!

ha ha... ya pack 1 can liow. no need 2. if u pack 2 then u need to buy everything 2 sets ley ... hee hee ...

re cabinet
von, ya if 1 2 be cost effective than 5 tier one better, can put more ... but the colour really cannot make it ley. unless i just close 1 eye and buy.
but like wat adora said, the 4tier one, the drawers are bigger also, so sorta makes up for the diff. sigh.. i headache now.

adora, the colour sucks hor...sigh... i wish they have other colours. but hubby said can't have perfection. either nice colour or more storage
Me just trying to make the best our of my $ spent, very 'cat' hor .. hahahahah...

The next consideration i have is toyogo one no nd to fix, so more stable in a sense since it's like a fixed structure. while for algro one, need to fix, so seems quite flimsy. just my opinion, hope u all don't mind
shane/ von
re:1 bedder vs 2 bedder
ya tats wat the nurse told me tat doc fees also increase. not sure if only apply to Mt E, or maybe apply to my gynae who's fees is charged according to room...i think after much deliberation most prob will stick to 2 bedder as diffce is too much

re:admission letter
they told me will pass to me during my 36wks checkup. have to bring along $500 deposit.

playpen is pretty useful from advises of some collegues. it is safe to put your child in even up to 3 yrs old whereas for cot there is a danger they may knock against the wood especially when they can start crawling around...

$55 seems a good bargain...you have the dimension??
actually playpen can don't buy first. unless u really sure u need it. cos can only leave bb in playpen when they're older.
Mt E charges could be higher. I'm gg to ESH. under the same hospital gp. hope will be cheaper since ESH is so called the 'cheaper' among the rest

I really tempted to have 1 bedder ley.

wat's the $500 deposit for ?
i went to buy the 4 tier drawer from NTUC yesterday. Just couldn't resist the temptation and convinced my hubby that we have lots of things to put, so the spotlight 3 tier one is not enough. Hee.. actually really love the colours. Hubby fixed it yesterday and i could fill up all 4 drawers with all my baby stuff in 10 mins! The soptlight one i put all baby clothes and towels only.

the 4 tier one i put baby stuff like milk bottles, pampers, my breast pads, disposable panties, toys, pillows, mats, baby wipes, etc...

i am also thinking of taking 1 bedded so my hubby can stay with me. Will check with gynae how much more to pay for TMC during my next checkup when i am week 35.
ya maybe becos its Mt E tats why more ex

i also wanted 1 bedder very much but nurse there say not worth becos of the price diffce &amp; after discussion w hubby also think not worth...

if your pr diffce not tat big then go for it becos definitely good to have hubby around and i heard they can leave bb in your room longer since its your private room as compared to 2 bedder

for playpen i thought we can adjust the height...with mattress we can still let bb sleep inside right?

the $500 deposit is to offset against your final hospitalisation bills. something like deposit for booking the room if i am not wrong...
wow, u buy liow ah. tt's fast. is it stable after fixing up ? i still don't know which to buy :p

Ya Mt E is one of the more ex hospital.
we'll likely go for 1 bedder cos i'll like my hubby to be ard.

yup some playpen can adjust height. but some pple say playpen quite low, so got to keep bending if u use it as a 'cot' for bb during the first few mths.
I am actually thinking of using the playpen as bed for maybe first 6mths. There is a layer that is high enuf, just put a mattress will do.

So far the Toyogo drawer I have seen don't have nice colors but I do find nicer ones on their website. Toyogo
You may like to visit their showroom :
<font color="0000ff">TOYOGO SUPERMART</font>
Blk 11 Toa Payoh Ind. Park Lorong. 8 #01-1205 Singapore 319023
Tel: (65)2502960

<font color="0000ff">TOYOGO SUPERMART</font>
118 Sims Drive (Opp. Block 59)
Tel: (65)8417018

I have the external dimension, it is around L44" W30"

Admission Letter
I was given mine at 32weeks but din carry with me yet...
i had the same thinking as u last time esp when playpen cheaper than cot. But in the end my sil gave us a cot, so we no nd to headache.

Ya there's one high level that can use for bb to sleep. But cot normally taller than playpen. However for both also got to bend abit ... so i guess depends on preference. I just share wat i read.

I also went on their website but can't seem to find the drawers catergory.
Actually i bot such toyogo drawers a few times liow. And the colours are acceptable. Only just happen this one on offer is this colour. sienzzz...

oh, u got ur admission letter already ah. tt's fast. I wonder if my gynae will give me during my coming visit. i'll be 31 weeks gg on to 32 weeks. but seems very early ley. I think safer for you to carry it in ur bag. just incase ...
shane, it is ok but not the hard kind, so you can't put heavy stuff. I like it when i can push it around the rooms so that when i need to change baby's clothes in the living room, i can push from bedroom to living room, very convenient. However, my hubby said it is not very user friendly to fix it yourself and there are sharp edges, so be careful. the plastic is not the very strong kind and there is some difficulty closing the drawers fully after i put all the things. Need to use some strength... think because the drawers were out of shape when i put heavy stuff.
playpen: wow $55?!! seems to be a good bargain!
Is the height adjustable?

admission letter:
should really carry with you at all times... me don't the letter yet (too early for me), but have to carry the hospital appointment booklet almost everywhere just in case.
thks for the addy for Toyogo. I think i'll make a trip down to see their stuff. Called them up to enquire abt the price of the drawers abt 20+ but i think i might have given the wrong model no. anyway will take a look at their store and shop ard...

thks for the feedback.
i did notice it's not ez to close when i saw them yday as well. Maybe cos it's new ? after awhile might be better.
kekeke...ya pack a bit a day if not very gan cheong forget everything. i always hv the list out with me in case i stepped into the shop looking lost with so many things ard me :p tat's wat happened when i were at kiddy palace the other day...hahaha...

ya guess i a bit KS lor...kekeke...anyway im giving myself excuses to get another bag to put my hospital stuffs

i must really go take a look n see how yucky is the colour...hahaha...but for me i will also see colour cos it's always better to get bright colours for kids, more cheerful leh

the way u put it really like only Mt E or rather ur gynae has different rates, i guess the rest of us rather standard for Doc fee

ya lor the $500 for wat leh? if book room need deposit tat i know unless it's for the room i didnt hear need to pay deposit for gynae leh..

the playpen metro selling is rather short, i didnt really see if there are 2 level or not

ya lor ur gynae so fast give u liao? did u chk with ur gynae if u will deliver earlier than ur EDD? i chk mine she said very difficult to say one

the height is not adjustable for playpen...u gals shld get tat playpen esp if they've 2 levels. i bot mine at kids mall when they're having offer at $80 n it's good cos they hv 2 levels which i can put bb to sleep at the higher and remove when bb is older to play inside. at the corner still hv a small changing place
Oh playpen height can be adjusted? I didn't know, I tot is fixed.

Agree playpen height is slightly lower. Anyway we already bought the Daniel cot from Robinson to put in MIL's house so decided not to spend too much. This playpen will be place in our house.

Which Toyogo outlet will u be gg? Can check for me if they sell bb bath tub? I saw it on their website. Tks!

Has anyone been to the China town shop at Upper Cross St that sells bb's prdts? Besides clothing, what other things do they have?
Is chest of drawers made of plastic, correct?
If so, it is not because it is new, we are using old ones at home, but, until now, still having the same problem opening &amp; closing the drawers sometimes. i feel that it is more of the things in it &amp; 'angle' of closing is wrong, because they don't have 'ball-bearing rollers like the wooden ones.
oh.. maybe i got confused over playpens and cots and those 'multi-use' cots (cot convertiable to playpens to child-bed type).
I did check with Gynae will I deliver ard 36weeks coz my hubby will be overseas. Gynae said unlikely...

Most of my frens deliver ard 38weeks....my mum says boys will pop earlier.
ohh...then u will be alone? i told my hb cannot go overseas during the mth of June :p

ive a frd who just delivered also 38wks but her's c-section. boys want to see the whole much earlier huh :p if ur mum's statement is rite then i recalled 2 other frds of mine who had gal really later than their EDD wor..
yah, most of friends pop at week 38 also. if c-section, will you all opt for full or half unconscious? i have different opinions and advices... just want to get myself prepared in case i need c-section due to low placenta or big baby.

jane, think you are right about the closing part... the angle may be wrong and the weight plays a part.

i also bring along the baby list of items to buy wherever i go. Now only short of washing detergent for milk bottles. Started washing baby clothes and realised i got to have another 4 rounds of washing for clothes, towels, booties, mittens, caps, socks, etc..etc..
ya better to start early. don't want to messy hand messy leg when the time comes.

i'm likely to go tpy one. will check out the bathe tub for you. maybe gg on friday after gynae checkup. will keep u informed. hope i don't forget

i also wanted to go to that shop but too lazy to make a trip here. i think they sell alot of bb things. think steriliser also have.

how long will ur hubby be away ? best to ask him to be ard incase bb decide to be early.

from the other thread, it does seems that bb boys pop earlier than girls.... i just hope mine will be on time, if not earlier as long as after 38 wks cos that's considered full term already...

yup the drawers are plastic ones.
i'll opt for epi Csection (if happens tho' *touchwood*) cos that'll be the closet to natural birth. I want to be able to see bb immediately. I did hear that u can feel the doctor working on you which could be scarly but no choice, just got to brave thru' it just the sake of bb.
true lor...but 1stly ive to find a huge bag :p

same here...hopefully will be a day ltr so more meaningful for both my hb n myself

ya make sure our hb ard when we give birth...die die also cannot go out-station. my hb already told his boss he cant be away during tat period

jane tan,
my placenta n bb is at a good position according to my gynae so hopefully still able to opt for normal delivery
actually if bb is 3 days late also meaningful for us cos it's our wedding anniversary. on the other hand, don't 1 her too late cos want her to be same sign as her dad, gemini hee hee ... but such things can't plan one, so just let her decide when she wants to come out to say hi to daddy and mummy hee hee ...

ya i also told my hubby, must be ard that period no matter wat.

during my last visit, gynae also say i can try for natural but everything will depends on the day itself. sometimes it's hard to say till u're over and done with the delivery.
oic...kekeke...tat's very sweet rite?
hahaha...if mine is early then will be same as my mama...difficult to handle..hahaha...

well let's keep our fingers cross n keep telling bb to ge guai in order to come to this world smoothly
Von, Shane
Hubby will be away for 10 days in early May...Gynae said is ok, most likely won't pop so soon.

Will get hubby to talk to BB, ask BB to wait for daddy to come back. Hope won't pop earlier than 38weeks.

My placenta position is ok too, hoping for normal delivery w/o epi. If really got to c-section, I prefer half conscious type so can see bb immediately.
ya abit upset when they told me tats the way doc's fees is charged but no choice since aldy so close to delivery. the $500 is for the room i dun think is for gynae...

heard for C-section can opt for either GA or Epi. Is that the diffce you are referring to?

Heard tat Epi then hubby can be around and you can get to see your bb once its delivered but not for GA....maybe you need to consider tat...

i did intend to get a playpen too but got a 2nd hand cot from collegues so in meantime maybe wont buy 1st...but $55 seems very acttractive pr..

there is a motherhood sale starting 1 Jun, for those who popping later can also wait till then to get the more ex stuff like pump or cot..heard got good promo in tat sale...for me shd be due then so not able to go for tat sale...

anyone started taking raspberry tea or planning to? seems like need to order thru internet right?
aiyo...so many days? my hb just go for 3 days nia i not happy liao

ya lor ya lor...got to wait for daddy cos must see daddy n mummy together then more meaningful mah

seeing bb immediately will be very touching moment...aiyo i cant imagine myself crying
i understand ur thots esp when all these are $$ that we're talking abt. ya i guess it's the room too it's standard to pay a deposit of $500, tat's the reason y i dun want to book rm 1st :p

u can go take a look at the playpen at metro i find it quite alrite esp the price :p

aiyah...by 1st june duno still able to walk ard with the big tummy or not. now ppl already start pushing me as if im not a preggie woman but just a fat lady
Where is Metro Infant sales, isit worth going?
NTUC the 4-tier drawer is nice but my hubby said cockroaches easy go in, for other brand 1 is it the same? The Drawer quite flimsy leh.

U can get rasberry tea leave at Taka dun need 2 order via internet
ya .. i also think it's a very touching moment when u first c ur own bb... i think i'll cry ...
hee hee ...

ya as long as bb come into the world safe and sound very happy liow...

must tell ur bb to be guai guai and wait for daddy to come back hee hee ....
not possible for ur hubby to get someone else to go ?
got rasberry tea at Taka ? same type or not ?

the other brand is toyogo. i find it slightly more stable. i think for both, it's quite nicely closed up, don't think so ez for roaches to go in.
milly, yes, i am referring to GA or epi. My friend went for epi recently and she regretted. She was traumatised by the experience. She delivered at Mt E and she said 3 nurses helped the gynae to push the baby out. They were all pushing her tummy from all angles and though not painful, she was traumatised by the way they dealt with her body. They were pushing hard on her stomach from top, left and right and the gynae also lift her stomach up and then bang on the bed and she was really shocked to see how c-section delivery was done. After she described to me, she advised me to go for GA to be spared watching all these crazy and aggressive movements.

another friend who went through GA also advised me not to go thru GA as it is more painful after birth when you wake up. You will ask for pain killer straight away... and will feel nauseous, weak, etc...

sigh... just pray and hope that i don't have to go for C-Section. Pray that my placenta is at a good and normal position now and my baby will not be too big...
Rasberry tea leaves right? Taka and CK tang got sell I tin. Is it the same as what u all wan then I dunno :p
What is GA or epi? Hw 2 feel my baby hiccups. I nv feel it can only feel it is moving leh
Ya...we will miss the Motherhood Sale n GSS 2005.

10 days is very very long....but for wk no choice leh. Maybe I shld not even start the coconut drink, later bb pop early.

Metro Sale is on at all outlets. Not much stuff as compared to Taka Fair. Most bb items on 20%.
tat time at the antenatal class i watched the video i also cry dun say my own bb...kekeke...

i agreed...safe n sound is the most impt of all

yalor...guess most of our hb got to station overseas certain time hor? drinking coconut wont make bb pop early lah...

jane tan,
someone did asked mrs wong if special detergent got to be bought to wash the milk bot but she said no leh...so personally if not necessary dun waste this money lah
thanks von, then will use normal detergent. my friend also told me that it is not necessary.

thank God my hubby doesn't need to go overseas. He wanted to stay with me in the hospital, so most likely will get single bedded. i cannot imagine if double bedded, 2 mothers, 2 babies crying and in the middle of the night, the babies will be brought in for bf, then will wake each other up... also got lots of friends and relatives will will come visit, then it will be noisy, squeezy and they got to stand around... hmm.. see how... haven't confirmed yet.
hiccups is a constant tapping at a certain area of ur tummy for a period of time. it's different from kicks. kicks comes in random pattern and duration.

ya for wk bo pian. maybe should hold off the coconut thingy till hubby come back, just to play safe...

re milk bottle detergent
alamak, i bot liow. so ex ley. but got 10% cos friend got kiddy palace card. maybe just buy this time, then after that use normal detergent already ... really ex man $18 per bottle.
izzit? but some pp say coconut is for smooth delivery right?

Jane Tan
Pigeon detergent at Metro does not come in twin pack. They r sold seprately so is quite exp.
shane, that time robinsons, JL, etc... got sale $19.90 for bottle and 1 packet of refill. Just now when i went robinsons, it was selling at $18+ per bottle and refill at $13.80 per packet. So exp! But i saw many other places selling bottle at $13.80 and refill at $10... i am still waiting for offer. hee.. so cheap skate.
your friend's experience really sounds scary...if C section why they still need to push her tummy? anyway better pray hard we all go for natural, will recover much faster...

how's your current situation? did gynae say you need C section?

is taka selling raspberry tea leaves? maybe will pop by to take a look then can save trouble of ordering thru internet.

is there a need to use bottle detergent? i intend to just was with normal detergent and then sterilise....if not guess my mum who taking care of bb for me will get super stress since have to use bb clothes detergent, have to sterilise wow so many details to take care of....dun think we so "bao bei" last time right

some say coconut is cooling so can help in faster delivery and bb will be "cleaner" not sure how true tho...but advise from some is to take only in 37wks when you are full term just in case too "cooling" ...

but i do intend to take raspberry tea soon..seems got quite alot of benefits

my frend say motherhood fair got alot of free milk samples so me thinking asking hubby to go and take a look since we cannot be there.

have you gals decided on which bb formulae to get? i do intend to breastfeed but not sure how sucessful i can be so still need to buy formulae as standby right?
